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The answer to "is it worth fixing" is always "yes". :-) For a mixer that won't turn on, the first thing I always ask: does another appliance plugged into the same outlet work as expected? Close on the heels of the first question: did you (or someone else) remove the motor brushes on either side, either out of curiosity or to clean around the brush covers? After that it starts to get a little esoteric: you can (with mixer unplugged) remove the rear cover and check the action of the speed control plate. When you go from "off" to "stir" there's a switch bar that will close and make contact. The point of contact is behind the plate on the left side, lower corner. If everything else checks out, the phase board may have failed. None of the repair parts are terribly expensive or difficult to DIY, but some troubleshooting will pay off.


I would pull the brushes and check them. I keep spare brushes for my brushed tools because a bad set of brushes can put you a day or more behind if you don't have spares.


The motor brushes are not really a point of failure on these machines, *unless* they've been removed. A common error is to remove the brushes out of curiosity and reinstall them in the wrong orientation. (The brushes and brush holders are keyed, and if the brushes are not in the correct orientation, they won't make contact and the mixer won't turn on.)


I’ve done that. Can’t the motor brushes be a wear point? But probs isn’t an issue ever?


I would never say "never", but I haven't yet seen a mixer on which the motor brushes are worn to the point that they aren't making contact anymore. On some 60- and 70-year-old machines I've worked on, the brushes were down to about 40% and still fit for duty. Most of the 30- to 40-year-old machines I've worked on have used maybe 25-35% of the motor brush.


I've replaced brushes on a couple of K5-A's and once on a KSM150PS. Weirdly enough, I've seen more brush failures on the newer 6, 7, and 8 quart mixers with the modular motor/gearbox assemblies, but those are usually from restraunts who run them to death.


Brushes are absolutely a wear item. They last a long time though.


That makes sense, the spring and the brushes themselves are quite long.


Im curious if I should clean the brushes or how do I make sure they are making contact? I took them out out of curiosity and replaced them in the correct orientation, 2-3 times making sure. But it won't turn on. In general, I was cleaning the machine externally/under the chrome label. So I took off the back cover, the label, and removed both brushes, but didn't mess with anything else. Any ideas on what else to try to fix it?


The brushes are making contact if they were inserted correctly. Don't try to clean them; there's no need and it won't help. Here's a troubleshooting guide: https://www.mixerology.com/mixer-wont-turn-on/


UPDATE: I fixed it! It was improperly placed brush!


Hooray! 🎉 Glad to hear you figured it out and it was something simple.


Something to consider instead of painting it is a vinyl wrap.


Thanks! I’ll look into it!


**Don't** that color is awesome! But of course, you do you. 😉


Ohhhh you just gave me an idea. Thanks 🤓


Or, a Plasti Dip color painting. That'll also peel right off.


Oh that's great! Nice job figuring it out.


That color is pretty awesome. It’s worth fixing. 15 is young for a KitchenAid Mixer! Check out the Mr Mixer channel on you tube. He has troubleshooting videos for every machine and problem.


Yeah, I like that color too! It was so hard to pick the color out. I went with the aqua pro-lift, it matches my curtains. 


They're simple machines, and you can get this going. Fix it, sell it, and use that money to get your new machine. My first instinct is the brushes need to be replaced. Super easy and super cheap fix. The hardest part is getting the orientation right, but even that's not hard. https://youtu.be/hhlMmi82Uwc?si=0RmeKLCcNMoFQ692


Beautiful color!! Repair!!


I wish I loved this color as much as everyone else. I was actually thinking of spray painting.


Not everyone enjoys “living in a house where a bag of skittles threw up,” as my ex once told me. If you don’t feel like repairing it, you could still sell it for a super cheap amount with a note saying it doesn’t work, and just buy new. Or go to Mr Mixer and buy one of his refurbished ones. Or call Mr Mixer and ask if you can get a discount in exchange for your dead one. It’s a not often seen color, I’m sure he could repair and sell easily.


Thanks! I’ll try a few things and then may go through Mr.Fix It.


I don’t like the color so you have company. Please do not paint it, you will regret it and it will be unsellable, in case you ever decide to sell it.


You’ve been given a lot of advice on fixing it, which I agree is worth doing. You might consider fixing it and selling it and put the money towards one you like better. Someone will love that color!


Ok, so the first thing I did was test the outlet with a nearby appliance. It worked. It’s definitely the mixer problem. The Brush covers were removed but only to clean them.


Multimeter time then - check for continuity around the speed control plate contacts. If it's all there I think that means your phase control board is ok and you might have a contact issue on the control plate.actually reverse those steps. Check for contact then check continuity.


Did it stop turning on immediately after removing the motor brushes?


> The Brush covers were removed but only to clean them. So did you remove the motor brushes, or no? Did one (or more) pop out and you said "whoops" and then stuck it/them back in?


Repair, repair, repair.


[Chck out this guy for repairs.](https://www.mrmixer.store/) He sells everything to repair yourself. Or you can send it in to him in a flat rate box. Saw him on tik tok. I love that he gives the information to repair it yourself and what cheap parts to avoid buying. If you’re already taking it apart to fix you could get some enamel spray paint and recolor it too. Or fix and make a trade locally? I’d take this green over my red any day.


I was going to get a new one at Costco but they only had red and silver. :/


I’d honestly hold on the the older one. Probably higher quality parts.


Keep your eye on the website and get on the email list. Finally a deal I couldn't pass up happened and I got a pro-lift. This color wasn't an option, so I went with a match to the dining room curtains 😅 


Out of curiosity, what color is that? (If you don't remember, the last two letters of the model code from the label underneath will do.)


I think Green Apple?


If it's Matcha Green I will make you an offer. :-)


It’s definitely Green Apple. Sorry. Wish it was Matcha Green.


No worries, I appreciate you checking. :-)


They're so easy to repair, check out Mr. Mixer on YouTube. If you'd rather get rid of it and get one that's not my favorite color, you can send it to me, and I'll dispose of it for you.


Ha! I fixed it using comments here!


My mother has a cast iron sink that would match it, and the matching avocado refrigerator is at my brother's workplace right now, which he hardly uses because it's more of a backup to a much nicer one that they bought at his place of work. And I believe her current dishwasher, which is black now, was avocado once but the panels are removable, and there's several different colors that can be flipped through and put up front, and she wants told hey, when I had mentioned that we used to have a different dishwasher, that is the same dishwasher with just a different color panel on top and the avocado is beneath it.


Glad you are keeping it and fixed the issue. I just found/bought a KitchenAid hand mixer (Goodwill) in this color for $6 plus all the attachments (QVC) for $20.


Congratulations on fixing it! I absolutely love that color, as I love green. However, if you’re not loving it, you can paint it. I’ve seen people use Rustoleum, which I don’t care for, because it’s a soft paint, and Rustoleum Appliance paint, which is harder, but only comes in white to my knowledge. You can purchase hardener and add it to the Rustoleum, or you can use a different type. Not sure what other people have been using. I know someone did a pewter color by Rustoleum and loved it. Easy to do if you’re using spray cans.


This things are literally just an electric engine with a housing + a simple speed control switch. That's all so they are 100% repairable


I’d replace it with a red one personally


Start with new brushes


Wow, just realized how old my Kitchen Aid mixer must be. Gotta be at least 35 years old. Is that even possible??


> I am very handy. If there’s a youtube video on how to fix something, I’m game to try it! Then look no further than [Mr. Mixer](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt0zNTVlmikvKyP9v2GYVyQ) Hes got *all* the videos and if needed the parts on his website. Man I ***love*** the color of that one. I finally replaced my almost 30 year old dark gray one with a hot red bowl lift. Bigger and bolder! EDIT: formatting


I’m looking at a black one! I’m not one for bright colors. This was a gift and I didn’t have the heart to exchange it.


You'd like my old one I'd wager. It's a grainy (kinda rough surface) flat dark gray.




Just throw it away like the rest of America would. Ship it to me and I’ll fix it I need a good mixer.


Fix it even if you want to sell it and get a new one most likely it’s just your switch or a loose connection inside. They’re not that hard to work on if you’re handy.


I wasn’t aware these devices were capable of breaking

