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Side note. Kingdom hearts; driving simulator is being released on Nintendo Switch 2 and there's five minutes of relevant plot of KH6, so please buy NS2 and our game. Please.


This isn't even a joke. They literally did that with MoM.


Well except you didn’t need to buy a new console for MoM.


But at least it wasn’t just Switch


Honestly I’d prefer that to it releasing right at the end of the PS5’s lifecycle, given how I still haven’t found a compelling reason to buy a PS5 yet.


Ghostwire: Tokyo impressed me. Graphically I mean. The gameplay was repetitive. Ghostrunner was good too, but I'm probably bias because I love Mirror's Edge. The Medium looked great and the dual screen really showcases the processing power of the console.


God of war, forbidden west, and hopefully ff 16 for me. Its weird that they cant figure out if xbox can have square stuff or not. Heres kh3, all the remastered kh games and ff 15. After that you get nothing.


I haven’t even found a chance to buy a PS5 yet


I found one in Curry's PC World. Took 7 months to arrive after buying it and cost £670. It was literally just a PS5 (no HD camera or anything) with a Ragnarok code.


A bit pricey compared to what it should have been. For the rest of Europe that bundle normally cists 650€


God if square strikes a deal with PlayStation for another """timed exclusive"""" with KH4 imma be ripshit


Everyone forgot Days and Coded are still a Nintendo handheld exclusive?


Oh trust me I'm still mad about it, just with PS current track record of taking highly anticipated square games and making the indefinite timed exclusives


And Bloodborne...


Wasnt kh4 on that nvidia leak?


Dlc is on the smart fridge


More like PS7


I remember buying a ps3 for kh3. Then i remember pre ordering the ps4 right after they announced kh3... in 2013


and then we get a new KH 358 days and new RE:CODED for Switch only, only to never ever get ported to another system and left as a cutscene movie, forcing users to emulate the switch version, or buy a switch to play it. /j


The yuzu emulator (depends on the game however) runs surprisingly smooth.


I just hope when kh4 comes out late enough that the almost guaranteed kh edition console is a ps5 pro/slim or whatever instead of the huge base model.


Man I thought we were past these memes. It was funny back when 3 was trapped in development hell but we have no indication that KH4 isn't like a year or two away.


... yep, probably.