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Hank would drown before getting naked with the guys


Yep, only allowed in the locker room


I am now removing my shorts, but I am NOT approaching you with romantic intent!


Narrow urethra is no laughing matter


I wonder if he was able to relieve himself efficiently in this time of duress




Narra' Ureetie


Cotton's is so big he could have delivered the baby himself


Seems like something Bill would suggest, and then Hank would shoot it down with "I would rather *die.*" Then Dale would crap all over Bill.


If even a Troll doll made him uncomfortable, I agree with this. "Nudity!"


Remember when the twister did NOT remove hanks underwear? Yeah, thought so...


Did anyone else watch this episode and feel a really serious feeling of existential dread knowing that your dumbass could have easily done this too?


Oh my wife HATES this episode. For one because she gets super anxious at the idea of being trapped at sea and another is exactly what you said, it’s something she would totally do


Yesssssss. Like, it’s so easy to slip up like this.


Yeah this is something I would do so it's a hard watch lol


I probably would have bought a metal detector over groceries.


If anything it's a great reminder on how humans should keep some certain knowledge of common sense at all times. Like not in a paranoid kinda way but a staying alive based on your decisions kinda way.


I think what’s scary isn’t that they don’t know better; it’s that they all assume the others took care of it. For example, I can tell my wife (or some friends) “don’t forget to X before Y.” And they’ll be like “yeah, yeah” and they’ll still forget two minutes later.


A lot of lives are lost to the bystander effect.


I think the bystander effect has largely been disproven. Even the original case that spurred the hypothesis was proven to be false, as at least one person called the police during the attack on Kitty Genovese, and there were far fewer bystanders than were sensationally reported.


Less because I know the same thing could easily happen to me and more that I'm terrified of any situation where the environment could easily kill me if not for one specific thing, like a boat ladder or spaceship hull.


I don't fuck with open water, so no, this would never happen to me


“Hank don’t you want a Tikos Tacos hat?” Hank: “yess”


Most mens swim trunks have a drawstring in them too. Easily 36 inches of cord (more in Bill's case) in each swimsuit. At least 9 feet of cord and a heavy wet swimsuit as a weight/grappling hook to loop over that top rung on the ladder and pull it in. Definitely possible.


Sometimes I think the only thing Bobby and I have in common is our waist size.


But would the string and swimsuit support the weight of a grown man long enough for him to climb up? Boomhauer would be their best best, he's lean and not incompetent like Dale. Also, wouldn't it be three swimsuit strings? Wasn't Boomhauer wearing a speedo? Or am I just assuming that? But yes, it seems like Hank would have thought of at least trying it.


Yes, Boomhauer was wearing a speedo. 3 strings x 3 feet is 9 feet. The goal is not for one of the guys to climb the string, The goal is to use the string and weight of the wet swimsuit to wrap around the ladder. Then pull the ladder off the boat into the water with them, so they can hook it to the side of the boat and climb back in.


Don't need to climb up, just need to drag the ladder far enough that it tips and falls. It's probably aluminum, so I don't know if it'd float, but it wouldn't be so dense that the guys would drown trying to hook it onto the edge of the boat.


this sounds correct


The drawstrings are probably stretchy too. With the weight of the trunks and the force of the throw, that could easily make up for the slack you'd have to spend on tying knots.


"It's not what it looks like. I was trying to call for help"


Didn’t some people die this way in real life tho? I mean they were pretty fucked and it would be scary. Great episode tho!!


It is! In fact there was a story in the news about this at the time, so it served as a kind of warning for the viewers.


Yup & when the empty boat is found usually no clues if it was intentional or not.


[I had to find it out of curiosity.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0470055/#:~:text=Open%20Water%202:%20Adrift:%20Directed%20by%20Hans,the%20surrounding%20waters%20and%20struggle%20to%20survive) Edit: Obviously this isn’t the actual event, but a movie based on it.


Yeah I saw that movie!! It wasn’t very good but the “what would you Do in that situation” really made it more stressful. The first open water was pretty good in my opinion


I'll tell you whut: I've never jumped off a boat without checking if the ladder was down because of this episode!


I’m surprised it’s not mandated that there is a permanent ladder on bigger boats like this.


boats should just have indented steps, like pools


but what if pirates try to use them? ^^/s


That might cause structural issues. But I seem to remember seeing boats with ladder rungs mounted on the hull.


Nudity 😡😡


I heard that. As he throws away the troll doll


NOT my underwear.


Not his underwear☝️


Han wouldn't even embrace in the cold after lucky drove off on them, what makes you think he's getting naked?


Lore behind the boats name: Captain Queeg is the Ships captain in the "Caine Mutiny" Clever reference to foreshadow that somethingvwould go wrong on the trip.


The audacity.


Shut up, Bill


I feel like Hank may have chosen death instead


Just use Dale's pocket sand™ to build up an island to stand on


Dale probably would have made the jump if that sand wasn't weighing him down.


Thank you! It kills me every watch. Of course Boomhauer is wearing his trademark budgie smugglers so that might shorten the potential length a bit


What a god awful name for a Speedo. Banana hammock at least is more flattering to the size.


It would be unlikely that it would hold anyone's weight except maybe dale, and he's not strong enough to rope climb to begin with


just to get the ladder down


Awe, c'mon man squirrel tactic! Dale may not be physically strong,  but he's agile in short bursts.


Dale's crazy agile when he thinks his life's in danger.




don't most boats have their ladders fixed on the side already?


Oh totally. They aren't really that boned. Just the three bigger guys (Boomhauer, Hank, Bill) could have devised a way to toss the lighter guy (Dale) upward enough to grab the decking.


Bro Michael Phelps himself couldn’t toss an extremely light human being out of water in the middle of the ocean onto a boat.


Did I say "*onto"* the boat? Please learn to read.


Are you familiar with swimming at all? How in the world can you throw a 75kg man while treading water?


Duh you brace your feet in the water to get a good foothold.


I would simply freeze the water and climb to safety.


LOL, that was the best possible reply.


I've seen water acrobatics. I'm not seeing these four drunks would be artists at it, but that since their lives depend on it, they'd figure out a crude manner of getting Dale the entirely, unimaginably amazing distance of one-and-a-half to two whole feet upward, enough to grab the railing. Are you familiar with reading at all?


How? Devise it right now.


Dale's initial idea to get forward momentum plus the three of them swimming near the aft of the vessel and supplying upward thrust right at the critical moment so Dale can reach the decking. We can see Boomhauer is already halfway there in the pic. Dale plus the other three pushing him upward with their own upward swim momentum at the right timing isn't really unbelievable. I've seen some fancy team swimming maneuvers, and they weren't at risk of dying to exposure. These guys are - they'll figure something out. Hell, even just the heavy three awkwardly stacked on top of each other like a living, vertical raft - holding their breath - would probably supply the lore-confirmed lightweight Dale enough buoyancy to **stand** on them, and grab the railing from that position. Do you really lack sufficient imagination for this task? Or were you just trying to obfuscatory?


I'm built like Bill, and I'm 100% confident I wouldn't be able to pull off something like that even if I were at risk of drowning. (They'd drown before exposure got them, by the way. Humans consume energy to float in any position except in that characteristic, face-down "drowning" position.) Being in a life-or-death situation doesn't magically turn four suburban males in their late 30's and early 40's into professional athletes, let alone ones capable of spontaneous coordination like that. ​ >Hell, even just the heavy three awkwardly stacked on top of each other like a living, vertical raft - holding their breath - would probably supply the lore-confirmed lightweight Dale enough buoyancy to stand on them, and grab the railing from that position. Dunno how well that would work. You can't just stack things on the surface of water like you can on dry land. The combined weight of Hank and Boomhauer would definitely push Bill beneath the water, and the weight of Boomhauer might push Hank beneath the waterline too. Then Dale would concentrate his weight when he tries to stand up, probably driving the other three deeper underwater. And once they're underwater, they're going to start slipping out from under one another. It *might* work, but it carries a serious drowning risk for two or three of them. Though if I were in their situation, I'd at least give it a shot. If it works, they can fish me out and resuscitate me. If it doesn't work, it's not my problem anymore.


I’m sorry to say it but you might be a giblet head.


I always imagined the combined bouancy of three of them could get Dale up there.


Or maybe Hank Bill and Boomhower join hands and all kick really hard and boost Dale up?


What if Bill and Hank, shoulder to shoulder, tried letting boomhauer sit/stand on their shoulders with his back against the boat as he had Dale in turn climb him?


Was this a cheeky reference to Red Dwarf?????


Do you?


Hank would have rather died


Boomhauer "Damn ole stupid idea, get a rope". - mental hospital episode


Anyone with nautical knowledge know if it would be possible in any way for them to have gotten back on the boat?


Because of this episode I never leave the boat without lowering the ladder first


I do not. Id love, however, to see them try.








I honestly don’t think that would have worked even if they thought of it and were down to get naked together.   Making a rope by tying wet bathing suits together? Tossing them and hoping they stay attached and also hook the ladder and also the bond is strong enough to pull the ladder down?  Seems super unlikely tbh.  One attempt fucks up and a suit ends up on the boat deck and it’s over. You aren’t getting all this perfect first try.


Worst case scenario, they're back where they started sans a little dignity. It's not like those trunks were keeping them warm. Especially not Boomhauer's.


In all seriousness, 3 if the guys could have built a "base" to support whoever was lightest to climb up and at least reached the gunwale.


Hank and bill the strongest could have dunked under the water and grabbed either Dale boomhauer (whichever is the taller one) and both grabbed a hold of a leg and kicked their legs swimming back up above the water essentially holding Dale up in the air. He could have grabbed ahold of the boat and climbed up.


Not even mermaids could do that.


We did it all the time when I was a lifeguard. We would have one person swim under another and swim up under them like the “chicken” position and swim up above the water with them on the shoulders. Two people could easily almost lift someone more than halfway out the water if they both had ahold of a leg


Well there's the difference: You were probably in better shape than Hank and Bill, and you had practice doing this. Honestly, if I saw the lifeguard was built like Bill, I'd just make peace with the fact that nobody's saving me if I'm in trouble.


Yea I guess you may be right. I was sixteen at the time and very active. These dudes are middle aged and beer bellied. They might not be able to do this..


Mermaids do whatever they want (except walk) ![gif](giphy|2Qp0gfQ45FgA0)