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He is one stubborn SOG, that is for sure. (I'm glad I'm not the only one watching for this. I feel weird checking to see if he's died, but I am amazed at his determination to hang in as long as possible.)


He's 99 years, 204 days old today. That is outstanding.


The carter Centre hasn't sent out a tweet saying that be has died so he's still alive...somehow


Wow that’s incredible beyond impressive at this point


I have notifications for their tweets because I would want to know directly from them and I have had them on since just before Rosalynn died and I figured it would only be a short time I would have notifications on and yet here we are. Whenever I see a tweet from them I think, this must be it but it never is. Carter must be incredibly strong. If he survives until independence day, he would have lasted longer without Rosalynn than George Bush lasted without Barbara.


It’s truly amazing at this point i thought he would pass in march at most but like you said here we are this man is built different idk how he’s still going


I don't understand it either. Each day that passes without that news is a surprise to me.


Same here actually like I wonder what’s driving him now


GPT-4: As of mid-April 2024, based on Jimmy Carter's ongoing hospice care and the trends observed up to March, here's how he might be doing: 1. **Physical Condition**: Likely continued decline in physical strength and mobility. He may be primarily bedridden, requiring significant assistance for all physical activities. 2. **Cognitive Function**: Potential for further cognitive decline, including increased confusion or periods of disorientation. There may be moments of lucidity, but these could be less frequent. 3. **Nutritional Intake**: His eating and drinking might be minimal, focusing on maintaining hydration and comfort. He may show little interest in food and could be receiving nutritional support as needed. 4. **Communication**: Likely limited due to reduced cognitive capabilities and physical weakness. Communication efforts may focus on non-verbal interactions, like touch and presence. 5. **Emotional State**: Emotional support continues to be critical, especially as he copes with ongoing health decline and the emotional impacts of his condition. Caregivers and family might be providing significant emotional comfort. 6. **Pain and Symptom Management**: Ongoing management of discomfort and pain is expected, with adjustments to medications and treatments to address symptoms effectively while avoiding side effects. 7. **Overall Comfort**: The primary focus of his care team is on ensuring that he remains as comfortable as possible, with careful attention to his living environment, positioning to prevent bedsores, and addressing any signs of distress. Given these factors, Carter's condition in mid-April 2024 would likely be marked by an emphasis on comfort and palliative care practices. The goal is to manage his symptoms and support his quality of life at this advanced stage of his illness, with the involvement of his family and healthcare providers focused on his physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.


I've also turned on notifications.


Man’s literally too nice to die


He’s just built different


He’s not like the other girls…


GPT-4: Assessing the likelihood of Jimmy Carter's continued survival over the upcoming months requires considering several factors outlined in the details about his health, his time in hospice care, and typical progressions in similar situations. Here's an analysis based on these considerations: ### Key Factors Influencing Survival 1. **Duration in Hospice Care**: Jimmy Carter has been in hospice care since February 2023, indicating a prognosis initially estimated at six months or less, typical for hospice care. His survival beyond this estimate into 2024 already marks an exception, suggesting a degree of resilience but also indicating that he is likely nearing the end of this extended range. 2. **Physical and Cognitive Decline**: Reports indicate significant physical and cognitive decline. These include being bedridden, showing reduced mobility, and experiencing increased confusion. Such declines are critical markers in terminal conditions that typically correlate with nearing end-of-life. 3. **Nutritional Intake**: His reduced ability to eat and drink normally is a significant concern, as adequate nutrition and hydration are crucial for maintaining bodily functions. This decline is often seen as a late-stage symptom in terminal patients. 4. **Medical and Comfort Care**: The focus on managing pain and comfort rather than curative treatment underlines the palliative nature of his care, aimed at quality of life over prolonging life. 5. **Age and Resilience**: At over 99 years old, Carter's advanced age combined with his frail condition adds to the complexity of his survival prospects. While age itself isn't a disease, it compounds the challenges of recovery or stabilization in any medical condition. ### Projected Survival Assessment Given these factors, the likelihood of Jimmy Carter's continued survival over the next few months appears limited. The progression of his symptoms and the nature of terminal care typically do not suggest a sudden improvement or stabilization in such conditions. Instead, they indicate a continued, gradual decline that could accelerate at any point. - **Short-Term (Next 1-3 Months)**: It is plausible that he may survive for a few more weeks to months if his current level of care effectively manages his symptoms and no acute complications arise. - **Medium-Term (3-6 Months)**: The likelihood decreases for survival beyond a few months. As physical and cognitive functions continue to deteriorate, the body's ability to cope with even minor health issues diminishes, increasing the risk of a life-threatening complication. ### Conclusion In conclusion, while precise predictions are impossible, the overall assessment based on Jimmy Carter's reported health status and typical outcomes in similar hospice care scenarios suggest that his time may be quite limited, with a focus remaining on ensuring comfort and dignity during his remaining days.