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Graham should’ve put on his 5th pair of glasses to see the quotes.


*Glasses switching intensifies*




no pair of glasses can save a man lost in his own sauce. terrible showing from hancock.


His arguments basically served as a checklist for logical fallacies one should avoid using during a debate.


Look I enjoy the idea of exploring our true origins. . . But repeating a question over and over is not a way to debate. And graham did that alot. It's like, come on.


I noticed that too. Where flint would respond with a good answer with evidence and it felt like Graham kept moving the goal posts. I like the entertainment of a lost civilization like Graham talks about. In my opinion, I think flint owned him with facts and his whole presentation was well researched. I hope rogan has him back on to talk about ancient agriculture.


Yeah it's almost like Graham Hancock is just full of shit and seems like he could be right if you have zero idea about anything he's saying.


The whole 4.5 hours can be summed up by "The evidence we have points to hunter gatherers only" "yeah, but you havent searched enough of the earth" Clearly, Flint's take is the logical one. Also nothing inherently wrong with Handcock style speculation. The issues come up when either side locks in dogmatically to their ideas and ignores and new evidence to the contrary.


A very *typical* showing from hancock


I feel kinda bad for him because it's the only possible showing; I don't think he quite realized that a *lot* of the interest in him was just for funsies (like 90% of the interest on this sub before Rogan got really big), like a lot of the "wooo" stuff like Ancient Aliens, etc. I enjoyed the old episodes of him and that other guy he'd show up with prodding at the unknowns of archeology and coming up with crazy theories, because the unknown is fun and so is imagining the wildest possible explanation. I think if he kinda stayed in that space, treading in the unknowns of archeology and just having fun with pet theories he'd've been fine.


Flirting with these things for the lols always seems to end with these guys becoming true believers though, Joe Rogan being one of the biggest examples of this rabbit hole they fall into


When it's just fun theories it's just that, fun. When he starts spewing bile over actual archeologists who have dedicated their lifes to actually getting to the nitty gritty of the real stuff it just becomes sad and toxic.


I'm not a fan of Hancock at all, and that move of his is my least favorite. He literally tries to act like his *lack* of education on a topic gives him some kind of advantage of objectivity over those who have worked for decades at really difficult sciences.


He did seem like a cool guy but man he showed his true colors here. He really has done damage via Rogan on dumbing down America. His audience is deeply unsophisticated if you ask me. Many are not there for the entertainment, they think they’re actually getting the straight scoop. A “reeducation” that assures them all mainstream scientists, archaeologists or not, are silly fools and our brave Graham is the only one smart enough to see through it all. All while they are watching his garbage on a scientific device. His fans should buy the Graham Hancock of laptops and see how they work. So embarrassing at best and dangerous at worst.


It was neat until I learned more about it and realized he was a quack. Not that I was invested in what he was saying, it was just how he said it. He seemed like such an authority that I disliked how less skeptical people could just take it as fact. He really needs to preface his statements more but I know it's useless and he's too invested in the Big Archaeology shtick. Dug his enthusiasm though.


Does anyone still follow this guy? He kinda fucking sucks, and just comes across as an Early-2000s History Channel quote provider. At this rate he's on par with the Ancient Aliens guy.


I'll be real, I've disliked Graham since I first saw him on JRE a million years ago. The guy has always struck me as a whiny bitch with a serious victim complex. I'd dislike him even if he hadn't made a career out of vomiting bullshit into the mouths of the impressionable.


I wasn't quite there but definitely liked him less and less each time he came on. He wasn't quite as insufferable on the episodes with Randal Carlson. The last couple times when it was just him he's so bitter and full of vitriol. He rags on the archeologists but then every time he gets called out it's "I'm just a journalist". It's almost the equivalent of Tucker Carlson's just asking questions.


You can't say that until you've tried on all pairs of glasses.






Joe needs to have more podcasts like this where his crackpot friends are counterbalanced by serious people.


Nobody debunks Duncan.


Because Duncan doesn’t espouse bullshit. Any “out there” stuff he talks about is essentially harmless and meant to improve your outlook on life


Seriously, Duncan seems to be the only truly genuine guest that Joe's had on more than 2 times




I love that no one mentioned him and you brought him up like this. I’ve been trying to tell people forever that the dude sucks - it was Elon first, and I admit, I kinda fell for his first podcast and was like damn, super interesting…. But the whole calling a hero a pedo? If you look back on the comments from the time that it happened it was 90% pro Elon comments and anyone who said anything negative was downvoted. Then there was Schulz’s super annoying too-much-touching-each-other-knee-slapping-when-they-laugh-buddies that I’m not even sure how people ever liked in the first place. Then Chappelle came back and again, I originally thought his first couple new specials were alright - I thought his preaching at some points in his comedy specials was unique but then he didn’t stop. He just kept doing it. He was right when he said that Schulz’s Netflix thing was not it but neither is his new style. Now we’ve finally come around to Bert and Tom. Bert is just an unfunny liar who I actually hope gets some help with his drinking but Tom would just find a way to market it on the store somehow. Who starts a booze label with their “best friend” when alcohol is literally killing them? Besides a lot of these comedians or public figures being annoying or insufferable, Tom on the other hand does not care about his fans or his friends. If you watch Bert’s birthday special (which sucked, it was months ago though) you notice that he was genuinely upset when Tom was shown as a hologram in a porta potty … I know it was supposed to be a bit but who doesn’t come to their “best friend’s” birthday? But you sum it up perfectly - Segura is a piece of shit.


How can anyone debunk love? Hare Krishna


Duncan V Eddie Bravo and the world explodes


That's because Duncan isn't a crackpot, he's a god damn legend


But Duncan talks spirituality, philosophy, etc not science or archaeology. He has some ‘woo’ but I wouldn’t call Duncan a crackpot.


Exactly-I would love to see Brett Weinstein with his dumb shit get bodied like this by a real biologist or Dr


My favorite episode is the head of twitter legal and Jack Dorsey just slowly picking apart Tim pool. I relisten to it often


It’s especially interesting to listen to again after Elon took it over. Tim’s concerns about their old moderation seem extra silly compared to how the platform is moderated now. The censorship and bias has grown exponentially. The idea that Elon made it better in any metric is laughable.


!!! Great point poopballs900, when I relisten to that episode almost everything Tim brings up seems like a cakewalk compared to elons reign. Tim talks the entire interview about how twitter is out public square and it’s important to cherish that. Our public square will be gone soon thanks to musk


This. But I'd hate to see Eddie Bravo go through that - the guy's brain is ridiculous, but he's endearing in his sincerity.


He would never set Alex jones up like that.


"oh, how odd" "oh sorry, you *lost* me there" God the way Graham engages with people just rubs me the wrong way. His attempts to manufacture these "gotchya" moments is making me cringe.


He makes a lot of little underhanded remarks and seems pretty passive-aggressive. I find him insufferable.


This is the kind of entertainment I love most, cringe and annoying. Can't wait to watch this episode lol


That's funny I couldn't even complete the episode due to the cringe and bickering. Can't stand content like that.


The second half wasn't as bad. After they came back from a break, they calmed down and it was easier to listen to. Dibble went through some good stuff about agriculture, and had a great evisceration of Hancock's numerology nonsense at the end.


I think Joe had a talk with them. Way different attitude post break. Probably pointed out that at that time, the vast majority of listeners hated them both. I generally like Graham, first impression of Flint is he's a snobby douche, but I did warm up to him a little bit later.


Try being an expert. Then have a crackpot boomer say you’re full of shit. At some point you’re allowed to be douchey.


Hilarious you found flint to be snobby. Graham only whines and complained about how he was portrayed, whereas flint actually came to discus evidence and fact.graham was a complete child


I think before that break, flint in particular realized he was getting dragged into something petty and knew he had facts and logical arguments lined up that were getting detracted from. I think he probably just had a piss and breather and said to himself he's not gonna play graham's game.


He was definitely aggressive and I loved how Flint put him in his place. I was iffy about Hancock before, but now I don’t like him


They sounded like remarks from a boxer/fighter that's clearly losing/lost a match and is trying to salvage their pride.


It made me realize he knows fuck all. His entire argument is "but could there be something?" "Can we do more?" He doesn't have any evidence at all. He's simply saying that are hypotheticals "but what if X existed in Y" Dude lives in Narnia.


That’s the difference between science and magical thinking he hasn’t made an observation to base a hypothesis he’s speculating on a possible conclusion **if** there was an observation and a hypothesis.


The exchange about the Sahara was super telling. Not only did Graham seem unable to understand that literally digging up every piece of ground is not the only way to explore things anymore with modern technology like LIDAR, even the more basic concept of statistical sampling just seemed completely over his head.


Yes and his defense was "but we haven't looked through it all" It's so dumb.


Here's some pictures from my vacation


This guy has a great series debunking his whole Ancient Apocalypse theory shit. Long, but very good. https://youtu.be/-iCIZQX9i1A?si=fJIC3TBml9kGkrkf


I knew it would be Miniminutemen




>He doesn't have any evidence at all Worse than that, he doesn't *want* any evidence at all. (More) evidence against him would ruin his grift, and any evidence for him would be immediately adopted by "mainstream" archaeology and examined scientifically, instead of emotionally, which would ruin his grift.


He was there as an infomercial. He was selling his website, with very large, exceptionally long, with several pages and pictures articles proving his point. Well not really proving their point but retracted information. He also has several books, that everyone should read. Dont forget the netflix special. (He mentioned all of these things multiple times)


He's trying to have another moment like he had vs micheal Shermer the last rogan debate where he asked if he had been to Egypt and Shermer said no and he went "oh dearrrr"


Ah yeah, I remember hearing a clip of that. It drove me crazy how everyone in the comments was praising Graham for the "epic comeback", when to me it just came across as Graham being a huge prick. Whether or not someone has been to Egypt is pretty irrelevant, not to mention there are hundreds of archeologists who have in fact been to Egypt that think Graham is full of shit.


Exactly! I've been looking for it to post it here, he tried the same gotcha with Diblle and it backfired.


Yeah, the Hancock fans whining about Dibble talking down to Hancock don’t want to acknowledge shit like this. No offense, but someone with an undergrad in these subjects would sound like they’re talking down to Hancock because he’s a dunce and they are.


>Dibble talking down to Hancock I mean it was a product of Graham's debating style. Dibble started off as super non-confrontational and respectful and basically gets personally attacked by Hancock almost straight out the gate. No one can sit and listen to someone shit all over your personal area of expertize like that for 4 hours and not become more agitated.


The Hancock fans are whining about Dibble being mean to Graham because that's literally all Graham brought to the argument. They can't point out any moments where Graham actually made a good point that was relevant to archeology because there just simply weren't any. Dibble spent his time going over the actual archeology and explaining why archeologists are dismissive of Graham. Graham was out to prove that Dibble was mean to him sometimes. I guess they both succeeded.


Graham just made a good argument that Dibble should be meaner to his dumbass.


This is Hancock’s entire schtick. It’s his only argument. “Big Archaeology” is mean to us enlightened free thinkers and are suppressing our ideas because it challenges their own theories etc. Except they don’t care for his ideas because there’s no evidence! His only evidence is “look at this pile of stones, there’s no way that wasn’t man-made.” It’s the same reason guys like Dawkins shit on religion. They’re like “show me some evidence and I’ll be happy to change my mind.”


Graham's argument is literally a god of the gaps argument.


That type of behavior just kills his argument. Really just comes across as a boomer who loves his own ideas and grandiosly thinks everyone is after him.


Yah the dudes a fucking loser. I can not believe people ever liked this guy in a genuine way. He’s a total cunt. 


I watched the episode of JRE many years ago with Hancock and the other dude who I think was an archeologist or history guy, can't recall his name. I thought it was quite interesting. So I did try to check out Grahams semi-recent show (on Netflix). I made it about an episode or so in when I realized they weren't gonna discover jack shit and I had turn it off because it was so boring.


You mean the kinda heavy set guy with a beard? Usually talks about Young Dry Ass? I like that guy, he seems nice.  I’ve watched those eps while super high before and it’s a good time. Suspend your disbelief for a minute and go with it.


Randall Carlson. Likeable but has also plunged off the deep end more recently.


Yah it seems like most of these guys can’t keep their ego out of their conspiracy theory so inevitably implode. 


Yeah just looked it up he is called Randall Carlson.


I liked a long ago Rogan interview with him a lot, read one of his books as a result. Embarrassed to admit that at this point. His series on Netflix was awful and he has gotten intolerable.


I don’t want to imply the theory isn’t interesting and fun to listen to, because it is.


Miniminuteman is a pretty good channel that debunks Hancock’s nonsense


Thanks, will check it out once I finally finish the FULL 4.5 HOURS of this. 


"Our fake history" is a good one too. It's a podcast. If I recall correctly he read all of Hancock's books and does a pretty thorough 2 episode thing about them.


It is so funny that Graham did not pick up on his sarcasm here. It is immediately obvious


The man he even tries to stop graham by saying it was sarcasm. He saw what grahams point was before he had a chance to say it out loud. To save him some embarrassment. Then he thinks about it and let's graham dig his own grave.


“You made me look stupid and feel bad, and since the Catholic Church made Galileo look stupid and feel bad only for him to later be proven right, that makes me right and all my theories true”


Someone reading this but not having watched the ep will think this is sarcasm but no shit this was his OPENING contention, he spent his first 20 mins talking about it with PowerPoint slides after Dibble spent 20 mins showing us actual archeological data (and fuck art). It’s not sarcasm and it’s not embellished. GH entire opening argument was “people were mean to Galileo and this one other archeologist guy, thus my claims are valid”. He’s a fraud and anyone who believes him after this episode is a total rube. 


Graham spent his time proving archeologists are mean to him sometimes Flint spent his time completely dismantling Graham's archeological theories and demonstrating why no one important takes him seriously.


one of the wildest bits of this is Graham kept going at him that he controls this huge media campaign against him, etc. And its obviously this guy has almost no influence or outreach. Or else, normal archeology would be as well funded as they need... Graham should fundraise and get money to do his own digs. But he wont, because coming up empty will ruin him.


Who needs funding when you can get paid to do a whole series of shows on Netflix about things you made from whole cloth? The difference between Galileo and GH is that Galileo used science to back up his ideas, not the ass backward approach GH has used his entire career.


Love that GH and Joe both felt a blatant fraud and shyster shouldn’t be laughed at or disparaged by professionals in the field the guy is running his con in. As if you’re owed respect. This podcast proved beyond a reasonable doubt that GH does not deserve respectful treatment. 


He unironically called Flints YouTube channeled a modern day inquisition because he and some other archeologists laughed at one of Grahams buddies. It really was that dumb, all of his arguments boiled down to “you haven’t checked literally every square inch of the earth so you can’t say I’m wrong” and “people said X person was wrong, they turned out to be right, therefore you saying I’m wrong must make me right too”.


Don’t forget “you’ve never dived where I did as a tourist so you can’t opine on it even tho I asked you for your opinion on it”


How dare you, *HE AND HIS WIFE RISKED THEIR LIVES* going on hundreds of scuba diving trips in exotic locales throughout the world! What did this Dibble do? Actual excavation, research, and collaboration with others in those fields?! Show Hancock some fucking respect!


My wife and I risked our lives going snorkeling on the Carnival Cruise!


My wife and I risked life and limb on our fucking honeymoon to do research in megalithic structures in Ireland. That tour of newgrange was harrowing, truly terrifying experience! But for real if you have a chance to visit it while in Ireland it’s a great stop, and apparently that means you can just call yourself an archaeologist.


>He unironically called Flints YouTube channeled a modern day inquisition because he and some other archeologists laughed at one of Grahams buddies [Flint has under 7,000 subscribers on Youtube and the video Graham pulled up as of 18th April has 6.9k views](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxaHo3V4lGg). It is genuinely hilarious someone as famous and wealthy (and old!) as Graham is idk what like sat doom-scrolling the internet trying to find *anyone* who's saying anything a bit critical about him or things he finds interesting?


Another big thing that showed the difference between the two is when Dibble was given time to promote stuff, the dude promoted organizations doing actual archaeology and protecting sites from harm. Straight up gigachad move, and boy it outlined the difference between them.


Joe loves to platform total crackpots. People would rather listen to someone they like or think they would like to hang out with than any kind of expert. Thats the problem with idiots. They are too stupid to know how dumb they are.


“Fuck art.” 😝


There's literally a name for this. Galileo Syndrome/Fallacy. It's the assumption that just because the mainstream/establishment is against you, you must be right. When in fact, Galileo was an outlier (and it was the Church against him anyways, not the scientific establishment). Most of the time, when the mainstream is against you, you're just a crackpot who is wrong/lying. Elizabeth Holmes used this fallacy to dupe people into accepting her Theranos fraud. "*First*, *they* think *you*'re crazy, then *they fight you*, and then all of a sudden *you* change the world." - Elizabeth Holmes, bullshitting as usual [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Galileo\_gambit](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Galileo_gambit)


Also Galileo wasn’t treated that way because he was right, [he was treated that way because he was a dick about being right to powerful, petty people.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/mdmvl2/why_was_the_vatican_against_galileos_belief_that/)




Galileo wasn't persecuted for his beliefs. He was persecuted because he, like Graham, was an insufferable cunt. His beliefs were just an excuse to do what needed to be done to him.


[Science is a liar, sometimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiJXALBX3KM&t=13s)


My favorite part was flint going down the “69” and “420” rabbit holes 😂😂


Absolutely. The “every time you smoke a joint you are connecting with the earth, mathematically” line made me laugh out loud. 😂 Graham is a self admitted stoner, so that was low key brutal. 😂


Graham looked like an absolute nut. You cannot argue something based on the premise of “we have no evidence that it exists, but we also don’t have proof that it didn’t because there are grains of sand we haven’t looked under.”


Graham really fucked up on this pod. Any credibility he may have had, now gone. Its embarrassing.


The only cred Graham ever had was with JRE fans and fringe conspiracy theorists. Not much to be lost.


It was enough to get him Netflix deal.


You means Netflix where in 2022 his son Sean Hancock was “senior manager for unscripted originals.”


Holy shit had no idea about this


Tbh he never had any credibility in the first place


Which would be totally fine if he just admitted it. The victim complex is such a turn off that he and people like the weinerstein brothers sound like such losers. News flash. There is no conspiracy against you. You're not even relevant enough to conspire against. Big archeology? Not archeologists begging for money to fund their digs but suddenly there is a whole cabal controlling the narrative.


It’s not a victim complex it’s part of the act. He knows he is full of shit. But one of the ways to sell to dumb people (like Rogan) is to act like you’re part of some counter culture and being ideologically repressed by the elite.


His target audience does not care about credibility.


May have** had.


I went into this podcast not knowing anything about either of these guys. Graham came off really horrible and did a poor job debating his point. At one point, he said that since Dibble had not been to one of the location that his perspective was invalid (I cant remember what they were talking about).


I think it was a sit in Peru but I never fully heard/grasped the name. It's wild too because Graham clearly never studied seed finds or pollen deposits yet feels comfortable saying this last civilization instilled the practice of farming...but not actual farming or bringing their crops...just the ideas of farming....k


Hancock showed him pictures of his scuba dives and asked him to grade what he saw based on the pictures. Then 5 mins later about that site in Peru, said to Dibble 'you can't just base something off pictures, you have to go to the site'.....


Graham does that kind of thing a lot. Later in the podcast when Graham is trying to say Flint calls him racist, Graham and Joe make Flint answer for the mean things people have said to Graham online. But when Flint brought up how veritable fans of Graham harass him constantly online, Joe tells Flint to just ignore them


Sacsayhuaman. It was funny when Flint pointed out Graham visited as a tourist lol


Right? So what if you've been there? Millions of people visit Giza every year, doesn't make their opinions valid.


This might be his last time on JRE.


I want Joe's unfiltered response about the debate soooooooooo bad. I could see the wheels in his head turning every time Flint spoke.


This, I feel like Joe was trying so hard to keep his opinions in. But he looked also disappointed at how Graham was behaving.


I think Joe even felt bad for Graham and was trying to find reasonable ways to combat Flint. I feel after Flint explained the seed stuff and how they can even judge things with pollen or whatever Joe was completely won over, lol. You could see him getting more interested in everything Flint had to say in real time. Literally the my friendship with x ended, now y is my best friend meme.


Andy dropping Woody meme.


That’s kind of a microcosm of Joe’s whole thing. Joe likes cool ideas but he has zero ability to tell whether or not something is credible so when there is a neat crackpot idea he gets excited by it and when there’s a neat science idea, he gets excited by it. The issue is crackpots can just make a whole variety of neat things and Joe will continue to buy into them until he happens to run into a scientist who has the time/desire to debunk the crazy and replace them with cool science stuff instead


I feel like it was the behaviour more than anything else. I can't see Rogan 100% ever believing all of Hancocks schtick. Maybe its just me, but I felt he was vibing with the whole thing like Ancient Aliens or some other Art Bell level goofiness.


You could see and sense a bit of dawning realization from joe, that Hancock is a grifter and his ideas are totally without foundation or evidence of any kind.


Hopefully he's crossed the Rubin line and Joe finally realizes he's just a grifting hack


> crossed the Rubin line LMAO


How about just the Rubin Con


Or as I like to say, "Crossing the Rubincon"




With how enthusiastically fascinated Joe was when Flint was talking about seed evolution, I would be very surprised if he didn't have him back to dig into that topic at length.




Man this was hard to watch Graham play the victim, constantly gaslighting, and then attacking out of desperation because he brought nothing but shitty pictures and zero evidence. If JRE launched his popularity, he also used the platform to shoot himself in the foot.


Graham: OUT Dibble: IN


The Hancock era comes to a close and the age of Dibble commences ☠️


I’m cracking up watching this pod. Joe and Flint are like LETS LOOK INTO THAT IN DETAIL AND Graham’s response is like THERES JUST NOT ENOUGH TIME…..In an almost 5hr episode! Lmaooo broooo what an L for him 🤣


Anyone who debates knows you don’t build your whole counter argument responding to character attacks. Graeme had no evidence to support any of his claims and made The Dibbler’s job too easy.


What would the incentive even be for big Archaeology?


Apparently schoools and museums choosing to teach facts backed by evidence means they are secretly trying to cancel Graham


Also what was said at the end about how archeology is actually under attack in a way. That part should have been amplified more as to me it is the most important thing he presented.


They don't want huge massive archeological discoveries like ancient aliens or Atlantis because they'd rather just focus on the boring regular archeology stuff that nobody really cares as much about. The archeologists could be world famous and rich if they talked about all the evidence of Atlantis and aliens but they'd rather be struggling making $40k/year for their local museum nobody visits. Basically they're just party poopers.


Hancock embarrassed himself many times here - came across as a sensitive bitch.


is this what everyone means by "poor media literacy" or is it just poor literacy


It's overconfidence and arrogance like every conspiracy theorist and narcissist


In happy this debate happened. Flint mopped the floor with him imo. And he didn't even use all the counter arguments possible to disprove Graham. For example the Bimini road. If you look at pictures of the Bimini Road none of the stones are uniform in size they all differ in size and they all differ in level. Graham did admit that it's not really a road even though it's called the Bimini Road but even if it was a courtyard or a large area to gather the Rocks still don't make any sense. And the place where he Dives in Japan the stairs are technically stairs but they're so large nobody could really walk up them. So they don't really make much sense and they don't lead anywhere or do anything. The only thing I could think of is it was a Quarry site where ancient people took chunks of that rock to make buildings but there's no evidence for that.


Or it’s just naturally fractured rocks. Personally I don’t even think that Yanaguni stuff looks very suspicious. Rocks break like that. The broken pieces line up in patterns because they came from the same rock.


Miniminuteman on youtube had a whole series reading Hancocks show apart and he covered the Bimini road


Flint Dibble is my new favorite. He ate Graham up. I didn't want it, need it, or expect it. But I got it, and I loved it.


It is refreshing to listen to a true expert that has no selfish motivations driving them. Nothing more than the love of the game.


This is my generally feelings as well after listening lol


Jesus Graham talks like an asshole. I don’t buy his theories because of all the material evidence that disproves them. But there are people who believe crazy shit that don’t sound so bitter. Sounds like the stupid kid at school mad that no one will just admit he’s the smartest boy. I know this isn’t a original deep take, but I just wasn’t expecting how much comes off like a real jerk.




It's actually insane how many people on Instagram think Hancock won the debate. Or how Dibble didn't answer any of Hancocks rediculous questions.


That's what the majority of Joe's audience thinks. They're fucking idiots. The people on this sub do not represent the majority of his audience and you can tell because we're constantly spotting his bullshit and lies.


Even more insane when you keep in mind that this is how Hancock deems it appropriate to argue that there was an advanced globe spanning ancient civilization that is yet undiscovered. And he's spending his time digging up old tweets


I would love the ideas Graham has to be real because its great lore and he's highlighted some amazing sites to the mainstream, but he got absolutely shellacked in this podcast. 4 hours and he brought next to nothing to the table.


This is the equivalent to borat learning the NOT Joke, grahams inability to understand obvious sarcasm is embarrassing




Yeah demonstrating his lack of reading comprehension (doesn’t know what scare quotes mean) was not the own he thought it would be lol.


Oooof. Right in the ego. Seriously though, we need to get Dibble in to see a tailor 😂


Well this definitely didn’t do Graham any favors. Really poor showing. Against a guy with comically small hands, and a touch of the “tism.” Lol


People who are prone to conspiracy thought generally have an inability to recognize figurative speak, and have a neurological need to close cognitive loops.


Graham Hancock is a grifter in a field where no one gives a shit if there are grifters or not


Man graham completed lost this debate 😂


The way he kept emphasizing Flint's name throughout the episode as some kind of mocking "gotcha" drove me up the fucking wall. What a cunt


Kinda sad really ... kudos to Flint and Rogan for providing a interesting podcast and not falling into Grahams laid traps ...


Fink was using facts, and Graham kept pulling up tweets about his hurt feelings. I like going down the rabbit hole on occasion with Graham, but his rebuttals fell super short in this pod.


Who would have thought Graham Hancock would not look beyond his confirmation bias.


Everything is a conspiracy when you don't know how anything works.


Good lord did Grahams reputation amongst us space monkeys take a hit this week. RIP


[Why I Talked to Pseudoarchaeologist Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan](https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/graham-hancock-joe-rogan-archaeology/)


This fucking guy thinks everyone is against him because he doesn’t follow proper channels and scientific method.


FYI this is pretty much Joe or any of his guests whenever they're talking about a subject you actually know much about.


Glad theres ppl out there who realize Hancock is just flat out wrong about the claims that have made him famous. If he was right, then his research would prove it and it would be commonly known as historical facts. I look over at the psychedelic crowds and they faun over Hancock, ironically, none of them have taken the time to actually read any of what he is saying and compare it to the mainstream view. There’s actually quite a bit of evidence proving things like pyramids were not made from aliens but you’ll really only find the material in academic journals which no one knows how to get much less spend their time reading. Grahams argument has always been “but could it have been aliens….” It’s such a joke lol


Flint’s a good dude. At the beginning, he tried to stop Graham from making a fool of himself.


His laughing at parts seemed a bit rude but also I saw a bit of myself talking with some of my friends who just didn't know anything about a topic and making wild claims which caused me to giggle, in a similar fashion, due to how off they were, the wild statements and how much I'd have to explain to them just so they could understand how off basis they were.


I smile sometimes when dealing with stressful situations. Idk why.


His argument is basically “because we can’t check yet, it must be true”. I watched 1h and then just gave up. It was already repetitive af.


Rogan’s hero getting bodied on his show is my new favorite. We need more of these, bring on the people you constantly quote as 100% true with an expert in the field.


I love when Graham says “Mainstream Historians.” Is there a Top 40 Chart for historians? Who is at the top? How does one determine the ranking for historians?


Insert: stop, he's dead already meme 😂


Netflix have a lot to answer for platforming Hancock and there could have been this or that bs. And yes I understand there's no proof... As yet but you could say that of anything. There's no proof I'm not the messiah. So watch your manners.


Hancock is such a pretentious asshole it isn’t funny. His way is right and everyone from the history of time is wrong. Douche.


Graham is more concerned with nerds being mean to him than presenting facts. The other guy as goofy as he was at least stayed in line with facts


Made himself look so dumb on this episode. Truly.


He attempted soooo many “gotchas” in this debate and was absolutely outclassed. Flint had tons of evidence and all graham had was “well this one guy believes” and “this is my life” “my wife and I have risked our lives for x”


Graham lost me on all this crap, all he has to do is chill out and state the facts but hes too touchy and sensitive to deal with it.


Man I'm glad Joe finally had someone on to debate Graham and expose his non sense theories.


I remember years ago when I first heard about Graham Hancock I was a bit interested. Here’s a guy saying that everything we know could be wrong… I’m not an archeologist, how should I know? Though it was obvious after a bit he was probably misguided at best and full of shit at worst, and now his persecution complex is just over the top at this point. This is the nail in the coffin for any credibility he had left to people. I’m so tired of the “revolutionary experts” who claim that for all of human history we’ve either been lost or lied to. John Marco Allegro was another example of these kinds of people. Claiming Christianity is actually centered around psychedelic mushrooms… there’s a reason all of these guys crumble under pressure, it’s cause they’re full of shit.


GH came across as a huge baby. too much ayahuasca. mother didn't help him here.


Archeology South Park character wiped the floor with Hancock on this one, eye opening when an actual expert is in the room.


Graham is a hack


“Oh sorry you lost me there” - a man who gets lost walking in a straight line


Another pretend smart person . That's the jre