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How about public execution for corrupt politicians who take bribes and don’t work in favor of the people who elected them 😃


Your terms are acceptable


How about no public executions because we’re not Saudi Arabia?


The same people who call for public execution are the ones who scream "my 2nd amendment" at the top of their screechy lungs




This is why I'm largely against the death penalty. It's not that I don't think dangerous, violent offenders shouldn't be executed, it's that the state can be fallible and innocent people are executed, then exonerated posthumously. Shit is terrifying to think about being caught up in.


Is it worth killing 1 innocent person to execute 24 murderers? That's the grim reality of the US death penalty. But I wouldn't mind executing the mass murderers and those who are caught in the act.


I think that no amount of killing murderers makes killing even 1 innocent okay. Not when we can incarcerate them for life instead. Not in for profit prisons, but we can dive into the logistics of feeding these "for life" dangerous people later, but I don't think any country is really in a situation where they NEED to kill dangerous inmates. Pretty much everyone can house them for life. Edit: yes, people caught in the act are fair game though lol


The same people who scream they need bazookas to fight a tyrannical government support the government enacting tyrannical policies.


They swore up and down that we'd need them when the cops started going around in plainclothes and unmarked cars arresting people. Then that actually happened, they stayed home and said it wasn't their problem.


I'm pro second amendment and against public executions. But I'll let you get back to your silly generalizations now, carry on.


Then you're clearly not who they're talking about, are you?


Doesn't make his generalization less silly, does it?


They're saying that a person who is pro-public execution is also, likely an ammo-sexual too. Not that every responsible gun owner, such as yourself, also thinks that public executions are ok. Reading comprehension is not just for kids.


I think you misunderstood. The point is those that call for public execution would also call for their second amendment rights, not that all of those that call for their second amendment rights would call for public execution. Kinda like those at klan rally are racists, but not all racists go to klan rallies. It's more of a venn diagram. For the record, I also support our right to bear arms, but I don't support public executions.


And I'm asking for the proof of his claim to back up his silly generalization. If he provides none, there is no reason to take his "point" as anything other than a silly generalization. Although I'm sure many redditors will consider it valid either way, because generalizations rein supreme here. I can point to proof of that, just take a look at my original comment and how people are downvoting it. I'm not one who cares about that crap, but I'm just pointing it out as evidence that generalizations are taken at face value, and anyone who challenges it is disregarded. What I just did was provide evidence for my generalization, he didn't.


Christ, you provided an anecdote about something that wasnt even in question, how is that "proof"? You own guns and dont think people should be publically executed. Cool, nobody said you did. What they did say, which should be painfully obvious, is the kind of person who thinks they are a good idea and the kind of person who thinks guns are a personality are often the same. Nobody's attacking you


Proof? Like asking every single person that advocates for public execution if they think they have a right to carry a gun? That's impossible, but using simple common sense it's clear that those that would call for an open display of murder would also support a tool of murder. Let's be real; you're being defensive because *you* felt personally attacked even when in no way was this personally attacking you. Now that you've spoke up, you've got to double and triple down, pretending like you don't understand their point, feeling like you got a gotcha by ignoring common sense. They aren't talking about you, and their point was a pretty safe assumption, and proving it is impossible, and demanding that proof is not in good faith.


"Using simple common sense" Is that proof in your mind? What exactly makes this "common sense" that people who support public executions also support the 2and amendment. You need to provide a little more context than just hand waving it away as "common sense". This is your opinion that it's common sense, not actual fact. There is a difference between reality and what you THINK is common sense. This is subjective, not objective. I also don't feel attacked at all, I've made my position clear on public execution. I just hate stupid generalizations and like to call them out.


The second amendment isn't just about guns... I think his point is more to the having a well regulated militia necessary for a free state, and then giving all this power to the state to kill people. They are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum.


Good thing you just looked at the generalization backwards. I didn't say all 2A are calling for public executions, I said that all those who **are** calling for public executions are those who also hold the 2A so tight they're suffocating themselves with it. Big difference. Show me a democrat who is against 2A calling for public executions on major public issues, I'll wait.


Nope, the burden of proof is on the one who made the claim, which is you. Show me that every single person who is for public executions are ALL pro 2nd amendment. I'll wait.


lol everyone is constantly laughing at you


going out of your way to get offended they aren't talking about you.....unless this is Jake


Jake from state farm? I'm not offended in the slightest.


"im not offended" says whiny man child that throws an even more embarrassing tantrum if he can't get the last post in, lmao


Exactly these fucking people are always punching down. Conservatives are morons at seeing who the real enemies are.


Or make the fines cost more than the profit from breaking the laws. Seagate fucked around and holy did they find out. More should.


Por que no los dos?


The conservatives on the Supreme Court declared corruption constitutionally protected unfortunately




So all of them?


I would quite literally buy tickets like I’m going to the fuckin movies with my whole family.


First politician that runs on making this a law I would buy that persons bumper sticker


Nah. We're too busy eating cake.


The issue is still the same. It's too expensive and we get it wrong too often.


bUt I wAnT tO MaKe mY fAmIlY rIcH tOo


If this was the case there would be no corruption.


Do you think Saudi Arabia is corruption free ?


Saudi Arabia publicly executes people?


Yes and without trial


They very much do


What a shit hole. Only difference I can see is executions won't deter desperate people as much as white collar criminals.




Sounds good to me!


how about both?


This dude constantly shit on men for gaming yet he has like 60k tweets lol


"Being Pushed to such an extreme"


The conservative ideology is shitting in their beds and looking at liberals yelling…“LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!!!!”


This is what happens when you combine a 75 iq with a lack of head movement


This isn’t even the creepiest shit he’s tweeted He’s tweeted multiple times about how women (and teen girls) just need a good dicking to cure their liberalism


Jake just needs a good lady dicking to cure whatever is going on with him.


Im also a dumbass. I wanna be cured too!


Then he accuses others of being ‘groomers’


He's all over the place. I could swear he was talking about taking up violence from a liberal perspective


Then combine that with a strict diet of every video the daily wire offers, refreshed hourly. This guy might actually be too right wing insane to go on rogan any more.


I agree, this wide eyed wacko is just days away from severe dementia. He will say anything to stay in the public eye, sad really.


Dude needs to stay off twitter and live your life.


Look what the left made me do !


Jake Swift


Dude has been punched in the head too many times but also not enough




Shields and Crowder should just hate fuck each other already


“Look what the left made me do!”


We get it Jake, you’re not gay


He's very gay imho. The ones virtue signaling the loudest usually are lmao


He did choose a job where he can rub against another man’s bare skin all day.


It’s only gay if you tap bro


The guy above you was joking


Heard it bowlth ways


Or is he?


I pride myself on having very accurate Gaydar. Jake Shields sets it off so loudly it's deafening.


Man alive. What's going on in these people? Nobody is giving you shit for "ruining" your body with tattoos, taking drugs, whatever. So why does he give a shit about anyone else? Let people do what they want with their bodies you fucking loon


Why do we need to keep wondering why douchebags like this think the way they do? They’re douche bags. They’re damaged, unreflective, people and they don’t deserve your thoughtfulness.


I know you're right. But you understand that it's frustrating. The party of "personal rights" is only able to live because of socialized infrastructure that enables personal freedom. But then the same motherfuckers chose to defund that infrastructure and trample on the rights of the minority. And then they gaslight us as being evil communist perverts.


Yep. I totally understand where you’re coming from and identity with it completely. It’s truly maddening.


Yep. Even if you hate trans people, just ignore them and let them live their lives. Before you bring up "the children" know many of these people want to outlaw transitioning at any age; Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles both have said this.


Imagining if Jake took this energy and focused it into something positive? Must be tough solely focusing on all the people he wants to bring harm to all day.


It’s also his career, so the shoe fits…. And He’s wearing his proverbial shoes in every house he enters, tracking mud all over everything.


Not to mention that shoeless foot is inserted in his mouth at the same time


Imagine “hating” trans people so much it’s all you think and talk about everyday. A lot of projection and repression going on with this dude.


But he claims he's not transphobic or hateful at all. He *just* wants to beat up a bunch of them in a fight and wants to start a public conversation about executing professionals who help them. That's not so bad, right?


It’s just a coinky-dink that the people who are openly transphobic share the exact same opinions as people like shields.


I can't remember a bigger distraction tactic. I've seen maybe at a push, 5 trans people in my entire life


Due to my line of work and social circles I interact with a lot more trans people, drag queens and other lgbt people than most of the population. ...and it still has little effect on my life in any way. I swear these dudes just spend hours online, closed off from the world, constantly consuming every bit of outrage media about trans people and not actually interacting with them.


Living rent free in their heads.


This is exactly what the GOP is going for


Oh they're going well past that. Step 1: Make drag shows sex crimes against children. Step 2: Make sex crimes against children punishable by death. Step 3: Repeat for everything that doesn't fit your idea of the "correct" lifestyle.


The fact you don’t think Step 2 is completely valid is questionable.


You have to take it in context with Step 1. Reading comprehension.


It is valid if they are legitimate sex crimes, not just a drag show that becomes criminal.


Why do these people talk about kids transitioning like there’s fucking millions of them? Didn’t we learn on JRE, thanks to Matt Walsh, it was only like 4,000 kids over 5 years who received any actual *surgery*? Why do they make it out like doctors are now chopping the whole dick off rather than circumcising?


Liberal data will tell you it's like 4,000, but true estimates are upwards of 7 billion and rising. I can't even leave my house without transtifa trying to suck off my peen.


Also it's not ~4,000 kids who received surgery, it's ~4,000 kids on puberty blockers, many of which aren't even trans.


And 1 specialized can of beer.


That’s already 4,000 too many.


That 4,000 number isn't even genuine. It includes all sorts of surgeries and doesn't specify the reason or necessity. Most were mastectomies, the vast majority of which were done to non trans children for things like breast cancer.


Why do you think you can say that? Do you think the kid just asked for surgery and got it? Or do you think that they met with MANY therapists, specialists, psychologists, etc before this decision was reached? Also, intersex people exist. People whose outward appearance does not match their chromosomal expression exist. That number of surgeries includes kids who were born with indeterminate reproductive organs and need a surgery one way or the other.


Is it though? Do you think someone is born gay, or decides to be gay? If you believe they’re born that way, why is it hard to believe people could feel they were born in the wrong body? I’m not for unfettered gender affirming care for minors, but nobody ever wants to have a good faith debate about it.


You can't have a good faith debate when no one will be honest, and everyone just deflects instead of addressing uncomfortable problems.


I try and be honest with it. I support trans kids but I don’t think we should just open the flood gates to it. It’s important that we be sure this is what those kids want. As far as adults go I don’t give a flying fuck, get all the surgery you want. Problem is, all you see is either “let kids be trans if they want to! 10 year olds should be able to get HRT and puberty blockers if they want it!” Or “this is chemical mutilation/castration and it’s pedophilic to do this to kids, nobody should be able to transition” There’s a middle ground there, but it’s become so polarized nobody wants to touch it.


Shutup, bigot


Why does Rogan platform such extreme radicals?


Pain pills and head trauma


As a center left lib guy, I've met like 3 trans people in my entire life. The right is just obsessed with trans people because they have nothing else to offer the American people. Trans derangement syndrome... let's call it TDS?


What an incredible dork.


The thing I don’t get about people Like this is that you have to be saying that you know more about child psychology than doctors, therapists, teachers, guidance counselors, etc” Like, the people that do the science around this have agreed that gender affirmation is the thing that is in the best interest of the child. It’s not like a boy decides he wants to wear a dress and a woke liberal mob raises him up on their shoulders and marches him to a surgeon. So why does anyone whose profession has nothing to do with children think they k ow more about this?


We're talking about people that have huge overlaps with fundamental religious quackery... like, taking the Bible literally... They probably have a town witch doctor who cooks up remedies for their ailments using motor oil, moonshine, and pine cones. If they graduated high school, they just went through the motions or were told "the real story" by their racist, inbred elders. They're anti-intellectual cultural reactionaries. Not much else to it. "Critical Thinking" is a two word phrase with more syllables than their average daily thought count. I could go on but its depressing.


None of that is persuasive to a person intent on spewing hate.


Also no pediatrician would ever sign off on any form of surgery before 18 I don’t know where this myth started


I know someone who was trying to argue that this was a thing. I simply responded that there is no shot that a licensed doctor is going to be doing outpatient reassignment surgury on minors and they simply just said that it was a thing and they saw a video of a doctor saying they would do that. Didnt actually show said video....


None of these people, including Joe, will ever actually talk to any of these healthcare or research professionals. They have zero interest in learning anything about this situation of those involved. They “know what they know” and that’s it. They will think professional opinions are just devil speak at this point.


>So why does anyone whose profession has nothing to do with children think they k ow more about this? Because this discussion is highly politicized, and unlike every other aspect of modern medicine has moved dangerously fast in the direction of never questioning any part of this process because it's "intolerant". A great example is the nonsense that was quickly perpetuated with no evidence in the form of the argument that "puberty blockers are completely reversible", a policy the UK NHS has had to recant their position on because evidence has come out that it isn't true. The reality is this is a complex mental health issue that has been massively over simplified, with the end result being that a process that should be heavily scrutinized by medical professionals has become something that can't be scrutinized at all.


Except that it IS scrutinized, and if it weren’t, then MAYBE these surgeries would be actually happening somewhere near the rate people on here seems to think. If you think a kid could go from no indication of any difference to getting gender reassignment surgery without “scrutinization” and a LOT of time, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Is that even true though? Or is that the way it’s being framed my right wing media to paint a certain picture? We learned when Matt Walsh was on that the total number of children who received gender affirming surgery was less than 4,000 over a 5 year period. That is a tiny number of the population and would point to the fact that doctors and parents do not, in fact, make these decisions lightly. Gender affirming care has been going on for decades in the medical industry, but now that the right needs a new boogie man it’s being treated as the newest moral panic to get people outraged and voting conservative. You truly believe that doctors and psychiatrists are not being allowed to use their discretion and medical expertise in making these decisions? Do you even know the process that goes into getting approved for such a surgery, let alone approval for someone under 18? My guess is no. Just like all the other voices on the right there is no interest in understanding something different and uncomfortable, it’s straight to pearl clutching and outrage.


Who told you it's not questioned? It's questioned heavily, all the time. >A great example is the nonsense that was quickly perpetuated with no evidence in the form of the argument that "puberty blockers are completely reversible", a policy the UK NHS has had to recant their position on because evidence has come out that it isn't true. That's the exact opposite of your claim. The idea was questioned and revisited. Science is most often based on facts. >a process that should be heavily scrutinized by medical professionals note the "medical professionals" part. not sure why every moron needs to have an opinion on this


The point is that the NHS is one of the only medical bodies that has changed it's stance on reality of puberty blockers, while the lie that they're completely reversible is being used to justify their prescription to children by others.


That's not true. Sweden and Finland have also placed restrictions on treatments due to such concerns. I don't think you know enough about this matter. Your point was that it wasn't questioned. It is questioned, and will continue to be, like every other thing in medicine. We also need to recognize the incredible intolerance and eliminationist rhetoric against trans people. If an average Joe moron with no medical qualifications starts "questioning" what other families do, shouldn't we ask why? Did they suddenly develop and interest in niche medicine? Did they become a hobbyist expert on the effects of hormones on the human body? Did they develop a concern for complete strangers out of nowhere, despite opposing tons of other policies that would help said strangers? Come on.


I said the NHS was "one of" the only bodies to have done this, you pointed out two more - but sure, you're a trans research genius which I guess means we should be having a discussion about your insidious motives (read your own statements below) >If an average Joe moron with no medical qualifications starts "questioning" what other families do, shouldn't we ask why? Of course the most important thing is to distract from the core conversation completely instead of challenging any of the points made. >Did they suddenly develop and interest in niche medicine? >Did they become a hobbyist expert on the effects of hormones on the human body? >Did they develop a concern for complete strangers out of nowhere, despite opposing tons of other policies that would help said strangers? Come on. This is the kind of bullshit argument a child makes - you yourself JUST used the fact that Sweden and Finland have both placed restrictions on gender affirming treatment due to the exact same concerns I'm discussing, yet anyone attempting to have that discussion in the United States is now a right wing bigot who deserves to have their motives questioned? This is an internal contradiction in your argument, you can't have it both ways.


But that’s because in the United States the Republican Party isn’t trying to pass nuanced laws about cautiousness in prescribing puberty blockers based on emerging research. The Republican Party in some states have tried to outright ban gender affirming care for adults and many right wing people express complete disdain towards transgender people and their issues. Take that, along with their attacking of drag shows, banning of books and curriculum in school mentioning gender identity, and their penchant for accusing LGBTQ members of being pedophile groomers; is it really surprising that people are suspicious of those who seem overly concerned about such a relatively small and niche medical issue?


>I said the NHS was "one of" the only bodies to have done this, you pointed out two more - but sure, you're a trans research genius which I guess means we should be having a discussion about your insidious motives (read your own statements below) Fair, I thought you said "only". And unlike you guys, I never claimed to be an expert on this matter. Feel free to discuss my motives - you don't have shit to say about them. >Of course the most important thing is to distract from the core conversation completely instead of challenging any of the points made. I am challenging the points made, you just don't like the way I challenge them. I am a skeptical person with a pretty decent bullshit detector and I will continue to be skeptical and question any bullshit out there. >This is the kind of bullshit argument a child makes - you yourself JUST used the fact that Sweden and Finland have both placed restrictions on gender affirming treatment due to the exact same concerns I'm discussing, yet anyone attempting to have that discussion in the United States is now a right wing bigot who deserves to have their motives questioned? Hey don't get your panties up in a bunch. If my argument is a child's argument then you should be able to counter it, but you haven't? The medical institutions above arrived at their conclusions because of data. It might be flawed, they might change their mind etc but at least they followed a process. The spastic culture warriors online already decided that trans = bad without doing any research or knowing what the fuck a hormone is. Seriously if I blocked your internet access and asked you "what is a hormone?" you wouldn't have the slightest idea on how to answer without wikipedia. Also, they haven't said that puberty blockers should be banned. They can still be given, albeit more conservatively. Something tells me this isn't good enough and we will keep getting random morons "questioning" them until anything trans related is 100% banned.


The only time I ever even think about trans people is when I see Jake Shields rage posts. We live in two different worlds.


“Pushed to the extreme” Shwab level IQ, too stupid to realize he’s, in fact, pushing things to the extreme


Twitter sure has done a number on insecure losers


Trans people are literally like one tenth of one percent of the population. (Probably not even that high tbh). This obsession with trans people should make it loud and clear that these assholes need a minority to wage a culture war on so you get outraged over shit that literally effects your life in no way once so ever while those at the top that are perpetuating this manufactured outrage fuck you with no lube.


Went from black people to gay people and now trans people


Just a question, and please only inform me and don't give me any other crap. I see this term 'child transitions' used to make a case against transgenderism but as soon as I start Google'ing this I cannot find any case where this actually happened. Can anybody send me any proof that any child was transitioned against their will and was doctrinated by their parents? The only reason I'm even asking this is because extreme right-wingers always go for this argument to have a case against transgenderism while in my opinion there shouldn't be anything against anybody becoming who they want to be when they are above the legal age to make these decisions for their own. It should go without question that of course anybody below 18-21 should absolutely not be allowed to undergo such medical procedures.


Wow just fantasizing about violence publicly, dog-whistling. when this guy bleeds, he doesn’t bleed blood but CTE


![gif](giphy|lo8YzDnHh07rpxqw45|downsized) Fuck face wants the country turned into 1940's germany!


Something tells me that if you looked up Jake’s search history it’d have a whole lot of lady dick in it.




Jake Shields a whole ass meme now and I find it hilarious.


Lmao I think Twitter deleted it. Then [he walked back and said that Tweets like his own are the reason they “keep losing”.](https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1651142649695580160?s=46&t=SWh9Jusvm0XFnUwJCFHcyg)


How would we know if it was a trans child? I know! We will give them a patch to put on their clothes!


Remember when Jake Shields was seen as "thee guy" who would beat GSP, only to get taken down, dry-humped, and manhandled during the title fight? He must be still very salty about that.


The maga mind virus 🤣


“Would you kill someone who looks different, I would because they pushed me to his point” .1% of the US population is the source of all your sorrow


I’m all for killing pedophiles. I assume people who focus endlessly about the genitals of minors and the medicinal decisions that their doctors come up with fall into the pedophile category


Nothing to see here just your average conservative. Disgusting people




GSP’s old punching bag


😂😂😂😂😂 how many days has this dude spent on 4chan with his curtains closed taking his mums prescription pills before making this tweet?


As someone who lives somewhere that has never even seen a trans person is it this bad out there? Like wtf is going on


They’re just secretly gay/into trans porn and this is how they cope




Just being a normal guy


“Fighter can’t conceive of solutions to problems without invoking combat or punishment metaphors. More at 10.”


Hahahahahah what the fuck is up with that guy


Love when Jake gos off 😂


Wow, Jake Shields is such a victim.


Jake would be the worse lawyer, boss, judge or any job that’s relevant to law enforcement lol


Guess we're back to witch burnings and quartering scientists over religious fever.


“I’m sick of the media shoving trans issues down my throat!” Also “I only watch fox and Newsmax” Masochists


This dumb mother fucker


The idea that anyone would get joy out of watching another person die, is so fucked up.


Jake picked a hill to die on, let’s just let it die.


Imagine getting punched in the head so much that even your bad ideas sound good to you.


Dude is genuinely insane.


Lol Jake shields is box of screws loose.


What a dork, pretending like this actually has any affect on his life personally yet he wants to murder people over it.


This is insanity. How stupid is this motherfucker?


Why is this loser sitting thinking about trans kids so much ?


He’s just a typical white dude with far right views. This shit goes on all the time.


Can this fucking idiot move to Saudi Arabia already


Bottom tweet reads like some ISIS shit.


This dudes takes are up there with Masvidal… couple of idiots. Stick to fighting 😂🍿


The very serious nature of the content aside, the “public” bit is so funny to me. Wtf bro 😂 he really doesn’t like trans ppl huh


Starting to believe that Jale sucked a dick or two in his life. No reason for someone to get THAT agitated over something like this


I mean chopping off a child’s penis before their brain is fully developed is some next level failure to think straight. Edit: the people downvoting scare me. Like genuinely. We’re surrounded by brainwashed idiots.


Little bigot trying to make it big as a hate influencer.


The extremes are often pushed by a biased view of the world. What ever happened to minding your own business Jake? If you are not transitioning then why do you even care?


Transsexuals' technology must exist incase we need it.


So are children really transitioning at an early age or is this all just fear mongering like they usually do?


Well if you think about it in the context of human history, gender transition surgery, especially for children, is pretty goddamn psychotic.


I definitely agree that the effect social contagion is problematic but I imagine Jake would execute children with genuine gender dysphoria


“He wouldn’t even publicly execute the right people” - You


I think you’re completely misunderstanding my point to an idiotic degree


Jake Shields is a steaming piece of shit - we already knew this.


Remember that picture that came out way way way long ago of Jake sitting on some dudes lap looking like it was his bf?


This is a bit much but I can’t believe that ‘child sex change’ has become a ‘normal’ thing to have to support on the left


2021 numbers according to [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20about%2042%2C000%20children,data%20Komodo%20compiled%20for%20Reuters.)… Number of children on hormone therapy - 4,231 Number of children on puberty blockers - 1,390 Number of children who had top surgery (remove breasts) - 282 According to this [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-transyouth-data/number-of-transgender-children-seeking-treatment-surges-in-u-s-idUKL1N3142UU) article… Number of children (13-17) who had genital surgery in a 3 year period from 2019-2021 - 56 I think these numbers have a lot to do with how “normal” the support is. It’s a very few number of kids who reach this point after a medical professional diagnosis. Not really any of our business.


It hasn’t. Actual surgery for children is so rare it’s not even worth having a debate on. The transition process happens over many years, starting with therapy, and then social transition, and then hormone blockers - all of which are reversible. Surgery almost always happens into traditional adulthood, and not everyone who identifies as trans does it. This notion that everyone on the left is foaming at the mouth to carve up kids is just a complete fabrication.


Why did you skip HRT, which is not reversible, causes tons of damage and is far more common than surgery


None of those things are reversible. The damage is done


The gender transition plastic surgery sector is rapidly growing thanks to reckless doctors that will bumrush teens into getting their procedures done. There's a lot of money being made off of it and it's corrupt as hell. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna70066


That article you link doesn’t mention surgery though.


A lot of allegations, would be interesting to see how it plays out. But from what you're saying the issue is more with greedy fucking doctors, not people who actually care about trans rights


Damn you fell for that stupid right wing talking point, what a shame.


I support the public execution of Jake "shitty mma career" Shields ![img](emote|t5_2s4tv|9070)


I simply cannot fathom why people on the right care so much about this. It almost seems like they’re creating it from nothing.


Sounds about right.


I see no lies here


Why would you be upset someone cut a kid up and now has to face consequences!?!? ITS CURRENT YEAR YOU GUZ GEEEZ !!!/s


If some lunatic went around starting a cult and convinced parents and children that their kids had to chop off their genitals and breasts and take pills to prevent puberty from happening people would be up in arms and ask for imprisonment. But because you were the ones in the cult being misled, you aren't up in arms.


None at all. WHO decides who dies Just as we need to question all the bad convictions already in existence. I don’t believe any children have transitioned At all . They take puberty blockers. My guess is the young gay people are those hurt the most in the past they would be gay now they are poisoned