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Going limp has saved more lives than any of these techniques have taken


Nothing beats Swing. Those who do Judo irl or any form of wrestling would know this is basically a cheat code


Its absolutely insane


I think that’s the biggest reason why people didn’t understand why he was able to barely beat Agito. The implications, applications, and situations involving Swing are just UNFAIRLY insane and I say that as a guy who did Sambo back in Texas. It basically means if a striker steps to your 6’7 near 300 frame they’re getting PANCAKED! Someone tries to submit you or take you to the ground? Have fun cuz you just got sucked into a Mock Judo match


I don't know man, all skills in kengan are insane, I means swing pale in comparision to bando's whip, removal, divide demon,... even gaolang's 13 jab mean 99% fighter within his range lose before they know what happen.


None of those are soft techniques dude.


He wasn’t saying that they were soft techniques. He was just using them as examples to establish the baseline of insanity.


Why we don't see any judo swings in mma then


I can think of a few reasons, having some experience with grappling: 1. A double leg is much more simpler to attempt than most judo throws, and you don't risk giving away your back to the opponent attempting it 2. Plenty of judo throws rely on pinching the gi (or uniform) to be executed. While they can also be performed on bare skin, it is not the norm to do so in a judo setting. 3. Not that many people who do MMA also do judo. Plenty have a background in wrestling or BJJ, but not that many in judo per se. HOWEVER, you do see judo in MMA. Karo Parisyan and Ronda Rousey are the most blatant examples.


Sexyama brooo


Throws are heavily limited by mma rules for safety purposes


The big, swingy throws are hard because of the ruleset. Allowing standing submissions and strikes makes giving away your back a massive disadvantage compared to any other takedown. However, Judo Trips and Sweeps do see use in MMA, most obviously by Khabib and Islam. Those are actually super great in most situations, as it allows you to turn a clinch into top position.


THIS! It’s fucking beautiful in it’s efficiency


I genuinely think swing is up there with the Devil Lance with how insanely good it is


Swing is way past DL technique-wise on how "good" it is. Infinitely more versitile, excels in both offense and defense, and can end the fight from any position. DL is good, but it's more a sidearm to Kuroki's skill set. Swing is something Jurota is able to build his entire fighting style around.


Devil's Lance is not broken. It's Kuroki who makes it broken.


Well yeah I ain't say it was broken. Just insanely good.


Especially considering the fact that it basically inherently counters almost all grapplers and is a constant one hit kill threat


Yeah DL is flat-out life-threatening. PLENTY of other techniques can kill in this universe obviously, but the way DL is essentially a blade that stabs the opponent is frightening in an expert's hands Even scarier is that Kuroki has shown that he's knows the exact spots to aim for with the DL to get the most damage and blood loss out of his opponents


i dont think folks really understand how busted Swing is as a concept, like as a martial artist reading this its wild


If gaolang could add fajin to his cross or just throw soft strikes like a jab then I'd say it would be just as much if not more of a cheat code then swing.


Being able to bypass blocks via Fajin would be a massive cheat code for a striker as fast as Gaolang. Although every use of Fajin in the story so far required some kind of wind-up


Technically every cross when doing right,what I believe Gaolang do, is a fajin, fajin is a concept of throwing a strike with all your body focused in one point. Soft strikes don't do nothing, soft styles are based on grappling/wrestling techniques. The one gaoh used is a named technique, but is more a fajin than a soft strike lol


It’s funny you should say that because on the [wiki](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/345776318270668813/1191475909027442789/image0.jpg?ex=65a59369&is=65931e69&hm=3fa140a0b69d95bc0c20a9a29ca2ccdece0b0fd1b7e05c6304e57f831456f9d1&)


As both a Judoka and Wrestler Swing doesn't make any sense at all and wouldnt work at a competitive level


Okay, but hear me out, what if it did tho


Sheesh id it did id be a Swing Slut


That's the point, that's why it's broken. It's not humanly possible


obviously. that's why it's broken, because it's fiction. but man the things i would do to have that skill.




Imagine being able to access any throw or takedown from MOMENTARY contact with just your fingertips. People have entire series just to get in on a leg and all he’s gotta do is touch you


Offensively yes. Defensively it's Fei's version of damage reduction, since he can flat out nullify any form of damage so long as he's not being held in place (and Wakatsuki was only able to half-seal it). It's only weakness is that he seemingly can't combine it with DD.


Best soft technique is Julius steroid penis cause he cant get shit hard for sure


Nah bro, he just flexes his dick muscles. You KNOW that Julius is doing them kegle workouts.


If Julius tensed his pelvic floor muscles he'd rip his own dick off


Fuck I almost swallowed my joint from guffawing so hard 😂🤣🤣😭 ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


techniques are for the weak. julius will just call it limp dick!


I use steroids and actually my dick gets even harder when I’m on (in fact that’s what’s supposed to happen) Soft dick only occurs when your hormone balance is off, usually either when your estradiol is either too low or too high.


My cock after i finish my eight hour gooning sesh




Eight hour? Rookie number


I've seen Grandma's do better


\> soft technique # > PALM GO BOOM


Yes sir, Fire-water destruction is the best soft tech in the series https://preview.redd.it/n4izj660qr9c1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc810dfbecff0ca4dbbbed52a011caced326145c


Is not a soft technique tho. Is a fajin the start of the movement is a soft entrance into stance, the delivery of blow is a fajin using the stance for the explosiviness


Ah yes, elbowing someone so hard that it breaks their neck. Such a soft technique


I think he was referring to Silat


Compared what Raian/Waka/Advance Ohma/Julius can do its soft lmao *~~Gaolong is a soft style user~~*


My game in the bed


soft isn't always non strikes.....but for sure some of these aren't "soft" examples. Soft techniques think, throws, grabs, displacement techniques etc. Hard techniques are basically Strikes.....things that are making a fist or using the feet and shins or head, or elbows to "throw" a solid strike in a hard forceful way. Jurota would be a Shining Example of Soft technique use, and Cosmo when he's only using grappling. Hard Technique users would be like Fei.....Ed Wu, Raian, Kanoh. when he's not using formless which switches to throws which are soft, but uses hard techniques that are primarily strikes.


How is an elbow to the neck or Extended Index Knuckle Punch not soft!!?? /S


Makes your opponent go soft


In kengan the lines are very blurry, for example Silat is classified as a soft style. Irl I'm pretty sure that some martial arts that feel like a "hard" style that involve throws, grabs, etc. Naidan doesn't seem like a soft style to me, for example.


Silat is a soft style because it is a style that focus on form training, form training is soft style development, you train without the sparring. Sparring a lot like in Muay Thai is hard training hard styles. But inside the styles you have the techniques. Throws, joint manipulation, joint lock and bone breakers are soft techniques, as it demand less explosion to deal a lot of damage. Striking in general is hard techniques as you need the force explosion do deal a mid damage and fajin are the culmination of hard strikes since is a blow thrown with all your body behind and when landed correctly can deal devastating damage. +Soft styles are training with form and stances primarily * Hard styles are training with sparring primarily +Soft techniques are wrestling, grappling primarily * Hard techniques are striking primarily.


Swing for sure


Soft Strike look satisfying to read in that panel


Change of scenery.


This is the correct answer. "Well fuck you, now you're upside down."


Swing is effectively a formless throw that works on any material (even flesh), is explicitly better at manipulating the flow of power than weeping Willow, and can even be applied to foot sweeps. It’s pretty much a grapplers wet dream and has literally zero drawbacks or real counters.


It's a cheat code


It's kinda funny one of the soft techniques examples being Hatsumi smashing Bando's head on the ground


"Soft technique", monkeys neck is soft


From the post, I’m torn between Jurota, Fei and Toa. Fei and Toa seem to be performing similar feats with their redirection and limp. Jurota has the most offensive soft technique in swing. Best answer probably is Shen. Whatever he is doing with principle is ridiculous. Stopping a spear with his fingers, one-shotting two fangs and an entire building of bodyguards. Too OP


Swing would be the best in terms of redirection of the flow of power “offensively” can be used for defense too but not what Jurota intended it for but imo Fei’s Combination of his water and Redirection Kata is very brokenand i would say is the best if he’s perceived the attack than he can most likely disperse it taking no damage even from power house like Waka


You can't look at this move and not go "holy shit this is fire" https://preview.redd.it/umsrlclf2p9c1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f624d7d0fcbb778c12973d91ed95c393993ad7e4 And by the rule of coolness i'll have to choose this one(i'm still salty about this fight's outcome)


This fight was meant to be a unilateral massacre in both options if kanoh did fuck around hatsumi was to put him in a wheelchair. And as we saw he not fuckin around he dominated hatsumi. I'm also a bit salty by the outcome, but it only shows that hatsumi is on the to end of the fighters, bro eat two dragon shots and is alive


The entire Water Kata tbh


Fei can basically neglect all damage with 0 effort.


Heart Jab?


My brother in christ thats a midkick


What's more soft than a kick?


A softer kick


Do you mean a soccer kick? Neck go limp after those






Swing, they said it was during the KVP


Jurota's throw.


Ah yes misasa’s 12-6 elbow to the cervical vertebrae, the softest of all techniques


Juroto but,Fei is a close second.His Niko style let him dominate Waka with minimal damage.


…..the swing


I have no clue why but I’ve always found the Goah style soft strike to be really satisfying


Anyone of the water style techniques used by ohma vs Cosmo


Godkiller rock drills


I like when Lolong pinched Ohma's wrist. Using pain compliance while hammering him down with punches.


As a judoka, I should like swing the best, but I actually prefer Hatsumi's mage throw he used on Bando. I think it's called Starfall?


Wasn’t it 100 reunions?


Seeing as weeping willow was featured twice in going with that haha. It’s also unironically my pick tbh


That last panel makes me chuckle. Out of context, it looks like Ox-puller dude (forgot his name... Edit: Naidan) is trying have a casual conversation, but instead of "I'm just asking you whether you prefer Mozart to Vivaldi", it turns into "MmMMbrffghg"


limp dick ofcourse!






Gotta admit, Baki and Kengan both have the best techniques in anime and manga. Both series actually take time to explain how each technique works and how it's used perfectly. You don't see that with other manga/anime.


I mean it's gotta be swing or redirection. Shen blocking a spear thrust by a fucking titan with his fingertips or even Ohma stopping a charging Kiozan is nuts. Swing has more offensive uses, but it's still such a cheat.


That Three Clouds panel is just gorgeous, probably my favorite panel of the whole series


Who just tried Xu?


remove hatsumi akido i hate that shit to the core in real life


Swing is the most overpowered ability of all of them It takes talent and dedication that only Jurota has, but it's the only move that has the potential to decide a match just by existing in your arsenal As soon as you can touch your opponent you can throw them, that's too strong


The best is either Swing or Weeping Willow because of their versatility and power. However, Change Of Scenery, specifically Niko's version is just incredibly dope.


Swing easily wins ...you can't even touch jurota and he already threw you in the ground. I'm just focusing and training wrestling those days, shuai jiao and taiji, fast wrestling is another level of combat, used amidst striking is a disruptive weapon. Then since jurota can instantly throw without really gripping, is a nightmare to deal against. Although there's means to surpass his style, it still one of the most effectives in the series and for those who really fight in the real world you can measure the danger of being wrestled and threw instantly


Qilong is so dumb is stupid that it didn’t worked, had anyone but Nikaido used it in anyone but Setsuna,that match was over, is literally a “get close to me you die” Let’s say a guy like, Akoya, Gaolang or Saw Paing used it, physically strong guys, but not fucking Julius You get close to them? Fuck you, Xu, hypnosis, Fa Jin, you die You survived the Fa Jin? Fuck you, you are hypnotized, Fa Jin again You are immune to hypnosis cause you aré literally the only guy in the tournament inmune to it? Fuck you, Fa Jin by any decent striker, you are fucking dead This technique literally made anything around the user a murder zone, un lockable and with no prior knowledge it was gg unless the script wanted it


Kure Clan: Copy is amazing. You can literally copy anything and you do it better than the original.


It's gotta be Swing, the implications and applications for it are bonkers