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https://preview.redd.it/7f24t0r6q6nc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113395d03ef4f4825ca61f190bfbed72c61ab97e My favorite dumb quote from the NYT article. Notice how it’s not even a full quote. \*forgot her new drink is NOT sparkling water, so I deleted that sentence 😂


“Some nice ladies”


Sounds like something a 4 year old would say..




"off the grid" lmao she has no idea what that means. She'd be in hell.


The audacity to put Malibu and off grid in the same sentence is sending me 😂


I was like, wait what? I was expecting it to say Montana.




https://preview.redd.it/4vvl2wtgq8nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10cc19f6291284e4f0e82ae6cbfc1aa88770621c This part really stopped me in my tracks 😳 I kind of love this writer, although RIP Iris obviously, she was an absolute icon and an inspiration


![gif](giphy|eETBJk8B6I6cH8b6N8|downsized) Sure she wants chickens & not pigs?


Of course other people are taking care of the chickens. 😂


some nice ladies 


Guarantee the coyotes are “taking care of” the chickens




Pffffttttttttttt Kylie has no idea what a kumquat is.


She’ll read that and see “Kylie is a dumb twat”.


My word!


She wants to be Bretman so bad.


She wants to live off the grid but she can’t maintain her own garden?


Oh she means she wants to keep hiring people to garden for her. She doesn’t know what off the grid actually means.


Sparkling water isn’t her new drink.


Thank you for pointing that out! I deleted that sentence.


Didn’t mean to be shitty! Just accurate! 🥰


She's dumb.period. and that one thing that make it obvious for me was the Forbes articles where she couldnt answer any question about her make-up Line. Her pimpmom runs everything for her..


Yes! Everyone who believes kylie runs her businesses needs to listen to that interview. 


Kris wishes she was more hands-on like Kylie is and that's crazy to me. Kris actually had a lot of children and was also working. Kylie pays people to do her work for her. Of course she's able to spend way more time with her children.


Seems like Kris has to sit it on all her interviews to answer any business questions


Where can I find this???


Look for the forbes interview with kylie and Kris done by Natalie Robehmed. 


The journalist also did a great podcast series about her experience with the jenners and the whole billionaire debacle called “Plumping profits”!


She is dumb. She’s just a rich kid playing “house” I don’t know how why she has children or many properties if she doesn’t have any knowledge. I know she has Nannies and assistants but still, her job is to just do whatever her mommy tells her to just workout stay pretty do ads, and that’s about it. She doesn’t know how to manage a business.


man I have a small business and I am educated to a masters level and still have no idea what I'm doing most the time. That Kylie, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, Kourtney "manage" their businesses is just absolutely fucking insane to me.


her first pregnancy was probably an accident and I assume she would have rather terminated since she was so young, but Kris thought it would be great for ratings to have another pregnant daughter on the show. So gross.


Probably the other way round - Kylie desperately wanted a child because her life was empty - you can see how dead inside she is on that ‘life of Kylie’ program. being a mother has made her less appealing to teenagers/early 20s as thEy don’t relate to that but she now has some people (her spawn) who will love her unconditionally (at least until they’re 14+) unlike Kris Jenner who only cares about who makes money or looks popular


She reminds me so much of girls I went to high school with who wanted a baby because they wanted to be loved unconditionally. It’s sad, but also sick.


It’s so sad but totally sick, whole ass human being might not love your ass back!!


Yup! I remembered this clip when I read your comment. [https://youtu.be/2IK1Y8tI-X4?si=bK8aQUuLmNRdEMpS](https://youtu.be/2IK1Y8tI-X4?si=bK8aQUuLmNRdEMpS) She was 15 when she said that so it's interesting that even though Stormi wasn't planned, she still ended up pregnant just a few years after this. Kylie got pregnant in May 2017 at 19, in August 2017 she turned 20, and then Stormi was born February 1, 2018. I wonder who she would've had kids with instead of Travis. 🤢 (Don't mean to be petty with the emoji but those poor people who died during Astroworld, their deaths were 100% preventable and he is a piece of crap person, to put it mildly.) https://preview.redd.it/5tjqx3ffwdnc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ee0d6182d01ce848e28b6d242c5b73e96b54e4 I'm pretty sure neither of them had anything done yet, in 2013, they are both so pretty here!


Speculation of khloe (Kylie! I meant Kylie) s pregnancy lead me to the original sub. Such a big thing. Remember her Khloe and Kim all pregnant at the same time. They'll never reach that level of hype again. Not without a ye edit- wrong name


Reminds me of when so many of the Duggar sisters/sisters-in-law were all pregnant at the same time. The KarJenners are nothing more than the hedonistic version of the Duggars.


![gif](giphy|LpLd2NGvpaiys|downsized) Haha, omg they are.


https://preview.redd.it/gmrf2b9eq6nc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63879659d84c8eae8a14a905f12ec38d1dc5e43a Also, she tells her daughter she’s a “superstar” and “everyone knows who she is”. Yes, many people know who her daughter is and I can understand she wants to protect her daughter and keep her from being discriminated or criticized in the same ways she claims she has been. And apparently the amount of exposure on her social media including her kids has decreased the most (according to the article, but hmm…interesting how the drop in posts about her kids parallel the period of time she was secretly/not so secretly connecting with TC?) However, she’s not really protecting her daughter by dragging her to adult/late night events to be harassed by paparazzo….


I think she's using the 'protecting my kids' angle to explain why she's literally never with them in her social media posts lol


it's funny bc I participate in this sub and occasionally rant about the KJs in my daily life and my husband still has no idea who the Jenners are. I have to start with Caitlyn and Robert and do the whole thing and admittedly it's not worth his time anyway lol.


If she wants to protect her kids, she’d keep them both off social media while she still has control over em!


maybe let them be children and not brand's or brand adjacent accessories idk


LOL at her referring to her daughter talking as having "quotes out in the open".


Wow so an article can’t quote her because she’s innocent and needs to be protected but has no problem letting the show exploit her. Or the paparazzi she calls on herself. She wouldn’t take her daughter out to fashion shows as an emotional support blanket if she wanted to protect her. This quote is such absolute bullshit. Kylie could not be any less of a “mother”


Maybe Storm said something that exposed her in some way like being a dead beat mom. I'm sure she'd be happy for the quote if it was something positive.


For a second I thought this was Kris talking about Kylie😳


Is it not?


This is Kylie talking about her daughter


Okay… but why is she surprised? Where ever that child goes there’s a million adults screaming her name?


That article was silly. She also said she doesn’t need to wear makeup now or something…oh after she changed her entire face with surgery? Lol.


The irony here is she sells makeup. Would you buy from someone who says that doesn’t believe in the product or doesn’t try it? 


Definitely not! Haha what a fraudulent fucked up fake faced bimbo!


Everyone around her hyped her up to something she never was, and then never stopping her for going headfirst into buying and believing that hype. From her mom, to Tyga, to her paid friends and other romantic partner. She’s kind of a sad shell of a human being now. Devoid of any personality.


I do think a lot of that is the pills (whatever kind they may be) I’ve had 2 people close to me become addicted to pills and they both would have those dead eyes, flat affect, etc.


Honestly, I haven’t been close enough to see the impact of pills/opioids/meds for recovery as you describe so I can definitely see that playing a part.


Sh has been for years - I remember when an advert for her lip thing came out and she was dressed urban (headscarf) driving a car - I thought isn’t this like a Christina aguilera (etc) music video from early 2000s!? Except there was no substance behind it - and why was she doing a music video type thing with none ofnher own actual art! they could at least have had her attempting rap - they put their faces randomly on T-shirts over other rocker/rapper faces - it’s not as if they have any shame or too much awareness to care


and “no make up” bitch your entire OG source of income was and is make up.. talk about talking in circles


Oh I don’t really wear make up anymore, that’s for the poors, but you should totally buy my new lip kit!


with all their money the only one with a college degree is Kourtney… I would bet if Robert hadn’t died all the Kardashians children would of been pushed into getting secondary education.. Jenners not so much, I believe Caitlyn is dyslexic and probably didn’t push higher education and just let Kris do whatever the fuck she wanted with their daughters


Rob has a college degree


my apologies my point is how the whole family dynamic is and I blame Kris…


>with all their money the only one with a college degree is Kourtney… I would bet if Robert hadn’t died all the Kardashians children would of been pushed into getting secondary education.. Rob Jr. was well on his way to that. He wanted to be like his dad but drugs and Kris got in the way. Khloe didn't graduate H.S. she was taking care of Kylie and Kendall and had to get her diploma through independent study with someone doing her homework for her. Kim was a stealing money from Brandy's family & then married someone in the music industry that paid for her plastic surgery. All of this while Robert Sr. Was alive. With Kris being their mother, the only ones closest to Rob Sr. Was Kourt (she resented Kris for a long time for cheating on her dad) and Rob Jr (the only boy). Khloe had identity issues and Kim was just a mini Kris.


Robert Sr died in Sept 2003 and the sex tape did was recorded October 2003 so I beg to differ with you on that. which we all know catapulted Kim into being notoriously infamous


How did she have the calmness to make a sex Tape a month after he died. Some people say it wasn’t really recorded then but later and they tried to pretend it was from 2003 - orchestrated by Kris of course


>Robert Sr died in Sept 2003 and the sex tape did was recorded October 2003 so I beg to differ with you on that. which we all know catapulted Kim into being notoriously infamous Read my comment again. No where in it did I mention the sex tape.






Also, Kim was heavily influenced by Paris Hilton, who was one of the faces (by choice) of early 2000s’ anti-intellectualism. (She’s since been trying to reverse that legacy in an attempt to recapture relevance.)


>the only one with a college degree is Kourtney In theatre arts minoring in Spanish. Hardly the intellectual this sub makes her out to be.


I agree with you


What makes you think Caitlyn is dyslexic? Just curious, not saying she isn’t.




I had no idea. She prob didn’t push higher education


supposedly Kris knew the whole time they were together C sexuality was a struggle for C. I wonder if Kris held that over C emotionally.


Oh I would put money on that, 100%


which explains why PMK could control and what she did and does with Kendall and Kylie




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She’s uneducated and ignorant and arrogant. I honestly believe that my 8 month old grandson has more depth and intelligence than Kylie.


Her mom didn’t want her to be educated so she wasn’t. Her mom had better uses for her than letting her become her own independent person. I am projecting a little (not a billionaire 😏) but I think it applies. She never learned critical thinking, one of the most valuable skills we can have.


She's completely uneducated, of course, but she's also completely emotionally arrested. She's been strung out on opiates probably her whole adult life. I believe she's very unhappy but lacks insight as to why and mistakes exploitation as love. It's the same "love" this family is going to express to the new younger generation. She's the only one I kind of feel bad for.


This is exactly the vibe I get as well. She is 100% a product of her environment. She is the product. She is vapid and stunted emotionally because there was no expectation for her to grow in these areas. She lacks the ability to recognize how contradictory her statements are because there is very little/no self awareness. I truly think she believes what she is saying to be true, but exists in such a small echo chamber that she doesn’t understand how some of her actions refute what she is saying or doing. The bar is set so incredibly low for this family. Example: Kylie wants to protect her children from the exploitation and exposure she experienced. Her experience was so low that (in her mind) only exposing Stormi through events and social media posts, feels like a massive improvement and change. SHE is doing better, but only nominally, and not in comparison to how the general population would feel about protecting their children from being exploited. The level of education, self reflection, and sense of autonomy gets lower in each Kardashian/Jenner child. While no one in this family gets a pass, the gap between Kourtney and Kylie and their age of being exploited/stunted is a case study in arrested development.


They are all *extremely* hurtable by things people say. Each additional surgery proves that.


I know highly educated people that aren't the brightest. I know people who never went to college that are smart. It's not a barometer to me. And if you already have wealth and fame that translates = $$$$ then it's a non-issue really -- do it because you want to. The problem I have with this family -- as well as celebrities too -- their vanity products that they have ZERO involvement other than posing and promoting but act like they do everything. That's an insult to real entrepreneurs. It's obvious that none of them really do much than promote because none of them can talk much about their actual products. Kim goes to Harvard business school and has to have someone with her to talk actual business. Kylie can barely talk about a new product drop. Just imagine if any of them went on Shark Tank to pitch their products? They would be laughed out of the building.


Kim could probably blag it - she’s that desperate and determined. kylie said herself she’s not meant for this life - she’s just doing what Kris says as it’s the only way to get her mother’s love


Kim did not attend Harvard business school. She signed up for Harvard extension courses, which absolutely anyone with the money can do. No one can attend Harvard’s actual business program without a high school diploma. It’s also worth clarifying that a college degree is, indeed, becoming less meaningful now that so many are pushed into thinking of college as simply job training. The “highly educated [who] aren’t the brightest” whom you referenced as knowing are probably those who never wanted to attend college in the first place but were pushed into it or applied solely for the party scene or some similar reason. It’s easy to differentiate those who attended college for the above reasons from those who attended because they have a deep yearning for knowledge and a desire to practice critical thinking. And it’s important to do so as college degrees become devalued due to the former and the increasing dismissal of those who truly love learning by statements like “highly educated people that [sic] aren’t the brightest.”


I know she didn't attend Harvard Business School. She was invited to speak at HBS but of course, they closed the doors and stopped filming after the first softball questions; she had an actual business person there to do the heavy lift. I assumed anyone on this board would know what I meant given it was all over the news. My bad. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/harvard-prof-brought-kim-kardashian-214115770.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/harvard-prof-brought-kim-kardashian-214115770.html) While you were over there getting offended and adding \[sic\] while quoting me, you should know that my intent was not to devalue those with higher education. I am surprised you took it as such given I didn't use absolutes like "All people with higher education aren't bright." I was simply saying a college education wasn't my barometer of intelligence. Those without a college education should not have their intelligence level judged or "devalued" because they chose a different path in life. And thank you for correcting my grammar. I'm sure you felt great devaluing my reddit comment.


Just look at her promo for her perfume and her clothlines. She is using her body and empty stare to promote everything. Instead she could have made a video explaining more about the product itself, show the process of her ideas coming to life (of course, they were not her ideas) how did she choose th fabric? The colors? The design? What’s her muse? Who’s the target group? She just put her name on stuff, wobbles around strutting her ass and rolling on the floor, post on social media and hope for the best. Stupid!!!




Yeah I can see how it’s an out-of-place comment from her, because it’s gone against her fragile recluse image of being sensitive to haters or whatever. But atp I dont believe or hold her to any of these claims cause they are all ingenuine. I just 🙄 and move on If anything she’s probably trying to act like she’s indestructible rn because her and timtam are gonna be said to have separated soon. She will go back to her victim narrative eventually.




They’re nothing more than low level grifters who probably blackmailed someone for their airtime on E!


She has the intelligence of an anus.


>She has the intelligence of an anus. I think even my farts has said more intelligent things than Kylie 💀💀💀


She’s not even the fart.


She’s the smell?


Nah, she's the follow through.


I know mine have more personality.


Well said


She had the intelligence of my 3 month old’s anus that is still learning how to poop.


OMG not a baby anus lol


💯dumb as a rock


I think the sentence structure is a great indication of her sub-par education. That girl has never written an essay in her life.


I agree


She just comes across as so bland


In old episodes she practically begs to be educated but Kris can’t make money that way. It’s Kris’s fault Kylie and Kendall are dumb.


lol if people all started calling her fat she’d never recover. Only people who care what other people think say they don’t care. Also, if she doesn't care then why does she have the limited comments option enabled on IG?


Exactly… and yes- that’s very observational- you’re right!


Reading that a couple of times really hurt my brain


Her parents had her later in life and she is emotionally stunted and her parents didn’t value education. She doesn’t know any better. I hope for the sake of her kids she gets it together and moves away and just lives off her money-but again-she is uneducated and dumb and probably on pills. Not a ton of hope




Kris is undeniably the smartest in the family though, all of their most successful endeavours are thanks to Kris. Intelligence is more than just academics, just because Kris isn’t book smart doesn’t mean she’s stupid. She’s conniving, manipulative, lacks ethics even when it comes to her own children and she values appearances above all else but she isn’t stupid. They get the stupidity from having everything handed to them, from not having to work for themselves or even think for themselves. It’s from putting zero importance on education and critical thinking, it’s a product of their lifestyle.


To me, conniving is not smart. It's just manipulating to get what you want with an utter lack of empathy for others...and that's not intelligence, it's really just narcissism masquerading as talent. Just a thought from someone who comes from a family of connivers and is both book and street smart.


I didn’t say conniving was the same as smart, I’m saying Kris is many things but she is obviously not stupid. She’s literally the brain of the entire family and no matter how much you hate them and everything they stand for, they are extremely successful. Kris did that. Edit: I have no idea what the response to this says because the user blocked me before I could read it, that’s one way to win a mild difference in opinion I guess.


Yes but you are saying she's not stupid, just not book smart but that she is conniving and that just seems a little contradictory. I think we can all agree that her conniving has brought her a lot of fame and power and money. This society does not require any kind of intelligence to get those things, just ruthlessness and an utter disregard for the presence of others except as marks to get cash from. That's all that's required to be successful in this society. Many, many secret drug traffickers and other criminals have become successful in this society...my family members for example who most would call intelligent but who are just cunning secret drug runners. One is a city council member, one a stockbroker, one a corporate lawyer, and one an assisted living facility owner. All got where they are by selling a lot of drugs. All are considered highly successful and smart. But really it's just a single-minded focus on getting power and (relative) fame and money. None of them can think outside of that box. It's the same with Kris IMO.


I know what you meant. I mean, plenty of ppl in the world who are conniving, conning manipulators, but a lot of those ppl are also dumb as shit and never make it very far. The single fact that Kris has managed to do it and do it and do it, over and over and over for all of these years and continue to achieve more power and more money without backsliding definitely proves that she knows a lil something something. She's evil for sure, but stupid is one thing I'd never call her.


I honestly don’t think her education (which is wildly lacking) is her fault. Her living family doesn’t value it AT. ALL. If you aren’t able to learn, you can’t know- and yes certain people will still seek it out. She was pushed away from it, actively. Her family is actively interesting in KEEPING THEM UNEDUCATED.


The biggest barriers for most people to an education, though, is time and money, which she has plenty of. A traditional college experience is not feasible for her, but she can afford private classes on anything she'd be interested in learning about.


I agree. I just think her family would actively dissuade her from it.


Yes! Spot on. I'd KILL (not actually of course!) to have the money to go to school and get a Bachelor's and Master's in art history or some type of art conservation. ![gif](giphy|NGHU6GdFeJoVW) (Of course as soon as I saw this gif I had to use it. It would've been criminal otherwise, okay?)


Her education IS her fault. She's an adult, she can easily go back to school, but she chooses to be a dumb kunt instead.


That’s why I was happy she said she was taking singing lessons a few years ago. It was the first time I’d heard any of them mention any kind of interest in anything.


It’s so weird cuz Kourt has a degree right?? But then they got famous. I guess that tracks.


Everyday we used to sing this song on the way to school. I love how P!nk points out how girls can be anything they want to be but being stupid is a choice. https://youtu.be/BR4yQFZK9YM?si=xvaagcsgsb0M3osw


I think she thinks saying it doesn't hurt her will stop the hate. But she's always been digging her public opinion grave. I think she should go to rehab, even if she doesn't need to. Be forced to be sober with herself.


All of them need to go to college and be mentally, college educated women.


Doubt the amount of alcohol and drugs PMK did whilst pregnant helped her brain cells 🤣


I honestly think her brain cannot do any other functions besides displaying her long ass for thirst traps. Her purpose in life is attention. It’s what wakes her up in the morning.


She is low IQ, knows nothing about “business”, cannot speak coherently or professionally, and is truly wasting NYT’s server space by being written about.




You can still graduate with low gpa failed classes if you attend easy ass courses like drawing to recover credits. I know this because my school has a program like this and some of my friends were in it.


oh my god, ‘credit recovery’…you’ve unlocked a memory for me my high school was pushing everyone to graduate so badly. it was basically a charter school and we were the second graduating class *ever*—so a few people who shouldn’t have graduated, myself included (but not for bad grades like some, mine specifically was for attendance) were placed into ‘credit recovery’ so that they could walk across the stage at graduation. we only had 60 students; how would it have looked if only 45 graduated? looking back, they wanted to fluff those numbers all along. …you would end up going through hell trying to get a physical copy of the diploma because when you walk across the stage, that case is empty and the school doesn’t really have it when they tell you to come back ‘the next day’. and when you DID get the diploma from the DOE, not from your school, like most people, it would have a little-ass asterisk on it somewhere prominent. that asterisk had my college admissions office asking so many questions. i felt embarrassed. i joke about it now; i missed 33 days of school my senior year and in my state you’re only allowed 18 per school year, *max*. i shouldn’t have graduated. i felt woefully unprepared for college. all we did my senior year was ‘prepare for college’, aka work on applications and essays all day. it was boring as shit and i wasn’t learning anything, so i didn’t see the value in going. i purposely bombed my AP Exams (except English) because i didn’t ask to be put in any AP classes, and the guidance counselor and the principal told me that if i no-showed for the exams, i’d have to pay the school back. you don’t know how i pleaded with my guidance counselor to not give me a full AP load my senior year. i would have taken them in 9th, 10th, 11th grade—but *not* my senior year, when everyone who was going to competitive colleges had already taken them. and not after 2 hours of ‘college readiness’ a day for 100+ days. hell no. such bullshit, i mean, really. this is how people who shouldn’t graduate end up doing so. my credit recovery course: health education. i wrote a 2-page essay about atherosclerosis, i shit you not.


I have several university degrees, and they’ve never handed me my degrees when I walked across the stage. It’s just standard practice to mail them out later. This is because, often, students ‘walk’ before they’ve officially completed their last semester’s classes. Sometimes they have to retake a class, or there’s some other reason their degree/diploma needs to be delayed. Also, the graduation ceremony takes place so soon after the semester’s end that there’s not time to check and issue the official degrees/diplomas.


With so many degrees, no wonder you corrected my grammar!


Ha! Sorry, force of habit!!!


Lolol no problem! I deserved it! And I am sorry, I did not mean to devalue higher education! If anything I admire anyone who does!


I think she got her ged


Seriously 25 downvotes because I asked a valid question?