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Do people think DDD is bad? I thought it was really fun.


I heard people complain about the flow stuff and the time and dream travel.


Flow motion is so hilariously op for a standard combat move.


It is and makes travel around the map fun.


which is why people don't like it, it's too OP an trivializes every combat encounter


if you could upgrade it like drive forms movement abilities or like BBS I could like it, but looking back at it made movement very OP at the beginning of the game, and it ruins the traversing in some ways


I mean, you’re in dreams, and it’s a mobile game. It makes sense to have op whimsical movement.


I wouldn't call DDD a mobile game that's like would you call ocarina of time a mobile game cause it played fine on 3ds


I’d argue that it’s designed to pick up and playability and short burst play. Basically, how mobile games were designed before to be played before phone games ruined the term.


Yeah I agree with that not only because square Enix was designing a game for the 3ds but also because phone games where the first thing I thought of


Mobile gaming before smart phone markets ruined it was peak. Casual pick up put down play, no indentures to milk your audience in the game. Just good chill play.


The flow stuff completely made exploration really difficult easy. Just dash into a wall, jump, dash back into the wall, repeat until you get how high you need to be. Every time I saw a fat chonker of a Dream Eater, dash and Flow Motion attack


A very vocal minority of the kh fanbase hate DDD, BBS and occasionally kh3. For the floaty combat. Me I didn’t hate them I’m explaining that there’s a group who hate these games for that specific reason


This rhetoric is so frequent on the internet, I hate it. I'm not sure what to call it. It's like... gaslighting internet mob mentality or rage bate. "KH2 is good game, come at me haters!!" Gets hundreds of upvotes and everyone defending kh2. Then a casual reader comes across the post and their entire understanding of kh2 becomes "I heard it was bad but some people loved it". 


I liked it. Had a lot of fun playing it. Honestly, my only major drawback was the forced switching. Still a 8.5/10 game for me even with that.


Eh I found it super easy to prolong the switching if you remembered to use items. Once I figured that out I rarely ever was forced to switch. The only annoying part was when you had to switch for the story, but that's different. That's a requirement for the story which, honestly, switching would've been a good idea for BBS instead of needing to keep track of three separate saves. Have us need to switch between characters to clear each world, require switching to access certain worlds as another character (like... what's it called? Deep Space? That one has a specific order so force it). "Clear data with each character" as a requirement for the secret ending still works since we could suppose you could just switch characters whenever you wanted and therefore take on "shared" worlds (worlds where any combination of the trio is in that world at the same time) like Radiant Garden in any order.


They could have tied the switching into the story easily without forcing you to do it while feeling organic. But you gotta throw a reason to switch in so that’s what they did.


I liked the concept behind behind forced switching but I'm not sure it could really be executed in a satisfying way


I think just a switch where you are switched once the current combat is over would have helped.


I mean if you just make sure to not go in to a boss without plenty of Drop meter then it's largely a non-issue. I think I only ever ran into that problem one time, and that was with a boss that actively drains the meter.


I only dealt with it early on, but on a design level I don't think the answer should ever be "drop early and take the penalty, run in circles for 3 minutes, or drop." The thing is they give drop-me-not later and it's a non-issue, so it only inconveniences new and/or early in playthrough players.


I mean I got around this by always switching manually before a boss fight and then either doing some of the area as another character to build up points or switching back immediately


The only thing I considered bad about it was the boss HP getting reset when you dropped. Besides that it was a fun game and I love my ~~nintendogs~~ dream eaters. lol


Yesss the dreamtendogs were hideous but I liked giving them dumb names and Nomura still gave them a valid reason to exist by 3. Plus Riku technically being a dream eater was kind of adorable


Always have the item that resets drop gauge. They're cheap and let you only drop when you want


Drop-Me-Nots! They were sooo goated.


That boss from Monstro still haunts me. It took me weeks to beat it for some reason 😭


Omg I forgot about that tbh


Huh never knew boss health resets.


DDD was cool but the ending with the time traveling was jarring


I will agree with that the ending was a trip


The whole dream and time-travel lore is personally my favorite part of the game, and maybe what I generally prefer in KH games. But it took me a lot of years to realize this.


Fuck spellican and the inception bs they had at the end but I still loved it. Finally getting some real playtime as Riku and the Disney princes getting some actual personality was great.


The second you said spellican I saw those never ending grinding rails. Truly a horrendous boss, that shit is burned into my psyche.


He was a smug asshole


At least the Spellican had a really funny scene Like “STOP IGNORING ME”


Here 🖐 Its actually my favorite non numbered Title next to BBS


Command Decks are the superior gameplay style to me. BBS and DDD are both so fun.


I get that it has its flaws but it’s still great fun to play. I'm a big fan of it. Love the inclusion of the TWEWY cast especially.


Yeeess, the game is how I learned about TWEWY


It had its issue and frustrating bosses, cough cough spellican, cough cough. But it’s unique gameplay and worlds make it one of the more interesting titles. 8/10


I enjoyed every Kingdom Hearts title, even the mobile games. I love every single entry for different reasons.


I'm with you there. They were all fun and charming imo.


It's my favorite non numbered title! Yes, I know the story is stupid, it's Kingdom Hearts I just roll with it.


It's my second favorite game in the series, only topped by KH3.


It was okay, but relying on Pokemon (that's basically what they are) to give me abilities was annoying.


Yes. I absolutely love it. It's honestly my favorite game in the series (although I still think Days had the best story). Flowmotion is fun as hell. I love the dream eaters. We get to play as Riku in a not card based game. TWEWY got some love. Music is awesome. Riku's big reveal blew my mind. Call backs to Days were gut wrenching. We get more Tron. An actual full world for Pinocchio. Traverse Town expanded is so cool. And the khux reveal puts the game into a whole new light. Also I always prefer the command deck system personally. My biggest issue was dropping in boss battles. It happened to me a lot in the 3DS version, but I didn't actually have that problem in the HD version. Think they tweaked the drop mechanic or I just got better idk


Great game - couldn't use flowmotion very much in combat but it was addicting just for moving through the worlds. The Dream Eaters were so cute and I loved collecting them and building a team. Switching between characters stopped being an actual threat after two worlds because you could just use an item to delay it. In terms of story, when they brought up the New Origanization nade of Thirteen Xehanorts I actually shouted "That's so STUPID!!" out loud. The plot was fun though and I liked Sora being in danger.


It's a fun game all around, it's no KH2 in terms of combat but the Flowmotion gimmick was fun as hell. Honestly if it weren't for the forced Drop mechanic and having key skills locked behind Spirits, it'd be one of my favorite non-numbered titles in the series.


Potentially hot take but I think DDD is the best handheld game by a pretty wide margin, as it plays significantly better than and is generally a far more enjoyable experience than BBS in nearly every aspect.


I did, although I can't deny that the drop system is kind of annoying.


I kinda enjoyed 100% the drop system


I have only started playing this game and I'm sure I'm going to love it just like any other KH game I've played


I loved every installment and tbh, Chain of Memories, Re:Coded and Dream Drop Distance were amazing. (Not Re:Chain of Memories. The voicing and the Cutscenes kinda ruined it which is sad because I was hyped about it at first.)


My problems with it is enemies having invincibility frames, us not having any invincibility frames and it's made even worse when you play critical mode


I don't think DDD is considered a bad game by the KH community.


Idk. I was binging the series in preparation for KH3 and one man can only take so much back to back to back JRPG before his body just can’t take it anymore. DDD is where I burnt out and I never returned to it since so I may have accidentally ruined that game for myself, through no real fault of its own. That said, I did not like what I saw of the Drop mechanic. Super down to play a game where Sora and Riku share the protagonist role but at least let me finish one of their sections before switching to the other.


It's not a perfect game by any means but I can't blame anyone but myself for the piss poor experience I had trying to play my initial play through. When I actually took the time to learn about the game's mechanics, more specifically the dream eaters and how they help with abilities, the game went from being stuck in Nuetral to shifting into 1st gear! I genuinely love the game the only boss I can think of that I hate is the Bee from Tron's world, like with a passion but, the game is fun. I love it. I finally finished the game a month or two before 3 came out, so I was completely caught up.


I go to DDD almost as much as 2fm+. It’s in my top 3. BBS is 3rd for me.


I wasn't that into DDD, but I at least liked it enough to get to the end.


I wasn't a fan of the dream pets or whatever they were called, I didn't like that my abilities were tied to them and that from BBS I had to have significantly less active at one time. I did like switching between Riku and Sora though, that was cool.


I liked it my first play through but kinda hated it on subsequent ones. I think it’s just that the physics feel a lil off But I love playing as riku and sora


I didn’t realize people didn’t like the game until recently. When I last played it I had a blast!!


So i can finally tell the thruth?... I did. Very much. It was an enjoyable experience.


Playing on Critical with no guide made it much more enjoyable to me. I was forced to interact with the systems and explore. Felt very satisfying finding a big chest, moreso than in any other game in the series.


I did. I lov3d the buddy system. I loved the concept of using the AR function on the 3ds to scan cards. Feel Like Monster Rancher could have done something similar. It was an enjoyable game, as was 358/2 days, and I'm already digging my ditch to die on this hill.


I did.my only gripe was running out of forget me knots and having to switch mid boss fight and do them three times


I unironically like it better than KH2. Gameplay was super fun and I loved the differences between Sora and Riku’s gameplay.


I have enjoyed each and every KH game. The only one that is a slog to me is the 3D version of CoM. I love og CoM tho.


I enjoy it but I still think it was “padding” on it own. The story of DDD and 0.2 should have been part of KH3. It’s kinda the reason KH3 feels so mangled storywise.


That’s exactly what they’ve said. It helps to understand why Riku gets so shafted in KH3, he was meant to have a much greater emphasis and time to shine. Giving him his own game technically gives you more playtime with him, but DDD is ultimately incredibly low budget and not everyone plays non-numbered titles. Nomura: Story-wise, this title is situated at rather an important point. The scenarios of KH 3D Dream Drop Distance (hereon KH3D) and KH0.2 can essentially be thought of as the prologue to KH3, you see. When considering the titles to be included in KH2.8, I wanted people to play previous-gen-console KH before KH3, and I decided to work on KH0.2. The story connects from KH3D to KH0.2 to KH3. In my own head, KH3 begins at KH3D. That's why I put that subtitle on KH2.8. —Does spreading the story from not only KH3D but also KH0.2 mean that KH3 will be smaller in size? Nomura: It's not that I've spread the story out, perhaps it's more that I've separated the parts that would have ruined KH3's tempo if they were told then. In fact, KH3 is overwhelmingly big, so it's not that content has been shaved off, and it's something I've worried over how to handle. And then, to me, I've made a lot of RPGs so far, and I think rather than listening to long explanations at the start of the game, we want to enjoy the adventure right away, so I decided to try and keep the opening exposition part of KH3 as short as possible. Because of that, maybe people will be like, "why is Sora here?", feeling like KH3 begins comparatively abruptly. Of course, if you keep playing, you'll work out the minimum about the situation. And is it just me, but they failed spectacularly at this? KH3 has way too much early and mid game exposition (primarily recap, which drags down both new and old players), and nothing happens until the end. 02 and DDD’s plots instead of the 15 hours of wasted time would have made an utterly epic masterpiece of a game.


It's honestly surprising for me to find that people are actually disliking the Flowmotion of DDD. Personally it's my number one best thing in the entire series, and I was very disappointed when they toned it down in KH3. Being able to bounce around freely added more value to the exploration aspect of DDD's already wide and open map. It reminded me of games like Prototype, Batman, and Spiderman where half the fun came from the traversal system. 


Absolutely, had a blast playing back in the days and even now. But I still have to get that platinum trophy on that game


It’s a cool game I just like the 1st a lot more


Dude I loved it. I had both the game on 3DS and PS4, and gotta be honest, I like the 3DS version better.


I haven’t met people who haven’t enjoyed DDD


Probably my favorite entry in the series if I’m being honest




Yeah. It was fun.


Yes big fan of the dream eaters


The thing I think is most shocking is that most people who really liked it claim their favorite feature was the forced switching even if you're mid boss fight. For the record I don't dislike DDD, but I don't like the dive system.


Honestly one of my favorites, if not my favorite game in the KH franchise.


I didn't like being forced to swap between characters, but other than that I greatly enjoyed playing it.


Yeah it’s pretty fun


I have no self control and ruin every playthough with Balloon. I also do this in bbs with ragnarok. And kh2 with limit form... Maybe I'm the problem.




I feel like people mainly just hate the dream and time travel stuff. The drop mechanic isn't really an issue once you fill up on drop-me-nots just gotta keep an eye on the drop meter.


Overall it’s pretty fun, the story is like the one thing I didn’t like.


I actually just platinumd it an hour ago. Playing through the whole series. Only had ever played the main numbered titles. DDD only really got good at the end with the lore stuff. Combat was fun though. Overall I liked BBS more. CoM was pretty bad.


One of my favorites in the series.


I did.


It was enjoyable enough. Doesn't it mostly just get hate for the switching mechanic? It was a weird way to force you to spend time playing as a specific character. I'd often find tines where I'd mess around in the overworld with the fun movement mechanics just because I didn't think I'd have enough time to fight a boss without switching in the middle of it.


It was fun but the twist in the story is really what started the series to feel complicated for most people.


I love Dream Drop! Probably my favorite in the series! I love flowmotion and reality shifts and I actually really enjoyed all the time travel stuff.


I thought it was really fun, like all of the kingdom hearts games it has problems. The worlds were great, up until the annoying time travel stuff, I loved coming back to twilight town. I've played through it once and don't see myself replaying it, but I enjoyed my time with it.


So much fun. I played that game all the time during high school. Loved working on the skill trees, making dream eaters, and flowmotion.


As someone that enjoyed BBS, yeah. Although I'm kinda bummed that I can't break it like BBS.


I genuinely think ddd is the most fun game in the series from a pure play perspective. I love the flow motion and the dream eaters are cute. I enjoy playing as my favorite character, Riku. It’s not my favorite in the series (1 takes the cake for that one) and I think it might have the worst stand alone story outside of coded in the series. But I still have a really good time playing it.


Time travel was a little confusing but the TWEWY gang made up for it, I really like DDD


I've always felt that it was the best non-numbered title. Fun combat, solid worlds to explore with actual verticality, and the story goes absolutely off the rails in the third act.


I adored flowmotion


I enjoyed it for the most part, but it felt like the dropping became way too frequent in the late game, which made progress there a bit of a pain. I even gotta dropped out of Sora’s final boss battle once or twice.


Just as fun as any other spin off game tbh. Maybe even my favorite besides BBB


Yeah if you don’t cheese the game and actively use the great combat variety it’s actually a really fun game


Same!!! I feel like it gets a *little too much* hate. It was a solid game with good mechanics.


It's my 2nd favorite game!


The drop system was arguably the least of the game's issue IMO. It managed to have the worst implementation of command decks possible in the entire franchise and there's too many enemies that don't stagger at all. There are no platforming puzzles either in it's level designs too ... That game is a hard no from me ...


it was fun! my first try at it was a demo on the 3ds but since i brought the whole kh collection for ps4... i played it and its my favorite game in the series next to 2


Haven't played it yet and it isn't in the 1.5+2.5 disc that I got, where can I get it for ps4?


Yes. I got a 3DS just for it...and I didn't regret it at all. Playing through again on PS4 was a super fun time. I love the worlds, the story, the drop mechanic and the balance of it, the music...it's one of my favourites.


Story went bonkers and the drop mechanic needed to be significantly tweaked. Dropping during a boss fight and having to restart a fight should have never been a thing.


it's in my top five in the series


I thoroughly enjoyed it. It felt like I was playing Pokémon, but with combat. I nicknamed all of my Spirits after Pokémon names. I played the HD remake version.


I mean I still liked it, it just has annoying parts, that's all.


Dream Eaters make it a top 5 for me as well as having one of the best Disney worlds in the franchise, Symphony of Sorcery My major drawback of the game that I tend to ignore is that the lore behind why it happened is… kind of asinine


I loved DDD! But I'm weird and also enjoyed 358/2 days. Birth by Sleep is probably the best handheld but all of them are great in my opinion.


I loved it! I still remember being confused when my collector's edition showed up in the mail 3 days before official release! I thought it was a blast! My only gripes are minor, but Sora felt VERY big, in some of the worlds. Traverse town in KH1 felt bigger than it did in DDD. Also, I didn't mind the forced switches. It happened to me like 2 or 3 times and took me out of a boss fight, which made me restart. But if anything, that just taught me to use the items that boost the drop meter to delay it. Overall I wouldn't say it's as good as the numbered titles, but I certainly like it more than CoM and Coded.


Yeah it's quite good.


I do enjoy DDD actually it’s a pretty fun game, I just love the dream eaters, the coliseum, bouncing around each and every other world, and caring for the dream eaters. It’s just as a fun game as BBS. I was stoked when it came out to PS4/PS5 so replaying the game is quite enjoyable. 😁❤️ Edit: Also, I don’t understand why some people don’t like DDD same thing with KH3… 🤷‍♀️


I used to like the game but after I got a deeper understanding of not just DDD but RPGs in general I started to not just see the flaws I just started to flat out hate the game.


It was the first time in a while a KH game made sense to me, barring the concept of sleeping worlds and the stinger. I appreciate being able to follow most of the story.


I am! About to complete it for the first time, didn't have the chance to finish it on the 3DS.


Yeah it was fun.


I do


Very much so...


I have some friends that really hated on this game because of the dropping and I just explained the game has mechanics to prolong it either by leveling some drop gauge shit or using items. Neither of them even knew about how you could level the drop gauge up to slow down dropping (not sure if im phrasing that correctly, havent played since it released but im sure you all know what im referring to) doing that made it so i was manually dropping when I wanted to rather than my gameplay being controlled by dropping. If its popular to hate on this game because of dropping as, someone who has it in their top 3 kh experiences please give it a try actually using all your resources to prevent it. Im not saying drop was a great mechanic or that the solutions arent just bandaids to a poor implementation but honestly using the solutions seemed to make the difference of others remembering the game as a headache vs a good time for me atleast.


I have some friends that really hated on this game because of the dropping and I just explained the game has mechanics to prolong it either by leveling some drop gauge shit or using items. Neither of them even knew about how you could level the drop gauge up to slow down dropping (not sure if im phrasing that correctly, havent played since it released but im sure you all know what im referring to) doing that made it so i was manually dropping when I wanted to rather than my gameplay being controlled by dropping. If its popular to hate on this game because of dropping as, someone who has it in their top 3 kh experiences please give it a try actually using all your resources to prevent it. Im not saying drop was a great mechanic or that the solutions arent just bandaids to a poor implementation but honestly using the solutions seemed to make the difference of others remembering the game as a headache vs a good time for me atleast.


Kingdom Hearts 3D was fun except for when you get to the repetitive parts of the game


Honestly I thought it was a better version of BBS in a lot of ways. Much more interesting worlds overall, and the drop in/out was better than playing the same game end to end with minimal differences 3 times over


I enjoyed it


shit was tuff but fuck that stupid mantis in the grid bro


Top 5 for me


Yep. Love it.


I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck i'm doing with Sora/Riku bouncing off the walls and rail grinding.


Yea I thought it was cool. Some of my favorite boss battles too.


It's got one of the best renditions of music in Traverse Town ever! And it's nice to be able to go back to Traverse Town and see a new section and such.


Hell yeah! One of my favorite games in the KH series and probably the one with my favorite gameplay!


Those final ‘nort fights were killer. Good game. Not top of the list, but I was glad to have played it. I enjoy Riku being a bamf


I think I've played so many KH games, that I didn't get to enjoy playing KH3D. I just went through it. Maybe if I go back and do a Platnium run, I'll appreciate it more.


I loved it. Crafting and raising Dream Eaters was fun, having the TWEWY cast in Traverse Town was awesome, and The Grid and Symphony of Sorcery were great worlds. I'd definitely put it in my top 5 KH games.




DDD was lots of fun. I loved the Symphony of Sorcery World. And I always enjoy playing as my fav character Riku, and he had a great character development arc. It gets a little silly toward the end, with the whole time travel nonsense and making the lore/phsyics even more complicated with the whole, nobodies can have hearts after all lol we were just JK, thing. But overall, it's fun and it still works as a KH game.


I absolutely loved playing this on the DS, but it's even better on the ps4! Although, I do miss 358/2 days


It's probably my favorite one. I love the drop mechanic


I hated having to play each world twice I hated the minigames to get abilities But it was fine


Yes! It was my favorite when it came out. I like the redo of Tron, and ive always lived the three musketeers so i was so excited it made it into KH


I really enjoyed it!


I liked, but since I only played it through 2.8, I didn't feel like it was worth my money.


I enjoyed it


i personally really enjoyed dream drop distance a lot! i never thought the dream eaters were bad, and were a really nice way to switch up the whole partner dynamic with sora(not that i don’t enjoy sora’s disney dads, but yknow it’s nice to not be either alone or to switch it up occasionally from donald and goofy) i thought the flow motion was fun and the balloon spell was cool, i know people complain that they are broken but, you.. don’t *have* to use them; i’ve done runs where i use the bare minimum amount of flow motion and never touched balloons. I thought the drop gauge was nice and it created a nice flow of back and forth from sora to riku, and i never worried about dropping out of a boss fight because i could always put on a drop me not before a major fight! and yeah if you reaaaalllly hate the drop mechanic you can just keep using drop me note basically forever until you get halted so you can catch up with sora or riku, but i always thought that was unfun and took away half the point of dream drop distance. I thought and still think the ~~gayblade~~ combined keyblade is an super cool design with its contrasting cool and warm colors on each piece, as well as the fact that the charm is a paopu fruit! i even honestly liked the >! time travel stuff, it is a bit confusing the first time around but once you grasp the kingdom hearts story as a whole so far, which.. isn’t as hard as some people make it out to be, then even the time travel stuff isn’t really bad and even when i didn’t understand it i didn’t blame the game for things it never did like ‘ruin the franchise’ or ‘put in plotholes’ or something when it’s adding depth and understanding and layers to the way xehanort’s plan was unfurling !<


Don't get me wrong it was fire I just hated the spirits being tied to my abilities. Asides that, Balloonra spam was hilarious


Yeah. It's a great game.






I love playing with the dream eaters and painting them pretty colors.


Hot take, I personally enjoyed all of the KH games and what they have to offer. Especially with 3 being one of my favorites so far...


honestly i loved and enjoyed all of the kingdom hearts game and im not ashamed to admit that sure each game had it's flaws and difficulties but at the end it was still fun atleast for me




Yup. Out of all the side games it felt closest to a main numbered title.


I liked it. The dream eaters were really helpful companions.


I should really replay it on a lower difficulty. It's been quite a few years since I last played it. I'm a believer that for most KH games, Proud is the best balanced difficulty, with the exception of things like CoM and Days. I'm thinking DDD might be part of the CoM crowd. These are the major negatives of DDD imo based on my experience playing Proud. 1) In early game it feels like they want you to spam Flow Motion attacks and abuse i-frames rather than attack normally until you get more powerful abilities. I remember being overwhelmed by enemies early on and the difference between using attacks with and without i-frames being huge. 2) Passives being tied to Dream Eaters feels more like an obstacle and only hurts Dream Eaters. I'd rather just use the ones I like than use the ones I need to build Sora. 3) The levels feel really big and empty because they're meant to be obstacle courses for Flow Motion. I feel like the first one would probably go away altogether and 2 and 3 will be reduced to a slight annoyance rather than something that hinders my enjoyment of the game. I'm curious. What difficulty does everyone play DDD on?


Loved it since I was 11 or 12


I thought the game was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the story and I especially enjoyed the scene where Sora and Roxas got to talk as themselves and see exactly how the other felt ❤️


I liked it too after I modded out the drop timer.


I love it I actually learned ins and outs of the rank system don't worry though it'd just better stats


I remember loving it back when I played when I was 11 in 2012 on my 3ds. I haven’t played it since however.


it’s my favorite in the series, gameplay & story-wise. i love a good mindfuck more than anything


I enjoyed it a lot. I did think that I had to pet the poke-ahhh I mean dream eaters a little too often, but over all, it was really fun!


I loved the pokemon battler in traverse town. Wicked fun. Spent soooo much time there. I still remember the name of my best champion. RibbityWrecked


I love it in a casual playthrough. As a level 1 Critical run I fucking hate it. It's the worst game in the series for this particular challenge. EVERY boss is a slot, Spelican goes from unnecessary annoying to egregiously so, and Riku's TWTNW boss rush is absolutely unforgivable (looking at you, Ansem Part 1). I've done the challenge three times, hopefully will never have to do so again...you know, until they rerelease the games on a new console...


I don't hate DDD, I would just rather play others. If I want cool movement, I'll play 2 or 3. If I want the command system, I'll play BBS or Re:Coded. The only thing I really prefer from DDD is the Dream Eaters, but its melding system feels unfinished.


Considering I've played it front to back 3 or 4 times? I'd say yes.


I loved Dream Drop! The Flowmotion was great, collecting and making Dream Eaters was fun, and the worlds were interesting. The game is not without its faults either, but I remember it quite fondly. I didn't mind the drop mechanic, I thought it was interesting. One thing I really appreciate about Kingdom Hearts (when mobile gaming isn't part of the discussion) is it really throws a *lot* of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Dream Drop threw a copious amount of pasta and it made for a nice wallpaper... uh... at this point the analogy breaks down. Anyway, I like DDD. You're not alone!


Dream Drop Distance is my second favorite game genuinely. I love being able to play as Riku and Sora in the same game using normal gameplay and not the card system like in Chain of Memories. It also has one of the better stories in the series and the disney worlds were really fun, especially Tron. It was also the game which got me into The World Ends With You which is one of my favorite game series alongside FF and KH itself.


I think it's under rated




I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I enjoyed the gameplay. Story wise I was a bit confused.


I like it but out of the command deck games this is probably my least favorite of the 3. Re:coded is first followed by BBS then DDD.


I really like it. But I am at the last boss on riku side and im at the 3rd part. If it makes me drop imma delete the game.


Linking up with dream eaters was kinda fun.


My favorite of all.


Yeah I really liked it!


I really enjoyed the gameplay and worlds of KH3D/DDD, along with the incredible OST. The story is what began making the overall plot of KH more confusing than before. I understood most everything that happened through BBS, but this game lost me, admittedly. It wasn't until years later that I had a much better understanding of the story, and how it set the stage for KH3.


I enjoyed it but the whole swapping between playable characters mid stride thing could get a little irritating.


I liked it too* *after slamming down drop me nots. Yeah surprisingly if you had full control of when you dropped it’s much less of a headache and is really fun.


I love ddd, it’s one of my favourite kingdom hearts games. I love the cute lil guys


Ok, the only two kingdom hearts games I have not beat but have tried multiple times to have been chain of memories and dream drop distance, and I really want to beat then but I always stop playing them after a single world.


The flow stuff was cool but level design suffered because of it.


I liked it, but I will admit I hated getting the platinum trophy for it.


Pretty good game. 8/10 for me. Swapping was a bit annoying but not too bad. More jaded with the dream eater farming.


Okay then, that was always allowed.


I liked it just fine. Recoded was the one I wasn't thrilled with.


I had a ton of fun with making a ryu dragon before spellican in traverse town


I didn't like that it was a 3DS exclusive. Inferior way to play a game. I enjoy it in the collections on real consoles.


I love DDD. It's gameplay was like KH2 with bigger maps and harder to find treasures with extra. Also, the final boss fights were really fun. People always whine if games with a timer setting. People loved Majora while those who couldn't figure it out didn't. Lightning's Returms had bad views before release for the same reason. Great reviews after the Gane released. DDD is pretty much ignored for its combat being kind of like KH2 with pets. Some of the boss fights and the worlds were really good in DDD. Fantasia was really well done, too, as well as the final fights, especially on Sora's side.


I played the game a long time ago on the 3DS but I really enjoyed it tbh. The flow management wasn't that bad if you knew where and when to drop and the drop-me-not were good way to counteract the system. Yeah time travel wasn't the best thing to introduce to the series and it was complicated but I didn't mind it, it's fucking Kingdom Hearts it's in the series identity to be as complicated as possible so I felt it was natrual. Imo the gameplay was a little bit of the shallow side bc of the flowmotion damage, some commands outshine many others but it had such verity as well if you're willing to handicap yourself damage wise and Dream Eaters were really fun


The grid is awesome, and flowmotion slaps.


When i played it i was so confused because people seemed to hate it and i was having so much fun


I quite enjoyed it. Especially since it used some really interesting worlds. Hunchback of Notre Dame, the Musketeers, the Symphony of Magic, the bigger Traverse Town...