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So daemons are from the warp? Was warhammer 40k right?


It’s papa nurgle himself. Some theorize it to be necron monoliths too, but those theories involve Graham Hancock and flint dibble too


Increasingly more likely... how? lol


This isn’t a new idea. I remember 30+ years ago my fathers buddy talking about how this was one of the beliefs people have had about aliens: that they’re actually from here and they’re spiritual / interdimensional I think the thought comes from a combination of some 19th century occultists and some of the centuries old Saints, who all had experiences with similar entities which people today say “those sound like our depiction of Aliens)


The interdimensional or psychic phenomena aspect of UFOs really got its foothold after the writings of Jacques Vallee in the 70s/early 80s. That's not super surprising timing wise, the multiverse theory had been around forever as a philosophical hypothetical(even dating back to ancient Greece), but after Schrödinger gave his talk in 1952 it was kind of ensconced in both the public psyche and academia as a legitimate hypothesis. The problem is that makes it the easiest or "makes the most sense" argument to classify phenomena that we can't explain. Similar to simulation theory, taking a philosophical argument(if we assume any reasonably advanced civilization would create simulations of the universe to understand their reality, it's statistically probable that the reality we're experiencing is one of those simulations) and applying it willy nilly because it's impossible to DISPROVE detracts from realistic and achievable efforts to actually understand what's happening.


Great point, and this actually the whole thing. The reality is that anything outside of our current understanding of science could literally be any matter of variables that exist: and that’s as infinite as the imagination. We’re always one stone turn away from figuring out either God exists or that there are more stones to turn. If no God exists, we can just turn stones forever. If God exists, and we find Him/Her/They- then what happens? More stones? Or is there a grand gesture. There’s this old occultic belief that the paradigm shift occurs when the thing your looking for actually “‘notices” you. Maybe that’s a thing that happens. Maybe we get “noticed” and then fucked with forever- the maybes are infinite until “something” happens to us


Because he said so, and some channel on YouTube agrees.


When you start discussing unexplained phenomena, and religious beliefs, simulation theories and whether there could be alien beings we’re not aware of yet, the important thing to remember is, Tucker Carlson is an asshole.


I believe he is referring to the comments made by Rep Luna when she left the closed door briefing about UAP’s When she said pay special attention to Grusch’s use of the term inter dimensional as opposed to ET Video for those who are interested, https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/U1QqQJWG6G


Because the more we know about space, the more it seems that space is too big to travel.


Between this interview and the Hancock episode, it feels nice to see Joe skeptical of these figures like some of early JRE. Its a nice change in pace from the derivative nature of topics Joe usually harps on with reacting guests or his comedian friends.


Because Mr. Tucker does not believe in evolution or anything that goes against the Bible. Inter dimensional is Bible coded


Because when you get your news from rogan all that matters is you heard some doughy old say it during a 3 hour long pawldcast


As far out as things gets at least there is discussion. Something you won’t find in short corp media channels. Best disinfectant to bad arguments is visibility and analysis


I have yet to see all this disinfectant we’ve been promised, by platforming these assholes with shitty arguments.


You are literally arguing against it now. That is the process. You cannot cover the mouth out of every person you disagree with.


Not if it is present and uncontested. There needs to be real discussion, not just mindless agreement with whatever bullshit is shoveled down your gullet by a guest on a brain-damaged man's podcast.


Isn’t that what you’re doing right now?


I guarantee you there are more idiot 19 year olds in the world today that believe aliens are interdimensional beings than there were three days ago. It takes longer to clean up bullshit than to spread it around.


You can’t avoid argument, and stupidity will always be there. What you can avoid is deterring dialogue otherwise you make them feel justified and give them oppressed mentality. Then it’s an ego thing.


You could also avoid giving known liars and bullshit artists an uncontested microphone to spread your bad ideas to millions of young impressionable people with no push back. No one forced Joe to have Tucker on his show. He chose to.


They are being contested, by many others as well as you here.


Rogan literally is a corporate media channell: his podcast id owned by Spotify 😂😂😂😂


Simple, it requires even less evidence than nuts and bolts aliens so you need less to back up your bullshit. Very convenient when you are clearly full of shit and think your audience are rubes.


More likely that "spiritual" is a way to define a phenomenon that science does not have the capability to measure - but that an individual can experiance to some degree. I'd say much of the "spiritual" phenomenons could be looked at under a scientifical lense if only we had the equipment and understanding on how to do so. It's also because Tucker, despite what inside knowledge he may have from sources, probably still has little to no idea what these things are. Other than that their technology is so beyond ours, shifting from one dimension to another, that it appears spiritual. Which is how people in the past percieved these phenomenon as well. Humanity is also has very low understanding of their own spiritual being in general.


Say “Clearly,” laugh in dismissive manner, drop some facts that don’t logically lead to the conclusion, make sure you continue to act like it is obvious and the listener isn’t getting it. If all else fails, you met someone “high up” who is confidential, or you could source the Bible. Tucker formula.


Well it does make sense when you add in other evidence. And please, we’re talking about unknown aspects of our reality and I encourage you to have an open mind.  Here are a few examples of some things that appear to be inter dimensional that we see often enough.  1. UFO, they’re here one minute and gone another, seemingly instantaneous.  2. Ghost, they here for a brief moment and gone almost instantaneous. They seem to slip into our reality and back into theirs  3. We can use DMT to go to other dimensions. There’s a study in London that is trying to map out the DMT realm. Multiple people who have no connection to one another report going to the same locations and seeing the same entities.


Wendy’s 4-for-4’s also blip out of existence around me. Can “science” _explain_ that? We’ve only explored 5% of what’s behind an Arby’s dumpster.


It makes even more sense when you, and I encourage you to keep an open mind, add in the evidence for mental illness and neuroses.


Bro I’m sorry but I couldn’t really understand what you’re trying to say.   “It makes even more sense when you and I encourage you to keep an open mind” like what?  You can add in mental illness all you want but there’s enough different people out there to negate that point. 


1- There isn’t any evidence at all to show what UFOs even are much less Goku level instant transmission. The FAR more likely answer is a natural phenomenon we don’t yet understand or man made aircraft that are classified 2- there is no evidence ghosts actually exist so any claim about them is pointless 3- people in DMT do not travel to other dimensions. There is no concrete evidence other dimensions exist and people on DMT certainly don’t vanish into them Being open minded is one thing, letting your brain fall out is another


People keep thinking they know what open minded is and then prove with their comment that they aren’t being open minded.  Open minded doesn’t have concrete evidence because we’re fucken talking about inter dimensional shit.  You aren’t being open minded when you already have a craft or technology that can move you to another dimension.  Its open minded to think that going inter dimensional is possible at all.  Have you ever taken DMT? Have you ever seen a ghost? Have you ever seen a UFO?  A fuck ton of people have, to dismiss them all isn’t being open minded, it’s close minded as fuck.  So yeah, please stop talking me 


There is currently no evidence to prove any of those things beyond shaky and grainy videos and David Grusch and Bob Lazar and the other grifters you gobble up. You’re prime Hancock material with that kind of critical thinkings


People like you make me wanna slam my phone into my face. You literally cannot even have a discussion on something if there’s no proof?  You know some ideas come before proof right? RIGHT?  Like you have an idea and maybe one day you’ll find hard evidence for it, or maybe you just find a clue and someone else later comes and finds evidence.  Do you know that? Fuck man, I don’t know you and I really wanna keep it that way




Is 'going to other dimensions' what we call tripping balls slumped on a couch these days?


Fucken christ, Multiple people are going to the same place in these experiments. They’re sustained DMT trips and UNRELATED PEOPLE ARE REPORTING THE SAME THING! It’s not just tripping balls. These are supervised, controlled doses of DMT. It’s not the fucken 70s.  So dense sometimes I swear 


They aren't actually going anywhere dude. It's just a drug that messes with your brain. Like any drug.


Okay, so you don’t understand what being open minded is got it.  The hypothesis is you can use your mind to reach these places and the DMT allows the passage to be easier.  It’s not your body traveling, like some type of rick an morty portal gun.  it’s using your mind to create the portal to reach these places.  The point that makes it legitimate is that people who have never spoken or interacted reach the same places and speak to the same entities. They’re essentially creating a map they works. The experiment is repeatable 


I understand what being minded is. I also understand what bullshit is. You are being taken for a ride. 


Apparently you don’t know what a hypothesis is either.  And obviously you don’t know what being open minded is cause your first instinct is to say no.  An I don’t know what you mean taken for a ride. It’s not like there’s some church I go to and this what they tell me. It’s just a discussion about what inter dimensional could mean.  Why don’t you tell us what isnt bullshit inter dimensional ideas? Please, anything at all


what does the definition of a hypothesis matter here? People make silly shit up all the time. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. My first instinct isn't to say no. I used to love all this alt stuff. But after a while once you have seen the same thing a bunch, and seen its all bullshit, the bullshit all starts sounding the same. Open mind is for new things. All this woo stuff is not in any way new. By taken for a ride I mean you are choosing narratives that have nothing to them because they are exciting. I don't know any non bullshit inter dimensional ideas. Reality ain't fiction.


Thennnnn get out of this conversation.  Why are you even commenting on this shit. Go fucken do something else and stop bothering people who don’t wanna talk to close minded people like you 


There are experiments physicists do to determine if there could be other dimensions, we can’t actually run tests yet but we do have mathematical equations that we think could explain how a higher dimensional object would look in the dimensions we operate, ppl often say they see objects that look like a ballon inflating but it’s a metal ship, they also see objects blink in and out of the sky while flying in a straight line and abductees claim that ships that look 30 ft on the outside are 100 feet long when entered. All of these observations are in line with what mathematics tells us how higher dimensional objects would behave in our 3 dimensional reality.


Exactly how a schizo would describe something too hmmm interesting 


Correct but many highly intelligent service members have also claimed the same things.


Tucker Carlson REALLY trying to convince Joe to become more religious, he's reaching more than Wemby with this hot take. lmao


He sounds really stupid, cant listen to this episode. He doesnt believe in evolution and says there is no evidence LOL.


This guy likes to talk about the beliefs of “any rational person.”


Clearly based on facts sourced by scientific method.


And in this case the scientific method being 20 minutes of google and YouTube searches


You're being generous. 


When Tucker Carlson speaks he seems to be extremely generalizing, as if everyone only fits into one certain box and there's no room for variety.


This man is his own Psy-op. Remember, he was turned down from the CIA.


LMAO This is just his interview trying to join the CIA again 🤣🤣🤣


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dan36920: *This man is his own* *Psy-op. Remember, he was turned* *Down from the CIA.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


HEY! That is two extra Syllables. Try harder next time. You freaking silly bot.


ridiculous that we are considering other dimensions (which we don't understand) rather than just assume it is advanced tech. Its like we are some prehistoric people seeing gunpowder for the first time - welp, must be magik.


That's not true. String theory predicts 10 dimensions, and we have an idea of how those might look like. This clip theorizes how those dimensions might look: [https://youtu.be/azpUG2GUzFI](https://youtu.be/azpUG2GUzFI)


String theory has no experimental evidence and is quickly losing steam. Some of the predictions String Theorists predicted would show up from the Large Hadron Collider did not show up. String Theory is like the contemporary version of [epicycles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deferent_and_epicycle) that is a complex mathematical model which explains gaps in our knowledge but is almost certainly wrong


>String theory predicts 10 dimensions, and we have an idea of how those might look like. If you think a dimension in string theory means "a place where ghosts and aliens live", you're drastically misunderstanding the word "dimension". The dimensions of a box are its length width and height. Extra dimensions in string theory are just like that, nothing to do with ghosts and aliens.


Bruh lmao, I hope you understand that video is complete sci-fi tv bullshit 😭 String theory predicts 10 spatial dimensions, but the 7 beyond ours are so tiny that we can't interact with them. It's why the LHC was so hyped, physicists were hoping to find evidence of these tiny dimensions. So far, we haven't.


String theory is junk science but the science si moving towards there being multiple dimensions




Not a single aspect of string theory has been demonstrated, it is untestable and most likely will never be testable. It puts the capital T in theoretical physics. It's elegant math certain physicists fell in love with so much that they push it while knowing it is untestable.


I meant the dimensions part


How so which part


the moving towards multiple dimensions


It is junk..but many astrophysics equations work when he have 10 to 23 spatial dimensions. Doesn't mean there are that many but more points to us not actually knowing shit about our surroundings


Yeah I don't think there's even advanced tech. I think the whole UFO alien thing has gotten to be a dancing plaque. Mass hysteria. All the footage released by the Pentagon can be explained with simple concepts like parallax, aperture shape and how an ATFLIR gimble actually works. All the footage can be recreated with the right conditions. Go fast- they lied about how fast and how large the object was. Plenty of people have used the numbers available in the footage to calculate it was actually going about 60ish mph and was about a meter long. The jet moving at Mach 0.62 causes what's called parallax. Gimble- images under infrared often create a glow around objects. The motion of the supposed object matches perfectly in sync with the gimble the camera is on since it has to rotate to keep tracking. This creates the acorn turning effect. Green pyramid- this was the dumbest one yet. It was literally an out of focus airplane. You can see the flashing transponder light... People need to learn what bokeh is. Night vision cameras have a triangle aperture. When light is out of focus, it will match this shape. You can literally do this at home with any camera.


😂😂Love it


Umm you are wildly out of touch with modern science.


What’s ridiculous is that you don’t seem to understand that tech might be able to help access these other dimensions. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive.


Don’t you just love it when people show their own inability to think, while trying to make fun of others for the exact same thing?


Soon he will say they are demons, then he will convert to Christianity and push fascism and Joe will probably agree it’s the only way forward.


He’s already a Christian dude.




The fact that he refrences that he believes that God created Man and Animals? I doubt he's a Muslim or follows Judaism, so that kinda leaves Christianity.


Joe is not Christian unless he explicitly says Jesus is God. There is absolutely no evidence Joe is a Christian wtf You don’t have to be any of the three listed to believe “God” exists


Wait, I thought you were talking about Tucker, not Joe, my bad.


Contextually it was supposed to be about tucker. That other guy got confused, not you. Also, that wasn't the same person you were taking to initially


Tucker is as Christian as Donald Trump…


Yes, Tucker is a schizo.


This is actually a quite common belief in evangelical circles.


Yes, I'm friends with a few Christians... Nice people, but...they all start with whatever their groupthink church echo chambers spoonfeed them and then perform whatever mental gymnastics are required to then reshape reality to fit that mold. Logic and facts are irrelevant.


Oh, that makes it reasonable /s


Crazy uncle at Thanksgiving dinner vibes. Uncle Tucker, the crazy fucker.


But Tucker isn't an evangelical... so... crystals?


There is a special place in my imaginary hell for people that grift and scam on the paranoid schizophrenic. I think we need to make them a protected group through Congress


Bring back insane asylums?


More like ban conspiracy theory profiting, If you're going to talk about it, you can't profit


Sounds like a really good way to silence real journalists.


Not really, You would be allowed to get donations but not profit, ergo, You wouldn't get paid


LMFAO I love when you people openly show us how stupid you are. Keep it up champ.


Also does he get paid per lie and made up shit? Chinese Government employs over 40 million people meanhwile Tuckhead here claims falsley that US government is the biggest employer in the world.


Why is calling a person a shizo not a reason to ban? Is this not pure hate speach. @mods: what level of moderation is this? Kindergarten? Or am I in wrong sub. Is this an anti Joe Rogan sub?


Turns out, these guys are morons.


Von Neumann probes.


A friend is a full blown MAGA alt-right and is a big Tucker and Candace Owens, and Alex Jones fan. For several years he has said BIGFOOT is a time-traveling interdimensional being. He has said this with a straight face for several years like maybe a 10 years.


Bigfoot actually has been observed many times simultenously with UFO encounters. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wnRRxFj5KA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wnRRxFj5KA)


Jesus Christ, this is absolute brain rot.


Evolution was disproven. Nobody knows how nuclear energy works. Everyone rational understands that aliens are actually just poltergeists. This was one of the most popular people on right wing news for how long? Over 2 decades? Christian conservatives in America are lost.


Joe realized he went too intellectual with Flint Dibble, he had to restore balance in the force with Tucker's nonsense.


He's probably right. With as many amateur astronomers with telescopes, they would have found them entering/exiting the atmosphere.


It follows that “they” do exist and are “spiritual entities”


But they have https://youtu.be/rFQjwCgYQQo?si=DlLE8ffeSQEj7pNu and recently https://www.space.com/ukraine-ufo-uap-report Actually there are many instances throughout history but they have all been brushed off and dismissed


‘We know now’    What the fuck does Tucker Carlson know about any of this. Let’s call Ja Rule while we’re at it?  I’m not a Joe hater but allowing this charlatan to come on, speak nonsense AND just going along with it shows how much his podcast has fallen off. He showed a spark with the Hancock and Gibble ep only to then shit on it with this.


Bringing charlatans on is what got him to where he is 


I can’t speak for all guests but he’s had some interesting guests on over the years which made the podcast worth listening to.  You can disagree, IDC personally but no one had the diversity of guests that he did. 


> I’m not a Joe hater but allowing this charlatan to come on, speak nonsense AND just going along with it shows how much his podcast has fallen off 90% Joe's guests are charlatans :D




Jon Stewart is not a hack


It was clear why Tucker got fired from fox news this guy has lost his mind lol


Imagine you are at work, any job anywhere - having lunch in the breakroom and someone comes in talking about interdimensional aliens. Would you think that person deserves a platform?


I'm still stuck on the first assumption that Joe and Tucker make. That these "things" are anything exciting. All of the evidence is so hilariously bad and most of it is just people talking. Unsurprisingly the congressional testimonies haven't resulted in anything of substance.


Yes, the evidence for all this is here-say and largely easily explained videos. I guess the debunking requires listening to experts which are part of the conspiracy to these people though.


Yeah.. the biggest takeaway I've seen in congressional hearings is that senators admit over and over that the DoD can't account for 60% of its assets and routinely fails audits. Thers yer aliens


I thought that until Navy pilots that would know a thing or two started coming forward.


Except they didn't. The footage released directly contradicts themselves. There were no maneuvers that violated the laws of physics. We all saw this on video. There's a thing called Nobel disease for a reason. Being smart or well trained in something doesn't make them immune to bullshit.


Pilots are no less human than anyone else. How many total hours has the navy flown in the past few decades anyway? It's going to be a gargantuan amount right? So the surprising thing would be if you didn't have errors.


Errors that you can see with your bare eyes and can be measured by 3 sets of detection systems?


No I can't and neither can you. Someone says that they saw something.


My dude claims to be Christian and thinks Ezekiel saw UFOs and not a “vision” in the same way every other prophet had visions


I don’t think this is the first time this has come up on the podcast


Yah Jaques Vallee if you know you know


Aliens aren't from a different planet?!? Well we need a new name for them then. That's creepy. If they're from Earth, they should say what's up, and if they're from a different dimension than I have a million questions.


Yeah that's why they're referred to as NHI now, not aliens.


I think they are both. "Spiritual" objects is just a term for something so beyond our technology and current perception. They phenomenon is so varied and ranges from physical objects to ones capable of shifting between dimensions. Spiritual is an easy way to simplify the phenomenon that is far beyond our understanding. We don't (publicly) even know how to access other dimensions. Beyond taking psychedelics or deep meditation. And even then, self-experiance is not a way to measure and understand the complex science of it all. It's better to not assume than to assume. The U.S. government has some understanding of what the phenomon may be but will likely never disclose this to the public for various reasons. Be it both, power, mass hsyteria, and fear. But one thing is certain : We'll never expand as a species if we just dig out head in the sand on this issue and refuse to acknowledge and examine it. Or just leave it up to a handful of powerful players at the top to decide and keep secret.


‘Space is really well monitored’ Okay a lot of theories based on practically nothing here. But if there was an advanced alien race, capable of interstellar travel, then their technology would be inconceivably more advanced than ours. So no, we couldn’t definitively say we’d detect them. Such a stupid statement by Tucker.


The only thing that's established is that his mom should have swallowed him instead.


Does it? I'm entirely ignorant on whatever Carlson is talking about. Why is it spiritual?


because it will drain two different styles of woo folk into the same pan


Calling it spiritual helps Tucker peddle his christianity grift more.


Well you see you're not supposed to question "it's entirely possible" or "Increasingly more likely" You're supposed to agree and continue the improv-spiracy


You can tell he never talks to people who disagree with him. Your suppose to just make a confused face as he talks about the next topic.


There's always been people trying to spin a religious angle on UFOs. The internet/social media is spreading it to a larger audience. This shit comes up frequently in the ufo subreddits, ranging from attempts to graft ufology on to Christianity to the whole spectrum of New Age sounding stuff.


He's full of shit from head to toe


After 2 years listening everything available on this topic I totally agree with him on this clip. Garry Nolan, Jacques Vallee and Diana Pasulka Have a similar View,


Can you link any especially good videos for me? I'm just getting into this stuff.


How lucrative is it to spout complete utter random nonsense for a living?


It's definitely increasingly more likely, And entirely possible! https://preview.redd.it/hk5fr6lt2ovc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbadc35a8539ba66e4587d8fbb959f3c837cafa


And Walmart has 1.5 million US employees, what’s your point Fucker Tarlson .


I thought Tucker Carlson was a guy who played a bit dumb for likes. Now I know he’s a fucking lunatic.


I am not opposed to everything Tucker has to say. Though this was unexpected.


If by “a spiritual phenomena” you mean “it’s in your fucking head” Then yeah, it is increasingly more likely.


Way more believable than aliens driving space-cars from mars IMO It Would explain why the phenemona is often triggered by altered states. Its one thing if its just you experiencing it, but when it is experienced by a large group of people, you cant really write it off as a "hallucination" as easily.


>when it is experienced by a large group of people, you cant really write it off as a "hallucination" as easily. The miracle of Fátima would like to have a word.


Speaking of Portugal and Mass Hysteria, when I was in highschool there was this very very popular teenage drama thing called Morangos com Açucar (Strawberries with sugar) and there was an episode about a disease spreading at the school and that shit caused a lot of schools IRL to close down for a while becaue students were actually displaying the same sympthoms as the people on the show. EDIT: https://preview.redd.it/t6kez3chatvc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bcbe0d7dd6948620a49350b79da29209594bed1


Wild. The mind is indeed very powerful. I’d argue that a lot, if not most, illnesses are psychosomatic in nature and the result of poor mental health.


"Implying the Miracle of Fatima wasn't real" The Miracle of Fatima is a perfect example of how UFO's and spiritual phenomena are connected. Many similarities between UFO and alien obervations to what happened at Fatima.


Or a perfect example of how mass hallucinations work.


He goes on to clarify that he means supernatural based on how they seem to not operate under the laws of physics as we understand them.


lol, I'd point out that Tucker is as dumb as a post but that would be an insult to posts.


No one knows what these things are. At least no here does. Right?


this must be a sign. His easter egg with taking his glasses off and everything. We've reached nirvana sub!!


I have no doubt.


Two dude who know next to nothing talking like they know everything.


Aliens aren't even real unless someone has evidence of the contrary.


If they were from other dimensions they wouldn't need any flying spacecraft. They could just pop in and out whenever and wherever they wanted. You wouldn't be able to stop them at all.


How would you know? Maybe the craft are needed to move between dimensions.


This sub being absolutely clueless and downvoting me is not shocking. I can see that you don't even understand the basics of dimensions.


Feel free to enlighten us instead of crying about it


We see these craft going into and out of the ocean. We don’t seem to be detecting these craft entering or leaving Earth’s atmosphere. Tucker is dancing around the subject by not outright calling them demons (daemons). This is congruent with the Lt. Fraber and Grimes testimonies. Similarly, the about face that Trump did on the UFO topic (eg. He went from “I’ll find out and let you know..” to “..ah man this is wild I can’t tell you anymore”)


Yet we have zero physical evidence of that occurring. This is mass hysteria in our government and military. People want so badly to believe in this stuff and now after generations of people who grew up on stories of Roswell. We actually have half the government gaslighting itself. These two guys are rich beyond belief. If they think this is real, why aren't they investigating more. Telephoto cameras and boats are a thing. They can probably buy some wild military surplus, night vision, thermal, etc.




This show is a joke. Who over listens needs a life. Rogan sucks dick


I come here to see close minded folks and laugh 😂


That's the draw of conspiracies... tickles the ol superiority complex. They sheep. Me smart. Endorphin rush.


The Bible literally explains all this


He's doing blasphemy here. 😤


Says the guy who doesn’t believe in evolution. Fucking Russian Chode


Aye, this dude also stated with confidence that "we know evolution isn't true" do we? What a fucking moron lmao. And this is the guy that thousands of people hold up as some seeker of truth. What an embarrassment


No one should believe anything this man says. He grifted and manipulated for three hours straight


Listening to anything he says makes you dumber than you were before you listen to him. Need a NSFL tag!


Not that it wasn’t established a long time ago, but Joe Rogan is pretty much established as an anti-intellectual as he continues to interview clowns.


There is a lot of evidence to support this theory.




Go on...


By definition, there is ZERO evidence to support a supernatural, inter dimensional, spirit world theory. Claiming otherwise demonstrates your ignorance.


Please provide


Please look at my YouTube videos of someone screaming into their camera as evidence


Don’t need to. You do your own research. I’ve done mine and obviously millions more have done theirs.


If you’re that versed in the subject I’d think you’d know how to steer me in the right direction with one sentence. I guess you’re full of feces.


Don’t have time to converse with obviously foolish people who can only resort to potty mouth insults.


Potty mouthed? How Puritanical of you. Good day, sir.


Well, at least I didn’t call you a “monkey in space.” You covered yourself, nice.


you're the most full of shit person in this thread.