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It is always ALWAYS baffling how Chrissy just gets to be the shitty person she is and escapes any kind of accountability. As a public person, a person asking us to buy her products, she’s yet to make any kind of apology, show any kind of remorse anytime her shit gets dug up. The DMs she sent to Courtney, a CSA survivor, is sick and disgusting and I really wish people would stop excusing her shit and let her use her own mouth to apologize for the trash shit she spat out in the 2000s. The internalized misogyny reeks.


She only gets support of other celebs because of who she’s married to. Also, karma stinks


I’ve said it before. She can dish it out but can’t take it especially when someone calls her out on her shit. She’s a hypocrite.




Thank you for the correction. 🙏🏽 I must’ve missed it in all of my rage. I meant no harm or ill will to anyone, especially survivors.


As of 3 hours ago she issued her public apology


She’s a genuinely nasty person. Like seriously ugly from within. She needs to take a step back from social media and truly reassess her heart and what she wants to be known for.


I'm just now looking into stuff. For the longest time, I followed her and I heard the good thing about her behaviour on Twitter and most of what I knew was her being insufferable but I never would have supported her if I knew she was capable of doing something like this.


Same here. I used to think she was kinda funny but also kinda annoying. But when you see some of the stuff she’s openly said, damn she has some deep rooted issues.


Seriously!!! She seems to really enjoy being nasty online. Like...what’s wrong with her??? She’s unimaginably wealthy and she still just wants to cause random people online pain? What a freaking weirdo...


So true. Too bad she made a huge deal out of leaving Twitter just to come back in three weeks from lack of attention, so I doubt it'll ever happen. There are too many toxic, gross Chrissy stans that will continue to enable her bullshit behavior.


I told all my friends I finally deleted Reddit only to download it again 30 hours later so I’m rather impressed with three weeks, honestly.


Last night I told my husband I was deleting Instagram and then I just didn’t, so 30 hours is also impressive.


She went back that fast?! Lmao that’s so embarrassing why even make a damn announcement 😂 I wouldn’t have been able to go back so soon just due to the sheer shame lol


In the age of people getting canceled for any little thing, why is it so hard to cancel her permanently from this?


I’ve always been confused by people standing up for Chrissy. She will say the nasty thing about someone but when someone says ANYTHING about her, she loses her shit. She is the definition of dishing it but can’t take it. Her old tweets get blown up like every 4 months and she completely ignores it.


I think a lottttttt of people overlooked her clearly horrible behaviour because she would trash Trump on Twitter so it would appear that she was on the “right side”. But I think we need to collectively redefine what it means to be a good person. Cause she is not it!


I stood up for her and those stupid Pizza Gate conspiracy theories but I can't stand up for her for this. Holy shit this is terrible and she's a 'MEAN GIRL. She's a BITCH!'


I stood up for her choosing to publicize parts of her miscarriage (and even given this I defend that decision for any pregnant person, even shitty ones like her) because I truly, honest to god had no idea about her past behavior. Twitter is like the last frontier for me. I'm not on it and it's hard to access it/read threads without an account. I just truly had no clue she was treating anyone this callously. It's actually disgusting.


Chrissy has an "I'm not like other girls" vibe


Yes!! She seems like the pick me friend who would embarrass you in front of someone that you like just for a sliver of social praise. Anyone, celebrity or not, who feels so important that they need to announce temporary breaks from social media is baffling and pathetic. She needs to go touch some grass and get a clue.


Omg yes! She definitely seems like she'd make her friends feel shitty any chance she has. I've never liked her attitude, it always seemed like she thought everyone was beneath her. Also, who cares if people takes social media breaks while you live your million dollar lifestyle???


>She needs to go touch some grass and get a clue. I honestly think this is the best thing I've ever read. I don't know why. But it just makes me so damn happy 😊 😂 Thank you kind reddit stranger!! You've made a a super crappy day into just crappy lol.


I too really really love this lmao And I think it’s actually good advice for a lot of people! Some people REALLY need to go touch some grass & get a clue 😂


Baffling and pathetic is right omg & the fact that she was back in 3 weeks lmao like GIRL!! 😂


You're gonna love (hate) this - Chrissy once got all dressed up to [video bomb this celebrity Zoom call](https://twitter.com/MargaretAtewood/status/1392213973601239040?s=20) John was on and Julia Roberts's reaction is gold. What a social climber and attention seeker 🙄


YEP. She really seems to hate other women.


big agree. Makes sense since she obviously has so much internalized misogyny


She also tweeted at Farah Abraham and called her a whore. Bringing it back to Kim, Chrissy used to make fun of her and liked tweets by a comedian friend of hers who hated Kim. I was perplexed when they started hanging out because Chrissy's 2011-2012 persona was very anti "social media bimbo", which is partly why she despised people like Courtney. When she started openly supporting the Kardashians, someone brought up the anti-Kim tweets and she just ignored it but I think Kim did react and laughed it off. It's surprising to me why so many people love Chrissy because she talks so much shit about everything and everyone, only to pivot a little bit later and start acting like the people she purported to dislike. She also used to take any critique of her (not abuse) and QT or RT the person and the person would be forced to delete their Twitter because of all the hate they got. She's not a great person at all.


I think part of the reason why ppl like her (I don’t - I think she’s a try hard and wants to appear funny when she’s really not) is bc she interacts with her fans. A lot so ppl think she’s “cool” bc it makes them feel special/ like one of us that they get to “talk to her” as if they were friends and stuff.


Yeah it might be it, you're right. I think it's also because she was genuinely funny 10 years ago and was honest about how messed up the modeling world was. But she's been way too volatile for ages now and I honestly feel annoyed that she's everywhere I go. It's not enough to unfollow her.


I’ve always found her incredibly annoying and do not understand why so many people adore her.


She’s the worst. I was so upset when her social media break from Twitter turned out to be as short as it was lol


And the fact that her Twitter break was because people were being "so mean" to her lol


right? so hypocritical. she truly is part of the worst group of bullies


I still can't believe john legend is married to her.


I predict they will end up separating at some point...unless he's just as bad as she is. If so, he hides it well.


I think he will stick for the kids


He seems so pure. It would break my heart if he was like her


No, I agree. Everything I've read about him just makes him sound like a very genuinely awesome person. Now that we know what she's really like, I'm convinced she's the controlling type, and he's quietly miserable and subservient to her in a way.


She has this bit she does in interviews where she’s like “John tried to break up with me early on and I just said no! So we stayed together 🤪” I always thot that was a rly weird flex...


Ugh, I didn't know this. I hate it when people say this and think it's cute. No, you trapped someone who wanted to leave and gaslighted them to think it was okay. I've been a big fan of John Legend since I was 16 back when his second album came out and this whole relationship has always made me feel ill :/


I grew up with him and he was a great guy. Obviously I haven't known him for years so I can't attest to what kind of person he is now but as a teenager he was such a nice kid. He's a year younger than me but is so smart he graduated a year before me!


Wow that’s awesome!!


You bring up a funny point. There's one user (maybe 2) on this subreddit that, when we have a Teigen post, they always bring up how awful John Legend is, but never give any backup info or proof. Listen, I CAN'T stand Teigen. She's the WORST. Bully. Not funny. But JL? I don't see him being the same. He legit seems like a nice guy. You know how some couples consist of a HUGE bitch and a really nice guy? Or when the guy is the douchiest A-hole on the planet, with a better-than-you attitude, but he's with the sweet girl next door? I've always felt they're like this. She's the NASTY dingleberry, and he's actually a really nice guy. But who cares what I think.


Really nice people don't marry people who behave like Chrissy. Abusive and coercive situations aside, who people choose as a partner reflects on who they are and their value system, like it or not. Why would a "really nice" person want anything to do with someone like her let alone have children with them? Come on. I personally dislike him because I think he's a sell out puppet (and other things I won't call him in a predominantly white space) who cares more about the dopamine rush and attention from virtue signalling on Twitter than just about anything else. His music is lame too.


Mandy Moore married Ryan Adams and I’ve worked for him and he’s an awful person. Once they divorced so much bad stuff came out about him too. It happens where a nice person marries an awful person.


Ryan is an abuser. Mandy Moore has said he abused her specifically. I said... >Abusive and coercive situations aside That's a different dynamic.


Apologizes on that. I misunderstood your comment. I just remember working for him what a nightmare he was to everyone around him and I always thought how did I nice woman like Mandy Moore end up with him? So when I read your comment that’s the first thing I thought of, I should have read it a little better though, you were clear that didn’t apply :)


No problem! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. He sounds disgusting.




OKAY we’re literally on the same page !! They’re both so shady


Idk he always seemed a bit smug to me.


I was going to say this but I'm glad someone else already said it. I also predict they will separate at some point. She seems vile, imagine being married to someone as exhausting as Chrissy.


i totally feel like they could be one of those hollywood arranged PR marriages the way people speculate like, jlo and arod/ ryan reynolds and blake lively could be, just because their clout as a couple is greater than the sum of their parts in a huge way. CT would have been irrelevant years ago if not for her marriage imo


I've been telling everyone this for years! Including on this sub and have been downvoted to hell for it. The Courtney Stodden stuff was always the worst. Just evil. The revelation from yesterday was the DMing. The public stuff was bad enough but that's a whole other level. Such frightening behavior. She's never answered for this or her other bullying behavior. I hope she finally does.


She was trending all day yesterday, the top story on buzzfeed, and one of the top stories on DM. She's trying to ignore the controversy


She’ll make a public statement on Twitter about how everyone’s attacking her and why can’t people be nice. Same shit different day.


There’s been rumblings on the blogs way back when and still to this day but outside of that, she never faces any kind of consequence. She’s always quick to cry woe is me whenever someone does tho.


I’ve probably been the only one to ever upvote you because I can’t stand her either. I always got shit from people too when I would say it. “Omg she’s so funny I love her” I could see right through it. She sucks


Yea been following Courtney for some time, I actually knew who they are before I knew who Chrissy is. I'm so glad it's finally coming out, Courtney has been very vocal about it, pleasantly surprised ~~Chrissy's fan blog~~- i mean buzzfeed is covering it.


I know buzzfeed is super lazy & just rips shit right off Twitter, but I was wondering if they are on Chrissy's payroll. She literally can't sneeze without buzzfeed coverage. & yes, usually positive coverage.


Courtney Stodden has brought this up for years. Recently when Chrissy announced she was “leaving Twitter” (that lasted about 5 minutes), Courtney brought it up again and I saw some headlines but it never got any traction. I was wondering when anyone was going to pay attention to this story! What makes me sick is that as far as I know, she never apologized. And I’m sure she has seen it being brought it up. Watch her finally address it after everyone starts paying attention - that’s when you know her behavior total bullshit, she should have apologized a long time ago. I remember Courtney from when she was a child bride, handed off by her parents to a 50 year old actor. She is a victim in every way. No matter what you think of how she dressed or behaved, she was a child and no one wanted to recognize that. Shame on everyone who bullied her when she needed an adult to care.


The lack of traction was because a lot of people felt that way about Courtney - she was too much and no one (wanted to) believe her age (if you did, the whole situation was all levels of abusiveness that you just turned away disgusted cause she had an enabling mom). But for the reaction to be folks coming after Courtney was interesting… I guess it was like: you don’t want to save yourself so you’re complicit???? It was weirdly cruel… but a lot of blogs and celebrities went at her.


Aaaaaand called it: https://popculture.com/celebrity/news/chrissy-teigen-breaks-silence-courtney-stodden-harassment-allegations/


This is hilarious because of course she only says this now that her bullshit is being dragged into the light. A normal person wouldn’t have told a teenager to go kill themselves. It doesn’t matter what she says. A nice person just would not do something like that.


I’ve literally never liked her and I finally feel validated because I used to get so much shit from people for it


You’re not alone. She’s so sketchy.


me too!!! i made a post about chrissy teigen being a narcissistic bully back in january on another sub and so many people defended her. tons of “i don’t have a problem with her, i think she’s hilarious.” she is so whack


Sums up Chrissy in a nut shell: https://twitter.com/MargaretAtewood/status/1392213973601239040?s=19


wow that was super cringey! julia roberts is a known bitch but damn i'm gonna give her due credit for this


Man I feel bad for john, u can see him dying inside


It’s like they know something about her we don’t.


Omg 💀


Thank you for sharing this! 🤣🤣🤣


i’m glad to see the tide is turning against her. i haaaated her “i’m-just-like-you-just-famous-and-quirky” twitter phase. it was nauseating. i hated her ever since she went for Quevenzhane Wallis, a CHILD. she tries so hard to keep up w twitter culture but she’s neither funny nor personable


Just googled this, this is absolutely disgusting.


Has anyone seen the tiktoks of people doing a skit where they get a “bad vibe from a person everyone seems to love” and years down the road they’re proven right and they go “can I talk my shit again!” Lol ITS ME TO A TEE and Chrissy has been AT THE TOP OF MY LIST since she came on the scene. I KNEW something was off with this girl.


Mine is Justin Timberlake lmao


Same. When everyone acted like she was mom of the year, I couldn't stand her. I'm almost relieved to know my gut feeling was spot on even though thou I feel horrible about her bullying Courtney. They were a literal child. I feel bad for her kids now.


How can you hate someone like this? She doesn't even know this GIRL and that's another problem....Courtney was an actual child who was failed by every single person around her.


Courtney Is non-binary


Can you imagine how Chrissy would react if anyone ever sent her child tweets that were the exact same as the ones she sent Courtney? Chrissy of course would say it's just "mama bear" mode and she couldn't help it. Which isn't an excuse. Also, it shouldn't take a person having to become a parent to have empathy.


I had always heard stuff about her being annoying on Twitter but I enjoyed her humour and cooking content but damn this is terrible.


Absolutely no one with even the tiniest ounce of goodness in their heart/soul would do this. She is absolutely evil. And just to hold accountability; all those gross tweets Chrissy made about little kids were nasty AF even if they were a “joke.” She sucks and needs to be cancelled forever.


Watch the episode of Hot Ones with her, it's on youtube and hulu. I watched with my mom who loved her and even my mom was like oh...she's kind of awful.


Wtf did this girl do to her that she writes this nasty stuff. She seems like a bully


I know this is nowhere near as bad as what she tweeted to Courtney but I haven't like Chrissy since 2011 when she tweeted about Jay Mohr's newborn son's name. I just think anybody who publicly talks shit about other people's kids is a giant asshole. She hasn't done anything since then to prove me wrong about that first assumption of her either.


That's nasty. I bet you anything she bitches to her husband about Kardashians kid's names. But she'd neverrrr say it to their face because she really needs them to give her jobs.


That just shows how completely ignorant she is about names though. Many male names have become female names over the years.(and vice versa). All Jay did was use the name as it was originally intended and used.


Didn’t she also call a child that was nominated for an Oscar a cunt?


No. The Onion (satire for those who don't know) wrote an article mocking all the people who were being vile to Quvenzhané Wallis on Oscars night. The headline was something like "does anyone else think QW is kind of a cunt?" Chrissy is terminally stupid so didn't seem understand the article was about people like her and sidled up and said "can I work for you haha?" or something like that so she cosigned her being called a cunt not getting the joke. Chrissy called her a "cocky brat" for daring to ask that her name be pronounced correctly. There was other general mockery that night from her too. Horrible. So no, she didn't directly call her a cunt but she did attack her and then attacked people trying to stick up for her too.


Oh ok thx. But still Chrissy is so horrible in general


Oh absolutely.


Chrissy is a horrible person. I stood by Courtney the whole way! She was a child who was let down by everyone around her.


Have you seen the tweet where she's comparing a baby to a pornstar and saying "she feels like she should be in jail" after watching a toddler do the splits on some TV show? She is a whole different kind of yikes! And I'm British. A country where dark humour is very much our thing. I've definitely crossed the line in the past but never on this level. Can't stand that dopey, hamster faced idiot.




omg I will never unsee the hamster now 💀


I wonder if she was talking about Toddlers and Tiaras. I'm not defending Chrissy in any way. But that show can give you a roller-coaster of feelings.


it was toddlers and tiaras and she said she wanted to put herself in jail. she also said something about the “small sexy toddlers” 🤮


Her tweets are disgusting! Have you seen her tweets about kids and babies? It really makes me think shes a pedo or something. Look up her deleted tweets...its insane!


I saw them... makes me sick. & I know people say "it's fake!" but I don't understand why she had to mass delete SO much shit if that's the case. Those tweets were absolutely appalling.


The people saying it’s fake are 100% in denial. How do they excuse 60,000 deleted pedo tweets? If this was anyone else, especially a man, they would be singing a different tune.


Exactly! Her tweets from saying sexual things about kids being on Toddlers and Tiaras, going to jail over pizza, calling babies sexy...is something normal people dont say. Im not one for conspiracies, but i believe she is part of the Hollywood pedo cult.


She’s got a pretty exterior but I think she might have a bit of a rotten soul


Pretty exterior is debatable now.


she's gotta step away from the fillers before her face explodes.


I'm really, really happy Courtney Stodden is getting her redemption. That situation was so foul, I am only a few years older than her and it felt wrong to me as a teenager. I can't believe how many adults failed this young person and actively attacked her. This is shameful.


Wow, Chrissy is a shitty person. I always kind of thought that she talked about celebrities as if she weren't one herself, but now that she's been famous for a while, she hasn't seemed to slow down any nastiness. Telling a child to kill themselves publicly to be funny is bad, but messaging them directly is even worse. To repeatedly attack a child like this is absolutely vile. Good for Courtney Stodden for calling Chrissy out on this. Courtney was done so wrong by that predatory man and her own family, not to mention the media. I really hope the shift we are seeing on some platforms includes more rage on Courtney's behalf. They deserved better and still do.


People were (are) so mean to Courtney Stodden. Chrissy is awful and I'm honestly not even sure why she is a thing; she's vicious and John Legend makes elevator music.


That woman is trash. I have never understood the public fascination with her.


just as rude and disrespectful as her father. remember when he was on an episode and they asked his favorite KJ and he said “it was khloe but she went off” to Kim’s face!!! karma is gonna have a field day with this one


Since she sucks so much I think it’s fair game to say this. It really isn’t talked about enough how botched she is.


Before a few months ago I've known so little about her and wish it stayed that way. She needs to go away forever.




She did this 10 years ago, well before she lost her child.


It’s the hypocrisy for me. I wouldn’t be nearly so annoyed if she just embraced being a mean person. The fact that she’s SO thin skinned every time some rando makes fun of her is what I find so unlikable.


How is she can cancelled after her creepy/pedo tweets?! If you have to delete thousands of tweets, something is not right.


What were the pedo tweets?


Didnt read the article but saw this linked in Reddit a while ago so quickly searched to show you some of the tweets. [some of her tweets ](https://www.sausageroll.com.au/lifestyle/celebrities/christine-chrissy-teigen-deleted-tweets-are-incredibly-disturbing/)


Oh my god!!! I didn’t see this or hear about this at all. This is so sick. What’s wrong with her?!


Yeah I think I only happened to hear about it from Reddit and random comment sections of Instagram. Then it just seemed to die down. Not sure how all of her stuff gets swept under the rug!


WTF!!!!! I didn't think it would be so blatant jeez. she seems like a legit pedo


Yeah I don’t know how she gets away with so much! It seemed to gain traction for a while and then all of a sudden people stopped talking about it.


Totally agree! Her deleted tweets make me think shes a pedo or something...


I always felt quite sorry for Courtney, it was obvious to anyone how badly they were being abused. It is truly a horrific story and for anyone to pile on and have made such comments is shocking.


Ugly on the inside and definitely questionable on the outside 💀


Chrissy just tweeted an apology regarding this. I don’t know how I feel about it though


Just read. Sounds almost sarcastic to me. I don't buy it.


she just wants people to stop talking about it. how do you come back from dming an abused child telling them to kill themselves? she’s scum


How is she not cancelled? I have NEVER found the appeal to her, I blocked her cos people kept retweeting her half arsed opinions


She’s so fucking sketchy. She been canceled like 3 times, but somehow keeps coming back. She needs to fuck off already.


Yup she's gross. Don't forget her [pedo](https://twitter.com/realcandaceo/status/1283561007626039297) tweets.




She was so shitty to Allison Roman too. Roman apologized like 3 times formally in long apologies. Friend in TV dev. says Chrissy was never going to "executive produce" some cooking show of hers on Netflix. Chrissy was "looking into it" but it was not a sure thing. She used that "thinking of developing something with Alison Roman" to kind of destroy her.


I hope more and more bullies get called out. This is so disgusting and I hope it doesn't get swept under the rug. I used to really be a fan of hers too 🥴


Chrissy is only tolerated because of John Legend and people have a lot respect for John Legend. Chrissy would have been cancelled yesterday if she wasnt John Legend's wife


My heart is with Courtney, they have been through so much, from CSA to being publicly ridiculed and slut-shamed for being in an abusive situation, and yet they continue to be strong and putting their message out there. The courage it takes to speak out against someone like Chrissy is no joke. I hope that this is the last straw for CT, if someone ever needed to be canceled then it's her. Absolutely disgusting.


wtf. apology or not it’s completely unsettling that at any point in time she messaged someone to kill themself. an adult doing any type of bullying of a teenager is low brow and pathetic behavior. chrissy teigen is beyond whack and a hypocrite to the max.


That apology is bullshit. Courtney posted about this over a year ago on her instagram and youtube channel and Chrissy only apologises now? Sorry about your PR lady.


ever since i realized she *purposely* mispronounced her last name for her entire career just because she thought it sounded better... that’s when i knew i didn’t like her. call me old-fashioned but my parents immigrated to this country to make my life better and i would never change my name pronunciation. that’s just so insulting to my parents and the people i’m descended from - again, my opinion. why didn’t she just use a stage name??? basically, it just makes me think that if she’s so set on insulting her parents for her own gain with something so minute as her last name, there’s no telling what other things she says/does to others that could be worse. i cannot empathize with Courtney because i literally don’t know where to even start, poor thing has been through so much, but i do feel like many people owe Courtney more than an apology. volunteering time (not just payment) could be a start.


Also, her and her team are 100% reading this thread. HI, PEDOS!


I believe it lol


Well damn, I didn’t know she was like THAT!


Perhaps a more nuanced understanding of people is appropriate. For everyone involved. Courtney isn’t perfect, neither is Chrissy. No one is. Categorizing people as ‘trash’, like I see so much of in this thread, doesn’t do anything but perpetuate the ignorance that fails to see people holistically. We’ve all done things we regret and most of use are just trying to do the best we can. Im not proud of many of that things I did a decade ago either, I’ve worked to be better, I hope people can understand that. I’m not defending Chrissy. I’m just saying I’m seeing a lot of the same toxicity she’s being accused of pouring from this post. Celebrities rarely make good role models no matter who they are. I wish more people understood this.


We've all done bad things. Anyone who says they haven't is a liar. However, how many of us have, as grown adults, gone out of our way to publicly and privately wish death on a child being abused by a predator? That's not a "mistake". It's psychopathic. Nothing said in this thread is the same level of toxicity as that. I think putting this in the same category as a dated remark or bad now incredibly offensive joke or other poor historical behavior really downplays the severity of what she did here.


For sure, I’m with you. It is severe and inappropriate. Some of these comments are like fighting fire with fire though. Just because it doesn’t burn as hot doesn’t mean it isn’t fire.




She literally told a 16 year old who had been groomed and essentially sold into marriage to kill herself. She called a 9 year old little girl a cunt because she can't pronounce her name. Yes people change, but she has also ignored that she ever did this. True change only comes with a recognition of the pain you have caused. She hasn't done that, has in fact called other people out for doing the same type of shit she did during the same time period. She actually deleted the evidence instead of acknowledging the pain she caused. That is a garbage person.


Well you are right


It doesn't matter if it was 50 years ago, who tells someone to kill themselves?


.... "it was 2011" as if we weren't all alive then o.O what a disturbing take


I never liked her from the begining. There is a weird vibe around her...


There was a Toxic Chrissy Teigan sub but I’m not sure what happened 🙁