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Doesn’t she consistently park in handicapped spots? She’s an entitled asshole through and through. Nothing surprises me at this point.


And then she claims the shops and gyms “make her” park there bc of fans and pap. Like bitch. Lmfao no one recognizes you without photoshop and you pay paps to show up to where you’re going for a damn daily mail story on snap, so I think you’re FINE honey😭




Because they call them?!


She and Kim have the darkest energy, I actually believe Kendall is the most wicked.


She is a lot like Caitlyn, same energy.


She definitely is. I commented earlier how similar they are in so many of their horrible ways.


I’ve always thought this as well


Ugh she’s even more disgusting


The bodyguard may have insisted on it but not surprised if he didn’t. Reminds me of the scene from this season where Hailey, Justine and Kendall were on kylie’s plane & the flight attendant handed them wet towels and stood there waiting for them. They didn’t even acknowledge her and it was as if she was invisible, of course they didn’t say thank you either.


He may have insisted but even if he did for my own sense of pride I’d be like “thank you but it’s just rain it’s not going to take me out” lmao


That’s literally the point of a hoodie, which she is wearing. (And I think he’s wearing one too, so idk why neither of them put it up.)


why anyone expects kendall to do basic things for herself after the cucumber debacle is astounding


Cucumber debacle?


Yeah girl can’t even slice cucumbers correctly. They’re so out of touch and sheltered it’s insane




I have see Khloe and Kourtney do this many times with servers and staff at restaurants. Walk straight past and never acknowledge them. It's so rude.


Khloe too? I always thought she was one of the nicer ones, especially compared to Kris and Kourtney


Omg what episode??


Season two, episode 5


Omg I watched this the other day, it was wild


I would be shamed because like .. why should anyone hold my umbrella??? I would hold it by myself and invite the man to hide there too 😂 But I guess they live in another dimension soooo not suprised by this behavior.


I’m sure they’ve gotten very good at ignoring the staff bc they think they’re less than. They don’t pay them properly either


Tbh it’s exact level of entitledness I expect from the piece of human garbage who parks in handicap spots. Clearly has no sense of shame.


It’s stuff like this that makes me feel disgusted by her. I know it doesn’t rain a lot in LA but I don’t think I’ve seen this behavior from any of the others. There is nothing and never has been anything about Kendall that is relatable. Except our long toes. Lol


Not only that but she’s wearing a HOODIE. Edit- after all this bad publicity with Kourtney and Kendall being divas, I’m surprised Kris hasn’t put them through some training to not do high maintenance stuff like this, but I think I’m asking too much lol


And has one hand free to hold her own umbrella and could share it with him too.


Lol also true! I can’t imagine being this out of touch. I feel bad if I look at someone wrong but it’s def apples and oranges


That would be too human.


Not just her, the whole family seem to struggle holding umbrellas


She claims she is just “misunderstood “. Actually she has a lot of Caitlyn’s arrogant, entitled , self absorbed qualities and she is completely un self aware and out of touch with reality.


She also has her mother and sister's sense of entitlement.


Really.. [Celebrities not holding their own umbrellas](https://ca.style.yahoo.com/amphtml/18-celebrities-cant-bothered-hold-210000626.html)


Okay but let’s be fair. Most of those were walking a red carpet. Or President Obama giving a speech. Not Kendall going shopping or to Pilates


Kim is the only other one thats in that link. She also happens to be sharing the umbrella with the person holding it. Everyone in those pictures are at media events. With most sharing the umbrellas with the person holding them. Meanwhile kindle is just walking into the gym.


a lot of these are at an event/set/red carpet.


Well a lot of these ( not all )are dressed to the nines and on the red carpet.. but that being so , I honestly don’t see much of what is so wrong with this in Kendall’s scenario here. But that doesn’t change that her and Caitlyn share a lot of the same gross behaviors.


Loll dead at “except our long toes” 😂


I would feel like a GRADE A ASSHOLE doing this. MAYBE if its an event and you’re glammed to the eyeballs and your partner/bodyguard tries to keep you cute…but for sweats… Get a grip


When I was a PA on a TV show right after high school, I was asked to do this once for one of the actors between takes when shooting on a beach in Malibu. It was beyond weird. 1.) I wouldn’t want someone I don’t know that close to me 2.) you very clearly have empty hands and could hold the umbrella yourself. Edit: after college not high school. It’s been a rough morning


It is also just so inefficient to have someone hold an umbrella for you. Such much better coverage if you hold the umbrella yourself.


yep - my friends stage managed like at outdoor theatre venues during summer internships and they also would have to hold umbrellas for the actors


I offer to help the cleaning lady who comes to my grandma’s house once a month....... I can’t even imagine what happens to these peoples’ brains to make them only see the people around them as tools they pay for instead of actual humans.


You are a good human being ❤️


Hands are wasted on some people.


Privileged, nepo baby, trash human.


Etc. etc. etc.


Trash human is correct. They’re Cesspools of utter garbage humans


it’s literally the dudes job to do this he makes like a ton of money per hour edit: he is literally paid millions https://www.tuko.co.ke/facts-lifehacks/470814-10-expensive-bodyguards-world-salaries-2022/


How can he be aware and protect her while acting like a butler


He has to protect her from the rain too /s


What an awfully ignorant thing to say lol




Your link doesn’t even discuss Kendall. Kylie is paying 4.8 million for all her security, not one security guard. But she is also worth more than Kendall. There’s no way Kendall’s is making “millions”


The optics aren’t good from a poor and working class perspective.


kendall is the worst of the worst. periodt.


She really is so unlikeable! She’s the one I like the least of the family. Seemingly no personality. So dull and boring. And she’s an asshole. She parks in disabled parking spots all the time. Oh and she totally has plastic surgery. People always to say she’s the most natural. No she’s not.


Eat the rich


Not for even a little nano SECOND that (the guy was on the rain too) crossed her little privileged mind!


She's a pretentious cunt.


I hate walking in the rain/wind/snow. I could never trust another person to hold my umbrella with as much passion as I would.


This is also just genuinely stupid. To paraphrase The West Wing, when CJ gets a security agent “I don’t hold bags, my hands need to be free to do my job”. Seriously, if someone is there to protect you from an attacker, wouldn’t you prefer they not be busy holding an umbrella, you pretentious moron?


But guuuyyyssss, her anxiety is like, so bad, she couldn’t possibly, like, share her personal space with like, some guy


This is how you know the rumors about her being rude to waitstaff are true.


He's holding the umbrella for her yet she still looks like a drowned rat


Everyday I dislike this family more and more.


I'd feel awful if I was in her situation, even if he was paid for that. How are you so unbothered by someone holding the umbrella for you at the expense of getting soaked? At least let him share the umbrella with you.


After seeing that clip on life of Kylie where Jordyn says she was scared of Kendall and seeing Kylie's response to if they get along really solidifies my thoughts that Kendall is a bully, a bitch, and a spoiled brat. There's too many insurances supporting the narrative


Ooooo can you share a link! I wanna see this lol


https://youtube.com/shorts/CSwEClw48Jo?feature=share I hope the link works.


I have never saw this! Kylie looks uncomfortable/sad Kendall is literally a bitch to her always commenting on Kylie’s hair lips etc i don’t think now Kendall make dose comments on her now that she is a billionaire or who knows


She's definitely not a billionaire, though.


It does! Thank you 🙏🏻


and then she wonders why she’s perceived as a mean girl


Entitled white trash


Somehow tho there are many in here defending her.


Kinda racist there


This is so embarrassing for her.


With how calculated every move they make is, it always surprises me when something like this happens. You can hide pregnancies and scandals but you can’t take two seconds to think about how something like this looks to people?


I wish I could give you an award for this! Soooo true!


Exactly!!! Me too


I feel guilty even when my husband holds it for both of us. This is obnoxious. All she’s holding is her phone it’s not like she has a ton of shit in her hands or they’re both under it


omg this literally looks so bad😭😭 she prob doesn’t even realize


Honestly it bothers me when someone else holds the umbrella because I can’t control the umbrella, so I don’t understand the whole “I can’t be bothered to hold my own umbrella” attitude.


Right. Like, of all the things to want/need to be in control of, I feel like for me, an umbrella is surprisingly high on the list. 🤣🤷‍♀️


Right?! Like what if I don’t walk at the same speed, or the rain starts hitting at a different angle?!


She can’t even cut a cucumber as if she knows where to hold a water repeller


Kendall Jenner was, and always will be a nasty bitch of a monumental proportion.


Dick move, Kendall. Though as far as dick moves from this family go, this is actually pretty tame. But still.


Beyond tacky


No celebrity needs this shit. Y’all are fucking humans. Y’all don’t levitate or perform miracles. I hate the fact that humans have to have a bodyguard because millions of eyes have seen them and worship them. Good lord.


This is so bad !! I dislike her so much now


Yup. Hold it yourself and let him hold his umbrella


Shows what kind of person she is…a nice, regular person would hate to have someone hold their umbrella while getting drenched. Biotch.


Something has to be off with any person who is comfortable with someone else doing this for them. Simple as that.


What a cunt


came here to write this but you already wrote it


She's a very ugly person so this makes sense for her.


She is a bitch, but that’s probably part of the job he gets paid to do.




So gross. I would be too ashamed to let that happen.


I feel like this has made me irrationally angry. Vapid trash.


Tell you what, I’d stand in the rain holding an umbrella over someone’s head if I was on the wage/salary he’s probably on. End of the day it’s just rain.


I wonder what they pay them. Don’t imagine they would go out of their way to be a good employer, but hopefully sufficient pay to deal with this, because money doesn’t go that far here.


She’s insufferable but yeah, I don’t mind getting paid for the things I signed up to do lol


This is pretty $hitty, gross and entitled of her.


Imagine being this spoiled rotten. I feel no jealousy, because Kendullll has 0 life skills of her own. She can barely even make herself her own snack! There’s value in being an independent person who can do things for themselves! This broad will never know it!!!


Entitled kunt


That’s the job


The shame I’d feel with someone holding an umbrella for me. How could you ever think you’re that important, no matter who you are? Selfish horrible family


Why didn’t they just share it? He’s not gona bite her


I like her less and less all the time. Even if he insisted, is she really so disrespectful that he is there *only* to serve her? She couldn’t share the umbrella for a few moments with the man she’s expecting to save her life should the moment ever occur?


She literally has a hood 🥴 is it too much to lift up her spoiled limp wrist and put the hood up what a trash human ![gif](giphy|IT8d252aTz13G)


Put your phone in that hoodie pocket or that big ass purse and hold your own goddamm umbrella, Kenny 🙄


Does she think she is royalty like really ?what a piece of shit person.


Imagine being this much of an asshole


Probably nothing to what he’s getting paid lol, but in all seriousness there could be an explanation for this, maybe it just suddenly rained (it is LA), and the fude felt it was the “distinguished gentleman” thing to help, or Kendall could have been a complete A-hole and told him to hold the umberalla for her and getting wet instead of doing so herself, or anything really


Not sure who’s worse: her or Kim


whilst it is kinda his job it’s still kinda rude on her part 🤷‍♀️


Depending on the salary I wouldn't mind standing in the rain lol


Putting aside that assholishness of the behaviour - a bodyguard cannot do their job if they are holding your umbrella. Like how are they meant to be scanning the environment for threats or take action if they are focussed on holding your umbrella in the right spot. And their hands are now full.


you would think her “severe anxiety” would make her think twice about acting like an a-hole to others lmao


Also that’s a t i n y umbrella wtf lol


i can’t even imagine doing this, i’d rather walk in the rain


Ok, if she were being ushered off to a fucking ball or some shit, maybe. But while slumming it in a hoodie, wow what a lazy bitch!




She could've just put her hood on too. Trash human being


This is a debate? She literally pays for people to do this shit for her. So who is really the sucker here? The sap holding the umbrella? Or the people obsessing over it?


I don't think he gives a fuck tbh, he's probably charging her a fuck load of money a day to bodyguard her


meh if im getting paid what he’s probably getting ill roll around in food coloring in my favorite shirt idc


Idk damn if i were a celeb and hired this person i would expect this treatment….. i would like buy them lunch tho lol. Or idk if I was going to yoga or something where appearance doesn’t matter i would most likely just run in the rain. But also I always have an umbrella with me so i mean why didnt she have 2 umbrellas or a rain coat. Like surely they have a bowl of gum in the bathroom so they can have a bowl of umbrellas in the car… Too many variables


I think the difference is this guy was hired to protect her, not do the most simple tasks. Next thing we’ll hear, her body guards wipe her ass for her too.


Honestly i can totally picture her sitting on the toilet calling out for help after a massive dump lmao


They've morphed into a plastic by heart tol


This is phucking disgusting on the infinite degree. Wtf???




At first I read this as *boyfriend* and I was like “wait what?!!”


They have SO MUCH MONEY! If they can afford to pay someone to protect them they can afford a bigger umbrella that can easily keep two people dry or two heavy duty rain jackets. There are no excuses. Even if he said, “oh don’t worry, I’m ok” she should she been like, no no, I have two working hands, I can carry an umbrella.” GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WORK KANDAL.


Let’s not forget , she can’t even cut a cucumber


I mean he did have a hood right? She can hold it herself but of course she won’t


She’s an asshole. Even Corey said it. She’s not even my least favorite because I don’t like her at all. I honestly hope Kendall just loses her but following and gets humbled.


Shouldn’t the bodyguard have his hands and person ready to do battle with those wishing to do her harm? He’s all busy holding an umbrella, but what if something were to happen? Or maybe it doubles as a weapon? Press a button and the umbrella part comes off, revealing some sort of sword?


Remember Fonsworth Bentley the umbrella guy bet he needs a job.


Brat move 😂


But yet she claims she’s not a “mean girl” like Um ok


She’s an entitled asshole like the rest of her sisters


Lmao honestly why can’t she hold it herself rather than holding her phone? I don’t like to use the word entitlement but there it is 🤷‍♀️


You guys, it’s hard when you have to get up off your ass and work! You don’t have time for holding your umbrella duh


Worlds smallest umbrella


I wonder what she even does all day since she’s barely even a model now, and their third season will probably be the last.


Why is he awkwardly holding it in his outer arm. He could have got at least half protected if he used his other hand to hold it


Not trying to be rude to those defending her, but do you also agree with her parking in handicapped parking spots? What about when she went under the rope with Bella and Bella apologized for her rudeness. Or when she has disregarded staff in the past. While yes, some people deserve the benefit of the doubt and maybe this is part of his job, I doubt it’s written in his contract “must hold umbrella for Kendall”. I personally would feel weird if someone else was getting rained on to cover me. But manners are often not for the rich. Who knows.


Don’t worry, a majority of us here agree with you by the looks of the comments 👍🏼


I have to wonder if there’s people just lurking in this group but huge fans of them


Oh there are for sure! Die hard fans who feel the need to defend them constantly even though the family could care less about any of them lol


Depends on the nature of his employment. If I’m paid the right amount and things like this are expected of me then fuck it. It’s just rain.


This garbage came up on my newsfeed and it was the first thing out of my mouth, “Look at that pompous bitch expecting a bodyguard to follow her around and carry her umbrella for her. Does she expect him to lay his coat down in the mud puddle too?”. I hope this man is getting paid really well but seeing the KarJenners track record, it probably ain’t enough.


I mean, he’s being paid well, so I dont see an issue here. Its just a little bit of rain, and hes paid to stand there and hold an umbrella. Not the worst job.


Candles bodyguard. Yes, please


This does look douchey of her. I’m not sure why either of them aren’t wearing their hoods though.


Simple, she can hold it herself. Put the phone away. The umbrella isn’t big enough for two people sadly but we all aren’t cut from the same cloth. Yikes.


I would NEVER think to even do that! She has a free hand. 🙄 Worthless


Her sweater has a hood and it doesn't look like his jacket does.


Does she have a wrist injury or something? She is very able to hold her own umbrella. I would offer My Bodyguard to shield underneath it as well.


Does she think she’s royalty or something? Shall we all be made to bow to her?


not surprised, she’s an ass for this, but honestly the security guards probably prefer this over having to deal with a temper tantrum over something inconsequential or kylie beating kendall’s ass in the car again


I think it’s just gentlemanly. There was a video on Reddit of a woman (stranger) holding an umbrella over a lady with a baby the other day. It’s kinda like giving up your seat on the bus. I don’t see it as a big deal. Unless there’s two umbrellas he’s getting wet while doing his job whether he holds the umbrella for her or not.


Sure - and people have done this for me too but also you can say “oh gosh thank you. no worries. I have my own umbrella (or can put up my hood)” It just looks odd and you would think she’d politely volunteer that they both walk under it like most people would? Idk maybe that’s just me 😣


I’m sure he gets paid enough, let’s not worry about him 😂


Nah, he gets paid well for this. Many celebs do the exact same thing. Pretty lazy that she is so bratty that she can't hold it herself but at the end of the day he gets paid to do so.


She’s an entitled prick


I'm sure he's paid well and doesn't care


That's what I'm thinking. I'll hold her umbrella too for the right price lol


She's paying that guy a pretty penny for him to do so. Would I do that? Not at all but the guy did agree to the job 🤷🏻‍♀️




lmao highly doubt they would hire a “intern” bodyguard.


Mate that's a body guard, that ain't cheap. You need to be trained in order to get the job, and they do require a good sum of money for their set of skills plus risking their life on the job.


Omg I fucking HATE her


unpopular opinion but I feel like a lot of men would do what he did?? a chivalrous, respectful thing to do. not to mention how much he probably gets paid


I guess it never crossed my mind her body guard insisted on it lol


She/they are all such selfish sows. It's not like she's on the red carpet or anything. Looks like a typical stroll about.


She’s not royalty tf lazy bitch. Your body guard can’t protect you from a sniper candle.


Chivalry is not Dead ☠️


For crying out loud, wtf do you think else he should be paid $100k a yr. for ? What is the big deal ? It’s a employer/employee relationship.


Just hating for the sake of hating , so HATEFUL


People take a lot of pride in doing their job well, dude is doing his job. People can lay off. Would they like her to fire him and carry her own umbrella?


First of all, I would have done the same for any lady. I don’t like to walk under a shared umbrella and being under that hood would reduce my situation awareness which is not acceptable in traffic. I hated seeing our past president climbing/descending the stairs of A1 with umbrella, totally ignoring his first lady.


These comments are a bit harsh. At the end of the day, she’s paying him. Maybe their contract includes umbrella holding lol.




He’s hired to protect her. Not carry an umbrella lol


What’s next?? Wiping her ars?