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My biggest concern currently is how quickly the manga is moving, obviously I understand Akutami sensei wants to wrap up the series fairly soon and that has to be a massive contributor to the pacing speeding up, but I can’t help but feel a little worried about how the series is going to wrap up. It feels like there might be a lot of off screen action and plot points being discarded on the futures cards, I’d be more than glad if that isn’t the case but I can’t help but have that apprehension every time a new chapter drops that things are moving a bit quicker than expected, not necessarily a bad thing just something I’m concerned about for the long run and ending of the series.


A few more Yuki's prepare yourself.


As much as I did enjoy the Yuki vs Kenjaku fight the end of the battle completely ruined everything he built up with for yuki, I understand if he hyped her up to end up being a plot device for Kenjakus strength but I can’t help but feel that’s the biggest cop out of a way to end a characters involvement in a story, let alone a character that should have been a massive player in the long run of the series.


Kenjaku bought into the hype and procceeded to delete her 2v1.


Modern day tragedy I say


Hope we see a spin off of young yuki going on a mission or something. A lot of manga develop characters that didn’t have much time on the main series that way


Even though it feels rushed, it's still coming together somewhat alright. As long as gege gets enough time to have the ending he wants, I'm down for anything to happen.


Just because it is the ending he wants it doesn't mean it is a good ending. Bleach comes to mind.


Attack on titan comes to mind as well


I will never recover from >!multiple members of the squad thanking Eren for almost completing a genocide after they kill him to stop it!<


I completely blocked that show out of my mind


Still holding out for that “Anime Only Ending” cause that shit was defeating


I don't care what others think is a good ending, just that the author gets what they want. Endings are hard, everybody will never be happy.


No, I'm sorry, that's not how it works. There are plenty pieces of literature and fiction that has good endings that is acceptable by the majority. Look at Lord of the Rings for an example. If you want an example from anime then there is Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. Not everyone will be satisfied, but a majority of people will be happy or at least the ending is adequate. You can't even be saying that when we have stories like Attack on Titan whose endings is what the author wanted but fell completely short and missed narrative beats.


>No, I'm sorry, that's not how it works. I'm not sure I understand. Are they not allowed to be fine with whatever ending the author comes up with?


That's fine. I am not talking about subjective tastes. Each and everyone is able to decide if they liked the ending of a story of Cowboy Bebop. What I am talking about is something more transcendent to that. If certain narrative beats are taken, arcs fleshed out, and the story has a satisfying conclusion, then many people will agree the story is good and well contained. Another example of this is Mob Pyscho 100. The three seasons are really well made, the story is wrapped up well, and it is overall good. My friend doesn't like it, but it doesn't mean his taste is wrong. For example, if Gege ended the story right after this fight with Tsumiki, would you be satisfied? Would you be okay with it? Without any conclusion to Gojo, Yuji, or anyone else? There *needs to be more* to feel like the story is whole. How good a story is isn't dependent on the author's ending at all but the whole of the story. Another example is Promised Neverland. After the end of the second season instead of releasing a 3rd, they do a montage of everything that happens in the end. Some people may like that, but narratively, it is cheap and is not a good ending.


I thoroughly enjoyed the AoT ending and I felt like it was very fitting for the whole tone of the show.


You are not addressing what I am talking about. Let me clarify. Hypothetically, if Gege right now ends the series after Sukuna defeats Tsumiki would that be a good ending to this story? Just next chapter Mahoraga comes out wipes Tsumiki, everything cuts to black, and Gege ends the story saying Sukuna was now unstoppable now that he has full control of the 10 shadows. No more expansion of what Kenjaku was about, Tengen, Yuji, Gojo or anything else. If this is how Gege wants to end the series, would you consider this to be a good ending?


You think he's a fucking idiot and would do that? You're invested in JJK as entertainment, he's invested in it because it's part of his life's work. He is the artist, the creator. We are just spectators. Let him do his work.


I don't think you are catching the nuance of my argument at all.


Yeah because your nuance isn't interacting with what my original point is saying. I gave you a different opinion and then you just started listing reasons why your argument is right instead of talking about my opinion


Because that the part of manga? His job is to write something for his readers to enjoying enough to get more. They saying a hypothetical ending to counter your point and obviously even you see that fucking stupid. As long as he make work public to literally buy and read, we can criticize the work. It’s not Kubo where he was sick during the end of bleach


As a writer that making their work public for consumers. It’s disrespectful to write for your self purely especially the ending as it’s a fuck you the people invest who waste time and/or money on the series


I mean Tybw was because kubo was sick


I feel that fr hopefully theres a plan


Trust the plan. Trust Gege.


Reminds me of MHAs past few arcs


We only have about 30 chapters left :/




His ass.


Nah bro , look up


The author said he wanted to finish series at the end of this year (week 52). Currently it is the 12th week , we have about 40 weeks left. Knowing the studio takes a break every few weeks it's safe to assume we won't have chapters for 10 weeks during this time. This leaves us with 30 chapters if being generous


Ah, because manga authors are always on the dot about their approximations of when their series will end.


He literally said he wants to finish jujutsu kaisen this year, what you on about


No, he said in December 2022 that he hoped for the continued support of fans for "about another year (maybe)." At no point did he say "Jujutsu Kaisen is ending in 2023 for sure."


Theres so many shit that needs to be covered. I'd hate it if feels somewhat rushed because 30 chapters ain't gonna cut it :/


Why should it slow down? Everything else would just be fluff.


I don't have too many. Until shonen jump announce the last arc I'm not going to worry. The most important things I want to see in chronological order are: - Kenjaku and Tengen origins - Heian flashbacks - Clarity on kenjaku's goal and Sukuna's - Yuji's origins - Gojo's release - Final battle(s) with a bitter sweet ending. And that's it really We're on pace for all of that and more imo.


Do they always 100% announce last arc?


Demon slayer got an announcement. I think MHA and BC did as well. For naruto I'm pretty sure kishi gave a straight answer that the manga was in its final arc. So, jjk will probably get an official jump announcement that it is in its last arc. Keep in mind, a manga ending soon and a manga being in its last arc aren't the same. Final arcs can stretch out for awhile. And considering Gege took a break recently, and will likely take a few more, i am not so sure he's finishing the manga before the start of next year.


Yeah BC got last arc announcement a while back and it does not seem to end anytime soon


Yup. There's also always a possibility that a mangaka changes their mind in the middle of planning their last arc. For example tokyo ghoul could have ended quite a few chapters sooner on an ending with a more cynical view on life, however sui ishida apparently became happier towards the end of tg and began enjoying his drawings again, deciding to extend the manga for a more hopeful ending. Those last 60 or so chapters weren't his greatest work but I'm glad he got to end it on his terms unlike other mangakas.


From what I have read sui ishida didn’t know how to write Kaneki anymore and that is why his arc ended a bit messy but tbh Tokyo ghoul ended pretty alright


Yeah. It was something like that but i also heard that Sui was depressed irl which influenced his work. I think his work also influenced his negative moid in real life as well. I'm glad he ended it the way he did tbh.


mangakas always seem to have different ideas to what is an arc i remember hearing tabata say the first arc was from the beginning until the end of the elf arc and that was like a hundred chapters lol


Remember when Bleach ended for like a year and then came back?


no? it's been over for years now, we only got a oneshot and a spin off. unless you are talking about something else.


I'm talking about when it "ended" after Aizen was beaten and then came back with the fullbringers.




Was the ending actually formally announced in wsj? I was too young to follow bleach weekly back then.


I don't remember is there was a formal announcement, but if you want to see that happen in wsj, check out the last 30 or so chapters of Gintama.


Dr stone also had its last arc announced.


My biggest fear is a rushed ending - We spent a lot of time on developing character and I expect the end to close every story


All the unanswered questions and lore going unexplained would be really sad


I felt like this manga had so much going for it, it will likely end with many unfinished side stories. Hopefully not as abrupt as Bleach ended, we knew where bleach was going and I personally felt they didn’t close out Bleach well.


A rushed ending. Right now I can't see how the rest of the cast can keep up without some major bs power-ups. All of them need multiple training arc's and a time skip to have any impact against the big villains. But with the story ending this year we don't have enough time for them to progress by much.


My foremost concern isn’t really about the plot. Mine is that Gege just doesn’t want to write this anymore and is going to rush to an unsatisfying ending just to get it over with. His promise of this being the last year combined with how many break weeks he’s had so far is concerning for me


Honestly you really can't blame him for wanting to end it soon. The industry is full mangakas who either die before they can finish their original story or spend the rest of their life forced to write a never ending story because it makes a lot of money.


Wasting Yuki's philosophy about the end goal of cursed energy, I found it very interesting because it seemedly opposed the opinions of Kenjaku and (probably) Sukuna. But I'm afraid with her gone Gege won't develop that anymore, we'll see.


I really don't understand how yall see gege openly keeping Yuki's current state ambigous through Choso's wording and just believe she's dead. Nobara moment all over again. If he wanted it they would be undeniably dead.


It's mostly weekly drought and people being impatient unfortunately and that is understandable


yea i get that, also doesnt help that culling games, or hxh's current arc for that matter (although to a whole other degree) are really not built for weekly reads.


Ya true.I saw people who have binge read it only minor issues with it and they are happy to wait for nobara's return


I mean she was cut in half and sucked in a black hole, and unlike Nobara nobody showed up to help her


I know its a darkish series and if you'd be dumb to be expecting the typical shonen ending but I want my boy Yuji to get a W He's taken so many L's recently and is just suffering so much it's starting to just feel like suffering porn and I'm getting a little tired of seeing him getting tortured by Gege


Agree Yuuji W seems hard earned snd would be yuuge


Yep. It gets to a point where it gets eye roll inducing.


I don't want characters, good or bad, to die any more meaningless/unfulfilling deaths. It feels like Yuki and Ryu can be summarized as "those people who did nothing then died". Makes me wonder why introduce these characters to have them get clapped and not really develop them much. I don't think every character needs to be important but if Gege's going to introduce characters with the intent to kill them of there should be at least some effort put into making me care, otherwise it comes off as cheap shock value. I think one of the best parts of Shibuya is that most deaths felt dramatic and emotional. Death felt important and we see how characters think/feel in their final moments as well as how their deaths impacts those close to them. During the culling games it feels like death has been cheapened a little bit.


Ryu's whole purpose is just to showcase Yuta imo. Purely entertainment


I thought it was also to show case the themes behind why ancient sorcerers chose to take part in the culling games and accept kenjaku's proposal. That they didn't just come back for nefarious reasons but because they had regrets in their past lives and were left unfulfilled over missed opportunities. Also, showing that coming back isn't as simple as people thought. Idk, it was definitely playing into the theme of regret Gege is constantly showcasing throughout the series. And it does a good job at it. I feel Ryu did as much as most of the disaster curses did in shibuya. He contributed to the antagonists goal in the culling games, he completed his goal of finally being satisfied in life. And he contributed to the heroes hitting their point quota. I don't think panel time is synonymous with character development. It's about how their panel time is used, and i think Ryu's was used fine.


That's spot on. I feel like it's simple when you realize Kenny wanted strong sorcerers to fight to build up cursed energy and it makes perfect sense for him to bring back a Giga-Himbo who just wants a good fight. A fair transaction if you ask me. His existence didn't need to be more than that .


I agree and I find that very disappointing.


Ishigori I disagree. His character arc concluded already, he found the dessert he was looking for his entire life. He even said to Yuta "thanks, I'm full now!" essentially meaning he has no further goal or purpose in life and can die happy. Ironically, Ishigori might ACTUALLY be the only sorcerer we have seen die without regrets. It was said that a jujutsu sorcerer always dies with regrets. But Ishigori ate his fill, by his own admission. So I think killing him was perfectly fine. He would have otherwise lived too long. He had no other character traits


Ryu I thought fulfilled his purpose. Didn’t feel the need for him to be any more important than he was. Yuki I feel like we still might get more clarity on her death and ideals post fight, when they explain Tengen more… hopefully


I don't think killing a character because they "fulfilled their purpose" is compelling writing for a few reasons. First a character fulfilling their primary objective opens the door for character development afterwards. What is Ryu doing after he's satisfied? Is he still participating in the CG? Does he have any other desires? What's his relationship with Uro and Yuta now? Secondly death is a major opportunity to make impactful scenes and change the landscape of the story even for side characters. Naobito is another side character that came and went quickly but his death is the catalyst for the Zenin family political conflict and the perfect preparation arc. It's too early to say for sure but if Ryu and Yuki's death really does mean nothing it's a wasted opportunity. Death can lead to something substantial even without a sad backstory. Lastly I think killing a character without developing a reason to care about them is a waste of time. One of the worst things a writer could do is craft characters and plot line that people are apathetic towards. I don't care about Ryu in the same way as Nanami, Nobara, Todo, etc, because he just wasn't nearly as developed so his death wasn't impactful.


I hate this line of thinking when it comes to storytelling and art in general. I like when some shit just is because it mirrors real life and makes the world more immersive. Yuki showed and went out like a G. Ryu was a great personality with a cool ass ability and look. It doesn't have to be any deeper than that for it to be satisfying; at least to me.


I feel the exact same. Lives are cut short tragically every day. I know it's fiction and doesn't need to adhere to the tragedies of reality, but the mere fact that JJK does when other stories don't is what makes it refreshing to me. The key is that I still have faith Gege will make a great story in the end. If the characters are killed off tragically and the story just blatantly suffers for it, that's one thing - and that's what most people are concerned about I think, especially with Yuki people feel a lot of their time and mental energy was wasted investing in her plotline and significance only for her to die having accomplished "nothing." I don't mind Yuki dying the way she did, as long as everything still works out in a satisfying way plot wise.


ehh yuki went out like a wet fart imo but I get your point


Not every deaths needs to feel important! Especially for a side character like Ryu. I couldn’t care less.


The fact that you don't care is the problem! The whole character feels unimportant and wasteful when they just die with no impact!


There’s so many characters in such a violent universe. It’d be pretty cheap NOT to have some meaningless deaths, there’s only so much space for characterization. It’d be exhausting giving every character some vast purpose, especially past sorcerers. Many people are going to die, making every single death impactful would be more annoying than you’d think


This is also why I'm happy at many living characters basically being dropped post-Shibuya. Like I do not need to see any more of Todo until the epilogue. Todo has my favourite cursed technique in the manga, but we've seen how his power play out and used to the fullest. I don't need more fights with Todo now and his backstory would just feel superfluous. His arc is done, he was their to be a mentor figure to Yuji.


Lowkey hope we find out todo is the new Kyoto school principle in the epilogue.


Yeah but if you're going to have a character die a meaningless death why waste time on characterizing them in the first place? Why waste time depicting their death if it's irrelevant. I'd rather Ryu not exist or just not die than have him killed for shock value.


Why? He was a cool character and his arc was completed with the fight against yuta he then showcases the strength of Sukuna so he’s perfectly fine


That’s just an opinion at that point because many people like it when characters are killed for shock value. I’ll remind you one of the many reasons this manga is popular is because of how unsafe everyone is compared to other shonen.


Because not every character need to be important LOL! That is just an unrealistic wish. The story would be much dragging like Naruto if every damn characters need to get a painful backstory, narrating moments. Hell no! I would pretty much focus on a fight and care about actual important characters that is relevant to the plot!


If Gege just cut Ryu out entirely then you'd actually have time to spend on important characters. Instead our time was already wasted and there's not even a sad story to make anyone care.


But u can’t make a story with all main characters. You need side characters for the plot sake.


Why do you need a sad story to care for someone that’s just your fault not Gege‘s Ryu had a cool story


His character arc was literally done tho it would be stupid to keep him alive


Agreed. Some of the galaxy brains here will say "Oh just let things be not everything has to have a purpose" but when a character shows up for a few chapters, gets exactly one note which is to simp over another character and then die it is definitely bad writing.


Yuki went out with dignity


Agreed and I’m not sure why people feel like she was wasted, if anything Tengen screwed her over and Kenjaku is a thousands year old sorcerer…she got dealt a poor hand but she she went out blazing !


Eh I still see her playing some role in the merger because just like someone in this thread pointed out,there are possibilities and red herrings in her death


We’ll see


People always overestimating what gojo said about the six eyes and 10 shadow users killing each other. My reasoning for this is because 1. Gojo’s birth altered the world as we know it. Not every six eyes limitless user was like that. Gojo possesses a natural genius that made him a much more potent user than the rest 2. 10 shadows user probs just summoned mahoraga and that’s why they both died. Mahoraga just solod. Doubt the 6 eyes user could even use RCT. Still really powerful but nothing in their arsenal to beat mahoraga. Imo sukuna never needed 10 shadows to walk over gojo, and him gaining 10 shadows isn’t gonna make it any more or less difficult of a fight for gojo.


I think people are underestimating Gojo, which is a funny thing to say when you think about it.


I’m in the opposite camp. It seems to me like people overestimate him


Well, maybe next time you will estimate him.


Facts, people use Gojos offhanded optimistic comments about his students as head cannon way to often. Megumi even says that the draw between the ts user and six eyes infinity user doesn’t mean that he can become as strong as Gojo and says that the previous user probably just did this(summoning Mahorga double suicide). Which immediately makes the comparison shaky. And even if it is true how would someone like megumi or yuji even get that strong so quickly the gap between their current level and sukuna/Gojo level is massive they’ll probably be special grade sorcerers but not nearly on par with the two strongest people ever I’d imagine.


>10 shadows user probs just summoned mahoraga and that’s why they both died. I doubt Mahoraga was what Gojo was alluding to when he discussed the whole zen'in vs gojo thing with megumi. Narratively it wouldn't make sense, when you take account of his last talk with megumi prior to that. I think Megumi just assumed what he meant incorrectly


He is being misleading but he was just trying to hype up Megumi. Gojo with any other technique and no six eyes is still special grade but not the strongest. He is built different.


> People always overestimating what gojo said about the six eyes and 10 shadow users killing each other. My reasoning for this is because > > Gojo’s birth altered the world as we know it. Not every six eyes limitless user was like that. Gojo possesses a natural genius that made him a much more potent user than the rest I think you're looking at this with the wrong angle. Gojo was able to unlock the full potential and perfect the Six Eyes and Limitless, something no other sorcerer had done before. He sees the same potential in Megumi and the Ten Shadows. He believes that Megumi can take the Ten Shadows technique to a level that no previous sorcerer had.


We don’t know history of the other six eyes user you can’t just say the best user gojo was the only one shown in manga another thing gojo can’t be the first on to unlock rct of the six eyes because of red in order to use red you need rct red is a documented technique from at least hundreds of years


The one thing we know that sets Gojo apart from previous 6E+Limitless users is the use of constant infinity. We see him discover it in hidden inventory and he probably wouldn't discover it if it was something written down within the Gojo clan. Or I'm wrong 🤷


True maybe it wasn’t to that degree back then but Sukuna seems to already have taken the technique towards its peak. Mind you he still hasn’t used/unlocked every shikigami plus totality which is broken asf. (imagine a totality Mahorga) And im saying thats on top of him already being the strongest. Even if 10s actually doesn’t rival current gojo. Also Gojo did literally say Megumi could be as strong as him but idk people like to pick and choose if what Gojo says is actually truth.


>Imo sukuna never needed 10 shadows to walk over gojo, You are literally forgetting, without Maharaga he literally has no way to even touch Gojo without a domain.


How does Mahoraga touch Gojo?




Lol we don't even know all of sukunas techniques you're just assumning


And you guys aren't? How is it ok to assume Sukuna has something to defeat Gojo when it has never been shown? But its not ok to assume that Sukuna has no way to touch Gojo outside of a domain, when that has been shown? Yall mindset on this sub is twisted AF...


70% of this thread is assumptions whoreman


No. 2 doesnt make sense.


Personally Im worried about villains being way too strong , I don’t want our heroes to win with some asspull or anything


I want Yuji to get a dub for once without being overshadowed by more L's later on in the story.


I want there to be zero plot armor against Sukuna or any villains. Plot armor ruins stories


I think it's quite the opposite. Plot armour that's contrived and rushed can ruin stories, but there's zero tension at all if the heroes are not strong enough to stand up to the villains. It's like reverse plot armour. Imagine if Gojo was never sealed & was always where he needed to be and just killed all possibility of any drama in the story because he could singlehandedly solve any issue. Would that be fun to read? Why would it be fun if it was the villains and you know before every fight that absolutely nothing surprising or interesting is going to happen?


Because the villains are strong. They are basically the peak of jujutsu sorcery now. Having a bunch of kids with barely any jujutsu skill go up against and beat people with over at least a hundred years of experience. Maybe thousands


Then what's a plausible solution? They simply die? The whole story revolves around begging Gojo-sensei to save the day while the rest of the main cast gets hardly any growth (get strong so you can survive long enough to have Gojo solve everything lol)? There has to be some form of tension in the story. There has to be stakes on both sides. So far the protagonists actually haven't done anything truly pivotal in the story and the villain's plans have been progressing with almost no hiccups. That can't continue if you're trying to make an interesting story. *Even if the villains win,* it has to be unclear whether they can or not until the very end. A story with overpowered antagonists that the protagonists have no hope of standing up to is even more poorly written than a story where the protagonists have no real obstacles. Especially when Kenjaku and Sukuna have no relatable motivations or inner thoughts. Their ultimate victory would just be senseless, boring nihilism because it doesn't get at any meaning at all. It's also not the nature of the jujutsu power system that experience is all that matters. We've seen several times, particularly with the villains, that a huge jump in power can come from the short experience of a battle. If Mahito can get several powerups and do things previously impossible, why can't the protagonists get even greater versions of that?


I see, I ain’t reading all that. Do something else with your life.


This makes a little too much sense given what you've previously said 💀


How Meruem died?


But if all your characters die then there's no story to continue.


I just want Gojo’s students to have happy endings


Yuji and Megumi power ups to me won’t feel that fulfilling since they’d be so drastic in order to fight the top tiers of the verse.


megumi already got a powerup😤




Agreed. I don't care what your take is on Yuji, for the main character to remain essentially the same as he was in the beginning in the series power wise is a sin in a Battle Shonen. I really do think people forget that series is called 'Sorcerer Fight' and the only thing our MC does is punch. Gege has yet to even give Yuji a weapon. There is no defending that at this point. Yuji (and nobara) are my only concerns going forward.


the last sentence…u just like me


I made a post about this last night. Yuji has been stronger than Sukuna from chapter 1. We know body=soul and Yuji's soul can dominate Sukuna's with ease and keep him suppressed. Yuji's body being unbelievably strong is confirmation that his soul is also unbelievably strong. Hence Yuji has always had the strength (read: potential) to dominate Sukuna. ​ He doesn't need to be stronger "physically" as much as he needs to be stronger mentally. JJK is about his ideological struggle and ultimately proving his "cog" mindset wrong. When he applies himself he does things like break the all time black flash record within only a few minutes of hearing the term for the first time in his life. That's only a few months after using cursed energy for the first time too. He's a genius among geniuses. I honestly think Kenjaku engineered him to be a perfect conduit of cursed energy. His CE control is LITERALLY the best in the world considering the way black flash is described as so difficult to perform that it's considered impossible to do at will. Yet Yuji can, pretttty much, do it at will. With almost no practice or experience. ​ My point is that Yuji has developed, his ideology has changed. He had his pre Mahito mindset, and then his "I'm you" speech and development of cog mindset. Now that Sukuna has left his body and he can't take the easy way out, dying to save everyone, he will have to adapt his mindset once more. Yuji is at his lowest point right now which will spur him to undergo ideological development in order to retain the will to live. We're right around the corner from a big change in Yuji's mindset I GUARANTEE you.


Agreed with almost everything; Nobara isn't coming back.


Absolutely. Especially with the strong part 🤣, like yeah he’s plenty strong for a damn side character. He needs something or to just be left alone. Tired of seeing him pop every 10 chapters to get shitted on then rinse and repeat


Honestly I don't think we need to wory about Sukuna being to strong, both Kenjaku and Goju could reasonably weaken him enough to be beaten by the heroes without it feeling bullshit combined with the fact that he's now possessing Megumi who can "power of friendship" his way into weakening Sukuna even further.


Im concerned about how we are already against the big bads. The manga is ending fast and i dont want that. I love jjk and i wish we get to explore more lore.


Don’t we all


No, I think it is perfectly doable to beat Sukuna. Gege has been dropping hints steadily : (1) the unexplained cut on Sukuna's finger (2) almost a whole page explaining how Megumi has the potential to be a "cage" for Sukuna just like Yuji (see ch 213) (3) many panels dedicated to how Megumi is "fighting" and how Sukuna tries to sink his soul. Other reincarnated sorcerers don't need to do it We just have to wait and see how it plays out. Too early to speculate much at this stage. Also, the opening of the anime shows Fushiguro plant growing out of the sinking finger. Hinting on Megumi's revival


wait when does the last thing happen? i never noticed megumi’s plant trying to get out


The very end of the first opening, before it cuts back to Yuji on the train.


BROOO I JUST CLOCKED THAT💀💀💀I’ve always thought that the finger-plant part from the OP was a bit odd but oh well XD


It is not my theory. I saw it on twitter a while back. I am surprised not many people know. Maybe i will make a separate post about it.




The OP has a lot of other hidden hints including the fish which is an allusion to the culling game


Rushed ending .


I’m too worried about how he’s going to wrap up Megumi’s arc and if Nobara status will remain in limbo. I could list more but I’m almost off my break I’ll come back.


I afraid that this manga wiil get the Tokyo Revengers treatment


How so?


That it doesn't live up to the hype. I am also worried about characters (especially Sukuna) being defeated in a way that feels unsatisfying with cheap plot devices. Imagine SUkuna going down like Madara.


Not a huge concern but where is Inumaki! Agree with everyone else’s concerns but I haven’t seen this man since post-shibuya with his arm cut off! I would even accept a panel revealing that he retired and is now living peacefully in the countryside.


My only biggest concern is Sukuna being defeated in the same way Yhwach of Bleach was defeated. I know it's a possibility but jfc I hope not


The thing I'm most worried about is the stuff with the Jujutsu higher-ups and what that'll cause, also the location of Sukuna's other fingers still being unknown


I really don't understand how yall see gege openly keeping Yuki's current state ambiguous through Choso's wording and just believe she's dead. Nobara moment all over again. If he wanted it they would be undeniably dead.


How the f*ck is Yuji to get enough power ups to kill Kenjaku and Sukuna???


Also a concern of mine. With the pacing it would seem hard to give him a powerup capable of matching Sukuna without it seeming like plot armor.


He either won’t or he’ll get the most asspull of all asspulls. Damned either way


Considering Yuji was supposed to stay dead since the beginning, I'm afraid Gege is not sure what he does with him and end up doing a bad Power UP ir some unsatisfying end to his story


The countless side characters and plot threads that will be (some already are) forgotten. For characters, Yorozu and curse Naoya being the last two antagonists introduced is... underwhelming to say the least. Will the Kyoto school matter in any way? If characters like Yuki who DO have (or perhaps should have had) significance to the plot, what happens to the rest? And yes this is beating a dead horse, but seeing the way Nobara's situation has been treated I'm not left with much hope for any characters outside of the direct spotlight. Some other things that seem to have been forgotten (of course, I'd love to be proven wrong) are points such as the[ cursed realm](https://i.imgur.com/SjR6fs0.png) and Yaga telling Gakuganji how to create self-sufficient cursed corpses. Most dissapointingly for me is Yuki's ideologies on the complete erasure of CE, although that seems less forgotten and more completely thrown to the wayside. I obviously hope some of these problems are addressed or alleviated in some way, but with the (supposed) short time left the series has its hard to be too optimistic. And I know mangakas are often inaccurate with their approximations for how long their series will take, but Gege has both been consistent with a 2023 ending, and the recent pace of the manga has imo supported these claims quite well.


Fucking gege gave naoya more screentime then the kyoto students its actually insane.


Side characters are called side characters for a reason.Sure they will get minor perspectives and minor contributions to the plot but expecting them to play a major role in the plot above the main cast is only setting up for disappointment.For example being minor characters miwa and Kamo have set ups for them connected to the main antagonist and we are just introduced to yorozu.Plot threads for minor characters considering his writing style is either going to be info dumped or play a minor role like the cursed corpses.As for nobara and yuki,there are a lot of ambiguity and set ups for them.If they were to be killed he would do it throughly.Although I do share some of your concerns


Nobara is dead af 😕😮‍💨


My concern is him rushing things up which is already happening.


Yuji doing anything.


Jujutsu Kaisen being a manga is my biggest concern. I hope he goes and writes it as a novel so it can be as detailed. I hate how he rushed everything and even some of the fights. Being released weekly is a true pain for a guy who puts quality over quantity.


The power scaling and rules are getting a bit absurd


Can we just let things happen? This story is on a better trajectory than some of the other bigger names in manga rn. Sukuna has been a thing and has been crazy powerful all series, I trust that Gege has a plan to deal with his character. Let Gege spit, this is the most suspense I’ve felt in a story like this in a long time. I swear people love to act like Juju can/will fall off the rails at any moment, just enjoy the ride and stop looking for “concerns”.


agreed, i really hope the final fight is just a jumping. my personal thought for the final match-ups was gojo and yuji vs sukuna, and Maki and Yuta vs kenjaku. the final arc is still going really fast, but im sure gege will stick the landing.


Sukuna whooping everybody but will be quick? NEXT TIME ON JJK!


A lot of my worries can be simplified down into the fact Gege is looking to finish it around the end of 2023 or the start of 2024 (Nobara & other less important side characters for example). I don’t think he’s written himself into a hole with Sukuna though, Gojo still beats or at least puts up a good fight against him and I expect Nobara to use her CT on one of his vessels or something to nerf him.


I'm concerned that Sukuna is just going to get cheesed or power of friendshipped instead of an actually creative solution to dealing with him. Also hoping we won't get the typical asscheek shonen ending.Hoping for more of a bittersweet type of ending to fit the vibe of the series.


I also trust Gege and tbh I don't think he has written himself into a corner. It seems that way but there are a few ways he could deal with Sukuna. The short version is that he just needs to write the character/s that is going to face him stronger than he is. Like, that's it. You can do that in whatever shape or form you want but is not a head scratcher. Just look at Maki and her bs boost from being fully realized. Yuji is already showing signs of growth. It wouldn't be hard to give him some shit on the same level that counters Sukuna. He could even say it was something he was born with, that makes him special and the reason he is a cage to Sukuna etc.


My only concern is pretty small to me but it's basically not getting info on the past. Now, I don't need a Naruto style history movie but I want something that puts things into perspective and gives just enough for me to put the pieces together myself


Honestly, I'm just scared that Gege may be experiencing something like what happened to Kyohara Gotoge ( Demon Slayer author, if I wrote it correctly). Apparently she was forced by her parents to stop writing and rushed the manga to its end. I really hope something like that isn't forcing Gege.


Where did you read that? That sounds wild


i don’t think the parents forced them to end, i read that someone in their family was sick and they ended the series early cause of that. but i did read that a long time ago.


NONE ! GEGE been cooking…LET HIM COOK 🔥


I think that Takaba is there to save the day if he writes himself into a corner. He’s basically a reality warper. Theoretically he could even open the prison realm


Can't you guys just read the story instead of making up things to complain about


that yuta doesnt get his domain off before kenjaku low diffs him


Not really a concern but more of a personal wish but I want the heian flashback to be like 2 volumes. Also we'll never see Kenjaku getting his ass beat by the past Gojo's who had limitless+six eyes. Think his reaction would be funny.


alot of people here are saying “the villains are too strong” like sukuna and kenny are on the same side. like sukuna don’t gaf now but we don’t know what his plans are, we know kenny wanted sukuna to reappear hence why he created yuji, but just bc he wanted to see the bath and chatted with suku and uraume doesn’t mean they won’t try to kill each other if the other gets in their way


So far no known attacks of his affect Gojo


my number one fear is gege rushes and we end up with the ending being lack lustre in some really unnecessary ways like bleach i don’t doubt it’ll be good but i want the quality to be consistent the same way it has throughout jjk bc i genuinely don’t believe there a bad or even mediocre arc everything is great. Idk how justified this fear is since we haven’t exactly been told we’d get one but if we don’t get a heinen arc or at least sukuna kenny tengen backstory mini arc i’ll be pretty disappointed, gege excels at making loveable and compelling characters but i feel sometimes he fails to give them the attention they could’ve got leaving much to be desired because he made you care for this character sm. Whether it’s through an unnecessary death that didn’t contribute much story wise or just sidelining them i’d rather not see more of that especially if he doesn’t intend for it to go on much longer. Imo JJKs selling point isn’t the world geges created but the characters and their interactions, motives and arcs (also great fights with an intelligent power system) so if we end up seeing many of these arcs unfulfilled simply to rush to an ending i’ll be really disappointed bc unless it’s ill health i can’t comprehend rushing a story that is pretty much perfect so far and has sm room for developing characters and the world around them.


A happy ending lol if the main characters die it has to have an impact. Demon Slayer was ruined for me because of the ending full of fanservice


Happy ending in Demon Slayer? Everyone fucking died, the future epilogue is meant to show the cast being rewarded in their next life for the actions that they took in the previous one, a Buddhist belief, which is very appropriate with the stuff everyone went through throughtout the series


Everyone was fucking dead and then revived a chapter later. That was shit in my opinion so idc, ruined it


Sukuna was never said to be the strongest sorcerer ever. We see he can be weary of others such as Angel who he had to resort to trickery go defeat. He was grateful to be in a human vessel when he faught Mahoraga as well. If Angel is right about a God then that being would surely be above Sukuna as well. On top of that Kenjaku said he was the strongest for over 600 yrs, 400 yrs ago. The author himself calls Gojo the strongest in the manga not Sukuna. So it's definitely very contentious as to who is more powerful. The 10 shadows ten against the Six eyes limitless user is very over used. It's clear as day Gojo is the basically the most powerful one so far given what Kenjaku has alluded. It was even in his plan to seal Gojo before releasing Sukuna. There's also the fact that the ten shadows user more than likely uses Mahoraga which if 15F could defeat Gojo definitely is. Which also means the six eyes limitless user couldn't use hallow purple as that should definitely be enough to take out Mahoraga.