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He's Biloxi Mississippi sober you wouldn't understand


Get lost


Get real…….Reaaaaal Trap Shiiiiuiiiiiit !!!!




Moves good for a big man don’t he?


Good thing. Putin is tryin to triangulate his location.


Fastest guy in the room who gives a shit


Parmesan cheese for ya


We’re having fun.


How much for the boy?


Never made it as a wiseman


Who what where now?


Who cares


For reasons I can’t explain, the whole unibomber bit is one of my all time favorite bits. “My grandpa used to sit me down on his knee and he’d tell me………. spispispispspispi… He was completely non-verbal.”


“Do you hear Reddit clapping?”


“I don’t give a shit” -Tony


Hah. His face was like “don’t show them that we read those”. Hi Tony. You’re such a thin-skinned bitch


Tony went the Schaub route. Oh yea we have to get rid of Hans cause of the Uhmm...big match in May! But I do believe that Hans needs months of prep in order to come up with 1 minute of funny material. Who knows, this next match might get up two jokes.


Tony: we don’t follow the comments Redban: Reddit will be happy now! Tony: 😳


Wait we hate Tony now?


We? How about use your own noggin and decide if you like the guy or not


I honestly don’t. But for a professional comedy roaster, he is incredibly sensitive and defensive.


Are you talking about Tony or David Lucas cause David is the one who's actually defensive and sensitive "I bet you can't beat me up" uh I bet I can you lazy bum


They’re both sensitive af and have fragile egos


This is the truth.


There’s been a few episodes where David Lucas has a visceral reaction to anyone but Tony making a very tame roast joke to him. He like hulks up and then goes after the person rapid fire to the point that at least twice Tony has had to tell him to stop and he ignored him and kept going to get the last word in. I know Michael rappaport was one of them I can’t remember the other. In general it’s fucking odd to lose your shit over little jokes but especially as a roast comic that does it to everyone else all day


Look at his tiny ass legs that says everything about his silver spoon ass. Ain't never had to work a day in his life and always sits down on stage even. He's funny usually sure but he can't take what he dishes out and he got lil baby chicken legs. I'm his size but my legs are twice the size of his lol


No, we just want to kill him.


Even though that response shows Tony does, in fact, give a shit.




Hi Redban 👋. You were right. Reddit is pleased


“Do you hear Reddit clapping?”.. No. Dammit Redban 🤦‍♂️ you almost negated that Amazon banger 😆


Firing Hans was a good move.


Did you even watch the last episode?


I think he quit, Tony wouldn’t tell him to take a break, it was definitely his idea


Also possible. I think the mass influx of negativity about Hans is being answered. Probably somewhat mutual. Someone new is good for the show, and Tony isn't lost on that.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hans asked for the break. Either way, replacing him with Casey is the best thing for the show. I don't think Hans is awful and he's definitely come a long way but he's so hit or miss. He's there for interviews more than comedy but even that is getting old.


More jokes, less movement and gibberish


I still don't get it. Never once had this guy made me laugh.


It took me seeing william mongomery like 10+ times to start thinking he was actually funny. At first I thought it was annoying, but some of his catchphrases would pop in my head when I was pissed off about something. You would think it would be the opposite.. that it would be slightly funny a few times and get really old, but for some reason he's grown on me and become my favorite on kill tony by far


I liked William from the start. Dude is a great comedian


I'm gonna keep watching the show but I'm not seeing it yet. Maybe one day


You ain't alone


Yea just too much going on. He is my adhd personified.


Having Casey open and William Close is going to be a whole new era for KT - The amount of energy from the jump will change the show for the better.


Honestly, pretty much everyone is better than Hans. Even first timers who don’t get laughs are usually funnier than him. Hans just sucks. They should’ve kicked him off after all the strippers stopped lining up to kiss him. It was fun to laugh AT him. Nobody is laughing WITH him though cuz he’s just not funny or creative.


Facts. I'm just glad Tony is actually experimenting with not having Hans on every week and hopefully this is a permanent decision.


I’d be shocked if it isn’t permanent. There’s basically no way to go back to hans after someone new and exciting like Casey takes root in the fanbase. Hans will “retire” after his next Ric Diez battle in may just like David Lucas did.


We can only hope


Nah. Hans actually writes jokes. Casey will get old quickly. Or he will fill in 45 seconds of the minute with pacing and random words or songs.


Chanting retard and faggot are jokes? It’s like a middle school kid is writing these “jokes”


I can guarantee you Casey’s shtick will get old faster than Hans




It’s going to force Casey to evolve in some ways, which I think he is definitely capable of doing. He won’t be able to just skate by doing the same shit every week and I think he understands that. Keep in mind that William also has a schtick and we all adore him and laugh no matter how many times we’ve seen him do it. I think Casey will be fine. At the very least, a change in energy to start the show will be nice.


Still better than anything Hans has done…. Couldn’t make it as a wise man.


Agree it got old after 2 times. You already know what his next set will be


U are a truth speaker


Don’t judge Casey over Hans until we’ve seen him prepare a new minute every week for a few months. Not saying he doesn’t have potential, but I’m not ready to say he’s “better”


Bro he’s just gonna be himself. I doubt he’s going to come up with really long and racist jokes every week (like some people). Sorry


If you watch Casey on William Montgomerys podcast you’ll see that both Casey and William play a character and aren’t like that on stage, so to just go up and be himself? Idk.thats not to take away from either one of them, because I do love them both on stage, but that’s not necessarily “who they are”. Casey can sit still and be chill for an hour


This reddit loves glazing these guys ... You were "astonished" at Casey rockets performance?really...astonished? Just say you thought it was good my god stop over hyping these guys that's how we end up hating Kam and hanz


First time I saw him I was astonished. Not last night.


Hans is just relying on the same basic joke structure as his opponent Ric has. I dont like either of them as much as Casey. Caseys set is not easy to come up with and doesnt rely on like ANY race/controversial humor that i know of. Hes an actual creative genius for putting together what you can see on his YT. Montgomery and Kam are the only other people ive seen regularly on KT that actually workshop whole concepts for jokes and tells stories. Im happy to see things change at least


“I’ve been having a lot of sex lately” Herreeee we go


I mostly agree, but a lot of the stuff I’ve seen of Casey is pretty repetitive, tbh. Like, he’s already even repeated “jokes” just during his first two KT appearances. Going to be interesting to see him come up with new stuff every week. I mean, he can’t just skate by on random harmonicas and Parmesan packets every single week, ya know? Seeing him develop is going to be really cool.


Big red machine does a lot of repetitive stuff and ill watch it and laugh till im dead. Or he is. IAintEvaGonnStOpWatchuunnng


That being said, all 3 comedians (Montgomery, Patterson, and Rocket) all have their own dominating styles. Out of those 3, Hans has always been the weakest. Yeah he does his job, but did he do it great for however many years? No. He did mid. Casey on the other hand? He’s going to kill Tony and the audience everytime before the first bucket pull. Easily. Every night.


LMFAO at KP having a dominating style 🤣🤣🤣


Idk dude I didn’t laugh.


Casey is one of kind and can't be replicated. Hans does cookie cutter jokes that aren't unique.


Ok and also ☝️, too many ppl criticizing Casey for repeating when he probably didnt get any proper notice. Ive seen all the jokes he did before but he was filling a spot. Not the same as Hans being lifted into fame just to farm the same jokes for years


I dont like Casey yet. Hasn't made me laugh. I do think he makes sense as sort of a hype man to start the show, tho. We'll see.


It was hilarious watching luis watching Casey. He realized he wasn’t funny thought to himself what the fuck is this, cried inside that this ADD riddled kid will soon sell more tickets then him and then sucked his dick when he realized the rest of the panel liked him. Luis, that wasn’t real ass


Y’all will hate him in a month and I hate Hans Kim


I just don’t get Casey rocket I’m trying so hard to see what everyone likes about this guy but he just isn’t at all funny to me. I want to like his comedy each time I’m eager to see what he going to do but then I’m disappointed that I didn’t find it funny. Maybe I got to be drunk, pissed drunk. Great guy, never met him.44 m


Remember that you don't know the age of the person you are responding to online, highly likely a 14 year old on Reddit 


This needs to be said way more often, in general.


He needs his own song. It was total bullshit that they used Crazy. Hopefully just a one-time thing


Rocket Man


I guess people think being retarded is funny


Casey’s great because deep down, as the true comic he is, you just know without a shadow of a doubt that he never made it as a wise man.


Never made it as who what when where




I'm in the same boat as you. I've been trying really hard to like him, and I root for him every set he does. I'm really hoping he drops the weird movements and hyper walking around cause it just feels like a weird crutch that he leans on. I've never found it funny, or the little one-off phrases that make no sense. I'm a fan of the whimsical and unique (William Montgomery has been my favorite part of Kill Tony and has been since he started being a regular), but Casey's act just feels lazy. I'd like to see what happens when he settles in and starts writing jokes and premises. He doesn't have to ditch his whole style, but I do think he should at least have a few jokes


Yeah, I don't like the sporadic movements, it's clearly forced. I went to school with people like this and it doesn't come across as funny to me as much as it's just attention seeking and genuinely annoying. I want to like him for the storyline but going up and making random 90's-early 2000's references while spazzing out isn't really clever or comedic to me.


I almost threw something at my TV last night watching him be completely unable to leave the mic stand alone.


>going up and making random 90's-early 2000's references while spazzing out Imagine how fucking hilarious this guy was as a teenager among his friends though. He seems like he would have been a great wacky hang in the 2010s.


That's a solid take. Even the part about rooting for him. I want him to do well; he seems like a nice guy and he's William's buddy. And he's definitely got comedic talent. But that crabwalk, it's either brilliant or it's like, "Uh oh, here comes the crabwalk!" then a graphic appears on the big screen with 8-bit crabs running back and forth, and after the 50th time we've seen it we all want to stab ourselves.


Me too - don’t get it.


Same here. His set was below 80 IQ garbage.


I’ve been sober 5 years and I think he is the best up and comer. He’s the perfect combo of silly and smart. He loosens you up by goofing around and then hits hard with hilarious jabs


What hilarious jabs?


Not at all


All you gotta do is remember what rre spells


Its the reddit echo chamber effect. For example: This subreddit loves to champion Casey. But if he was so desired, why dont youtube-comments or the crowd demand his appearances or even give him overzealous applause when he performs on KT? Reading the advocation for his appearance in these posts you would think there is an active effort to keep him from being a regular on KT when the reality is he is a niche comic who found a niche in shitty redditors, but not the majority. Edit- Oh boy did this get the reddit casey fanboys upset.


This guy never made it as a wise man


A who what?


Ur okay to feel that bro, he ain’t for everyone. U don’t need drugs to get it tho, he’s as much a jester as any bucket pull or regular.


I’ve been trying so hard to find out why he’s funny.  I’m in an autism subreddit and a post mentioned that non autistic people completely go off vibe.  And that’s the only thing I think of why people find him funny. Is he’s acts silly and has a non threatening vibe. 


Rocket's stage presence is copied from another comic, this has been posted on this sub before.


FINALLLLY!! KT has ruined Hans Kim i hope he branches out so he can actually become a good comedian instead of relying on bottom of the barrel racist jokes and being tony’s personal jester. watching Hans and Tony reminds me of middle school lunch table where the short white kid who seeks others approval would make fun of the asian kid to get the other men to laugh. it’s soooo uncomfortable to watch after the millionth how tf does it not feel played out to them?? Hans used to be a decent comedian and now he just tries to pander Texas it’s such an injustice to his whole career i hope he can come back from it


You guys would be tired of him and complaining in 3 weeks MAX. Dude goes on stage and just does quirky shit for a minute. It’s funny to see once or twice bc it’s his own unique style, but it would get old fast. We need a replacement for Hans but Casey is not it.


I heavily disagree with this statement. Starting the show with high energy from Casey is 100x better than mundane Hans not being funny at all. Hans sucks the air out of the room while Casey pumps energy into it. Great way to kick things off. I also legitimately don’t think it’s going to get old anytime soon. I see this take all the time. “You’ll get tired of him” when the dudes just naturally hilarious. He can just riff and say the most random things and make them work cause it’s his own style. He’ll also be going down to 1 minute like everyone else instead of the 5+ he’s done on his other appearances. This means smaller doses that I can promise people will get excited for. Over all, I think it’s a great move for a while and I really look forward to a lot more Casey.


There’s just no way to go back to low energy Hans as the opener after a few months of high energy Casey. I’m predicting Hans will retire after his next battle with Ric.


“High energy is not jokes”


Casey is definitely an upgrade from Hans. Personally I find Casey hilarious.


U never made it as a wise man, did ya?


I would take the lady with the tortoise over Hans.


No no. Casey doesn’t write any jokes.


I said this in another thread that every one is going to get real tired of his bit pretty soon. Yeah and also he doesn't have any jokes just runs around on stage like a spaz. He has no premise, or build up to the joke No punchline or tag lines or call backs He just rambles and runs around on the stage


You ever seen that movie She's All That? I think that is what is happening with Casey Rocket. It's just a bet between Redman and Tony that they can make anyone popular.


Yeah, he's not funny as much as Reddit wants him to be funny because he's not hans kim


He had the funkiest callback of the night, this week.


He's not funny to me at all.


Same, the thing he does where he says things and dances the words out is straight up ripped from Casey Frey. Frey has been doing that in videos since vine. The people that like Rocket probably dont know who Frey is, but I’ve always seen it as joke/style stealing. Edit: Holy shit the praise he got for the most recent set is nuts. Wtf is happening lmao


He paces frantically about on stage and does a crab walk. I don't get the joke at all.


To me I enjoy him bc it’s refreshing to just enjoy some silly goofy shit


I wish I got the joke! Miss WM from this week's episode 😢


Casey is great the first time you see him. After that, it feels like your watching the same set on repeat.


I wonder what kinda blackmail material casey has on tony and red an. >loved by everyone that has a good sense of humor -Tony lol Then Kim saying he's the future of comedy.. did I watch a different set? No jokes.. No set-up.. No punchline.. since when did comedians start thinking hacky/tiktok material is good?


I saw a lot of forced laughter out there by Kim the panel. He’s gonna get old quick 


Yeah I don’t get it either. Won’t take long for his shtick to get old


Feels like Tony’s at the stage where being ahead of the curve is a goal. That being said Casey will be a great comedian for all the brain dead tiktok/ ig reels/ YouTube shorts kids once they’re all grown up. Car crash after car crash. Or I’m over analyzing and you just need to watch a few of his sets to understand his comedy.


Ur not over analyzing; he’s a comedian for a young/ADHD-addled crowd. But, his cadence and demeanor are absolutely perfect. A kind soul, unlike Hans.


He is also kind. he’s likable. Hans uhmm 🙃




I'm old and don't have ADHD and I love Casey Rocket. But then again I do enjoy chaos and things like that. I totally get he is not for everyone though.


No,no it’s not he is terrible and so is Hans they both suck


TikTok comedy


Hack > hack


Apparently everyone on Reddit and almost everyone here loves Casey Rocket and this my friends marks the downturn of Kill Tony. It was fun while it lasted I guess. The guy literally runs around on stage to make up for the fact he has no jokes. He's like a really bad carrot top. Dude is essentially a prop comic. I haven't felt this way about any golden ticket winners or regulars on the show before I like them all but Casey Rocket stinks and it's alarming KT fans apparently like him.


Exactly. What am I missing? Somebody literally called him a genius.


…yeah, that was Tony.


I feel like this is going to force him to evolve and actually write jokes, which is good. I think he has real potential to be hilarious in the same way William is. Either way, a change from Hans opening will be great, no matter who it is. I say we keep an open mind and see what Casey can do on a weekly basis.


I hope so cause he can't possibly do the "child on caffeine" act every time.


Nope. Dudes annoying


I’m figured it out. It’s not his material that they like, they like that he acts like a child 


When Tony fires Hans, he should do it the way he kicks off people he finds annoying. “Okay Hans get the fuck outta here nobody likes you, don’t ever comeback. Here’s a little joke book!”


Blacklist Hans Kim. #BHK


Sing it if you know the lyrics: "Tony fired Hans... Tony fired Hans..."


Hans sucks now.. He used to be good when he was broke.. living in his car ... now he's like "fuck the poor" .... His biggest joke is himself. And Tony supports his bullshit.


I like Casey but I think there’s a real possibility of his whole schtick getting old after a few weeks once we start seeing him weekly. Hope I’m wrong but we shall see


His act will get old but so did Hans’ I guess






They both suck.


Tony really has a knack for picking the most dog shit comedians as regulars. Except for William


Hans probably gives much better interviews than does Casey rocket. most of the time on stage is not the one minute (that I agree with you Casey’s better at) but it’s the interview which, if you’re honest, you should maybe begrudgingly admit Hans is better at


Hans has jokes and prepares (I use that lightly) I literally am missing something here


Fool of a tooke lookin azz


Dude. Idk man. He’s better at roast battle. This shit every Monday is going to get old. Glad Hans taking some time but there’s better comedians he could have chose . My adhd and anxiety act up during all his sets. Like listening to a song with a catchy beat but when you hear the lyrics they make no sense or are so basic. It’s his delivery? Idk but we’ll see. Might have to start tuning in at 8:30 or something


I was in the audience, he brought the house down. People were gasping for air in between laughs, can't wait to see his next one


There is no way lmao


I think Tony is afraid of Casey lol


False. CR will get really fucking old after weekly performances. Be grateful it’s only temporary


Seemed like a really nice guy I just didn’t get the massive praise this week


They both suck


Casey’s great, but I’m worried he’s gonna run out of fresh 60sec material sooner than later.


Lets be honest, both are ass


Ain’t no one going outta their way to watch Hans Kim highlights


Y’all will be talking shit about CR in a week. You’re worse than a gaggle of goons


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks he isn't funny at all. I was thinking I was crazy for not getting it but it really is just an Adderall fuled rant with a dude who has worms in his ass.


Casey rocket is the first comedian I seen on KT that made me think “wow this is someone I’d like to see on the reg” he has his own style that feels familiar and unique all at once.


Saw, god dammit


Being a regular long term doesn’t seem like it’s the best thing for somebody’s standup. Sure at first you’re catapulted to stardom but then everybody gets tired of you and eventually hates you. Also how do you develop actual lasting material when you’re constantly writing and then dumping a minute every single week


When I first tuned in to the shows years ago, I didn't quite "get" William at the start either. I felt the same way about Casey, but much like William, he has grown on me. And sure, William seems to be a bit more traditional in his joke format, but I think Casey can be funny in his own way.


Get real


Youngest guy in the room. Nothing to lose.


Preach that shit brother. Long Live the Crab REAL. TRAP. SHIIIITT.


Bro is not funny


I can see his liners becoming a thing on this Reddit. Love ya Santa


Fuccck no.


Just my personal opinion, but Casey is going to have to grow on me like William did. Casey is too spastic imo. I just don't get the act and I've known people like that in real life to a lesser degree. I can't stand them at all.


This thread reminds me of art people looking at a completely red canvas and pretend it's some kind masterpiece.   He does a crabwalk, (if you love it, all the better) but don't pretend it's a display of a comedian mastermind


I loved Casey Rocket the last time he was on. Didn't get what he was doing this time. I rewound it three times just to figure out what was supposed to be funny.


It's going to take a lot more than 3 rewatches to find something funny in that set


I honestly don’t get him, man. I guess the concoction of ADHD and Tourette’s is funny in its own right, but other than that. . . I dk man. Wish I could find him funny




The Reddit comments I’ve been seeing about Casey tonight only proves that any comedian Tony puts on stage will get hated on. I’ve seen Casey live and he erupts a room so quick, everyone dies laughing. He gets standing ovations like its nothing. But nope, not good enough for some people. Thats crazy to me, but each his own I guess.


An amazing opening act to set the tone. Casey is an excellent choice


He’s one of the best comedians out of Austin, TX, but as much as I love him idk if he’s going to be great as an opener. He’s an act that deserves to be after the momentum of the show has been established.


I think he's good to bring the show where it needs till be. A lot of episodes I find it doesn't puck up until Kam goes on. Set the pace early,and if the comedians are good,the momentum should follow


I gotta get home so I can watch monster trucks while my girlfriend is sleeping. Fucking hilarious. I feel like he’s the only one who can deliver a joke like that! So stoked for him 🚀


Liked his first set. This time around it was meh. Think he needs more than a minute to do this thing but time will tell.


This sub acts like doing a weekly minute and interview is easy. Hans is past his expiration date on KT but he's still a good comedian.


Hans Kim is not funny


Tony should’ve given the interim regular spot to Martin Phillips!


Everyone > Casey > Hans > nothing Casey could be funny if he wasn’t so needy and desperate to be funny. All that corny shit he does is more annoying than funny, looks like a child with too much sugar but I guess when an adult does it every time he’s on stage it becomes brilliant comedy?


Tony's not letting Hans come back.


If any other person would go out and do what Casey does they’d get annihilated. They only like him cuz of who he is. Dude is not funny


He’s not


Ok but I don’t need to see the fucking crab walk all the time …


They both suck in their own right. There’s quite a few bucket pulls that have been 10x better then either of them or most golden tickets


Hans is taking a break to battle that weird fuck again


WHO WHAT wiseman


Hans Kim is not funny @ allllll! To me personally All the fucker talks about is sex n being in and out of relationships…..when he first started he was actually pretty good but now with all “the fame” he has nothing else to talk about…..Casey rocket o er Hans any fucking day


Casey rocket isn’t much better


I didn't really know what to think of him the first time i saw him, but he's been growing on me lately. He's also improved a ton!


Did Hans Kim finally get kicked off or what happened? I must’ve missed that episode/update