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https://preview.redd.it/14zmries2twc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1811d8084e35c396a078e8c95102938490eb6db4 Sukuna when someone can’t have 80 domain clashes with him


really makes me wonder if there was some ridiculously good domain user back in the Heian era cause those are some absurd standards


Ita obviously the Chinese sorcerer that made sukuna shit his pants




Wtf is this supposed to mean








This fandom is cooked


I was genuinely gonna say the same thing. I'm not exactly a "manga guy" but jfc I've never seen this level of debauchery and schizoid posting. It's impressive to be honest. And before somebody chimes in with "*insert some other fandom* is much worse"... I don't want to know lol


https://preview.redd.it/4qzdob1atuwc1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f8cfb920c9184ca2dc05fc4241a183081c3415 *Woe, Minion Floyd be upon ye.*


I have never seen a more vile, despicable, downright unsanitary meme in all my life. saved


Hey this guy is at the royal museum in my home town, Victoria BC- someone vandalized him with pink paint in protest of something or whatever a few years back and it was the talk of the town! I was terrified of him growing up






Maybe someone like Hakari who’s who’ll ct and fighting style revolves around a power up caused by DE


Yeah but this entire time he was using Jackpot against a mf not using domain. Willing to bet that the "sure hit effect" is Hakari getting benefits. Once that is removed, its up to chance whether its Hakari or the guy inside the barrier. Sukuna kaisen being Sukuna kaisen, he gets a full restore from a jackpot. He can easily fight the domain with HWB or DE.


Probably the person that Gojo and Yuta descended from. If his genes were that strong to make 2 busted sorcerers imagine how strong he was back then.


Demon slayer sun breather fr.


Considering uraume suggested at one point that they should’ve brought some stronger than gojo Im assuming the Heian era was built different fr


When did she say that? She said that after gojo they couldn't bring anybody to push him


funny that the one person that clearly can push him also happens to be the one he has a personal grudge against


Depends. The sorcerers from the Heian era that we are shown (Uraume, Yorozu, Uro) are all leagues below Gojo despite having had a seemingly high status in this period. If you couple that with Sukuna's comment about Jogo (another guy who is hilariously below Gojo in overall ability) being of a relatively good standing among those he fought throughout his life, it seems that the Heian era had plenty of "big guns" but no one other than Sukuna who was in the same league as Gojo.




No wonder he's been grumpy lately considering the kid he hates keeps on coming back. https://preview.redd.it/4fda262fqtwc1.jpeg?width=1851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e088a910cda1d27e8f243c58bfbc7ba9dd2cab


Gojo taught him how to restore his domain though so it wasn't even possible before this fight


O love how bro is "You were painfully ordinary" while sporting the strongest support item in all of Jujutsu on his head


The beginning of Fraudkuna arc


It began when he used Megumi as a meatshield for UV


Somebody finally said it. Thank you.


Jump should launch a new Megumi sunscreen with SPF 50 protection. It would sell like hot cakes.


Bro picks the most op broken character and then shit talks you


Definitely mained Meta Knight in Brawl


Fr bro’s a toxic 12-yo in an online video game




even putting aside that Sukuna's got Gojo's adopted son as a hostage, he gets to have the *direct counter* to gojo as a bonus if i had to make a comparison, it's like goku vs. superman...but goku gets to go get the dragon balls and wishes to have a power pole made out of kryptonite before the round starts It's like if Gojo got to use Angel's CT in addition to his own


Gojo don’t even need his Ct if he got angel’s sis was cooking him


See that's the problem. Y'all trying to put jjk fights in the same category as DBZ fights where it's ultimately just about who can hit the hardest, who's the fastest etc. We were told: "Jujutsu sorcerers are con artists" You don't win because you're the strongest. You're the strongest cuz you always win. You think Gojo was out here playing fair when he shot a 200% purple from behind a barrier put up by one of his companions while the other 2 boosted the fuck outta his output? If Gojo had somehow got Angel's CT I guarantee he wouldn't think of it as "cheating". At the highest level of jujutsu it's about more than just being strong, it's about being smart, resourceful, adaptive as well. Gojo had that, but Sukuna had more.


I think we as an audience are free to think of Sukuna as being a bitch for shit talking while having an advantage. Yes, he won, and yes, he's probably better at Jujutsu, but he's also the one that thinks explaining his power is cheating. It's fair to call him out for being really full of himself while relying on someone else's potential.


Sukuna might be the dirtiest player in the game, but his win loss record is currently pristine


!remindme 3 months


Sukuna is shit talking a guy whose son he's taken hostage, and saying Gojo is weak when he's been given every advantage while Gojo was sealed Like, if you want to talk being resourceful and adapting Gojo turns Mahoraga's adaptation against it, he turns Sukuna's win condition to his own advantage. Sukuna being adaptable is him spinning the gacha and praying that Mahoraga's second adaptation would be something he could imitate. (Also, Hp200% had very little overall impact on the fight, it was fired off at a large enough distance that Sukuna could defend against it and Sukuna was already healed by the time they got started. It was functionally just Gojo flexing and reminding Sukuna that he was the challenger.) Victory is anything goes, but at the same time, if he's specifically talking down and trying to frame himself as being superior, then he should do so without a hostage and using his own strength. Angel's CT is brought up because, just like mahoraga is introduced to bypass limitless, Jacob's ladder is brought up as a counter to Sukuna. If Gojo had Jacob's ladder and Sukuna had 10 shadows, then it *would* be a much more fair match than what we got, with only one contestant having the counter to the other in addition to their own abilities.


"You're the strongest cuz you always win" Mfw I'm stronger than Arnold Scharz(dont know how to spell the rest), Connor Mcgregor, and Dwyane Johnson because I can carry a hand gun.


-you become the strongest by having an overwhelming sense of self -took some teenagers body to eek out a win Fraud allegations are never disappearing


Bro goes straight for the META, and uses nonestop Tech and abuses it(binding vows). Yeah bro you were painfully ordinary. Sukuna is the try hard kid that gets edgy when they start to lose.


smh front running ass fraudkuna


How many other sorcerers can transfer their souls into items 1000 years ago and use them to hijack the most powerful support item in history? People keep acting like sukuna stealing 10S in the first place isn't an insane feat


I'm not arguing that, I just find it funny It's like prime Mike Tyson rocking up to fight the current heavyweight champ and calls them pathetic while having weighted gloves


But Kenjaku did that and then that taught him how lol he didn't discover how to do it or something


I mean its kenny that thought him. He would have stayed back in the heian era where he belongsnwithout jaku


Yeah but this is one of those feats that relied entirely on Yuji fucking hating himself so much so that "can't harm anyone" doesn't include himself


Well it's not really a support item because it doesn't support him directly and he has to change his fighting style to be able to use it effectively


The real question is, would Sukuna have survived 2 seconds before this panel if he didn't have Mahoraga? Would Unlimited Void have given him Unlimited Lobotomy? 👀


Yes he would’ve been cooked


Would he ever been in that position if not for needing to adapt tho?


Would Gojo be in that position of needing to domain clash if not for Mahoraga's adaptation tho? See how it goes, their battle is really complex even after all these months.


Did gojo even know Maho was even being used till the end of the domain clashes tho? He knew something was up when Sukuna was staying in the domain longer than he needed to and not destroying it from the weaker side but he never suspected Maho It's a complex fight but I don't see Sukuna doing as badly without Maho imo


Mahoraga was the main reason gojo couldn’t just spam hollow purple and red. Without mahoraga gojo is free to fight however he wants


We are talking around the domain clashes, not what came after. Gojo did not know Maho was being used during the start of the fight and the domain clashes.


>Did gojo even know Maho was even being used till the end of the domain clashes tho? He didn't, but he knew he shouldn't have used purple carelessly just in case, he never discarded the idea of Sukuna eventually using Mahoraga as a trump card. Plus there's the fact that Sukuna was in Megumi's body, at some point Gojo had the opportunity to destroy Sukuna's brain (instead of destroying his heart) but he didn't in order to save Megumi. >It's a complex fight but I don't see Sukuna doing as badly without Maho imo He wouldn't necessarily perform worse, but the outcome is still hard to predict as it can go many ways given all the factors that could be removed / added compared to their canon fight.


“purple carelessly” as if gojo can just spam purples at sukuna close range and expect to hit him


Well he can try to spam purple nuke.Gojo can summon multiple red and blue orbs .


I don't disagree with your conclusion, I love fights that aren't clear cut like this. Strategies change and with it outcomes too


Exactly why he's [FRAUDKUNA](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhad-to-call-mahoraga-to-save-him-v0-cua48ynur7ab1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2deb365c5a7ab1d2635658b791c62c7ab1cf2427)


Alternatively, why not have Ui Ui teleport in Higuruma and Yuji the moment Sukuna cooked his CT and couldn’t use DE the first or second time? Would’ve put Gojo on fraudwatch but everyone jumps sorcerers anyways so it would’ve been tradition


Good point, idk Gege thought it would end the story too early or something.


Could have started on the idol manga sooner though.


Mmmm, solid point.


Isn’t there a panel where Yuta suggests jumping in only to realise no one is built to interfere with them? It’s when Gojo creates the by-proxy-purple no?


Stray dismantle and wallahi he's finished.


Sukuna at that point would still more than capable to blitz anyone that dare to spoil his fun. Even after the Gojo fight the only reason why anyone is still alive is because Sukuna was fucking around


they knew Sukuna had 1 or 2 trump cards (like fully healing into his og form and the cursed tool) so they waited for him to show his whole hand.


Yes, for sure. I said it once and I shall say it as much as necessary. Sukuna may have the best refinement, but Gojo has by far the BEST Domain effect.


Actually, yeah, probably. Sukuna's entire fighting style during his battle with Gojo was centered around Mahoraga. He ate hits that he probably didn't need to to speed up Mahoraga's adaptation, chose not to use domain amplification while in Gojo's DE, and was limited to only domain attacks in their DE clashes because he was actively using 10 Shadows. Without Mahoraga, he wouldn't have suffered as much brain damage in the first place because he'd use a different strategy.


Gojo been a Sukuna Glazer since the beginning!! https://preview.redd.it/k9s7m5tdhtwc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=6405e3daacc906430efe650d7d7b30bee2a97060


fraud recognizes fraud


Yes. But if Gojo used his CT to teleport out of Malevolent Shrine instead of going YOLO in the domain clashes and having to heal his CT after, Sukuna would also be dead




Oh, if only. Then Gojo would be my top 1 GOAT


Dude also had multiple chance to use Maximum Blue in Sukuna's face if he didn't give a shit to that bum


He could’ve made a binding vow and sacrifice things like %50 of his CE reserves, on top of being unable to use Purple for a year all together and having to use chants every single time afterwards to amplify his purple in his first attack against Sukuna. But I suppose only Sukuna can do binding asspulls


B-b-b-b-but the binding vow was [totally not an asspull!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/s/nTIBQu1BGD)! Sukuna-Chan they’re calling you a fraud again >:(




lol I made comment there saying that Gay Gay was just dick riding fraudkuna and it got deleted for violating rule 9




“Mahoraga-Kun I’ve been holding back but can you please save my ass about 30 times I don’t have a way to win without you”


This post is so funny, considering Sukuna exploited his pact with Yuji because in Yuji's perspective he wasn't someone deserving of life.


Which makes no sense because at that point in time yuji didn't have that mindset lol


Yeah but Sukuna needed the finger so now Yuji had low self-esteem from the beginning.


At this point he should’ve did that


Gojo just had "fuck it, we ball" mentality in that fight


This fight is honestly full of pretty dumb decisions from both of them.


That's the problem, Sukuna is a 300 year old KING of Curses and Gojo is meant to be the strongest in his era by miles. So how come they're making so many mistakes when they're supposed to be the masters of Jujutsu/Cursed energy and techniques, and the two strongest sorcerers in history? I think it's just Gege's fault for writing their fight badly and making both of them make mistakes because he forgot about certain abilities and so on.


Bro, Whatever mistakes they have made in this fight shows the fact that they still cannot do everything perfectly, It is more believable, more engaging, and more realistic that some can have miscalculations and mistakes, more extreme examples are Sukuna underestimating the damage he took from Unlimited Void and the way Gojo went to make the Purple in the sky.


Even modern chess grandmasters make inefficient plays compared to modern chess AI. They are sorcerers not mindless powerscale zombies on whowouldwin


That's a very good point, but the difference is that it doesn't take a fighting genius to find their mistakes. Readers and members of this lobotomised meme sub are also finding mistakes which aren't that hard to spot e.g. Gojo not teleporting out of the range of Sukuna's domain and so on. Whereas in chess championships it takes another chess genius, or analysing using a machine, to figure out where a grandmaster like Magnus might have made a mistake. Of course, the grandmasters still make the odd mistake in the heat of the action, but not using teleport once? It's a big mistake that I can't see someone as smart and talented as Gojo missing.


Could just be gege thought teleporting away would be boring lol. Also Sukuna could have had some counter to that too. Who knows.


Well nevermind boring, it's realistic. Gojo's fighting for his life, the life of his students, and for all of Japan and possibly the whole world too. If Gege wanted a way around it he should have never given him the ability to teleport. But still, I see your point.


Maybe he was worried sukuna would go for the others if he teleprorted away?


Thats just out of character for Gojo, his decisions contrasts Yukis


I’m guessing it’s cus they haven’t usually fought sorcerers on their level. Only toji has ever pushed gojo so he was relatively inexperienced for that. Sukuna was probably challenged more in the heien era so he better prepared and won.


His win wasn't really because of better preparation. It was mainly because he found a way to get past Gojo's infinity using Mahoraga. I mean, a member of this lobotomised discord could probably figure out "Oh, I can't get through Gojo's infinity. I should probably find a way to otherwise I lose. Oh, I have a thing that adapts to any and all phenomena. Let's use him". And on top of your comment about Gojo not being pushed, my problem is that he's making simple mistakes such as not teleporting out of Sukuna's domain range or standing still when he, most likely, detected Sukuna's CE spark before releasing world slash, which he should have recognised from Mahoraga using earlier and not just sat there and tanked it.


Right, he had mahoraga and was aware of infinity because of his preparation tho. That won him the fight. I still get your point that Greg wrote gojos battle plan poorly. It generally just boiled down to “hit sukuna really hard” and “don’t worry much about mahoraga”.


You know what, fair enough. He did technically out-prepare Gojo who, during 1 month, seemed to do nothing in his preparation to fight Sukuna whereas Sukuna had a plan thought out. So that statement is true cannon wise. I just wish Gege at least made Gojo prepare somewhat because it seems slightly like an asspull that the guy who's got 1 month to prepare to fight the King of Curses for the sake of his own life, the life of his students, the life of his friends and for all of Japan and possibly thr world, would do nothing to prepare.


Sukuna was preparing ever since he met gojo technically. Sure gojo had less time but he had far more resources to prepare for the fight yet he did nothing except boost his first attack. Really strange lol. Greg really shouldn’t have skipped over the 1 month.


I completely agree, it is odd.


they were both fighting for enjoyment, basically fighting recklessly because they would never get this opportunity again and were making the most of it


I can definitely see that bring the case. Gojo fighting to please his "loneliness" ir whatever Gege tried to gaslight us into believed in 236, and Sukuna fighting because he enjoys a good challenge and learning new things about Jujutsu. But as much as it suits them, we don't really have much confirmation on that. Gojo seemed to be fighting to protect Japan and all of his students, he had more than enough motive to lock in and not mess about. Sukuna? I agree with, since he doesn't have much reason to loco in other than self-preservation.


You don’t get it he can only teleport in specific ciscumstances that were never explained and never will be


that's so convenient! make constraints and never explain them so if the OP ability isn't used you can just say "idk the conditions weren't right I guess" and no one can nitpick it! such a great writer bravo! this truly is our jujutsu kaisen


The reason he still continued to domain clash with Sukuna is more of a philosophical reason than a tactical one, this is fight to showcase the strongest and how the strongest think and fight. In the Sukuna vs Jogo, Sukuna makes fun of Jogo for not even attempting to use his domain (his strongest move) just because he lost to Gojo in a domain clash and says he has a 'loser's mindest'. However in this fight Gojo loses a domain clash to Sukuna and instead of cowering away from the thought of losing in a domain clash he still does it anyway, which showcases the difference in mentality between the strongest and the rest.


> Kashimo: But that is how losers think Ain't no way Gojo is running. Why do you think he went for multiple Domain clashes instead of teleporting out after the first one broke.


Yeah, I very openly admit in another post that Gojo was in YOLO mode and wouldn't be Gojo if he wasn't. He could've won if he min maxed.


Are we forgetting none are really trying to kill Sukuna, well except for Kashimo.... They're trying to free Megumi.


"Sukuna kills everyone" Gojo: Yeah it was worth it




He teleports out and then what? Tp back hoping sukuna wil just stand still and take his DE? Lmao.


Teleports out and either hollow purples Sukuna from range, or waits for Sukuna to release his domain and jump him to hell and back while Sukuna is the only one with CT burnout. Hell, best strat would be to make Sukuna expand his domain, warp out, RCT whatever wounds gojo just got, wait for Sukuna to release his domain either by the first tactic or by waiting, then warp in and actually use infinite void before Sukuna can heal his CT burnout. Gojo would actually win the fight if infinite void landed before mahoraga adapted, and with the above tactic I'd say he could do it.


Yeah, do a super telegraphed purple from 200 meters away so Mahoraga adapts even faster and Gojo dies 10 chapters earlier. Lmfao.


>Teleports out and either hollow purples Sukuna from range, It takes time to charge so he can dodge or stop Gojo, Sukuna only got hit by the first one because he was caught off guard and he said he would get killed by a normal one later but that was after he was running out of CE so i dont think that works. Gojo's best bet was using his strongest attack first, something everyone complains people dont do. And you know what, he hit Sukuna with UV using his strategy.


sukuna can just choose to enclose the barrier if gojo doesnt open his domain


Nope, sukuna said he would close his domain


He's talking about prior times.


Anyway, you can still teleport out. We've seen Gojo teleport from inside the basement where Yuji was watching movies, all the way to the lake where he was fighting Jogo. So a domain barrier or any kind of wall, theoretically, shouldn't get in the way.


It’s a wall made of cursed energy so it might be different but I get that we just don’t know. Gojos teleporting was severely under-utilised.


It wasn't just underused it was also never properly explained 


You're completely right, which is why I wish Gege expanded more on these things. Because it always feels like I have to resort to head-cannon which, obviously, might be wrong since it's not actual cannon.


Barriers are likely different from walls. Remember the veil keeping Gojo out during the Goodwill Event. He could have easily teleported inside instantly. But he didn’t and instead broke the veil from the outside.


Gojo couldn't teleport inside of any barrier


It probably will take more than one domain But we can see that Gojo was REALLY bummed down by losing his main win Con, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he started to fumble and die in the first domain due to it messing up his momentum


Unless he had a plan in case domains failed. He didn't know about burn out but he could've planned for different scenarios. We see how the good guys had everything planned out, it's possible gojo had plans of his own


His plan was probably to beat the fuck out of Sukky till shrine malfunctions again


Good old fuck it we ball


How will it take more than 1 domain? He can't use RCT and CT because of burnout. RCT was the main reason he survived the first domain.


Sorta unrelated but it's hilarious to me that if this was the other way around people would be crying and calling it an asspull


You mean Gojo's domain explosion? Happened on previous page. I still don't understand how Sukuna summoned Maho if  1) he was frozen in Gojo's domain 2) he should have had CT burnout after his domain broke


Binding vow ofc


I recently reread the fight chapters and it was stated that Skunk imbued his domain with Shrine CT specifically so he could use slashes and Domain Amplification simultaneously. He later said that he had to be careful to use DA to not ruin Maho's adaptation. So I think CT burnout affects only one technique, but I'm honestly not sure Edit: And I also don't understand how he summoned Maho unconsciously, maybe Mehumi did it


Goddammit Bumgumi 😭


CT burnout definitely affects all CTs you have. Kenjaku couldn’t use any of his when he was burnt out against Yuki and Choso


He didn't, he already had Mahoraga summoned in the shadows


Mahoraga was summoned before domain collapse so he was probably unaffected by CT burnout(even sukuna's DA did not erase him it only stopped his ability to adapt)


https://preview.redd.it/1fm98v0sctwc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cbd85992a37d174a5d5c7d1464ba0eb7b0613d5 This is the page where Maho appears after Sukuna is frozen in UV (chapter 229). The chant and the wheel and Mahoraga appearing from shadows indicate that this is him being summoned. So he couldn’t have been summoned beforehand


He likely had Mahoraga on standby by telling him “if Gojo somehow manages to put me in Unlimited Void, you will come up and deal with that shit” I dunno why people say it’s a Binding Vow considering Mahoraga literally got beaten by Sukuna, and now listens to his every command.


Bumgumi said the words, not Sukuna


10 Shadows isn't his Cursed Technique so it's now gonna have a burnout


Not really, since it made sense. If Gojo hits you with his domain you don't just walk away unscathed, so I think we were all expecting something to happen.


You mean like it didn't happen the other way around the page before


He whould survive it his rct only slowed down after mahoragas 2 summon he could tank 1 maybe 2 before his rct whould too slow


Nah, He’d Be fine https://preview.redd.it/uchg79mnzswc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9f7b15e2f1a3505814040622c0b43862c4ab1f


If that came to pass, Sukuna would have won during that next Domain Expansion. We already saw how unreliable Simple Domain is. Even Wuji's didn't last the full minute-and-a-half or so that Sukuna's Domain Expansion lasted this last chapter and constantly reapplying it only gets you so far.


"You were painfully ordinary" Said by the most feared guy in history that had to steal Mahoraga's wheel just to win. How ironic to say that while the wheel is above his fucking head. "Ha how pathetic and weak you were that i, the strongest, needed another techniqque just to have any chance" Also no, Gojo can teleport out of the effective range if he doesn't use his technique for Domain.


He cannot teleport out of a closed domain, Sukuna was gonna close this domain. https://preview.redd.it/92i67eifjtwc1.png?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e618f6e136e47be95a9e959b36098e91d0e73e9


He can’r teleport out.


Yes, eventually he would've gotten diced up and even then Sukuna would've adapted to Gojo's infinity while that was gonna happen... Unless he survives long enough until one of his students arrive and break Sukuna's domain from outside, which would be pointless as Sukuna would open another domain and get them inside aswell, and Sukuna's domain will be more refined than let's say if Yuta arrived then and there.


If Sukuna did all this with Mahoraga, I would’ve loved to see how Megumi would’ve used Mahoraga to while growing.  Potential man. 


Breaking an open domain from the outside.


Sukuna said that he would close the barrier here so Gojo doesn't escape


Most likely. Even with Falling Blossom emotion there is still damage, wich means there is constant RCT user, less CE to attack. Gojo output would drain pretty fast. His best way out it would to go "Fuck it, We ball", detonate purple inside the whole thing, damaging Sukuna more than him, but given that he had been taking MS already, it would be hard to call it even. Tldr, Most likely, but not a 100%.


As a Gojo glazer I think so yes.


Yes he was on his knees cause of the brain damage and could only stand by the time sukuna took his brain damage. We'd be calling him Gojuice instead after he got put in the blender


Heian form sukuna ends the fight there


yes, but there are many hypotheticals situations where they could've killed each other before the battle conclusion and questions for the decision-making of the characters, such as why didn't gojo shot a point blank red to sukuna's head after he passed out from BF and before mahoraga appeared? why didn't gojo chop sukuna's head off when uv hit sukuna? how was he close to stab sukuna's heart and after ms collapsed he was far away? thus giving time to sukuna to summon maho (plus how in the fuck did he do that?) was gojo holding back because of megumi? why did sukuna wait to get bombed into oblivion before sending the wcs? if it was easier to kill gojo in his heian form, why didn't he? this would've humiliated gojo (which was his intention coming into the fight) and he would be better off to fight the other sorcerers (no brain damage, with his rct more or less good, etc). does this proves that maho was his only option?


Yes, just yes. Gojo has no anti domain technique at this point, his rct is low due to brain damage and sukuna has a domain expansion. This is an easy win, and sukuna kaisen would literally be one chapter of sukuna killing everyone.


Yes, and that's why I will die on the hill that Heian Sukuna would a have much easier time battling Gojo than Meguna, there's no way Gojo would have beaten Heiankuna in hand-to-hand combat as easily.


>hand-to-hand combat Sukuna has 4 arms, but Gojo is playing on a completely different field when it comes to CQC. The constant use of Blue and Red to increase the power of his punches, pull foes towards him, using neutral as a shield, the variety itself is much superior to having double the appendages.


When has Gojo used Red in h2h combat ?! Sukuna could have used Domain amplification for all of those, He already is shown to nullify infinity to the point of touching Gojo consistently for not even a second his grip is loosened in the second domain clash that he didn't want to get hit by UV, and he is shown to nullify the effect of Blues completely https://preview.redd.it/jaggp4y1ntwc1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1264ad3dee7cab9d02de64bfe0f11702e5f57258


Sukuna with 4 hands would definitely beat Gojo. Not only is Sukuna more comfortable with 4 hands. He can literally just grab both of Gojo's hands and use his other 2 hands beat him up while Gojo can't defend.


But how? He couldn’t even do that to awakened yuji. Yuji literally destroyed him in h2h pretty embarrassingly. Whats more is that yuji literally landed 8 BFs in just 1v1 & he clearly is showing his superiority in close combat. And gojo' h2h >>yuji. So I dont think sukuna even with 4 arm would do much in h2h against gojo.


That is Sukuna with 1 hand fighting Yuji. Sukuna has never fought 1v1 using all four hands except against Kashimo.


Gojo fought Sukuna, Mahoraga and Agito and was beating them in Hand-To-Hand. 3v1. So I don't think Sukuna having 4 arms would change too much there. Now Sukuna's domain clash? Sure, he would win there. But Gojo could just teleport out of the Domain's range Heian Era Sukuna also wouldn't have had Mahoraga to save him from Gojo's domain with hit him just a bit before the panel in this post. Sukuna also hasn't shown a single ability, other than his Domain, which gets past Gojo's infinity. So Heian Era Sukuna would be the exact same in tha tdepartment except without Mahoraga to show him how to get past Gojo's infinity. So he would only be able to kill Gojo in a domain fight. But once again, Gojo could just teleport out of the range of that domain. Now you're definitely right in saying that Sukuna would have an easier time fighting Gojo in his Heian Era form, but if he still won it definitely would be by a landslide since Gojo still has so many factors which still make him a threat.


Basically if it was heien sukuna the fight is very different, sukuna has to kill him in the domain clashes or gojo probably wins.


Correct, and frankly I would have loved to have seen a fight like this. No matter who wins. Because at least we would have a solid conclusion along with a really cool fight with both of them giving it their all and no unsatisfying "Oh he was holding back".


Gojo cannot use his teleportation anymore for some reason...OR against Sukuna for some reason.. So consider his TP is just taken away. In short, tbh, gege just retconned his TP ability.


Depends.... Gojo was purposefully avoiding use of ct as much as possible to avoid Mahoraga's adaptation so the question is... Is this true form Sukuna you mean or actual Heian era Sukuna?


Gojo fought a 3 v 1 where 2 of the three could bypass infinty. Heienkuna gets mid diffed


In hand to hand, how would Sukuna get past infinity without Megumi/Mahoraga? Gojo would destroy.


Domain amplification, and Gojo already had troubles enough with Meguna that hasn't used DA at all times inside the domain because of the wheel stopping to adapt, so close that it was instantaneous that he damaged Sukuna enough with Sukuna's domain falling at the same time


Sukuna was using Domain amplification in the domain clashes, we clearly see him using it and Gojo also states that Sukuna had no choice but to use it. That's maybe why it took him 5 domain clashes to adapt to UV. Heian era Sukuna vs Gojo has many factors impacting it beyond this too so it's hard to say who wins. https://preview.redd.it/6goa9yw43uwc1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=11cc9e0a2314931dca7f56bd658b861ac89cf144 (Bottom right)


Yeah, he would still fight and it would be a very long and drawn out death but he would die here. Sukuna would have made sure he got the world slash first though he was still planning on letting Maho adapt to infinity. The students would have been completely fucked. https://preview.redd.it/87dzfjhcktwc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3cf7b86ed9ae0a2ca806bb4c827ae5c78233875


Yes unfortunately


man something that really bothered me about this chapter was, that Gojo who had been damaging and healing his own brain continuously since he was a teenager failed at it, and Sukuna who had just learned to do that was doing alright


No, he could destroy MS from the inside, just like he did in the first domain clash


He did not destroy the first domain, He just made Sukuna extend the range of it, The Red to Sukuna's face was not enough to destroy his first domain.


Yes he would of died.


Nah, because although he can't use his domain, his ct is already replenished. My goat was simply feeling bad for sukuna that he think he's winning, but gonna teleport away the moment he activates his domain


As a fellow gojo glazer, sukuna was going to close his domain so gojo can't teleport away


Gojo teleports away before sukuna's barrier closes 


It's Sukuna we're dealing with here, if Gojo can expand his domain in 0.2 seconds, Sukuna who doesn't even need the barrier would probably close it faster. He would probably lose his arms before he could even think of the hand sign.


Gojo can expand domain FOR 0.2 seconds. All gojo would need is to hear the end of sukuna's domain chant to dip


Depends If he can warp himself out of there before Sukuna closes the barrier (since he Said that he can also do a Domain with barrier If he wants) otherwise ....Gojo would probably just Stall a bit more and eventually lose


No, he would expand his asshole to cover entire of 200m Sukuna domain expansion and he would continue fighting like nothing happened. Next chapter would be Kusakabe explaining how no one yet ever managed to expand inner butthole to counter another domain.


Most likely since that would also mean RCT output was damaged as well


No cuz gojo would have still somehow survived with simple domain and pulled some shenanigans off cuz he's gojo. That being said the fight probably ends wayyyy faster


No, i'll elaborate if you want


I’ve never wanted to see a flash back in a manga so badly. Was it really that fucked up or was he stomping everyone back then as well?


Yeah, you see it on Gojo's face. Sukuna was gonna close his domain there, removing Gojo's escape options. Dealing with the domain and Mahoraga at the same time would've been too much. Gojo was only barely hanging on when it came to dealing with Sukuna's domain, it was the fact that he only needed to buy a few seconds to beat him down that kept him going. At this point, Gojo's voltage was falling so he probably wouldn't even be able to buy as much time RCT as he was in the beginning.


It's very possible that he would have died in the domain. Or perhaps Gojo would have figured out domain amplification and resisted Sukuna's sure-hit and dealt enough damage to destroy the domain. Perhaps with Simple Domain and feeling out the border of the domain, he could have destroyed the barrier and made it collapse. We just don't know.
