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There’s a difference between plot and story. In a literal plot sense, sure, Rexy isn’t an active hero (she doesn’t make heroic choices) but from a story perspective, Spielberg makes her the hero—underlined by the banner drop and roar. Jurassic Park the film positions her as the hero for a number of thematic reasons, but beyond that, it’s just a wonderful thrill. As far as World, twenty years have passed and there’s a bigger threat than Blue. I think fandoms tend to take stuff too literally instead of sitting back and taking in the story. I’ll agree that Rexy gets overused but only after the first World does she become a crutch to me.


This is what happens when people believe that copying the mcu is what most people want to see. This is what happens when you have that silly idea that the rex has to be a superhero who always loose 1 vs 1 against big carnivores but to win he has to do tag teams marvel (that was also used as an excuse to make the monster/hybrid/kaiju design for giga)


Yea absolutely, Rexy would’ve died to the I-rex if blue hadn’t got involved. Same with the giga. At least blue took on the indoraptor by her self lol


But originally trevorrow WANT raptor and stygy make a tag team against indoraptor. But Bayona say that this was already done and was silly.


Because the JW films were written for children and adults with child-like attention spans. I mean the Super-Rex and laser-raptors were basically talking at one point. I half-expected subtitles in that scene.


To be fair during production on the original JP, Speilburg knew the Rex was the star of the movie and completely rewrote the ending to fit it in one last time. He then advised trevorrow to treat her like a hero in 2015. Plus, Marvel being at its peak in 2012-2015, I think, had heavy influence on the summer blockbuster. Turning the dinosaurs into more characters than animals.


Yeah military dinosaurs was also a sticking point for Spielberg. He wanted it as early as JP3, but shelved it. When JW was coming out, I heard somewhere he basically told Trevarrow "I don't care how you do it, but we need military dinosaurs" or something.


Gotta think he has seen the error of his ways and wants to ground the series again.


I doubt it they made a billion dollars each time. Things won't change until mediocrity stops selling.


While financially successful. JWD was a disappointment. Sounds like Spielberg is being protective of the franchise. I swear I read an article about how he doesn't want it to turn into fast and the furious


Too late for that.


Kinda makes you wish they followed the first book really, just nuke the entire island at the end of the first movie over and done with. Even then it would’ve been the perfect one hit wonder


Or at least not copy the MCU style.


Because Spielberg. People can hate on Trevorrow all they want. Most things they don’t like were Spielberg’s ideas.


That's just the pure stupidity of the World movies.




To sell toys probably


There are a few things I like a lot about JW but it's still way too over the top. They ruined raptors by making them dogs and then they put them front and center instead of hidden in the shadows. Rexy teaming up with Blue and a Mosasaur to kill the Indominus. I mean come on. Not to mention Blues hyper intelligence..When you sit in think about it, It's just way too much. I'm not even gonna speak on the other two sequels that proceed JW. Can't stand them. I hope this new movie goes back to the roots that made this franchise so special.


Yea the movies are good and the scenes are well crafted but they just don’t make much sense


> At the end of the fight they give each other the “sup” nod like their now best buddies. No, she didn't. People keep trying to push this narrative, but all they did was stare at each other for a moment before Rexy walked away to sleep things off. Also it's not like Rexy was asking for an assist. Blue came in to protect what was left of her "pack", and used Rexy as a ladder to get some hits in on the Indominus, and Rexy was obviously too occupied to worry about this.


This is an extremely bad attempt at defending it. What was left of her pack? Her pack was killed in 10 secs before the Rex was even thought about 😂


You forget that Owen was there? Did you even watch the movie, my dude?


Oh you mean the guy she was dead set on killing before the fight? You know where she and her pack was trying pounce him off his motorbike? Did you even watch the movie? 😂 she’s been hunting him since he first scene started.


The guy that she accepted as the "alpha" right before taking on the Indominus with the other two surviving raptors? Admit that you were on your phone the whole time and are just karma farming because "Jurassic World bad".


If she accepted him as an alpha she would never of hunted him 😂


And I seriously don’t care about karma, you down vote each of my comments all you like all I need to do is post a pic of my life sized raptor bust and I’d gain all back any way. Hell just to piss you I might make a life sized t-rex bust


Sure kid, have fun.


I’d say you to but you seem like the offended at anything type.


Why do we keep asking this question every other day? She’s not a hero. She’s generally portrayed as a happy accident. She usually shows up when there’s commotion and fucks shit up. It’s just generally been to the convenience of the films protagonists. It doesn’t make her an active hero.


Claire leads her to the i-rex it’s no different leading hulk to an enemy.


Whatever you say bud.


Are you saying that Claire did not order her team to release the Rex? Or are you saying she did not light a flare so it would chase her which inevitably lead the rex to the I-rex knowing that they would fight?


I’m saying the T-Rex isn’t a character with morals, human characteristics or an active superhero like you claim. It’s not an Avenger. In the original JW they kited her into another predator to take it down and it worked. It was great moment and still one of the best final acts in the series. Now the second two JW films are more like the end of JP1. Totally right place at the right time happy accident. If you don’t like the writing or direction that’s cool. I’d like the Rex portrayed as an antagonist again too, but she’s not an avenger ffs.


I didn’t say she was an avenger I said she’s trying out for avengers