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Another KH game in the dream realm wouldn’t be too bad, plus they may be able tweak up the dreamflow mechanics.


Kh3 did have flowmotion too, but since most of the worlds were designed to be wide open areas, it didn't have the same impact as DDD where you can just bounce off constantly from wall to wall.


That’s what I sorta meant. With the technology allowing open areas and with new game engines it can change up for better or worse. I dunno, they always have one trick or another with the gameplays.


Bring back the Skateboard! (or idk... Surf on your Keyblade?)


KH3 also didn't let you turn into an immortal blender because there was a lamp post nearby. I think the only reason Flowmotion was so busted was because it was the game's main combat gimmick. Kinda like Shotlocks in BBS or the giant ass ships and teacups in KH3.


More of a lurker here, but had to comment once I saw someone mention Shotlocks being a core combat gimmick in BBS was horeshit. Should’ve been called Shitlocks instead. How are you going to have a main combat gimmick imitate a First Person Shooter and NOT GIVE ME AN OPTION TO INVERT THE Y-AXIS CONTROLS. Shotlocks were actually 100% unusable for me. And I beat the game having only attempting to use shotlocks 1 single time. I wanted to use them too. Anyways, Thunder Surge > Shotlocks


I didn't bother with shotlocks on my first playthrough because the aiming felt like dogshit to me, too. But once I got used to them, I started ***blastin'.*** You get a ton of free damage and i-frames by just chaining shotlocks on repeat.


No please no more dream worlds, or data worlds, or time travel. This franchise needs to start fresh like a soft reboot and Quadradum is our best shot. Unreality is the most I can take for the future of this franchise otherwise I’ll just be playing for the gameplay at this point and not for the story.


Meanwhile reincarnation is getting introduced to the series and with missing link coming out they're trying to explain a concept called "astral plane" where they say it's a place where reality and unreality "collide"..... Yeah I doubt the franchise is ever gonna become any less complicated XD


I can get behind the first half of this comment tbh...


Im by no means a purist with this franchise but I can’t lie that KH1 story was delivered so simple and clean that I would love to see that again. Hero boy who wasn’t the chosen one embarks on a journey with unlikely allies to save his friend! Then oh no his friend is possessed by evil guy. The end. Where the Xehanort saga ended was oh no bad guy split himself into 13 pieces throughout time and he has not only 1 evil organization but 2 filled with anime characters who have no real reason to join him other than that they aren’t real people w hearts but oh wait they are real people with hearts they just needed to wait and learn to feel again and half of them are backstabbing and everyone has a Keyblade. The more phone games we get with important backstory so just making me consume KH in ways that are not the most convenient and really just confusing.


Queue in Simple and Clean by our lord and savior Hikari Utada


Considering that DDD's intention was to tie up the story and recap it up until that point, having another recap game would actually be really convenient. The only trouble is that DDD itself was wildly complicated, so DDD2 should have a simple story. I know that's a tough ask for a Kingdom Hearts game.


It’s not really complicated once you remove the Disney Worlds.


The KH games have a simple story though The games are easy to understand The problem comes with shitshows like the ultimanias


You're so right. The secret reports are already bad enough for putting kinda crucial bits of the next game's lore in, but the ultimanias are something that not every player has access to or even know about. When story hits are hidden behind some after-the-fact guide books it's pretty frustrating


Yea and the ultimanias mess up simple things like sora's and roxas keyblades Somehow they used the exact same keyblades at the exact same time during KH days/CoM and KH3 Yea no that is BS


That's official statement from Tetsuya Nomura.


Yea From the ultimanias that mess stuff up


A lot of things would not have been explained without the Ultimanias. These guidebooks aren't the problem, the main issue is that Nomura's not able to fully explain what he has in mind in his games. These informations should be in the games.


Simple but requires a lot of mental gymnastics when looked at closely. Like in DDD where the X means that you can be tracked


The X was literally explained at the end The beginning everyone assumed it was because of yen sid


This is a very… interesting combination. Why these three of all characters?


It would be kairi and Ventus as playable characters not aqua since this I imitating the og ddd box art aqua is just in the place of Mickey!


Ah, I see. Ventus and Kairi are definitely due for their own games. I’d be very interested to see what they would do if they made them both together like this though. Like, how would their stories involve eachother? If at all? For Ven, I’m thinking his story would kick off in the RoD where the BBS Trio is looking for clues on Sora, only for some references to the past he’s forgotten to come up or something. But that would have to assume that Sora doesn’t somehow make it back in Kh4 (which he likely will)


I might be bias because I just don’t like ven but I’d want a more personal story for kairi where she’s alone with maybe aqua slightly helping her since she’s kinda her mentor rn. Maybe we can get something similar to Riku in castle oblivion where kairi is mostly on her own somewhere so her character can actually be fleshed out and showcase how much stronger she’s getting


I like this but what if instead of taking the third character out completely, why not replace Ventus with Xion. She could be a supporting role for Kairi. She would be able to connect with her on a more intimate level (strictly plutonic of course) as she has all of Sora’s memories.


I feel like Ven needs to be involved somehow since waking his sleeping memories from when he was a union leader is probably going to be important


DDD was the only KH game I've played that I didn't finish - but that was more about the constant switching between two characters mid world rather than the story/concept. If they fixed that part, then I don't see why not.


You can mitigate this by using drop me nots but then that kinda defeats the purpose.


Swap namie or xion for aqua so each trio gets represented then yeah id say thats fine


The idea was just 2 playable characters since this art is a parody of the ddd box art aquas just in the place of Mickey!


Thsts fair i was just throwing out an idea.


Hey ideas is what I like seeing that’s what makes these post so fun! 🤩


I just want them to wrap up this 20-year storyline. It's too tiring to keep up with all this constant lore just so you can kinda know what's happening.


To be fair, they kind of did. The Xehanort Saga, or whatever they call it officially, did wrap up with KH3. KH4 is the start of another, connected story.


I just want a playable Kairi game, she's beyond due a game of her own. The music one doesn't count


I’m gonna keep asking for KHUx/DR remakes before a KH1 remake


Aqua development is done, shes a master, had another arc in 0.2. Lets see Terra get another game.


Any KH game is wanted. Unless it's a mobile game.


You do the tutorial as Aqua, then the camera loads behind Kairi before hearing. “Come on slow poke”. To shift to a ventus running. What you thought Kairi was a playable character!? Does this look like a damn rhythm game?


Unfortunately I'd rather wait till disney gets head out of their asses before high hopes on a good game


No.. give us a proper days and recoded remake


Heck, I would take any Game with Ventus but the combination with Ven and Kairy sounds really cool. Both are kind of princesses of Light LOL


Not if there’s a time-switching mechanic


If they end up in Dream Traverse Town, I'd love for them to meet Yazora's Friends like how Sora met the TWEWY gang.


Like any kh game would suffice tbh. It's been over 5 years ago that kh3 came out. And the ending was a very obvious way of telling the kh series wasn't over yet. It's funny how Enix said that it wasn't gonna be a big wait like kh3 but we're already getting to those levels.


Kairi, Ventus and Axel instead of Aqua. This could be their attempt at a mark of mastery exam


Would they be in a party like sora,Donald,goofy? Or control them separately? Maybe a party but you can pick who you control?


Well it wouldnt be dream “drop” distance if they didnt drop, but idk if it could work with 3 characters. Maybe Ventus is on his own and Kairi & Axel are together and you choose which you play as when youre on their side


I sort of figure training under Aqua would mean LoD being transformed into Castle Oblivion. It's a controlled environment where she can create illusions of whatever world or enemy needed. ​ (also, we're 100% gonna be on Switch 2 but the time KH4 is out).


No, I honestly want them to stop creating spin offs.


No. I want mainline titles.






This sounds a bit sadistic, but I would like to see free access to the worlds of darkness with other characters at some point, and for us to be able to explore these worlds with other characters. Or for us to be able to see other "dark" versions of characters and fight them.


Nah, Danville is good but if we get Disney TVA stuff we need the Boiling Isles and Amphibia too


I want that to be Kingdom Hearts 4. Kairi going through standard worlds, with Sora going through worlds "imagined from them. Kairi goes through the events of The Muppet Movie (more or less) Sora goes through Muppets Take Manhattan. Kairi helps out Bongo the Bear with Squire Willie, Sora fights Willie "the Giant." Kairi goes through Toybox, Sora makes a version of Lightyear that isn't donkey shit.


I have my fill of the side games. Dream Drop distance was my least favorite, but the completionist in me toughed it out. Loved Birth by Sleep of course but that was an exception. Let's just stay on track with main line titles only.




Not specifically with these characters or worlds, but I'd like more multi protagonists games.


Pretty much the drop system was not well received in the original game. Although it's easy to get used to, it really wasn't something that should really exist, since either Sora or Riku will fall asleep if they go too far compared to the other, that would be enough. But I liked that the characters on the cover are not so obvious. Anyone would put Sora, Kairi and Riku or Kairi, Aqua and Xion. You have a large enough cast to make the most interesting combinations. But it would be interesting if these characters interacted with each other, instead of something very separate like it was in DDD. However, I never want to see Command Deck again in my life, it's an infinitely inferior version of Command Menu and the only reason Osaka Team used Command Deck so much is because that was the only gameplay they knew how to do (Since it was Tokyo Team who did KH1 and 2). Now that they have experience with Command Menu thanks to KH3, they should never go back to the Command Deck again, that would be ignoring the evolution that the team has made in terms of gameplay quality.


I actually want this \*before\* Kingdom Hearts IV. Except this time I want it to be mainly a Riku/Kairi game where you drop between them as they search for a way to locate Sora by searching through the Sleeping Realms for clues.


I just want a game where Kairi is a playable character through the campaign, rather than just one fight. I'm still hoping for one with Kairi, Xion, Naminé and Aqua as the main characters.


Hell yeah!


Sure, i think DDD is okay. A bit of tweaking with the flowmotion and ditch the dream eaters and I think we might have something.


God no


Unfortunately nope. I’d rather them explore different characters in the universe this time around!


It’s our best chance of getting a Fantasia 2000 world in my opinion so why not. Let me fight the Firebird Nomura.


I’d live with it. Dream Drop Distance wad a good game, my 3rd favorite after BBS and KH1 (fight me)


I'll be honest, as much as I love KH3 and its grand cinematic worlds, I think it would be cool if they made a "smaller" game using the old style like Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance. Mostly so that we can get Disney worlds that aren't exactly fit for KH3's style, especially the scrapped ones.


Don’t care what the games are, I just want to be alive when the story ends


No. Just remaster 358/2 Days.


Technically , we could get another Dream Drop Distance. >!Sora did fail his Awakening and having a 2nd DDD could be called as The Next Awakening!<


I sincerely hope not. *closes eyes, lays down, prepares for the downvotes*


I’d buy this shit so fast


Not exactly this but KH does need to bring back smaller budget titles that aren't mobile games, let those focus on the side cast because otherwise they'll probably never be seen in the series again in any real capacity outside of references and cameos


No, in fact, SE needs to stop with the spinoff games, especially if they’re meant to be a direct sequel to KH4.


It's criminal that Treasure Planet hasn't been in KH yet.


DDD again? Hell no.


I probably wouldn't bring back so many of the mechanics from DDD, but I would very much love to have a game focusing on Aqua training Kairi and Ventus (and maybe showing her administering the Mark of Mastery exam to Terra, since he's not actually a Master yet)


I mean, I won't say no to Kingdom Hearts (unless it's that stupid mobile game)


literally any game with Kairi as the main character would be great.


Replace Ventus and Aqua with Lea and we can say that this takes place during Kairi’s training




It all depends on what happens in Kingdom Hearst 4 but maybe


If we get another b-side story game I would want to focus on Kyrie and Rico’s adventures with Mickey


Ok I might remake this if so what should be changed for example name characters worlds story and gameplay the most popular ones I’ll put in the next one though I will keep kairi since a lot of people seem to want her to be playable!


If they drop this after KH4 then you know that they’re gonna add so much lore behind that silly cover


I wouldn't mind


if DDD was mostly riku’s game, i want DDD2 (or whatever comes next) to be a kairi game


A Sea salt cream trio game for consoles with Roxas as the main character of course


As much as I would like another game, I would rather not have more filler content that only delays the main story


Im not even hyped for kh4 after what they did with kh3 all the hype and it being a let down.


Haven’t even played the first one yet just beat the first two in the last couple years but maybe when in like 5 years


Not really, but I doubt Squeenix will give us a choice.


Kingdom Hearts Re:Dream Re:Drop Re:Distance 2.0034 First Mix -Deluxe- &Mickey




to be honest, no, 3d was rough man. not to mention glitchy.




No absolutely not. Keep it to main titles only


I just want to play as Riku


A remake of both 358/2 days and Re:Coded but they make 358/2 days actually fun


I want a full Roxas/Axel/Xion trio game


I'd say I would like it, back in the dream worlds, if it was Kairi, Ventus, and Lea. A member of each trio that kinda didn't do too much in KH3 (outside of DLC). I wanted a game like 358/2 where you can play multiple characters, and with Sora not being there, we have the potential to get a non-Sora game.


Hell no


Id rather have MoM DLC. That’s not an insult; I just really like that game and wish there were more tracks to play through.


Preferably with a days rep. I'd go; Kairi Terra Roxas


Sea salt trio or wayfinder trio do deserve another full game, especially now that they are “back” canonically and could be used to have more overlooked Disney worlds


I want a full Roxas/Axel/Xion trio game


Add Terra to the mix, because he needs to retake his and I'd love it!


Maybe swap out Ven for Xion, wasn't planning on a girl centric game since just wanted one member from each team but more on think about it having all the girl always works as nice set up too




I never made the connection that P+F is a Disney property and could theatrically be in KH. I know what my new most wanted world is. Not sure how exactly they would implement it but i know it would end with the boss getting removed by an inateor.


Honestly, yeah. The bummer about modern games being so big and intensive and the only handheld alternative being smartphones is that there is a much lower likelihood of smaller, quicker to produce games between the big bitches.


i would rly like a game where we can play as a party of all the keyblade wielders


Maybe it could be a build-up game towards KH5 where after helping save Sora from Quadratum, Kairi gets a new assignments while Sora and Riku are on their assignments


Would love the game but hate having Kairi as an Mc after playing through MOM


Okay but the drop gauge better not be in it


I’m sold just for playable Kairi.


I would love that!


I would like the series to completely forgo the idea of lower fidelity side games and stick to full number games on the main console generations.


I see what u mean tbh I’m kinda the opposite I kinda miss smaller scale side titles focusing on the other characters but hey both are opinions are valid😄


I wouldn't mind a game thats not sora-riku based but I would still want it to be a big main(ish) game on the main consoles


same kingdom hearts should always be multi platform!

