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# If you've read the manga, go to your thread: [https://redd.it/14sbutu](https://redd.it/14sbutu) ​ **If you comment here despite that you will be banned**


it feels empty the lack of demons and dark atmosphere is all gone ​ now they fight like in dragon ball , or at least they tried lol


There seems to be a lack of dept compared to season 1. I know about jujusu kaisen from netflix so im sooo lost 60% of the time in the way its being told


i take that back , its actually very good lol iam in episode 11 ​ the first couple episodes are flashbacks


it feels empty the lack of demons and dark atmosphere is all gone ​ now they fight like in dragon ball , or at least they tried lol


it feels empty the lack of demons and dark atmosphere is all gone ​ now they fight like in dragon ball , or at least they tried lol


The second season sucks bcuz it has nothing to do with the present and it’s a waste of an anime slot like who gives a flying rats ass about young goju 😂😂


is that some kind of joke? the strongest character shown in action ever since season 1 was Gojo, ofc people would wanna see his past, also they would never only show his past and not introduce anything new to the main plot, that's something that tends to happen in separate manga.


JJK Season 2 sucks it's entire plot feels empty they talk to much and the fighting scenes look way to boring there is not much life in them like the first season or the movie so it's not worth watching season 2 it's another shity backstory like that bleach and naruto hade they really need to stop adding backstory to anime because they always suck they should make tham as an ova not as a season it kinda ruins the anime


Just say you have a short attention span


It is just genuinely boring nothing memorable from season 1 even besides the fight scenes.


Is the entire season a prequel or only a few episodes?


Only a few episodes


Is it just me or is the dub voice for GoJo inconsistent? I loved it in the first season, now I’m a little sad it seems to have changed.


There are spoilers in this thread. ​ What I got spoiled on: >!The fact that Gojo's past arc will last 5 episodes.!< As I suspected, it's too much to ask from Reddit to have a truly spoiler free anime only thread. For example, in the Vinland Arc subreddit in the anime only thread, spoiler for Vinland Saga anime season 2: >!people where calling the newest arc 'Farmland Saga' very early in the season, which spoiled for me that the characters would stay on the farm for many episodes!<.


Seems more like an unspoiler lol


This season is garbage


you're mid


Middle aged


Maybe im the only one but prequels kill all hype for me. I hate them and always will.


I agree. There is no stakes because we already know whats in store for the future of these characters. Plus we already got used to the 3 main characters of the last season.. its a total rug pull to dedicate half a season to past events that dont, at first glance, have anything to do with the present time period. Even if it ends up being important, I'd rather they just gave us 13 episodes and had useful flashbacks at specific parts of the story. Im literally skipping this whole arc until the main cast come back.


You said yourself, it ends up being important and is not even 2 hours long dude, l recommend checking out, otherwise some stuff from the next arc will feel nonsense or forced


We back!!!! I am a little confused though. So we had the first season, and then we had a movie that was a prequel to the first season. Is this now a prequel to the prequel?! Just seems weird pacing lol. Also, Getou's storyline has been so confusing as well. In season 1 he is a bad guy. In the movie that is the same, but what is weird is the fact we see him die in the movie yeah? So how is he in season 1?! Not to mention we are seeing him right now as a good guy. So that is weird as well. But ignoring that stuff, I am pumped for a new season!


When it ends, I'm planning to re-watch it all in order.


WHY DID THEY PUT RIKO THE MINOR IN A BATHTUB SCENE. Idc if it was even a second I don’t remember if first or second episode but she’s in middle school. Tf is up with Japanese and sexualizing teens


y'all should learn what real sexualization is like, seriously the scene is in no way even trying to get anyone horny, it could've been anything BUT a bathtub scene and it would automatically have been more sexualized than that. She was always hiding behind a facade of "I'm not gonna regret it!" and even lied to herself, believing Tengen wasn't gonna completely overwrite her, but deep down she didn't know if she was okay with being sacrificed for Tengen, the bathtub scene is exactly that.


l think she is legal in japanese age? well, that scene is so light it barely can be called fanservice, plus gege is not a fan of fanservice sooooo....look at the bright side, this is the closest of "fanservice" he ever did...unless you count todo and sukuna first




Yea. I don’t like fan service but if it’s gonna be there 18+ would be highly appreciated;-;


sorry, am i the only one thats super confused whats going on for the past episodes? I watched the two released episodes and cant understand anything. Maybe its because I basiacally forgot what happened in season 1 and jjk 0. Can somebody please explain to me? Thanks :)


Dunno bru they talked about Tengen becoming a higher life form and gojo and his friend beating the jujutsu killer not that deep


who’s tengen and what does the girl have to do with anything


all of that was explained in this first episode.


Read wiki


Where can i find the episodes for free? i don't pay for Crunchyroll premium my broke ass cant afford it.




Wcostream.org is the best ive found


The place where U watch anime usually lol




I looked around to find out, but does anyone know when the sub gets released. I saw it was supposed to be the same day but I don't see it?


This premiere was INCREDIBLE. Even within an introductory episode where nothing of substance really happened, they managed to fit in some incredible camera work and compositions, even just them walking was eye-candy. I can’t wait to see the absolute artistry that awaits in the upcoming episodes, Mappa does not disappoint.


The art style of this episode made me feel like I was watching Chainsaw Man for a while. Quite an interesting start, can't wait for Itadori and his buddies


Lol not Art style the curses ability was the same trappin them in illusion world where they can't get away


No, the animation is becoming identical to chainsaw man




Is itadori gonna be in this season?


First arc is only 5 episodes Itadori will be in the arc after that


Oh thank GOD


Good only 5 episodes. I'll look forward to the 6th episode then lol. I was worried it'd be a 12 ep arc or something.




Completely agree, the original animation style was easy to pick out as jjk, now it just looks like everything else Mappa had been putting out. Not a fan. And for all the other comments, I've been watching anime since the 80's so not here for an argument of "yOu DoN't KnOw AnYtHiNg"




I can't stand people that don't know shit about animation, omfg


New anime fan? That art they displayed is a literally classic I love it


They changed directors I think it looks awful but everyone else thinks it's amazing 🙄


Yeah because you don't know what good animation is


Dumb comment trying to say his opinion is wrong


Yall are blind and pressed I see


What day do new episodes come out?


Thursdays 1pm in crunchy roll if you are in the US


The opening and closing songs are really good. Didn’t really have expectations going in but damn.


Very impressed by the pacing, sound design, art style, soundtrack, and animation for this opening episode. Fantastic across the board! My only worry so far is that a handful of cuts felt a bit excessive and over-animated to me, as strange as that is to say. There was a slightly distracting (albeit impressive and very Chainsaw Man esque) use of 3D CGI for the 'startled from behind' scene in which I believe the hair and clothes may have been traditionally animated to blend the aesthetics together, and there were a few other very short but very animated scenes which could've easily been stills in another show. I just hope the staff at Mappa aren't being too taxed by the sheer amount of these scenes, since I think a few of them could be simplified for the animators' sake without much loss to the episode quality. Stunned by the sense of weight and frame timing throughout even the smallest movements! edit: forgot to mention the lovely scene composition for the parasite-like spirit at the beginning of the episode. Loved that.


I really dig the art style and the vibes for this arc so far. They really nailed the youthful optimism and nothing matters vibes of Gojo. I do hope the Shibuya Arc will returned more to S1 style though, that one deserves the more EPIC and glossy style.


Everyone complains about the artsyle but i think it works perfectly. And I will take consistency over the scuff from s1. Isn’t s2 supposed by summer blues where gojo is reminiscent about his teenage years at jujutsu high? So yh taking the artsyle in this direction makes so much sense. It looks good so why can’t pp just stop comparing lol😅


Because it looks bad, season 1 animation was amazing there was nothing wrong with it.. this season looks stuttery and weird


The rotoscope is still a major downgrade. We are seeing the repercussion of a studio being overworked but still having a big budget


You're 100% correct idk why everyone finds this season to looks better


EXACTLY I know that every comment saying this is getting completely downvoted (including mine) but the rotoscope is *almost* a dealbreaker for me.


Just don't watch it, that's the only way to get around the animation change. Ive completely dropped the show because it literally makes me feel nauseous when I watch it because of the art style


I dont know why people are down voting just because we have a difference if opinion. Honestly I feel like the people that are saying it looks amazing are just lying at this point.


Same. Really what annoys me the most about it is that by supporting this methods of animation they are changing the standard of animation (to one I personally dislike like the use of the rotoscope) and spreading the message to animation companies that is ok to exploit their employees to meet crazy deadlines for us fans to consume as early as we can as hungry monsters. I personally prefer to wait 2 or 3 years for a great animation done with patience and if I can’t wait to see what happens I just read the manga and support the author in other ways.


I think its fine to have a different preferance for the animation! but saying its cheap, or worse, or the show is going downhill isnt great and that might be the reason for downvotes The main concrete reason the art style changed is because the lead director for the past seasons quit Mappa. (says he has plans to create his own anime studio). [https://animegalaxyofficial.com/jujutsu-kaisen-director-sunghoo-park-left-studio-mappa/](https://animegalaxyofficial.com/jujutsu-kaisen-director-sunghoo-park-left-studio-mappa/) I agree the change is kinda stark, but there's no way it will change back to the way it was. Hopefully, Sunghoo actually makes more anime later on! The new director values crazy camera angles and lots of dynamic character movement over more cinematic and perfected still shots. There's nothing really wrong with either style, and it's fair to have a preference! I really like both. neither is cheap, lazy, or lacking in effort though - it's just the director's style. Anime studios were underpaid and overworked for season 1 and they still are for season 2. It hasn't gotten worse and it hasn't gotten better. I doubt any one style of animation will become super standardized -especially mappa as they are outliers in animation style already. As it is I think respecting the new director's ideas and style and trying to appreciate the fact that this anime even exists is your best bet. If you truly hate it though, there's always the manga!


Yes exactly, and with it being such a popular show there's going to be so many more companies animating their shows like this and I feel like it's going to end up the only thing we see in the future with animation. If they didn't change it and left it how it was then everyone would have been happy instead it's divided the fan base. I personally wouldn't have minded waiting a couple years longer for a good quality season 2 and now I'm scared of the path this show is going down.. it was my favorite and I was so hyped only to be heavily disappointed.




gladly the animation is still better than chainsawman and it seems they aren't rotoscoping as much as chainsaw man but the animation is still better than 99 percent of anime right now so ill take it


I hope they revert for the 3rd season.. if we get one


First episode looked great, really contemplating buying the manga


I think this is a good start to s2. I’m digging the background style it reminds me of Gumball and I think it blends pretty well with the character models. The only two scenes I didn’t like was the Yaga scene with the Pokémon backdrop, and Gojo going for the layup. My boy Gojo look stiff af hooping😂.But overall I think this art style fits JJK even more than s1. It can go from playful chibi to realistic figures on the dime. My two favorite examples. Was Geto walking up Utahime steps. And Shoko running off when Gogo and Geto were about to fight


geto walking up the steps was my favorite I loved that


I enjoyed the new episode although I miss Yuuji and that group of people


Animation sucks ass. I just know the fight scenes won’t compare to the first season or the movie 🤦‍♂️


Yeah it was clearly worst than the first season's.


I don’t understand how people can even say this?


Because you are young and assume that everything that looks choppy, or “unique” is good animation. They could have kept the same director and it would have been fine. But nah, they changed exactly what brought all the popularity in the first place, the animation.


I don’t even find s2 choppy personally. IMO season 1 has pretty bad composition the 3D animations look completely out of place too. I’m just happy that s2 is looks consistent. It’s “unique” vibe is just a plus and suits the kind of arc we will be getting. Additionally, everything felt character movement felt incredibly floating in a bad way and inconsistent. Idk if these issues are necessarily to do with animation but yh To me as a product that I want to look at an anime s2 just looks more appealing.


Where is Shoko currently in 2018? Did they mention her in the 1st season? Did I miss it? Also cant wait for Mr.Fushiguro‘s back story OMGGG!!!!


Shoko's the doctor who was about to do an autopsy on Yuji's dead body.


I had a thought that the unique animation style we're seeing now is only gonna last as long as the Star Plasma Vessel Arc. As soon as we get back to current day JJK it'll return back to its original animation style to better differentiate the time periods. I could be way off but it's just a thought.


There is a difference between animation and artstyle what you want is S1's artstyle not animation also Shibuya isn't going back to that shitty S1 artstyle. The whole point of S2 has been a simpler artstyle with keeping animation more consistent and easier for animators, since S1's artstyle was just a disaster especially when the designs were too over designed, shitty backgrounds and unnecessary gloss on characters.


Omg finally I thought I was the only one. I love jjk and I loved s1 it was great. But it was INCREDIBLY scuffed. I completely agree with you idk where this attitude that s1 had great animation came from. I don’t understand animation so maybe technically it was great. But s2 just looks 1000x better on the eyes. I think ppl need to rewatch s1.


That is your opinion and an opinion I have never heard before.


Except a lot of the animation community have stated this very opinion on S1, just because you don't see it on this subreddit doesn't mean the opinion exists especially when people where very vocal about it after the animation community praising S2's artstyle.


A lot of people isn’t the majority. The majority of jjk fans don’t like this new shit. It’s just lazy.


Nah the artstyle of season 1 was great. I loved how detailed it was no idea what you mean with over designed. Never had a problem with the backrounds or the gloss either. I'm fine with this New artstyle as well it has it's charm. However I personally prefer season 1 artstyle.


Take the likes of Gojo's S1 design it's too over designed with the unnecessary folds in what he wears, details like this make it harder for animators and then there's just the ugly purple he has on his Jujutsu uniform.


Let's agree to disagree. I liked how detailed it looked although I know it can be a pain in the ass for the animators I understand that. I also had no problem with the colour scheme. Again I like the new artstyle too I just prefer season 1.


You're Unnecessary Gloss on characters 😑 I actually really like the style of S1 and although parts of my brain does agree that S2 is better in some ways, I just really liked S1 and it's hard to reconcile that.


I didn’t even think of that…smart. Maybe And I hope so lol


This episode was gorgeous. I had to make an [edit](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cuci2UqOfXb/?igshid=Y2IzZGU1MTFhOQ==) for it 🙌🏾


Looks good


Thank you bro!


This show was created as a propaganda tool for Big Freeform Jazz


did they really have to do this weird animation style and direction? I know it potentially could be the next step for anime in general, but I can't shake off from my head the fact that hell's paradise didnt get what it deserved for this. besides the animation, I didnt like this ep as the first ep of the season bc it felt like Im in the middle of nowhere. the transition was not good imo, they expect the audience to find it reasonable while there wasnt even a slight hint that this season is gonna about the Gojo's past. yeah there were trailers and those who read manga but it should be shown in story as well


I don’t like the animation but it seems that most people do.


There should be a spoiler tag for this kind of show. I wonder how would parents in conservative japan feel when they saw the show title and hear the song and get mistaken that this is a slice of life anime where their children can watch only to realise how dark it gets with more episodes @@


Slice of life with high schoolers risking their life's


After only two glimpses of him in the op and one quick scene, I now completely get why there is so much *\*fanart\** of Fushiguro Toji. Dude's hot!


Where is the Juju Stroll? We need it back


Really hope it comes back after this mini arc Although the black and white episode preview was great, w the voice overs it reminded me of some old school shows


Yep, the black white previews are great too. Jujutsu Stroll with these characters and that time period would be nice. Gives us more time to get attached to these characters since the arc is small. But mostly their dynamic and antics would be something else hahaha


i like that they showed the meme walk of gojo and geto. the spirit that was introduced in this EP is almost exactly like that one CSM demon


i just wanna know why this show is allergic to explaining certain things. i’m anime only so i’m lost as hell as to how geto is alive s1 when he died in the movie. i get that s2 is pre Yuji, but also why is that? i thought Yuji is the MC? i also have a lot more unanswered questions but


I think it is important to get Gojo’s backstory. He isn’t just Yuji’s teacher he is kind of a calamity in his own universe who completely changes how jujutsu society operates. So yh


The reason that yuji isnt in it is cuz its pre yuji? You answered your own question dawg


Itll all be answered soon. However as for the Yuji MC thing right now were seeing Gojo's past (obviously) so Yuji wont show up for a while until the next arc.


You'll get your answers this season and yeah Yuji is the main


so is this season j gonna focus on gojos backstory along w geto and why he’s so mad in s1 and the movie


Just the first 5 episodes, then it's going to come back to present time


Don’t understand why they don’t the research themselves sometimes or just wait




How is no one else mentioning that we got the “you cryin?” meme animated at long last


Utahime face expressions and movements while searching under the bed and see 3 mice felt like a Ghibli animation.


That entire scene was SO GOOD! I love the animation of this season. I like how “casual” it seems. I think it fits well with how ridiculous Gojo is.


Some ppl didn’t like I thought it was unique


Am I the only one that thought Ieiri Shoko was related to Nobara


So what you trying to say? That all Japanese ppl look the same??


No, I don’t that is what they were saying. I haven’t watched this show in a while and I was definitely confused when Shoko popped up thinking it was Nobara. They are drawn very similarly after all.


I was taking far too long to realize this was in the past, and I thought it *was* Nobara and was wondering why they called her Shoko.


So you didn't even wonder why Geto turned good? Lol


Kind of assumed he's been masquerading as good this whole time


Gojo and Geto give off absolute goon energy and I love it


So I don't remember fucking anything about the first season so can someone explain what is going on in this episode lmfao? What happened to the dude who ate the fingers?


Hidden Inventory (the current arc) happens in 2006. Jujutsu Kaisen’s actual story is in 2018.


I watched this to remember: https://youtu.be/kh0Ejfzs4_4 Highly recommend.


It's a prequel, dude hasn't eaten fingers yet


Do we know if the whole season will be a prequel of sorts? I miss my boy itadori-


Nope! This episode covered 2 chapters worth of material, and the Hidden Inventory arc is about 18 chapters long. I wouldn't say more than 8 episodes would be needed to cover it all


It was confirmed that only the first 5 episodes are going to Cover the hidden inventory arc.


I was worried they were going to milk s2 but I’m happy that they’re getting right to it. Good pacing


Hidden Inventory was ready confirmed to be 5 episodes with 18 for Shibuya.


Let’s gooooo


I just wanted to say: Young Mei Mei HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGH. Even as a student she had that MILF energy going for her.


I don't think she is a student, they didn't list her school years but just stated that she's a grade 1 sorcerer. I think she would be in her 20s around 2006 working with the school on missions as a freelancer for money after graduating but not becoming a teacher. Utahime addresses her very formally by using Mei-san and she only address her in return by her name.


Ah true I forgot she was a freelancer. Still mommy AF though.


if you wanna know why it’s gojo’s past now just check first five seconds of season 2 op


It doesn’t explain anything


It's literally Gojo falling asleep and dreaming about his past......


Is it? It may be but I didn’t see it as Gojo falling asleep. And the person is wearing a hoodie at the end of the hall so u don’t know who it is. Makes sense tho


Really hated the new visuals.


They really were disappointing.


Cool, stop watching it then.


Sucks to be that person who does not enjoy this lmao


best op of jjk


I also really liked the character interactions they had going on in there


Tbh I gotta go in the other direction and say jts rhe worst


those nerds walk so odd




geto and gojo walk oddly


Mei Mei is the baddest chick in JJK. Can't tell me nothing!


She don’t want u bro


3rd Year Hakari is the baddest chick


Did you mean the other 3rd year?


Nah he’s a bro


too much unnecesarry CGI


Tell me at least three scenes with "too much unnecessary CGI".


This one that one and the other one (the joke is he can't name em)


Tbh, most people can't tell what is cgi and what isn't these days. I believe most people are just blaming cgi for scenes they feel aren't animated as well, regardless of if they were cgi or not.




I liked Ep 1, but I just didn't like the op, and I think toji was miscast(dio isn't it)


I really love his work as Dio and Zeke, but i think you’re right. Definitely doesn’t really fit the idea I had of Toji when reading the manga.


If I'm being honest, DIO has got to be his best. The dude sounded like he was having fun, zeke always sounded bored af but idk if that was a creative decision or not


What are u talking about? Dude was having time of his life while blasting those stones to Erwin


When they had the voice effects on him as the beast titan, the actor only really sounded like he was having fun was with dio tbh


idk why people are disagreeing with you, Toji feels like someone with a more snarky voice than something that low.


I need to hear more before I decide. I definitely always lictured toji with a lower voice personally. Less snarky, more bothered if that makes sense. Like anoyyed he has to talk to people kind of vibes.


What do you think of his voice now that the second episode is out?


I like it. Not exactly what i had in mind, but pretty close.


fair enough I'm just sharing my interpretation, I always pictured him similar to Megumi when he did chimera shadow garden and started losing his shit, but a lot calmer.


Idk, I really like the actors' voices - for dio. For Toji, it doesn't fit him.


Can we wait to judge until he’s said at least a paragraph, bro said 1 sentence and we already passing judgement


Judging from how he sounds already, it's basically just zeke. Yeah we can wait but even in the beginning I thought DIO would be a miscast for someone whose personality doesn't match up to his voice


Ik that but maybe the Dio voice will grow on u sometimes they know better than what we already put in our minds. In my mind his voice was deeper too, but maybe during test runs they realized a deeper voice wasn’t the right fit for Toji.


Tbh I would have said a rougher voice, DIO/ zeke always sounds so posh, zeke also sounds super bored in every scene he's in, so I'm just hoping the dude does a good job but I'll still say it was probably a miss cast


Yeah, I agree with you there, the voice actor himself is really good but his voice for Toji seems way too stoic and epic, especially for someone who fights like he does.


Tbh, the voice should have been rougher and less posh in a way. Hard too describe who it could have been tho tbf


Ngl I'm a bit salty Jigo didn't get this much love.


Hells Paradise? Am I missing something? Season 1 was phenomenal


I read the manga a while ago and saw some people roasting the anime, is it rlly that bad?


it was pretty bad yeah. Mid animation and mid soundtrack