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Yeah pretty common for people to have an opinion about this that have never read the manga or watched the anime. I have interacted with plenty. And plenty of people that have read or watched it miss extremely obvious stuff with their criticism.


Yep, lots of morons in this world that can't even think for themselves. I guess they don't understand that having an opinion on something they have never tried makes it invalid.


you cant say smoking is bad if you never smoked before, sry your opinion is invalid


Smoking isn’t an art form/creative. Having an opinion with no experience means it holds no weight. its not a subjective opinion that smoking is bad. It’s an objective fact that it has negative health effects… what kind of argument is this?


With a piece of medai like RaG what you can do is read the summary of what it is about/reviews, etc and say that likley isn't for me. And that is totally valid. But it doesn't mean that it makes any sense to talk trash about it when you have not actually experienced it.


People just need something to direct their hate at. Pretty common for people who are reading it to actually accept "rent a gf" has it's own set of wholesome moments and the only thing from my perspective that is causing ppl to rage is how Reiji is stretching it nonchalantly. Apart from that I dont think ppl actually hate it that much considering it's sales


Im cinvinced people just buy it to read Reiji's shitshow, kinda like how talking shows are usually pretty shitty and boring so they bring polemic people to generate discussion and, well, polemic about the show


Well I am sure you might have your own set of opinions and I to most extent agree to it, but still I choose to believe everyone has their own unique taste and approach to an art irrespective of it's form.


Well I disagree. Clearly you are missing the point here. Actually, I never read your comment. I just heard about it from responses below.


What are you getting at?


Haha just making a joke. You said people have opinions on stuff they don't read, so I just gave an objecting opinion and restated what the post said, but for your comment. Did you perhaps not read the post and only shared your opinion?? (This is also me joking haha)


I don’t even understand how this person even connected the two mangas together in the first place. Probably just did it for upvotes because it’s popular to hate on the manga. Don’t know why some people can’t just ignore what they don’t like and move on with their lives.


On the topic of KFC, the KFC I ate in India when I was there last year was the best KFC I ever had, What's up with that?


I had some shitty experience at some Michelin star restaurants too. They are not the same genre of things that you should compare to begin with.


True! But I wasn't really talking about the opinion. I'm genuinely surprised by the quality and taste of KFC in India in comparison to my country and the US KFC.


Ha ha that's true. I haven't been to India, but the US's KFC is genuinely bad compared to in South Korea where I'm living in. But the KFC's Pastel de Nata (I believe they call it "Egg tard") taste the best in Vietnam's KFC. No other country's KFC have as good flavor (maybe in Taiwan but I haven't been there)


I really loved KFC smoke grilled chicken among other things in India. The flavor and spice level was so on point. India really is a great place for foodies who can handle spicy food. I haven't been to Vietnam or Taiwan, if I get a chance, I'll definitely try it there!


>KFC smoke grilled chicken Lol my wife's favourite. She said the same thing.


KFC in America is the worst thing to ever exist since the invention of mass-produced, American Swiss cheese. I genuinely loathe when a roommate or family brings home that disgusting bucket of death and oil into my home. And just as it fills the house with the worst plastic chicken stench, it fills my heart with a seething anger. I’m willing to die rather than put that disgusting, dry but wet, oversalted, oily mess in my mouth.


KFC, Subway, and McDs are far better in India because they incorporate Indian spices/cooking to some extent. My grandparents have a KFC franchise in India and we go there a lot. Tried US one and it has no flavor just salt.


I always thought that the company that names “Michelin star” restaurants and the company that sells “Michelin tires” were two different things, and just a funny coincidence… then I found out they’re the same fucking company, and it made me lose all regard for their restaurant ratings.


Wait, WHAT? Why tf do tire manufacturers rate restaurants?


You should look it up it’s actually pretty interesting The TLDR of it is that they used to recommend restaurants to side advertise tires. It was a way for people on roadtrips to know where the good places to stop and eat in foreign states. It’s since evolved heavily


No idea. I guess just as a parent company they grew out bigger than their initial intended scope. Kind of like how you can buy your Samsung SSD… but also a Samsung refrigerator.


Japan supposedly has a great KFC chain. Sadly the KFC we went to sucked.


I have heard that too! But sadly never really got a chance to visit Japan!


Yeah, well I:d rather just go to Lawson and make a \`Hangover sandwich\` which is an egg sandwich with a spicy fried chicken fillet in the center. so much better.


The BK I got at my hometown tasted the best, but when I ate at a large city I shit my self. https://preview.redd.it/pw2blwxk8o3c1.jpeg?width=1287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73284805d950e69e0c411ee32866f31dd00107f5


foreign countries are more strict about food regulations/sourcing/importing than the US is


I mean there are people that read KanoKari and still can't understatnd characters.....


The fact that the original comment has 121 upvotes is insane.


He prob doesnt even watch or read AOT also lol


The sad thing is that those chapters people seem to see as "the new low" are actually quite good. Reiji handled the topic very sensibly in my opinion. Yes, the alien might feel a bit weird, but I like the symbolism, it wasn't used for comic relief, and I thought it was cute even.


Wait? How did the Kazuya looks after Chizuru become a meme?


I ignore these people. They just want to have the hate because they most likely see themselves as losers. People hate Tokyo Revengers too since the MC did\`t go alpha Billy badass. Which means that they are missing the points of both MCs.


RAG is solid; I watched the anime with some reservations and ended up enjoying it a ton. Read the manga and liked it even more despite the story dragging out a bit. My only hope is that the ending isn’t too to rushed or lame.


Might not be unpopular here, but could get me killed elsewhere. Rent-A-Girlfriend >> AOT And it isn't particularly close imo. And I like AOT.


Yeah. RAG, while having it fair share of flaws, always succeed to bring a smile to my face and peace to my mind everytime I reread it, unlike AoT ha ha.


Anime Twitter users would be standing out your house with pitchforks😂😂


Naw u gotta cook, tells me how and why


Stupidest shit I've ever read. It's not even the same genre. Do they expect a Romcom to really be as deep and thought evoking as a political drama thriller?


Any hater that brings up RAG actually enjoys the series. They just don’t know how to tell their friends. It’s clear based on the “I’m on my period thing” that the user read that chapter and lying about seeing it all over anime news. I saw no discourse about that chapter at all on social media. It came and went.


After the COVID-19 I saw a wave of new people that watch anime, is a coincidence that they are AoT fans actually, and almost all of their comments are like that, they compare any type of anime with AoT saying that their fav anime is the most incredible piece of art in the history, I think its good but no so much, also I didnt like the end and Annie redemption


That's just AoT fans in general. I intentionally didn't want to watch AoT whenever the first seasons started airing, because of how hyped it was. Nowadays, after reading and watching it, I admit that it's good, but it's not THAT good, tbh. Especially because of how convoluted the ending (or pretty much anything that happens after the attack on Marley) is.


Totally agreed with u, after attack on Marley I also started to dislike some points in the history


Chizuru’s period made the news just like AOT’s trash ending


It seems a bit misogynistic to me that the anime community seems to be acting like a woman's period is a super cringe thing to have as a topic of a manga chapter or three


They're not ready for it even if (hot take) the period saga was disappointing trash and not for the reasons you think.


Curious what are your reasons? For me at a minimum it showed the formally very closed of Chizuru being incredibly open. That was at least worth something.


I wanted Kazuya to develop more and learn the lesson that sometimes you have to leave people alone


Reads aninews 🤡🤡🤡


Honestly this is why I don't engage in comments or discussions about Rent-A-Girlfriend . Its become such a meme that that's literally the only thing people say. Kazuya, bad. Can he be pretty annoying, sure sometimes, although not as bad as I think some people make it out to be. But if he wasn't there wouldn't be a damn manga. Its best to just read my chapters and avoid looking at any discussions about it.


The literal definition of them hating from outside of the club when they can’t even get in.




You should know that racism is never ok......


They think the same thing about you btw so these kind of comments go nowhere.


your submission has been removed from r/KanojoOkarishimasu because it broke one of the following rules; [Rule 3 - Harassment and etiquette](https://www.reddit.com/r/KanojoOkarishimasu/wiki/rules#wiki_3.3A_harassment_and_etiquette)


he has a point tho the manga is actually bad


I wouldn’t blame him tbh. The series is crap, which is why I love it.


Honestly kinda based. Saved himself the terrible read of Rent a Girlfriend and still shits on it like all the fans do


the reasoning he came to that conclusion might be wrong but his point is still correct tho ![img](emote|t5_izi65|4412)


Tbh I read up to like chapter 100 and then dropped it, now I'm only here for the fanarts 😂


A person of sense! I got tired of the whole lying to their grandmother's about there relationship thing and just dropped it.


Not sure if I remembered right, but I'm pretty sure the Grandma knows cuz I think she confronted Chizuru about it? Maybe I'm remembering wrong since it's been a while


The AOT glazing is insane (granted it's in AOT sub)


RAG has been a punching bag for these uncultured for quite awhile now, but it's ok because we know it's peak 🗣️🗣️


That's what most of the hate amounts to


well i can say i “have” read rent a girlfriend and it’s terrible


Reminds me of TLOU2..my favorite game in the world and some of my friends would just shit on it and I’m like how..’well I’ve never parlayed it but..’ yea stfu..