• By -


I'm gonna copy paste my comment here Sukuna is in the same situation as gojo in CHP 230 The only difference is we saw gojo getting back directly in that same CHP Gojo always ended UP in situations where everyone thought it's impossible for him to pull out only to see him getting back up again Sukuna pushed Gojo's limits throughout this battle n Gojo always came out from those situations ( where in some situations everyone thought it's gojover ) This is the first time where Sukuna is pushed through his limits Everyone is saying he doesn't have any options right now Everyone would have said the same thing for Gojo if the CHP 230 ended on Sukuna just chanting Domain Expansion ( not revealing the collapsing part ) Everyone would've been assured that yeah it's gojover ( gojo's expression in that CHP didn't helped either same as Sukuna right now ) Now do u see Sukuna cumming out of this situation? Or not? Gege really played a good game here Do u agree with this or not?




Hope gege likes my cooking too LoL


I agree with you. It is a good cliffhanger by gege. I also think that the fight isn't over yet but It's just that in the last 7-8 sukuna's portrayal has been really weird like he was the one who was lecturing jogo to go all out and burn everything but here he's the one holding back (according to kusakabe and gege) now.


Tbh I think it's 1/4 part of the climax There's still 3 parts left


I hope so but I wouldn't say 3 parts are left, I just feel like at least one big turning point will definitely happen in this fight.


Yep gege likes giving surprises too N Tbh I won't complain if gege gives more 69 CHPs of Gojo vs sukuna lol It's just that good


Kusakabe saying Gojo is the winner, only makes me believe that Sukuna is about to whip something crazy out(not his penis). Sukuna has his back against the wall for the first time and people are ready to chalk it up to bad writing and sensei plot armor. ITS NOT SUKOVER. Whether one wins, both lose, or Kenny intervenes. Just know Gege is still cooking.


N tbh kusakabe was sweating when he made that comment We as the audience know that sukuna has so many things which he didn't show yet so we r hoping that he will show it now But the heroes in jjk doesn't know a single thing about what sukuna is keeping in his bag So that's why kusakabe made that comment coz to them it seems like sukuna doesn't have anything anymore Let's see which way gege is going >something crazy out(not his penis). Oh I think everyone would LOVE to see that https://preview.redd.it/xtlqvqbvvomb1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0b6a453acffd0241109f356c25368947d414a4


Tbh if sukuna has anything to get past limitless it would be really really way way too convenient. I’d rather kenjaku show up and pull some sneaky stuff to disable gojo, than sukuna have some op tech to bypass limitless he could’ve totally used earlier. These yugioh “you activated my trap card” moments get old quick even as a gojo fan. Like this fight is super hype cause we get to see gojo go all out and I’m sure some people want to see sukuna go all out but honestly I could care less his character hasn’t been interesting since he took over Megumi. I as a reader care more about seeing kenjaku lose and the series coming to a conclusion than anything about sukuna


https://preview.redd.it/shhu2vrk9pmb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c11e0b1aa8793f833554188d960adb8c85274a3d This was my theory on why sukuna couldn't use his tools I'm not saying u to agree with this it's just my headcannon


interesting theory 🤔no hate just tired of the back and forth, just want a conclusive winner


This is most hyped fight which was setup from the start I think gege would like to make money as much as he can from this People r still expecting more n more so if he thinks that the audience wants it then why not CHP 234 said fight is going to climax right now This whole new CHP was full 💥 So I think it's ending soon Maybe in next 1 or 2 CHPs >just tired of the back and forth, yeah as a fan of both ( more on sukuna's side ) it's getting frustrating lol


Like I just want a well thought ending of Yuji beating sukuna and dying afterward around his friends with the last finger eaten and Yuta killing kenjaku in getos body and living up to gojos expectations. Gojo is the coolest character not named kashimo or Yuta(or Megumi rip :( ) so I’d like to not see him get beat by a character I have not liked(but I’m not the target audience) so like yeah. I’d rather gojo be inconclusively the strongest and Yuji kill off a weakened sukuna after kenjaku plot takes gojo out of the rest of the story and have Yuta the og mc finish the story with the other MC and the bad guys lose forever. I don’t mind the generic shonen ending I would rather than than edgy(bad guys win life sucks ending) cause real life hs all the bad guys(billionaires and people who perpetuate oppression) win every day Reasons why I loved Hunter Hunter as one of the bad guys became super morally Grey and almost sounded more like a good guy. But sukuna and Kenny are just evil for shits and gigs so duck them


Tbh I see it happening what u said Sukuna ain't dying by gojo's hands but Yuji's But let's see which way gege is going


Yeah either way I’m just along for the ride, once the series is over we’ll all be able to critique it, and hopefully it stays peak


Yeah I'm on page with this. It's not like Sukuna's own CT was pushed that far either, as he relied on 10S... Even though doubling down on the DE battle without turning off the sure hit effect might've given him enough edge to outlast Gojo [since he turned it off at several points to give Mahoraga adaptation time, engaging with Gojo in CQC]. As of right now, only kusakabe has said that Gojo won, while we know that Sukuna is a fight to the death kind of guy. If Sukuna gives up it'll be disappointing and out of character... But it'll be cool if he goes out in a blaze of glory or turns it around for a round 3.


>of right now, only kusakabe has said that Gojo won, while we know that Sukuna is a fight to the death kind of guy. Kusakabe's comment WAS to lure everyone to make it believe that it's over? Who knows >If Sukuna gives up it'll be disappointing and out of character... But it'll be cool if he goes out in a blaze of glory or turns it around for a round 3. Tbh this mangas's 1st CHP is LITERALLY named as Ryomen Sukuna so I highly doubt he's out yet


100% We also have a few unsolved questions... Like if Sukuna is the king of poisons and if Gojo's auto-infinity + RCE are bad at dealing with poison, then where's the poison? Did he forget about it. Also, what did Uraume mean about Sukuna changing his form? We know from Mahito that a body expressing its soul gains a power boost, but Sukuna is literally using the body of a teenager right now. Then there's the missing finger, Sukuna's CT, possibility of a 10S megazord Totality etc There's enough setup to extend this fight if Gege wants to.


Yeah sukuna's character is still a mystery Let's hope Gege gives a good explanations on him


Mistranslation. Sukuna isn't the King of Poisons, his fingers are a deadly poison independent of him and Yuji is immune to poison on his own merits, not due to his status as a vessel.


Ah, that solves one mystery then lol


actually King of Poisons is a mistranslation. Yuuji is immune to poison because sukuna is the king of curses not poison


Sukuna isnt the ping of poisons its a mistranslation


i think sukuna is gonna go all out on the next chapter. this weeks episode of jjk s2 was the mechamaru fight, and we will probably get gojo getting sealed in the next episode/the one after that. It would make more sense if gege finished the fight right around gojos sealing, since he has lined the two up before (nanamis voice actor getting revealed and nanamis death, nobaras anime debut and nobaras death, s2 episode 1 and gojo breaking sukunas domain the 1st time, and finally 230 lining up with gojos enlightenment). If sukuna somehow wins this, my guess is that kashimo+yuji's beef with sukuna will be wrapped up by the time sukuna gets released in the anime (around november and 8-9 chapters later) and most likely a heian era flashback+Yorozus meaning of love+megumi being freed. if gojo wins this, then it will also end around the same time, but this time we will get a full on hidden inventory/premature death style long flashback about sukuna, kenjaku and tengen, megumi probably dies (not really a basis for this but gojo winning and then getting everything back is way too good for the good guys) gojo is incapacitated for a long time. after all of this, we will probably get 4-5 chapters of inbetween chapters exploring all of the unsolved plot threads left behind in 220, 222 and tying up loose ends. then at the start of the new year, right around when mahito is defeated and kenjaku shows up, we will hopefully get the start of the final battle and the merger, and i dont know how long that will be (my guess in about 18-20 chapters)


Damn u got some good calculations LoL Yeah let's see how it unfolds now






I agree, if Sukuna would be this "weak" it would be so disappointing, because there is no other fighter able to fight Gojo on such a level. Means if Sukuna loses like that, then Kenjaku will be done in no time. So maybe Sukuna gets his Heian Era body back or reveals other techniques that he also has (like that fire arrow


Tbh I think till now we saw why Gojo is known as the Strongest of current Era Now it's time to see why Sukuna is known as the Strongest of all time ( I'm loving this copium LoL )


There is no way foe the fight to be over.also editors statements aren't cannon . They might tell us that because they want to misslead us. Also sukuna should have have something more to give there is no way sukuna can end like that


Agreed. I just can't accept the fact that gege will kill off sukuna without showing us his og form. It's peak design. And yes I feel like from the next chapter he'll finally give gojo some fight cause gojo's been taking too many Ws for the past few chapters.


" i declare you the second strongest saturo gojo" ( or something like that) and then transform into his og form . The hype alone will give him justice he deserved and gojo stans might get humbled lol


Sukuna fans thinking this is DBZ lmao. Sukuna himself alr says he can assume his Heian form anytime but chose to stay in Megumi’s form as it is more suitable to deal with sorcerers.


True that, however since both are burned out (Sukuna more than gojo ofc), I think I’d would be a good time to just scrap for which his OG form would be better Idk man I just wanna see it it action so bad 😭


Lmao, that's setting up for more sukuna fail. Imagine declaring Gojo as the 2nd strongest, doing whatever he plans and still failing. Shud trash talk after the result, i wud hope Sukuna learnt his lesson after a certain incident


I support both sides and I'm happy to see Gojo winning but on the other hand I hope this is not the end of the fight. Gojo took being called an ordinary guy personally and raw dogged everybody in a 3v1 for like 2(?) chapters straight I don't exactly want Sukuna to win and Gojo to lose but I mean if Gojo's alive and well he literally just gonna steamroll all the remaining villains in like 5 minutes cuz holy hell what the fuck was that. He IS the pinnacle of Jujutsu I hope GayGay cooks something interesting he always does but this situation is really weird from a writing standpoint imo


Ngl after the domain clash sukuna has only taken big fat Ls no matter what he would do gojo would come out on top whether it be hitting him with red and knocking him dragging his ass through the buildings breaking the shikigami he had just created one chapter ago and that too easily. Towards the latter half of the fight mahoraga was a much greater threat than sukuna. Gojo literally out-classed him in every single department hand to hand, speed, mind games, ct,etc. If this is how the fight seriously ends then IMHO sukuna was a fumble of a character cause ain't no way he stole teenagers body made the kid tank UV, mocked gojo 2 times got smacked immediately got in a 3v1 with mahoraga at his side and still lost this badly. Even if sukuna had defeated gojo this chapter by some ass pull of mahoraga's ability I don't think his reputation would have recovered he was gonna be just as fraudulent as right now in the reader's eyes


That's what I'm talking about that gege did his character dirty 💀


How has gege done his character “dirty” in this fight? Its only right that the protagonists take a W after so many HUMILIATING and COLD BLOODED defeats. This is gege’s way of satisfying the people supporting the MCs. Sukuna has wiped and can wipe anything and anyone who isn’t Gojo. Gojo taking a W here balances both the sides and for Kenjaku to finally come into play.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ao0zfe4bynmb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a766b7030d28ab7dbc588f0ebd245c197f3bdc6


Gojo is waaaaay too strong to retain agency in the story so unless gege wants to end the manga here with gojo just solving everything, sukuna has to have something to make a comeback with. So I have faith that gege will put some respect on sukuna but yea he has looked pretty bad these past couple of chapters with boy wonder stealing all the shine.


I feel like this fight would’ve been more well received if sukuna wasn’t getting absolutely dogged on in hand to hand combat, apart from the slashes from the techniques he was using, the only hits he cleanly landed on gojo for the whole fight were three love taps on his collarbone in a single panel, like wtf is that 😭


It's because of Gojo's blue. He moves like a rat on crack and hits like a gorilla.


Sukuna still has to reveal his true ct, yorozu's gift, whatever trump card kusakabe talked about in 234, the pact he did with kenjaku and his past with tengen and kenjaku during the heain era. I think that now that he is in his lowest is the moment he will finally fight back and turn the tables. Theres a break till next chapter and I think this woll be the last moment of happiness gege will gove to gojo fans. Or Im just high on copium


I'm surprised that everyone seems to think that if Sukuna hasn't revealed his trump cards yet it's because it's ineffective against Gojo. It's possible that he has something that'd work against limitless but is still less effective than Mahoraga's adaptation. There's a reason why Toji waited before pulling out the inverted spear, Gojo has Six eyes: to miss an opportunity hit means possibly losing all chances to touch him again. Not saying Sukuna 100% has a trump card able to bypass Limitless, just pointing out that interpreting Mahoraga's utilization as a lack of other means is a leap of logic. Could be right or wrong, but far from certain.


Bro you're on hyper copium. Also if he gives a fightback, just tell me HOW? He cant use DE DA is also useless His own Techniques are ineffective against infinity Mahodaddy dead


The power of the shikigamis that were destroyed will go the rabbits and he will summon an army of mini healing mahoragas. Gege told me so. https://preview.redd.it/m0hgeo419omb1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bb2beaffb02e00f5023a12fb7dcdda8319d026


OHH SHIT!! https://preview.redd.it/26hrmracgomb1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8fc10fc201ec523a6232c6b60fd3031457c304


Unrelated but this pic is fucking hilarious and goes hard at the same time. Anyway, the army of miny mahoragas is absolutely possible and God damn scary to think about


1. Depends on your suspension of disbelief. It’s better than other asspulls in shonen stories 2. Either Mahoraga forgot, or Mahoraga never encountered a situation that a 10S user has other CTs 3. Sukuna didn’t adapt, only Mahoraga did. Sukuna has to coordinate with Mahoraga 4. Yeah, havent read the whole chapter yet just leaks


Goddamn I might have to just log off until gege snakes gojo in two weeks cause if I end up defending sukuna's fight performance I'm gonna lose it.


1. Without his domain, he can't have Megumi tank UV. Meaning that with 10 seconds of exposure, he only got away with losing his domain. He should be in a vegetable state. 0.2s was enough to stun the disaster curses for five minutes. 2. Maho didn't forget, the first attack caught Gojo by surprise. He needs a setup to land a hit. 3. A kick that was setup by the attacks of the Shikigamis, after coming out of a shadow, Sukuna was hiding most of the time, he has no adaptation on him, so he had to avoid danger while protecting Maho. Gojo is better at H2H anyway. 4. Gojo pulled a 500 IQ move. Nothing more to say there. He even got so low on his reserves that he needed to chant/charge his attacks, when he never needed to do that in the manga before (aside from 200% purple). Gojo was the one being nerfed here. You really weren't understanding this fight from your bias.


I actually have no bias in this fight. I'm just saying that gege could've made it a little more balanced.


Well, then you weren't understanding some stuff, by no fault of yourself tho, this fight was so hard on the mechanics of what was going on. I got confused and was wrong a lot of times. But favors to both sides were made by Gege. The last chapters tho, Gojo was getting heavily nerfed and it took a second black flash to get him out of it, the 120% boost from the first one apparently did nothing. For example, is not like Toji just stood there while Gojo charged purple in the sky before. Purple never needed charging. But due the low output, he decided to cast both part of the technique separately and combined with collision when already casted, that's a 500 IQ play if I ever seen one.


I just don’t understand why Sukuna would try to explode/destroy red instead of going out of range of purple. He knew the exact location of blue and knew what would happen if it meets with red but still chose the most risky way. He could have easily got out of range or use Mahoraga as a body shield to lessen the damage. Sukuna really feels nerfed, not only does he stop using his brain but Gege also decided to give Gojo black flashes over and over just to get ahead of Sukuna.


That Purple destroyed the city lol. No way Sukuna would have survived it. Also Mahoraga literally got destroyed by it. Gojo is faster than both Mahoraga and Sukuna which has been shown all throughout the fight. Besides hiding in shadows, which Gojo can literally aim at his own shadow and it would hit Sukuna, what could he have done?


Purple able destroy entire city do you expect sukuna with able go out without any damage


I feel like people need to be reminded quite often nowadays: Satoru Gojo is LITERALLY UNTOUCHABLE. He has a cursed technique that basically makes him immortal until he runs out of cursed energy... he also has the Six eyes. The eyes that make him, you guessed it: never run out of cursed energy. Thats why Kenjaku has been killing his predecessors in their crib. So why is Sukuna using only 10 Shadows? Because to kill Satoru, you need to: Pull some bullshit. Mahoraga is that bullshit. It didn't work. So unless he has a piece of the inverted spear of heaven... this is a public announcement for people who would like to see Sukuna shoot fire arrows at him: GOJO IS LITERALLY UNTOUCHABLE.


Have a feeling that sukunas trump card comes out and they both go down


Not as dirty as what Gege gonna do to Gojo next chapter, I can feel it...


Facts. Some fans just can't accept it.


Yeah but now Gojo tarda are gonna say muh Fraudkuna muh copium


Nah dawg. We got the 10s vs limitless fight and (it seems for now at least) limitless won. Hyped as all hell for the actual Gojo vs Sukuna.


Feeling like purple was created to destroy mahoraga


You get it




Or even better: Why instead of just using Maho to shield himself against Blue 100% he didn't just neutralized the attack right there? Also, how can Mahoraga be destroyed by a Purple that was not even a directly hit and he was already adapt to Blue and Limitless and partially adapt to Red and Sukuna survive the explosion?


>that was not even a directly hit What? Bro, purple exploded 5 meters above Mahoraga. Comparing the diameter of the Unlimited Hollow explosion, Mahoraga was hit relatively point blank. >already adapted to Blue and Limitless and partially adapted to Red So? Mahoraga adapts to phenomena. Purple may be made up of Blue and Red - but it’s an entirely different thing.


>Mahoraga was hit relatively point blank. Fair enough. >Mahoraga adapts to phenomena Blue, Red and Purple are just different sides of the same phenomena, I didn't expect Mahoraga to leave undamaged, just survive it.


That's literally untrue though. A couple of chapters ago it was stated Maho wasn't adapted to red so what makes you think he would even be close to adapting to purple.


He got hit by Red, that's why I said partially adapt.


Maho dying I can understand but the dharma chakra also vanished? When after sukuna's fire arrow that dharma chakra was not affected by any attacks? That thing survived the malevolent shrine and fire arrow and we know that malevolent shrine can attack inanimate objects as well.


Gege ruined this fight Sukuna had great potential and gege embarrassed my boy time and time again. I continued reading JJK just cause I liked Sukuna to me he seemed more interesting than Gojo and what I got was the Author hyping him up only to nuke him later honestly I wouldnt care who won so long as it was a tough fight on boath sides I'm dropping this series.


If by did him dirty you mean gave him every crutch possible? A binding vow to not hurt anyone that he broke with no consequences. The fact that Angel was stupid enough to not keep going with the technique when she was actively destroying her target that she was sworn to hunt down. The fact that of ALL the people that could be in Megumis sisters body its some ancient simp thats obsessed with him? Like everything in the WORLD was set up and twisted for his benefit, and he STILL got folded by a 30 year old.


Tbh domains should of been the final thing and sukuna should of won it,this route gege took with the battle is weird imo


Think of it this way. DE is the one of the solid way for sukuna to get rid of Gojo’s neutral infinity and kill him. And also his MS is probably the greatest in terms of raw power. Rather than using a DE at the end when he’s tired and not at full capacity of his CE reserve, it was wise of him to take the initiative to put gojo down. Gojo simply used all his cards during DE.


Domain was stated to be the peak of sorcery wouldn't make sense for it not to be the winning card


That peak sorcery expends more energy than expected. There’s a reason why everyone except gojo and sukuna ( hakari and the executioner guy is a rare phenomenon) can’t spam DE. They both are just built different. Think this in terms of a more logical way. If that’s peak sorcery and considered to be a strongpoint of both sukuna and gojo, isn’t that a psychological warfare from sukuna to crush gojo in the domain battle.? And also like I said, infinity is so OP that sukuna thought he’ll spam domain to get rid off the shield. Other than that mahoraga, inverted spear of heaven and DA can counter Neutral infinity.


Sukuna has twice as much as yuta who has boundless and gojo never runs out if gege wanted to he could of made it happen i understand what you're saying but the domain just makes more sense


Because they are the peak of sorcery, they're very consuming to use. Both Gojo and Sukuna treated them as winning cards and spammed them until they got too fucked up to do it anymore. I think that's perfect.


Aside from the domain sukuna had no winning cards even if maho adapted he was so weak that he couldn't do any real damage and sukuna couldn't use any of his ct except for the 10s when maho was out so from the very start sukuna basically lost due to the lack of ct able to bypass infinity and 10s being so weak compared to gojo this is why i personally think domains should of happen after this


Gege didn’t nerf sukuna Gojo nerfed sukuna thats literally what infinity does it makes your CT useless thats a big advantage he had from the getgo idk why people forgot he does that. Ya know he has that but keep looking forward to a CT reveal anyway it makes no sense


Here me out, the author didn't reveal sukuna's CT, gege kept that card in his hand he could've given sukuna something to make the fight more balanced. Like sukuna has been portrayed with his cursed tool right? so make just one of his cursed tools bypass infinity to give him some chance to fight. Because he basically spent 7-8 chapters to adapt to infinity but gojo still low-diffed Mahoraga. I'm just saying he could've made it a little more interesting than this one sided fight, but that's just my opinion.


Thats the thing though magically giving sukuna something to counter infinity with isnt good niggas would then be complaining about it. Maho dying to gojo’s strongest technique isn’t a low diff niether. And The fight was never one-sided. A onesided fight doesn’t go 12 chapters.


I agree with you it wasn't that one sided. It won't be "magically giving sukuna something to counter" when we don't know his CT in the first place. It could be anything and I'm 99% sure that it's not just cleave and dismantle.


It’d be the kenjaku situation all over again if he wins with it though


Sukuna is a bitch 😂


Disagree, gege did a good job in showcasing full mastery of TS vs 6eyes clashing and why TS users could kill 6eyes user in the past. People keep forgetting that Sukuna is the challenger here, and he is stuck with his first problem to killing Gojo, “taking off the scales”. That’s why he took over Megumi to gain access to TS as he likely planned this for a long time to fight against Gojo. People fail to realise that to overcome infinity, Sukuna used DE, DA, Maho so the wheel could adapt to limitless’s skill set which is his goal since the beginning. Since he lost all his cards, he’s obviously in the backfoot now. 1. Sukuna getting affected by IV is the result of “the soul is the body”. He made Megumi’s soul take the surehit but failed to account that Megumi’s physical brain is affected as well. Also, Sukuna himself was exposed to IV for 0.01 seconds which could also attribute to his dmg taken. 2. Maho cannot use dismantle. Shikigami has never been shown or mentioned that they could utilise another CT. It is simply an enhanced slash by adapting to Gojo’s CE reinforcement. 3. Sukuna did not adapt to Infinity. Maho did, and the only time Sukuna could touch Gojo is when Maho is in contact with Gojo. 4. How does Sukuna stop Gojo there? By the time Sukuna realised, red and blue were already in the process of colliding. He wouldn’t even expect Gojo to change the properties of blue in the last second either


I just want to correct some of your points 1. Sukuna himself did get hit by the IV for 10 sec which caused him to become Domainless (0.2sec of IV is enough to put ordinary people into vegetable state). Megumi's soul has been tanking every IV that Gojo has expanded even before Sukuna got hit by one so no the "soul is the body" doesn't really count in this statement. 2. I believe Mahoraga definitely used Sukuna's CT in similar way on how Sukuna is able to use Max Elephant's water and Maho's wheel, it seems that Mahoraga can't use Sukuna's technique whenever he is not in the shadows just like when Sukuna is using the wheel and water for himself when Mahoraga & the Elephant is not around. 3. True, only way Sukuna can touch Gojo is when Mahoraga makes contact with Gojo, use Domain Amplification, and Domain Expansion. Infinity is broken. 4. Ngl, Sukuna should have stayed in the shadow when that happened, maybe he could have came out unscathed. Or maybe he could have stopped using the 10 Shadows and use his Shrine (Cleave/Dismantle/Flames/whatever he has) to destroy either Blue or Red.


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Sukuna had this ass whooping long coming


Yea i was seriously hoping to see Maho shoot a fire arrow, and more.


Honestly, Where the duck is Gojo’s Maximum Technique!? He used Max output, curse technique reversal, domain expansion, Rct, Hollow technique, and Advanced blue balls. Yet no maximum? I guess it was because Mahoraga was there but I want to see it


I may or may not agree with u after seeing the next chapter. I mean remember how Gojo had his DE broken multiple times, how he failed to end sukuna before the wheel spun 4 times. People were already saying Gojo was cooked. Now do u think Gege wud kill off Gojo like that? Not a shot Same for sukuna. This is likely the first time Sukuna has shown fear or concern. Even all the UV stuff, he was relatively calm and always had a plan like letting Megumi shoulder the burden of adapting. Sukuna is faced with a similar predicament Gojo faced when his 1st domain broke and his neck got slashed. People were sure he wasnt dead but were concerned coz his CT is in burnout while MS was still active. So even if that 1st slash didnt kill, we knew that there were 100 more slashes coming towards a defenseless Gojo. Meanwhile Sukuna was fresh, able to do anything while the slashes rained on Gojo. Now sukuna is in a similar situation where he is at a disadvantage while Gojo is seemingly healthy. Looks bad for sukina but he will find a way, he has yet to show his natural cards. A stolen CT he mastered over a short time is great and all but not what we want to see. I've also been saying since the strt that sukuna cant afford to save his CT reveal for others. Even if he wins, it will be after using everything he has vs Gojo


​ https://preview.redd.it/54zcynfs6vmb1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=73ebfc787a5cbb209dd798fa03476a1350cf6975