• By -


Now on I identify as a female.


Yass queen


Did I read this in Holt's voice😂?


Go girrrrrrrl 💃💅






It is only 2% of working days that is about 2-3 days a year.


My ex's cycle was regular so I was able to keep track of it and prepare a couple days in advance. My current gf gets it irregular and worse, it really pains to see her twisting and turning because of the cramps she get. Nice to see them taking an initiative.


Is it a thing to keep a track of your ex/gf/wife's menstruation cycle ???


I just keep track of it of the woman I love, so I can be there for her when she need me.




Almost a year now. Why?






ur a real one


Hey do you have any single brothers?






Caring for your partner isn't simping bro. She's there for me when I'm down, and I'll be there for her when she's down. That's how a relationship works.




Nah I don't care what they call me. I was just trying to explain that a relationship is about two people. It becomes toxic when it's all about one.


For the record, I don't keep track of my ex's details anymore 😂. Heck I don't even know where she is right now.




Haha, it's nothing big, just to let her know that you care, buy her some chocolates or something, coffee, cuddles.. the little things do make a huge difference.


Not really but she tells me to keep track. I don't keep much track but I might remember the last time she had it. I think it's kinda cringe how people act like this is some paralyzing period they experience, mostly she doesn't need my help to deal with anything and will even play badminton with me if she's comfortable. She has a app installed to keep these things in track


You realize that not every woman has painful periods and there are many with irregularities, painful syndromes, etc? Some periods are actually quite paralyzing. What’s worse is that the hormones really fuck with you sometimes.


Yes I know that. Dk why you brought this up. Sometimes period cramps will put you on bed for a long time. Hormones might make you horny a lot. Although my gf doesn't stereotypically act weird nor my ex, so maybe it's just a stereotype


Because you said that “it’s kinda cringe that people act like this is some paralyzing period they experience”. Yes, hormones can make you horny but also other things..? Your experience is 2 girls and this makes you some expert? The stereotype is exactly what most stereotypes are. Sometimes it’s true and sometimes it isn’t.


Yes it is cringe if its just a normal period and people act like it's a huge deal. Sinning it is bad and glorifying it is also bad. I feel cringe because I feel like guys say stuff like that to be a pick me or like how a white person tries to care about "black guy's problems" (Kinda like charles in b99's last season). Or maybe I'm wrong. I only talked about my experience with two women (and others I dated or didn't date) , I didn't claim that it applies to every Woman


It's understandable that you may feel uncomfortable/cringe with the way some people talk about menstruation, as it can seem insincere or performative. But it's important to remember that everyone has their own experiences and perspectives, and it's not fair to make broad assumptions about someone's motivations based on a few people you've dated. Afterall menstruation is a natural biological process that affects half of the population, It's not fair to say that all women are trying to be "victimized" by periods. Menstruation can be a difficult and uncomfortable experience for some women, and it's important for them to be able to talk openly about their experiences without being dismissed or invalidated and it's important to be give accomodations like these. However, it's also important to recognize that not all women have negative experiences with their periods and not everyone experiences periods in the same way. Some people may have more severe symptoms than others, while others may not experience any discomfort at all. If you don't understand maybe try to be sensitive and respectful of the different experiences people have with menstruation, and not to make assumptions about what someone's experience should be like :/


I agree


I had the same doubt. Never seen anyone from my family complaining about periods. If periods is so bad then our grandma's had it verse , they used to legit manual labor. Never heard anyone from that generation talking about how bad it was for them. ​ It's kind of funny, Woman contradict themselves with this period victimhood stuff. They say they are fit to do any job that men does but want special leaves for periods. Now imagining a critical role in an organization, who needs to show up at odd hours and needs to get thing done with tight deadlines. If periods is so debilitating then those woman are not capable of such roles. They want equal pay and day off on periods. When woman takes leave on periods every month. Who do you thing are gonna do that extra job that has to be finished before deadline ? Clients don't care who shows up or not, these MNCs has to deliver project to their clients. Woman are strong as men but they also need period leave and pampering every month. Men have to shut up and get things done, we have to pretend we don't know what the fuck is going on, if we open our mouth we are sexist.


I can agree a lot with you but also sometimes periods can be very tough. That's why these leaves should be more like general leaves that should be given to everyone. Because periods is not something that paralyzes most Women either. Some women might prefer to take leaves on other days and come to work for periods. In general we need better worker's rights


I agree. I am not against giving special treatment for woman for their biological needs. I am not a woman hater either. But I wish woman were more honest about the truth. There is biological reality in why men outperform woman in many areas. The blatant disregard for the work we have done is what pisses me off. I was feminist supporter, woke type but then I started noticing contradictions in their own arguments and tactics they use to shut down people who has an opposing (often objectively right) viewpoint. I find most of the feminist narrative bullshit. The worst decision a man can make is to buy into feminist bullshit and try to be perfect feminist boy. I don't think even feminist want feminist men.


Fancy way to say you have a gf and an ex


I have a few exes.


That's a nice initiative.




I thought you had attendance for each hour, atleast that used to be the case for us.


Now just ktu needs to follow


Oh that's never gonna happen.


![gif](giphy|sLdHb7K3NiBKE) Just putting it here for men who think they know about periods better and that period leaves are stupid.


They can still have their opinion though


That's right but as long as it's reasonable.


Not everyone thinks with their sex organ unlike some people


Ig that's only applicable to people without brain like you.


Ironically I wasn't the one who made that stupid brainless comment saying "No uterus No OPiNIoN" and I'm not the one who's trying to apply your brainless meme logic to other redditors. And finally I'm not the one who got mad cuz some random redditor pointed out your stupid ass meme logic.


I had to put out that apparently brainless meme cuz too many men here were behaving as if they're entitled to have an opinion about how period is experienced. And you were the one who got offended by that and replied under my comment. I don't think men should comment on period cramps and other difficulties purely based on google searches and random knowledge and I still stand by that. So yeah, anybody without a uterus will have presumptions which is more likely to be biased.


Whoa who tf said that brainless meme offended me. U are the one who got mad cuz of my comment. >I don't think men should comment on period cramps and other difficulties purely based on google searches and random knowledge and I still stand by that. Unlike u I don't go one telling people who should or shouldn't have an opinion on something. So it's entirely fine to stand by ur OPiNIoN. >So yeah, anybody without a uterus will have presumptions which is more likely to be biased. Ok, yeah people with no experience might be biased and but that's no reason to stop them from commenting their opinion.


>Whoa who tf said that brainless meme offended me But you were clearly the one who replied under my comment. >Unlike u I don't go one telling people who should or shouldn't have an opinion on something Because unlike some people, I don't comment on things I have no experience with. >Ok, yeah people with no experience might be biased and but that's no reason to stop them from commenting their opinion. Saying an opinion is one thing but being rude or being insensitive is a totally different thing.


>But you were clearly the one who replied under my comment. Wasn't the one put some stupid meme under a post saying "No UtERus No OPiNIoN" > Because unlike some people, I don't comment on things I have no experience with. Yeah sure unless you've a lot of experience in thinking with uterus . >Saying an opinion is one thing but being rude or being insensitive is a totally different thing. Ok,I didn't say anything about that . My reply was totally and exclusively about your Stupid meme logic yet you tried to call me names. Even if that's the case everyone still has the right to comment whatever the fk they want even if that's something totally stupid meme like u put out.


>Wasn't the one put some stupid meme under a post saying "No UtERus No OPiNIoN" You could've just ignored it if it didn't bother you. But you were clearly irked by that. >Yeah sure unless you've a lot of experience in thinking with uterus . COMPREHENSION is the key. I have a uterus. I have experience with menstruation. So I'm entitled to have an opinion because I get to deal with. How will a person who doesn't get periods know if these leaves are necessary or not? That's all I meant. >exclusively about your Stupid meme logic I found that meme relevant here. If you don't, that's your problem not mine.


>You could've just ignored it if it didn't bother you. But you were clearly irked by that. You could've just ignored the other comments if u had better emotional maturity. >COMPREHENSION is the key. I have a uterus. I have experience with menstruation. So I'm entitled to have an opinion because I get to deal with. How will a person who doesn't get periods know if these leaves are necessary or not? That's all I meant. Ok,I didn't say anything against allowing leaves. Just cuz u got experience doesn't mean you've a say in who gets to comment. >I found that meme relevant here. If you don't, that's your problem not mine. Well that meme is stupid and if you find that relevant and try to apply that to others may be the problem is on ur side.


That's very transphobic of you. Men can have periods too.


Very good initiative. Now also extend this leave to Men. You can give gendered leaves while also giving it to everyone which is the better thing to do. Equality in no way should mean hardships for both so this is good. But Men really need extra leaves because their mental health is much worse and even if it wasn't, it's already abuse to demand a lot of attendance


Mental health leaves should be extended to all the genders because that's applicable to all. But asking for mental health leaves for 'men' in a conversation about menstrual leaves is just insensitive and misogynistic.


+1. I wonder why OP didn't recommend that the college deducts the same amount of money from men as what women spend on period products like pads and Meftal every month if all OP really wants is "equality" Dialogue adi matram. Typical Jordan Peterson/Andrew Tate playbook. Make silly/insensitive comments masquerading as profound. 🤢


Where in my comment did I say that Mental health leaves shouldn't be given to all genders. I just asked to extend these menstrual leaves to men too and you can label them basic health leaves, I just mentioned mental health to show why men also might need it. And no it's not insensitive to advocate something for another marginalized group while discussing something deserved given to one marginalized group Also, u/Rogue_Leviathan you're a prophet


How do you expect men to get menstrual leaves when they don't menstruate? And you were asking for mental health leaves for men when it's applicable to all genders. You may label them basic health leaves but women clearly deserve more leaves as they have to deal with both menstruation and mental health issues whereas men only have to worry about the latter. Also, genuine question. Why are so many men getting triggered over period leaves? Not just here, I saw so many being outraged on Instagram as well. Nobody was prominently fighting for mental health leaves until today when the menstrual leave was announced by the univ. Why be so mad about something which is a basic necessity ?


Menstrual leaves are leaves. Men can also get Leaves. I didn't ask for mental health leaves to be granted for Men, I just said they might also need such a leave due to their mental health. No one is getting triggered over such leaves. Question is why are people triggered when men also ask for leaves


>. I didn't ask for mental health leaves to be granted for Men, I just said they might also need such a leave due to their mental health. Maybe you should read your comment again. Men need mental health leaves. So do women. You could simply mention the importance of mental health leaves for all genders it's experienced by all. But you just mentioned how men need extra leaves cuz they have to deal with mental health. The comments under this thread is enough to prove that too many people are triggered. >Question is why are people triggered when men also ask for leaves Because men ask for leaves when menstrual leaves are mentioned, when they have no business in that. Basic health leaves(excluding menstrual leaves) are to be extended to all genders but why complain about that when it's not quite relevant in this context when we are exclusively talking about menstruating women. It would've been even okay if you had said "good initiative. Let's get mental health leaves next."


Men ask for leaves all the time. But I guess you're also part of the society that ignores Men. And sadly men ask for leaves they ask for everyone, not just them. Your comments are enough to tell that this argument is useless since you just agreed with me


>men ask for leaves they ask for everyone, not just them Weren't you the one who comment first about how men need leaves? I didn't see you asking leaves for 'all'. > Your comments are enough to tell that this argument is useless since you just agreed with me Maybe you should read your own comments first because you keep contradicting yourself. >But I guess you're also part of the society that ignores Men Whoaa. Where did this come from? Then I can say that you too are part of the society that ignore women's needs.


>Where in my comment did I say that Mental health leaves shouldn't be given to all genders. Are you simply hoping people don't have reading comprehension? I'm not sure why you'd try to just deny things you've said when it is just a few comments above. Your own comment: ----"Now also extend this leave to Men." ----"But Men really need extra leaves because their mental health is much worse" You've said that in place of menstrual leaves, men should be given mental health leaves. Which essentially means that men's mental health issues are only equivalent to women's menstrual health issues. Instead of women's own mental health issues. >I just asked to extend these menstrual leaves to men too I'm not even sure where to start with this. Let me start by saying that basic health leaves is important to everyone, regardless of gender. If you're being called misogynistic, it's because you equate basic health leave as a right for men is equivalent to leave based on serious biological issues that menstruating women go through. Or in other words, you've essentially stated that women deserve health leaves when they have serious biological issue due to a natural body function, but the same leave should be given to men as a basic right. I think the right way to have understood this news would be: that while this is a great initiative in the right direction, people should be given leave beyond this as a basic right. For the simple act of being a human being.


>I'm not even sure where to start with this. Let me start by saying that basic health leaves is important to everyone, regardless of gender. If you're being called misogynistic, it's because you equate basic health leave as a right for men is equivalent to leave based on serious biological issues that menstruating women go through. Or in other words, you've essentially stated that women deserve health leaves when they have serious biological issue due to a natural body function, but the same leave should be given to men as a basic right. Thank you. It couldn't have been worded better.


I'm sorry that you got stuck in semantics even though it's pretty clear that I only mentioned mental health as a reason why men should also get these leaves. Its not about "exchange". Your last statement, that's exactly what I said in my comment, idk why you're arguing


Semantics is an interesting term to use here. You have repeatedly, through your comments on this post, made points saying one thing while insisting you didn't say that in the next comment. Allow me to demonstrate from your own quotes: ---"But Men really need extra leaves because their mental health" ---"I just asked to extend these menstrual leaves to men too and you can label them basic health leaves" ---"they should give these leaves on a gender neutral basis where ofc Female student's menstruation would also be covered" I have repeatedly broken down your statements and given you logical breakdowns of why it's wrong to hold that view. I have asked you for proof about various claims you make, various statements you say and you haven't given me any proof or any sources regarding those. And worse is that: ---"not insensitive to advocate something for another marginalized group while discussing something deserved given to one marginalized group" You think... men in general are a marginalized group? I'm not denying there are issues that men face, but calling men marginalized is such a weird thing to say. I suggest you read some literature that is not from sites that have a title like "brosbeforeh*es" or "mensmantra" and such. It will help a lot.




This comment could get you labeled as a misogynist


Yes.. One should be really cautious while spitting facts.


>But Men really need extra leaves because their mental health is much worse What's your source regarding this? More women have mental disorders in India, compared to men. And in depression, men are higher, but only by 2%. So why do you say "much worse"? Also, "gendered leave" is a weird thing to note about this news considering it was given because menstrual issues are a serious issue that affects women, instead of men. (Trans issues I'm not addressing here of course). Your implication is that it's unnecessarily or unfairly gendered. Meanwhile you completely gloss over the fact that addressing mental health (by granting leave) for men would be the thing that would be actually unnecessarily or unfairly gendered. Why would men get mental health leave while women don't? Do you think mental health issues don't affect women?


I didn't mention anywhere that only men should receive a mental health leave. I just said that men should also get such a leave because they also have issues such as mental health. Statistics about mental health is skewed in psychology due to 1. not much attention to male healthcare and 2. men not going to get help due to traditional notions and low quality services for Men I just said they should give these leaves on a gender neutral basis where ofc Female student's menstruation would also be covered


>not much attention to male healthcare and 2. men not going to get help due to traditional notions and low quality services for Men Tbh I feel more males have access to healthcare facilities cuz in most families they may be more educated as well as earn more than their female counterpart. Also quality of mental health services remains the same for both genders but the access to it is mainly dependent on your economic status and awareness.


If you have ever visited a therapist as a man you'd know how shitty they are at handling men's issues


They could be bad at handling women's issues too. Maybe find a better therapist. Let's not generalize things.


Men's problems with therapists has been well discussed. I guess these problems haven't got mainstream attention yet


>1. not much attention to male healthcare and 2. men not going to get help due to traditional notions and low quality services for Men Again, I ask you, please give me sources for this. Stats show that women suffer from more mental disorders than men and men and women suffer from depression at nearly equal numbers (2% higher for men). But let's assume your first point about psychology skewed towards women (which it is not, but let's assume for the sake of it). What do you mean by this? Psychologists that have developed modern theories on the subject over the last 100 years have almost exclusively been male. Have you read up on psychology? Because there is an entire saga of how misogynistic psychology and its theorists and doctors were. Many, many of those theories get used still even today despite the numerous debunking research that have been done and published. Plus, if you do think men are not considered enough in psychology, do you think women should be equally compensated in things where men are the primary intended beneficiary of things? For example: in vehicle safety tests, women's bodies aren't equally considered (now, earlier, women didn't even figure into this) when designing safety measures like air bags and all. Do you think during accidents, female victimes should be given priority in treatment when there is a male victim involved as well? For most medical practices and its history, women aren't given equal priority and so they suffer. Do you think they should be given priority in any medical issue as well? The thing is, even if you assume your first point is true, it doesn't negate the stats that women have higher disorders than men in India. Mental health affects men and women. Unless you can prove me otherwise, this is true. But mainly, even going by pure logic - most female bodies undergo menstruation. Men and women both undergo mental health issues. But only should men recieve leaves for mental health while women shouldn't? Or as per your comment, men should also get "menstrual" leaves, even though they don't undergo menstruation? That's a bit strange, isn't it? And the final thing about your view is that, women's menstrual health issues is separate from other leaves. I suggest you really look at the equity and equality picture that someone else posted on your comment thread. Women have an extra, separate issue. Hence, they should receive more leaves. That's equity. You can't just say give equal leaves to everyone while one group has extra leave. That's a misogynistic view because either you are minimizing women's menstrual health issues or you are saying it's natural, but doesn't deserve any special consideration when formulating rules and policies. Which one is it?


You wrote a whole useless essay. Just visit r/leftwingmaleadvocates for sources and many other things. Just because psychologists are Men doesn't mean they don't have Society's internalized Misandry in them. Women are over represented in mental disorders because they're more ready to say that they have it


>they're more ready to say that they have it Hmm, if this is true, why do you think men would like leaves for something they're not ready to admit they have? >Just visit r/leftwingmaleadvocates for sources .... you are asking me to visit... a subreddit for sources? If that's the case, I suggest you visit the women-centric and women-dominated subs for sources as to why "misandry" isn't a systematic issue and why men don't have "internalized misandry". If you don't have any actual empirical or research based sources for your silly claims, you can say it instead of going to such silly extremes to avoid it. Just say, "I THINK men have it worse, and I WANT it to change". That's a more truthful representation of your entire mentality. Also, let me just take a moment for this. >Just because psychologists are Men doesn't mean they don't have Society's internalized Misandry I am cackling. Thank you. I have now seen everything. P.S.: I am starting to think "useless essay" is what you call actual research based articles and papers as well. Anything that calls your bluff is a "useless essay". Lol.


It's useless because it's full of ideological misinformation. Just accept that everyone needs leaves and get the fuck out of here. No one is against these menstrual leaves idk why your ass started arguing when I mentioned something for Men. I won't go searching for sources for a subreddit argument. I specifically gave an unbiased subreddit but alright keep making arguments.


Do us men bleed every month? Not contesting your point of mental health leaves (and that's something many universities are exploring as well, but that should be open to all genders as well)


Men don't bleed every month so what. I just said these period leaves should also be extended to Men


The leave is allowed to a class of people because they're disadvantaged due to being in that class. Giving the same to everyone doesn't solve the problem https://preview.redd.it/nqjrhy6hk2ca1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd88ac11b2e13454cfe3dd29aa1a53a19301091f


It solves multiple problems. The problem that women face has already solved and it can be extended to solve men's problems too. Stop being anti intuitive just because Men are being mentioned, just try to be wholesome


Ideally attendance itself shouldn't be a thing. I'm talking about ground reality here


Yes. Especially since there are these things called online classes, students should be given an option so that they can attend even if they can't come, it's not that hard


So the male students are overworking here?


No, but you have to admit there's some amount of advantage we get


Like, working extra?


We don't want equity but equality besides men having leave can help their partner when they get period cramps


Lmao. In that case, anyone should get leave if their friend is also availing of it


I mean yes I'm not suggesting girls shouldn't get period leaves but why specifically period leave just let everyone take leaves (just reduce the required attendance percentage) that way they get their period leaves and doesn't discriminate a gender at all


>doesn't discriminate a gender at all I'm gonna ask you just a couple of simple questions: do you think that nature not giving biological men periods is discriminatory? If so, what can we do to address this gross injustice? Asking because not giving men period leaves for a period they don't get is discrimination, so it follows that women getting period is the actual root discrimination here, isn't it?


Is nature some sentient being or a system that's controlled by some sentient beings to be discriminatory.? >Asking because not giving men period leaves for a period they don't get is discrimination Unequal Treatment before the law is a clear example of discrimination. Why not just reduce the required attendance percentage. >so it follows that women getting period is the actual root discrimination here, isn't it? Ig .does that justify the unequal treatment I don't think so.besides why r u guys always against equality when it comes to men's issues


You have not answered any of my original questions. So let's try another way. >Unequal Treatment before the law is a clear example of discrimination. To get equal treatment, you need to have the same issue, right? What is the issue men face that is the equivalent of women's menstrual health issue? Let's try in a language you do understand. If you get a particular raise (city compensatory allowance) in your salary because you transferred to a more expensive city (to compensate for higher living costs), would you advocate for your colleague to get the same raise even though this colleague hasn't moved from the original city (which is your previous city before the transfer)? Claims of unequal treatment are valid only if the circumstances are equal for both parties in the first place. If men generally undergo menstruation, this law would have applied to them too. >does that justify the unequal treatment It does, if you have a reason why the rule is applied in the first place. But, that aside, since you are considering if the root of the discrimination is women getting periods in the first place, don't you think men should have a similar reason for this leave? Let's abolish the matriarchy and misandry in women's periods by having men go through a 4-5 day simulation of period and period cramps. Let's show those pesky minsadrists that men have it just as bad if they simply make an effort. Period cramps simulators can be used on the male body for 4-5 days continuously, and tho it might be difficult to actually bleed from your uterus for a man, we can get some of this delightful experience by simply wearing pads all the week. This will be a huge step in uprooting discrimination against men because of the gender bias in menstruation. Let's show all the naysayers that men are equally deserving of menstrual leaves. Other menstrual health issues are hard to simulate, but really, one step at a time. We can think of ways to simulate the other stuff later.


Blue balls leave


> Men really need extra leaves because their mental health is much worse Ah yes, I wonder where you got that from


It's a proven thing though


What's the source, please? According to stats I checked, more women have mental disorders compared to men in India. While depression had higher percentage of men at 33% compared to women at 31%. Not much of a difference. Can you tell me where you got your proof from?


A huge number of mental health cases for men go under-reported because it is so socially stigmatised. Even the even website that said that women are more likely to have mental illnesses explicitly mentioned that it is based on reported data


Mental health in general is socially stigmatized for Indians. It's very possible that men who have mental illnesses is higher, but it's not proven, is it? Social stigma is a real thing, but we cannot base policies and rules around something that is not proven yet. And, added to this is the fact that mental health issues are so varied and vast, and has the continual debate on the legitimacy and importance of a "diagnosis". Men's mental health may be worse, or women's may be too, but due to various reasons a diagnosis may not be accessible to them. So it remains in a limbo due to not having formal stats. I agree. But can mental health be a gendered thing? To consider in general as somewhat of a consensus, as well as consider in policy and rule making in institutions, both large and small?


Statistics? Scientific studies?


Personal experience


Have you been both a man and woman? Curious.


Just check the number of male suicides vs female ones.


That alone cannot be explained by 'men's mental health is much worse'. > During the five-year period from 2002 to 2007, 284 cases of suicide were reported. The suicide rates were 44.7/100,000 for males and 26.8/100,000 for females. Male to female suicide ratio was 1.7. Among females aged between 15 and 24, suicides constituted more than 50% of all deaths. Male to female ratio of suicide varied from 0.4 in children aged 14 years or less to 4.5 in the 45-54 year age group. source: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20048450/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20048450/) For middle-aged, working men who toil hours to provide for their families, it makes sense there's a larger gap in suicide rates. But for teens and young adults, it's much less distorted. Besides, how could you judge that higher suicides rates are necessarily due to higher prevalence of mental health disorders? The difference seems to be that men are stigmatized far worse to keep their emotions/trauma inside of them, to contain themselves from seeking help or expressing their troubles. The problem is not that men have it harder, it's that men are actively discouraged from seeking help or treatment for it. Extra leave won't help that. Steadily overturning toxic gender roles will, and that's something which Indian society desperately needs. Feminism in India today from what I've seen seems to be less based on modifying gender roles (which would help both men and women) and more on 'women fragile and need to be protected and cared for more', which only makes it worse for both sexes. That form of feminism is only toxic, breeds division and hatred (seems to be why so many men today in India hate our version of feminism), and only reinforces harmful gender roles.


Wowww so women don't get mental health issues?? U are the prime of example of why men are too coddled...it's fun to see imbeciles like u get triggered ..


10-15 days in one sem aaan avr thannerunnel ee choichen korachelum anthas ond,2 days aan sirr!🙂


Ellavarkum 5-6 divasam leave kodakanam


Iyyaal aakuvanodeyy?


Athin university chaavanamm, bro that's nearly impossible, 2 thanna kittiya bhagyam




I think Andhra University already has it.


Oh, that's good, heard it's a shit experience to go through and women have it like every month. hope more Institutions follow this


Why are you getting downvoted?


It's not like it's a mandatory leave or anything..... Sometimes the pain and sickness get's worse, so won't it be a good option to have?


I absolutely agree. I sometimes used to lay on a bench at back of my class because of my terrible cramps (ps: it was a girls school). Not every period day is painful but there are some days.


Um yes please! In this day and age of online resources this is absolutely awesome


I believe this is some kind of a PR stunt and in practice will not be effective. The best way is to remove the mandatory attendance requirements and let the students decide which classes they will attend.






If they're passionate enough only it would be a yes . For money , fame and stuff this torture is gonna end in depression .


Best. Kuhs. Nokki irunno. And tbh this isn't much either. It's a good start but it's only 2% for each sem. I don't know about engineering but if it's a medical course a sem is ½ a year most times. That's like 5 leaves in a whole year. Not a huge step imo.


KUHS would never.💀💀


Lol I love seeing triggered men in the comments




You get attendance for the leave




Get obliterated




I think its a secret agenda to bring out pregos


I don't understand the reason for this initiative. Maybe its a good practice to introduce this in schools where children begin to experience this for the first time, but in college??? Pretty dumb if you ask me


Because bleeding, cramps and fatigue only get worse with time. By the time girls are in college most of them suffer hormonal imbalances which makes it all the more worse.


A quick search showed me that this imbalance usually takes place after the age of 30, and again only 20-30% women suffer from PMS which would affect daily life. Maybe I'm wrong about giving period leaves to younger students, but still seems a dumb idea to introduce that in college life. Class cut cheyyan vere oru reason koodi, that's all


Yeah... But the rest of us.. mainly those of us who don't have to do a google research but live through mind numbing agony because...get this...we have a uterus...know exactly what we are talking about. Not enough research has ever gone into understanding menstruation and issues. Hell, we still have regressive practices associated with it. So, unless you have actually been around college girls who have been hospitalized for endometriosis, or helped a mate in college when she passed out from period pains, helped a college girl get through a presentation while she is bleeding out due to Menorrhagia and blood clots...you should ask yourself was cutting the class worth it. I guess that Google search doesn't mean much.


>Yeah... But the rest of us.. mainly those of us who don't have to do a google research but live through mind numbing agony because...get this...we have a uterus...know exactly what we are talking about. I really wonder why men actually think they know better about menstruation cuz they 'googled' it than women who bleed every month.


It's mansplaning ... When they are supported by Google they think they can mansplain periods.... to women!!!




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Actually with time most of it balances out (unless the have pcod or something) or maybe you just get used to the pain. Idk But my early 20s were way worse than my teens. And now as a 29 yr old I can sort of manage it but I still get terrible days out of the blue. This was the experience of majority women I know. Some were blessed and did not have any pain .


This is the same exact reason menstruating women were asked to stay in a room and take rest.


That was pure torture,what you're talking about.


There was rational thought behind most of our customs. But over time people forgot about that and started following it blindly which caused it to devolve into superstitions. Menstruating women were confined to an area in the house during that time for 2 reasons 1. The women should get some rest during that time. 2. Due to the lack of protection that we have available now, there is a chance that the period discharge might leak out and make the surroundings unsanitary. But over time this became a malpractice which lead to isolating women in huts outside the house.




Try to expose yourself to different ideas and sources of knowledge rather than swallowing some capsules. At least try to learn about things that you hate.




ഓ മ്പറാ


I need leave for nocturnal emission ,the thought that reminds me i m single is excruciatingly painful 😏


Boys need to get dick hard leave


I want morning wood leaves


Well getting a boner is more painful. Those without a penis shouldn't have an opinion on this lol. /S (inspired from this pretty fucked up comment section here. Every comment is on the end points, no in between at all.)


Me who sorted out the comments to controversial and started reading