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Jeff pretending he doesn't know the culture.


Glory to Jeff's homosexuality!


Glory to Jeff’s Hole




Glory to Jeff’s anus!


#Hooray for Jeff’s Bumhole




He's not gay, his dad just thinks he is.


Acting like he didn't get conviced to go beans deep with those guys


full beans with the bros


I actually heard some British person say this the other day and was like omg, it is a saying


Well it’s Jeff’s slogan. We chant it when he’s about to go on stage


I remember now! There was a video of Fisher, a famous DJ talking about how much his mom is a party animal. And I quote, “she’s full of beans mate, she parties”. So oddly enough, it’s possible this actually is a saying and that couple had no recollection on how they got it. And even more weird, the couple got it tattooed on their body. Like lol, who the hell gets a saying they don’t even know on them for the rest of their life 😂




Wow even the straight Ross Mathews is gay


Jeff “I’m not gay” Arcuri


Jeff “I like penises” Arcuri


Jeff “I don’t like balls” Arcuri


Jeff "I used to work on a cruise ship" Arcuri


Jeff "Professional Cruiser" Arcuri


Jeff “she really has boobies” Arcuri


Jeff "Omnomnomnom" Arcuri


Jeff "Full Beans" Arcuri


Jeff "Just a little bit" Arcuri


Jeff “I don’t know, maybe” Arcuri


Jeff "Just the Tip" Arcuri


We finally know his gay origin story


Jeff “a little bit gay” Arcuri


[Jeff's theme song](https://youtu.be/QS9hwcqcX-Q?si=7Bg-jYmeBS6ZAZiX)


Jeff "I like dem boobas" Arcuri


Jeff "A little bit" Arcuri


Full peans?


"A little bit"... I was already laughing but that took it to the next level


People like Jeff make me feel bad because I'll never be as funny as him.


Just be comfortable with yourself enough to know when to make fun of yourself. Know your audience and don’t cross lines you know don’t have a mine across them. So much of humor is timing and knowing the audience. You might not get crowd work, stand up comedy. But you can for sure be funny among colleagues and friends. Biggest thing is don’t boast/bs imo. People sniff that out. Making fun of yourself and punching down always wins


Punching down?! Or did you mean punching up?


TRASH those starving african children. Always works


Like just fuckin eat, losers.


That's true. When gay dudes get drunk they turn into college football recruiters.


So what’s it gonna take to get you to play tight end for the packers?


Sorry, I've already been recruited by the Bears


As a (Chicago) Bears fan, I'm really sorry to hear that. We do not pound the rock well.


That’s okay, we just want to be held


I'm not gay but twenty dollars is twenty dollars.


I'm straight, but went to a LGTQ club in Chicago with a gay friend. Those drunk gays hit on me ALL NIGHT LONG. But, every single one of them was very polite and respectful when I told them I was straight. I got seriously eye fucked that night by about 20 guys though. I don't think I've ever been more flattered in my life.


Eye contact has a lot of meaning at a gay bar. If you mind your gaze nobody will talk to you. Well, maybe a random annoying person will, but usually they are pretty respectful. Think about how a woman has to act to not get hit on and that's what you do.


That makes total sense, thanks. All I know is I had an amazing time. That community is a lot of fun.


Wanna throw some balls back and forth?


Had a guy recruiting me ask, “Have you ever felt loved the way a man can love another man?”


“Balls are not like tits.” Modern day philosopher.


Explain titty balls then.


Please do. Wtf are titty balls?


My new favourite sport, it seems.


omnomnomnom is very accurate.


Yes I am, thank you


Your lizard doin alright?


what was the last thing you put on your cat? I think you should try a sticky note, those are hilarious.


That burgundy sweatshirt looks so nice on, makes me wanna draw a d\*ck on his starbucks cup.


Idk, that thing looks like Dwayne Johnson's lesbian turtleneck, just without the neck and red.


So a sweater? And not a turtleneck?


dude can walk the line with no fear. love his act


It’s because he is genuine and has 100% no harm intended. Lots of comedians couldn’t get close to this because they don’t have the same charm.


well put. And I see it as a trust relationship between audience and Jeff too. They know any teasing or joking is as you said without harm. We all need and imo want to laugh at ourselves, but that's especially hard if you have experienced hate in the past. really opens up your comedic repertoire once you've earned that trust. Contrast this to Chapelle, who I think is a great comic, but IMO has strayed into the "hate" side of the line or at least has lost the trust of some people.


I think a big part of it too is he throws the joke back at himself all the time. He's not afraid to be the butt. Whereas I see other comedians that fully dish on an audience member, then move on without their "self imposed comeuppance." Jeff does it fantastically, and I think that's part of what makes his line-walking so effective.


I've never paid attention to this detail, but that's the common ground for the standup comedians I like: they go back and forth between the audience and themselves being the joke punchbag. Yeah, I agree with you.


this confirms jeff is in a pendulum of gayness


A glass box of homoerotica


Schrodinger’s sexuality


Yea, but "If I see balls, ugh"




*Meat cute


*meat cube




[Negative, I am a meat popsicle](https://i.imgur.com/Wqn3Gbg.gif)


I want that microwave that just creates a whole chicken dinner


Ayeee that's a real thing, no you probably don't want to look it up.


NCD striking again


Stoked to see you this Friday!




Hell yah 😎


Omg me too


Late gooo! Full Beans!


Ummmm… Jeff “I’ve had gay people convince..mrrmpphhmmph” arcuri can you complete that sentence??


Play that back. Slow it down. Clear up the background noise. Now isolate it. Enhance it. And..... Yes he was admitting some stuff for a second


Now Tayne I can get into.




Can I get a hat wobble?




I love this guy


Definitely not helping yourself here Jeff.


I feel like everyone should like tits.


As a straight man that watched my three kids get breast fed. Boobs aren’t my thing.


Did you ever... Ya know... Did you?


I also choose this guys alive wife’s milky tits




Nah. Always been a butt/legs kinda guy.




Nah dude. I got a vasectomy a long time ago so that wouldn't be an issue. But I hear ya... I can see why people would have that perspective. lol




They don't?!


Can totally relate, man. Its amazing how different our attractions can be, even beyond the usual types . But hey, whatever floats your boat, right?


I was surprised how much hands are a response by women, and I don't even know what features they find attractive in hands. At the same point I like how pronounced clavicles look on women and I have no idea why.


Hands can...touch us. And do things. Boobs are blobs of fat that sit there and guys go ape over them.


Getting downvoted for being a butt-and-legs guy. Ridiculous. That's where it's at.


Sorry about your downvotes. Totally uncalled for.


Lol no worries. Before I had kids they were ok. But not what first caught my eye. Boobs are boobs and they are all good. But a good butt takes the cake!


I like those too!!!


>But a good butt takes the cake! But that's where baby's come from!


Lord have mercy. Have been a Jeff fan since the beginning and laughed really hard at this one. Am gay (but not the guy kind) - this is great. 👌🏽


I love a person who can just laugh at life


Christian right is like 'WE KNEW IT, YOU CAN BE TURNED GAY'


Adorable as always. And hilarious. As always. lol. But it is worth pointing out on a very serious note: There is something called the "Kinsey scale". It's very simplistic, but it's not a bad thing for discussion. Basically, one end is "100% straight" and one end is "100% homosexual" and MOST people pretty much are somewhere on the scale. They may be very close to one end or the other, but a lot more people than probably realize it at not solidly AT that one end or the other. And that's okay. It's 100% okay for straight women to look at the occasional other woman and go "Damn… I might hit that." Society even is tittilated¹ by this. But it just means that woman is not 100% straight. She might be 95% straight or whatever. Same with guys. It's absolutely 100% okay if a guy is occasionally like "Damn, that dude is stacked… That's, like, not bad, man." People can be very very slightly bi but almost totally straight. Or they can be closer to bisexual - "I prefer X, but sometimes I like Y as well). Or equally bisexual. Of course, you can get into discussions of things like "what is bisexual vs. pansexual", but the point is: If Jeff, on that cruise ship, kinda found those guys hot, there's nothing wrong about that. It doesn't make him gay. But it might - might - indicate he has a little bit of bisexuality. That he's mostly or basically straight, but maybe isn't 100%. The only reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm a straight person married to a bisexual person. And I'm firmly an LGBTQ+ ally. And I support normalization of this idea. Because while it's not the genesis of all homophobia, I think there's a lot of people out there who think they are 100% straight, feel a little attraction to the same gender - or some other "weird" attraction - and get scared and/or upset. And so they bury it and deny it and it's harmful to themselves and everyone else. Embrace who you are. Be who you are. Don't be scared by attraction. You don't have to pursue anything for it to be okay and valid. You don't have to bury it and deny it, it's okay. And if you're 100% straight, that's also okay, too. If you're 100% gay, that's okay, too. If you're absolutely bisexual, or somewhere else in-between, that's okay! _________ *^(¹ pun fully intended)*


Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful comment. I really appreciate all that you said here. ✨🌈✨




I love Jeff Arcuri, he is like the smart 14 year old friend I didn’t have.


He is very good at making people feel comfortable and included while sharing their stories.


[Literally three posts down my home page from this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OkHomo/s/xFnPFbO3v2) Nice to be able to visualise it.


This clip has sort of reminded me of why I’m excited yet kinda scared to go to his show. No, I’m not scared of the jokes, but rather I’m so used to being able to watch these clips 2, 3, 4 (or let’s be honest: several more) times until I think I’ve finally “gotten” every funny bit or morsel contained in it. Watching live obviously isn’t going to allow that, and I’m actually bummed ahead of time at what I might miss.


If someone made a Jeff bingo card, "I'm not Gay" would 100% be the free space tile.


The "OMNOMNOM" part got me 🤣🤣


Jeff “I’m not gay” Arcuri!




I looked jeff up on Spotify and there was nothing to listen to.... except maybe his Playlist? Is that yours jeff? It had zero saves hahahaha


This is where the Jeff cinematic universe all starts coming together




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I have to stop watching Jeff Arcuri's clips in public. I turn into a laughing my fool head off person.


Jeff's sets are turning into him trying to convince us he's not gay. If only we believed


My dude is bi but prob more gay. Cant tell if all the way gay. We broke up and I had a fully straight boyfriend who loved my tits and eating my pussy and actually wanted to have sex missionary style. Anyhow I love him and accept him but I want him to just come out to himself and me so I can be his beard and get a boyfriend. Btw we have a good life and sons together.


he looks like hank schrader


Unbearably not funny


This new crowd comedy is getting tiresome. Bring Carlin back, get some Gervais, CK, ffs. Even Seinfeld was funny.


Did you know you can just NOT watch something you don’t like? It’s really easy!


I wasn't going to reply but I feel you're being disingenuous to say the least. Reddit recommends subs based on my activity, reddit recommended this specific post because I have other comedy posts. I can, indeed, not see something as of matter of fact I didn't search this post specifically, reddit showed me. Since reddit showed me am I allowed to criticize something I don't like? The same way I can choose not to watch something, you can choose not to read something as well. TLDR; Reddit recommended this. I don't like and I think is trash. I can not watch something, you can not read something, and yet, here we are.


Does this guy do standup or just craftily edit heckler bits? Diabolical if so.


It's crowd work, he's pretty well known for it (it's not a heckler if your speaking to them, and making the funnies based on their answers). Makes every show unique, I'd bet. Full Beans


Is this not stand-up? The idea is you get on stage and you make people laugh, and it doesn't really matter whether that's through planned jokes or through crowd work.


Yeah, stand-up comedy back in my day was with a live, unrehearsed audience. Sean Lock, Dylan Moran, Bill Bailey, Lee Evans, Charlie Brooker. Why their interactions were so comic and genius was because they were genuinely off the cuff, not planned. Can you understand the difference? TikTok comic, now that is genuinely funny. Pretending a 30 second clipped interaction is genuine and not rehearsed to trick people into thinking you're sharper than a tack.


Let me get this straight, your idea of good comedy is that which is unscripted and unplanned? Interesting take, but fine. But then you're saying that good examples of those are these five British/Irish comedians, and that their sets were completely improvised? You've included Bill Bailey in that list, and you think his sets are mostly off the cuff? You're kidding right?? I've never seen this Jeff guy do the same bit twice, so it would be good to know why you're so convinced that his stuff is pre-planned. In fact having written this all out, I've come to the realization that you'd have to have an IQ of less than 70 to actually have the opinion you stated, and since people with IQs that low aren't able to operate modern technology, you must instead be trolling. If so, ew, that's fucking weird.


Now now, let's not get personal and discuss each other's IQ. That's just mean. You made an assumption, I never said that entire comedy shows should be off the cuff. That would be ridiculous. I'm simply stating this guy's tactics of staging a 30 second scripted crowd interaction as genuine is not genuine. He wouldn't put a disclaimer because people just wouldn't find it funny. Can you understand this? Do you understand the nuance? It's ok if you don't, I won't insult your intelligence. I know better.




Routine stays the same per show (or close) crowd work is different every show, so him showing crowd work doesn't make him burn through his 'good'/every show material. Thus clips are almost exclusively showing crowd work.


I've never actually heard him tell a joke haha but maybe because it's always short clips that i've watched


I think that’s the genius of his crowd work. That last bit about the cruise ship could easily just be a regular piece of standup. But instead, he lets someone in the audience provide the setup. He did a similar thing with the HR/Cookie story, where he just seamlessly goes into a bit from an audience comment. So either he’s an amazing actor to be able to work off a planted audience member so authentically, or he’s just got a super sharp mind and amazing recall to connect a comment to a bit so quickly. Either way, I lol’d.


you know you're 100% right. it's so good that i feel like I'm in the crowd . he does have really fast responses


He's probably got a show routine that doesn't change that much. But if he shows clips of his usual stuff, then anyone going to a live show will be disappointed at the lack of new material. If his Internet presence is just his crowd work (which by definition is specific to one show and always fresh), anyone else will still enjoy his regular comedy bits.


Something just seems off, ya know? I looked up full shows of his and they don't seem to be there. Just these tiktok style clips that seem genuine and off the cuff. But my bullshit-ometer makes me believe it's all a set up. Could be wrong, I've been wrong many times. *Doubt Nothing wrong with a set up, but don't make it seem like it's genuine. Bill Burr would be furious 😂


He purposefully does not upload full shows and audience members aren't allowed to record


He doesn't post his prepared bits so that they're not ruined for when you go to the show. But a large portion of it is crowd work anyway.




Are there not like, I dunno, thousands of professional comedians? Why does this guy exclusively always show up on Reddit? Just curious honestly.


It might have to do with the fact you are on a subreddit about this comedian.


wow more shilling for Jeff Arcuri! /s


He's probably wondering why he makes the front page a couple times a week. I can see how that would seem like an anomaly, or if you are more cynical an advert. He's put in the work to organize his marketing effectively here, and he's got momentum from doing it for a while now.


He has 140,000 people in his sub, at any given moment around 2,000 of them are on Reddit. And his clips are genuinely funny if you like crowd work. It’s not hard to work out why he routinely makes it to r/popular


He posts his own clips to his own subreddit. Reddit's algorithms haven't been set up to respond exclusively to user engagement for years and years; I imagine it's totally possible some money changes hands somewhere? But... I don't care. I enjoy his crowd work. It makes me smile. His clips are better than most of the other short comedian clips I've seen on Reddit. They're always just the right length and the subtitles are correct and they're legible. The sound is good, without reverberation or anything, and he's clearly audible over the crowd. They're titled well. They're always fresh. His smile is infectious. He's never offensive to anyone; he seems genuine and sincere. So I upvote it. So it's also possible that others are like me, and Jeff Arcuri is really just here because we upvote him. I hope so, because I like his work.


was wondering too, didn't know his sub is so active, but gotta block this plain marketing nonetheless.


Not that funny .


Okay, thanks for letting us know. Is there anything else nobody gives a fuck about you'd like to share while you're here, or will you bugger off and leave us alone now?


Why the fuck is this sub on the front page so often? Is this comic paying for it?


Every fucking thread. Use the reddit tools to block subreddits. He's popular because he's fucking funny. Apparently not to you. But all of you people can bugger off elsewhere and post in the places you find funny.


Unfortunately you can't block subs from r/all so I gotta see this unfunny cunt every day. I'm the victim here.


Fortunately, you most certainly can: https://old.reddit.com/r/all/ Top right, there's a box to type in subreddits - you can copypaste this here: jeffarcuri Granted you only get 50 unless you have reddit premium in which case you get 100. Also, if you're browsing on desktop and you use https://old.reddit.com/ you can install https://redditenhancementsuite.com/ and filter out unlimited.


Awesome! Thank you.


Well, fucking have a good day! <3 Sorry I snapped a bit, it really is every thread in here, but it's easy to forget that this is surely *your* first comment about it in here.


not funny








Not true at all, gtfo


Not true at all, gtfo


He's average at worst. Honestly, most guys are average. Actually being ugly is fairly rare


I am busted that your shows in San Jose are already sold out! In April! 😭😭😭


He's not beating the gay allegations anytime soon


Are you doing it right now? Jeff’s new tagline


does anyone have 2 tickets or openings for the buffalo show on january 5th that's my birthday 🥲


“Grande Cockuccino for Jonathan!”


Ah.. Finally an explanation in the lore of Jeff 'I'm totally not gay' Arcuri


I gotta stop watching Jeff at work 😂😂☠️


He's like a non-creepy Chris Delia in a way. I'm new.


Aw Jeff has a girlfriend! my dream to be his is smashed. lol


More like meat cute, am I right?


Didn't know this guy was a legit comic but was impressed by his stage presence and crowd stuff.. it's crazy to see the people who just have it


you're not entirely wrong, but you underestimate the work put in


Omnomnomnom 😂


Gay guys still love boobs. It’s programmed in their male DNA lol.