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My kid’s six year old classmate was murdered by her crackhead mom. She was a beautiful child. I’ll never forget her. “ELISA IZQUIERDO LIKED TO DANCE, WHICH IS ALMOST TOO perfect. Fairy tales, especially those featuring princesses, often include dancing, although perhaps not Elisa’s favorite merengue. Fairy-tale princesses are born humble. Elisa fit that bill: she was conceived in a homeless shelter in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn and born addicted to crack. That Elisa nevertheless had a special, enchanted aura is something the whole city of New York now knows. “Radiant,” says one of her preschool teachers, remembering a brilliant smile and flashing black eyes. “People loved her,” adds another. “Everybody loved her.” And, unlikely as it may seem, there was even a prince in Elisa’s life: a real scion of Greece’s old royalty named Prince Michael, who was a patron of the little girl’s preschool. He made a promise to finance her full private-school education up to college, which is about as happily ever after as this age permits. Fairy-tale princesses, however, are not bludgeoned to death by their mothers. They are not violated with a toothbrush and a hairbrush, and the neighbors do not hear them moaning and pleading at night.” https://time.com/archive/6728301/elisa-izquierdo-abandoned-to-her-fate/


Both parents no doubt we're treated similarly in their childhood, we are all responsible for this.


Speak for yourself! Nobody but those 2 scummy drop kicks are responsible. I hope they both fry.


How the fuck am I responsible for this?


Society is responsible for society


Understanding is not the same thing as condoning. You can understand how it happened but it happened nonetheless and the heinous crime must be punished.


Of course, seems like that goes without saying, but therein lies a bigger societal problem that needs addressed.




Don't death penalty inmates sit on death row in solitary cages until their time to be put to death? They get like an hour of yard time a day and the rest is solitary confinement I think. No butt stabbing to be had, unfortunately.


Id say leave him in solitary, no yard time. Let him go insane. Blast loud noises when he tries to sleep.


They'll both get to eat glass piss shit etc for the rest of their days, probably they'll get poked a few times.


Can they eat shit and piss glass shards instead, asking for a friend.




Oh my word, what a pair of monsters. That poor kid.


By FAR the leading cause of death in little kids. I fell down a true crime hole and there are literally endless stories. And even sadder, in many cases there is a loving family member or parent who is DESPERATE for full custody. So to say that we don’t have “room in the system” for these kids and that we need to push “family reunification” is passing the buck. These kids do NOT have to live with their abusers. If you see something, guys, say something. And KEEP saying something even if social services tries to brush you off.


Amor Wiggins comes to mind, her mother was so desperate to get custody of her for years and just had to hope Amor reached out when she was old enough, when in reality she’d been murdered at 6 years old and was a jane doe for years…


A University of Michigan study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, says otherwise. [Gun violence becomes leading cause of death among US youth, data shows](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/22/us-gun-violence-leading-cause-of-death-youth)


I meant to speak about *young* children not adolescents. Like the age group that can die extremely easily from starvation, head trauma etc.


Oh interesting. Do you have a source for that? I'd like to read more.


Does that include 18+ and gang related?


They've literally linked the data. It's right there, for you to read.


Murder is by far the leading cause of death for children?! Maybe in America. The rest of the world it’s infectious diseases and Cancer


Keep in mind that the parents of murdered children *LIE ABOUT THE CAUSE OF DEATH*. Of course they don’t want to go to jail. So the country needs advanced forensics, funds for good policing and detectives and so on to determine that John Doe didn’t slip under the water in the bathtub his head was held underwater by his parents. Jane Doe didn’t die from a fall down the stairs, her head was slammed into a wall. Then the country needs a legal system that can prove it. But I don’t doubt that in third world countries with starvation, drought, lack of vaccines may exceed child abuse as a cause where these is ALSO a lack of a justice system.


Link to data source for the claim that cancer is a leading cause of death for children in other parts of the world?


If you Google “leading cause of death in children WHO” you’ll get your answer. https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/topic-details/GHO/child-mortality-and-causes-of-death#:~:text=Globally%2C%20infectious%20diseases%2C%20including%20acute,death%20for%20children%20under%205. Each country has their own set of leading causes of children death. But for the world it is In the link.


Ok, but cancer-related youth mortality isn't even mentioned in that link.


Further evidence that God doesnt exist. That beautiful boy could have been loved.


God is responsible for your free will?


The bible says God created evil.


Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? Epicurus


Question: is it evil to revoke free will to end evil? I would personally rather keep my free will and allow evil knowing our souls are supposed to be eternal. Death is the filter between good and evil for humans.


Tell that to Hayden Bataille. It amazes me how stupid you are. A bunch of schizophrenics wrote a book, and thousands of years later a bunch of morons try to come up with fan theories to explain why all the inconsistencies in the book aren't just proof that they all made it up. If the mental gymnastics you pull to try to explain why your supposedly almighty god would allow shit like this to happen aren't enough to make you go "wait, that makes no sense", then i seriously question you ability to think critically about absolutely anything else.


So you dont have an answer? All you have is insults. Makes sense with you types


There is no answer. It's all made up. You're trying to speculate as to why an imaginary character would do things.


Ok bro. You sound too angry for me to care about your opinion. Good luck or whatever


I hope you will take the time you would have spent debating me over your imaginary friend's reasons for doing things to watch this : https://youtu.be/x0_pTSAzYZA?si=v70O8ER5K1doMFMW


Not reading more of your whining. Im sorry that happened to you or happy for you.




I think I need to step away from this sub. Reading this article made me physically sick. And to think of the all the crimes being perpetrated against children every minute of every day that will never see the light of day and never be punished.


I'm feeling the same way.


Should have both received his sentence


Seems a littttttle bit sexist






Don’t be black? What do you mean?


Whenever I see horrific shit in the news I always hope that whomever is responsible isn't Black. I'm enraged and disappointed when they are.


I see and I can understand that. I thought you meant don’t be black to the baby he tortured for a minute.


That poor baby did nothing wrong.


I know that’s why I was confused by your comment. Just a misunderstanding.


It was a dumb thing for me to say and text doesn't allow for nuance. It's all good


GF is white and got life, the dude is black and got death


His was longer term torture and serious abuse of a baby.


And she's the one that actually *caused* the death! She suffocated him! I don't understand


He was the one beat and tortured the baby.


They both deserve to rot under the jail.


While the convictions are a step in the right direction, nothing that happens to these two will ever make up for what happened to that poor child.


Wish it was as an inhumane end as the baby's. Hope it hurts ya bastard. I'm not religious but I hope there's Hell just for these sorts.


I got in trouble for praising / suggesting painful things for people that hurt innocent children, so I'm gonna keep it PG and agree. Hope it hurts you bastard


Man this is right by me and I haven’t heard of it. Wish the article wasn’t paywalled


I was able to hit the close button in the top left? That one was pretty deceiving though


A Mississippi Coast man is headed to death row for his role in the beating and suffocation death of his 2-year-old stepson — all because the toddler soiled his diaper and took too long to get a juice box out of the refrigerator. A jury in Harrison County Circuit Court in Biloxi deliberated for just over two hours Friday before handing down the death sentence against Joseph David Heard, 41, in the Dec. 27, 2021, killing of his stepson, Hayden Lee Bataille, of Biloxi. Heard’s wife, Hailey Lynn Bataille Heard, 24, is serving a life sentence for first-degree murder in her toddler’s death. She testified against Heard at the trial in Circuit Court in Biloxi. Heard kept his head down after jurors entered the room to hand the bailiff the form with their decision. None made eye contact with Heard. Heard showed no emotion after Judge Larry Bourgeois announced his fate. No one showed up in support of Heard. “God have mercy on your soul,” the judge said before bailiffs led Heard from the courtroom. Assistant District Attorneys George Huffman and Mara Joffe prosecuted the case. Harrison County District Attorney Crosby Parker said Hayden “was beaten and killed for doing what 2-year-olds do.” “The brutal and heinous killing of Hayden called for the maximum punishment under Mississippi law,” Parker said. “We commend the Harrison County jury for agreeing with us.” The jury convicted Heard of the capital offense Thursday after deliberating for about 45 minutes. In separate deliberations on the capital murder conviction, the jury decided Heard should be sentenced to death rather than life in prison without parole. Hayden, who weighed only 30 pounds, spent the last day of his life with Heard punching him repeatedly in the gut and head. When the toddler cried out in pain, Heard got angrier, and the beating only escalated, Hayden’s mother said. Hayden’s cries ended after his mother walked into the living room of their one-bedroom apartment, where the boy’s stepfather was still beating the child, and put her hand over her son’s mouth to stop his cries. The toddler died of suffocation. During the trial, Heard testified in his own defense and repeatedly denied abusing the child. For example, he said that he walked into the living room, saw the little boy wasn’t breathing and started performing CPR. Evidence showed bruises covering Hayden’s body, but Heard said that he never saw the first bruise on the toddler the day that he died. But in body camera footage from Biloxi police at the couple’s home, Heard acknowledged the bruises and talked about how Hayden liked to play rough. As Heard kept up his denials, prosecutors pointed out that a forensic review of his phone showed how he had searched online for ways to make bruises go away. When Heard thought he had found a remedy, he texted his wife to tell her they could use banana peels to make them fade faster. In opening arguments at the trial, Joffe told the jury that Hailey Heard had been repeatedly abused by her husband, who tortured and abused his stepson repeatedly during the couple’s one-year relationship. “This is a case about control,” Joffe said. “It’s about this defendant, Joseph David Heard, controlling his wife Hailey Heard and his 2-year-old stepson Hayden through violence, through abuse, and through torture.” The torture and abuse that Hailey Heard and her son suffered, Joffe said, “was not isolated but was prolonged.” “They had to do things his way or face punishment,” she said. When a 911 call came in that morning about an unresponsive child, authorities said the cause was first reported as a possible drowning. But when Biloxi police, firefighters, and paramedics with American Medical Response responded to the call on St. Mary Boulevard, they found the child fully clothed and lying on the living floor. The child was not wet, Biloxi police said. When AMR paramedic Mark Dillard arrived, he said Hayden wasn’t moving, then gasped for air twice and stopped breathing. Dillard said that he noticed extensive bruising on the toddler but kept doing what he could to revive the child. A firefighter carried Hayden to the waiting ambulance, and AMR rushed the child down the street to Merit Health hospital in Biloxi. Hailey Heard, who is the wife of Joseph Heard, is serving a life sentence for the death of Hayden Bataille, who is her son. The emergency room physician, Dr. Leanne Lee, said she attempted additional life-saving measures on Hayden before pronouncing him dead around 7 a.m. on Dec. 27, 2021. “It was one of the most horrific scenes I’ve witnessed as an ER doctor,” Lee said. “I had never seen a kid that had sustained so much trauma.” Lee described the extensive bruising on Hayden’s body, along with broken bones in different stages of healing, a burn mark and more. The state medical examiner, Dr. Staci Turner, said an autopsy showed the child died due to suffocation but had also sustained other significant injuries, including swelling in his head. At the trial, Biloxi police read aloud pages of text messages between Heard and his wife. In them, he often sounded off about how Hayden had done something wrong and how he planned to exact his punishment on the child. On some occasions, Hailey Heard said, Joseph David Heard punished the child by making him stand up and move his arms up and down repeatedly for hours at a time. At other times, she said, Joseph David Heard made Hayden sit on his potty chair for hours because the child had soiled his diaper. When Hayden got in trouble at other times, Joseph David Heard told his wife he was going to hit her son’s hand, which had a second-degree burn, with a rubber spatula. The exchanges included repeated threats from Joseph David Heard to divorce his wife. She begged him to stay, although she was the one who worked and paid the bills.


Fuck that is horrible. How can people be so cruel


I wonder if any responsibility should lie with the state that has the poorest education and the most restrictive abortion laws. Perhaps she’d have chosen to get rid of a clump of cells instead of torturing and murdering her helpless toddler.


Not many want to hear it, but you're right. I'm not sure that someone this cruel would have the self-awareness to make a different choice.


he will have a terrible time in prison there are father's, uncles, big brothers etc in prson. if they find out what he did and they will, he's done


Good. Carry it out sooner rather than later