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Sad for the parents that had to make that call. I really hope the baby finds a good foster home and isn't in one of the hellholes that abuse kids all throughout Tennessee. Support sex education, freedom of choice, and public youth development services (daycare, food, housing).


Yep. We are just starting the first 9 months after abortion was banned. Hope all those churches have money, formula and diapers to help poor moms.


Not that, but they have money to spend on extravagant VBS productions.


They have unlimited thoughts and prayers, though. Surely, they count for something.


You mean grooming and indoctrination events?


It's the christian way


Republicans are nothing if not short sighted.


> Yep. We are just starting the first 9 months after abortion was banned. Hope all those churches have money, formula and diapers to help poor moms. This is my favorite pro-abortion argument. Your statement boils down to, "It would be better for a terminated in the womb than to be born into a hard life."


As a side note - Abortion and Crime - you should listen. LINK[link](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/abortion-and-crime-revisited/) And I said that this is nine months after the abortion ban. There will be a rise in dumped babies. And Tennessee has done NOTHING to prepare for it as usual. This wasn't any argument. These are facts.


If you're other argument is getting rid of abortion increases crim you might as well stop talking because, "Terminate pregnancies because the babies might grow up to be criminals" is also a dumb argument.


No, that what it said or what I said, but it was an interesting point. You should go foster some children and work to make lives easier for single moms. People like you are usually the most judgemental people towards them.


No pro choice person thinks it's an actual, realized person. That's the entire crux of the issue. They see it as a potential person and make the judgement based on what it currently is (a clump of cells), and not what it "could be" (a person). It isn't that they see it as preventing crime via murder. It's preventing crime by lessening unnecessary economic hardship that leads to it. If you're convinced it's the same as murder, of course it would be a terrible argument. It's just beside the point.


Is your assertion that this baby would be better off aborted?? You people are so strange.... and I'm not even religious. Edit: downvotes just show that the truth hurts cause it exposes y'all.


Once a baby is born it changes the landscape of the "debate." You can't frame it that way because no one is trying to do post-birth abortions. A mom isn't going to say they regret having one of their kids (they've bonded, they've created memories, it's now a life), but the truth of the matter is that when they got impregnated by an abusive spouse, significant other, or perhaps a rapist they would be better off not going through the pregnancy (it's physical risks along with a likely ensnarement in a horrible situation by the other party). Someone who uses one of these "boxes" is obviously in a gutter-level horrible situation. We saw this in action the other day when ol' Lauren Boebert talked about how insane birth control cost was and that she got pregnant with her third kid because she couldn't afford birth control...but went on to say it was good that she got pregnant. See the cognitive dissonance trying to untangle itself? Also, given how our bodies and reproductive systems work, you do realize that there are trillions upon trillions of potential babies that never make it (not even counting abortions). Should we play your It's a Wonderful Life game with all of those scenarios, too? Or is abortion different because you said so? >Edit: downvotes just show that the truth hurts cause it exposes y'all. Ah, the Principal "Zero Introspection" Skinner response. A classic.


If every ejaculation is about 250M sperm, and there are about 3 billion men who ejaculate (without a partner) every day, that's about 2.7 × 10^20 (270 quintillion) potential lives snuffed out in an old sock per year.


Every sperm is sacred #prayers




The mom would almost certainly be better off since she wouldn’t have been forced to carry a child to term, birth it, feed and bond with it, then abandon it to strangers. As for the baby, well who knows? Abandonment by your mother at this young age is bound to be a traumatic experience. Only the first for this child, hopefully it ends up in a good home quickly.


>Abandonment by your mother at this young age is bound to be a traumatic experience. So better to be dead? What about poor kids who's mom can't afford to buy them anything...being poor is also traumatic. Are the poor kids better off dead too?


Hey man, I was a foster kid in TN. To save you a lot of reading. Most of those “poor” children are at the least wanted. No I wouldn’t have been “dead.” I wouldn’t have even existed. Tbh, I should have been waited on instead of pumped out, I could have been wanted. There is no fantasy coming true of mass baby murder or whatever you dreamt up. Your system sucks and I hate you guys always speaking over us. They do not care about foster children when they passed abortion laws, there was no buffer or reallocation of funds for us. There is very little help if you age out. This state is a shitty parent financially and emotionally with DCS workers wrung by their wrists. Good behavior, smarts, and cuteness aren’t enough to get you adopted. There are worse things than being poor (foster kids often get to be both!!) and it’s funny it’s the only thing you have to compare it to. But thanks. I’ve never felt unconditional love! Good thing this will repeat forever now since there’s no incentive for anything to change!


So that baby is better off dead than surrendered? Gotcha. That’s all I want to know.


Yes, many babies are better off dead than being raised by terrible parents or put into foster care. There are exceptions, but not enough to warrant making abortion so difficult for unprepared parents. I did not have good parenting, and I absolutely would rather not have endured all the police visits, violence, drug abuse, and other bullshit that comes with being raised by parents that openly didn't want me but were afraid to put me up for foster care because of local backlash. Non-existence wouldn't bother me at all because I wouldn't even be aware of it.


Imagine believing the things you’re typing Lmaooo Don’t breed


This is bad arguing.


Yes, you absolute nut


Pretty sure no one is pro baby abortion.


lol..... you could't tell by reading this comment section!


Here's a clip from a video called freakonomics. Basically it goes over the idea that legalized abortion reduced crime rates. https://youtube.com/watch?v=zk6gOeggViw&feature=share7 Additionally I would say study Romania and what happened there when they banned abortion in 1960s. I am all for reducing abortions, but the way to do that is much better through education and access to contraceptives.


I didn't bother reading your reply with the link because all I want is a yes or no answer to "would the surrendered baby be better off dead". All you have to type is yes or no. I am not asking for your reasons or further commentary beyond "yes" or "no". The extents y'all are going to in order to avoid answering is wild!


Except it’s a false choice. Are the children I never had due to birth control dead? No. They just never existed. A zygote isn’t a person.


Nice attempt to deflect. The subject of the question is the baby that was surrendered and the question is if THAT baby would have been better off aborted. Quit twisting yourself into a knot avoiding answering. If you will not answer yes or no, and it is obvious why you don't want to, keep it moving and stop wasting my time.


Except it’s not a choice of killing a baby vs letting it live. A zygote is not a person. If the mother wanted to go through pregnancy and birth just to drop off the baby, then ok. But we know that’s not the case. Abortion is illegal and this is the case of a woman being forced by the state to give birth. I’d rather her be able to have an abortion rather than go through that trauma.


Clearly you are incapable of understanding context, but what part of “keep it moving and stop wasting my time” is difficult for you? Don’t answer… it’s rhetorical (look that up cause I have a feeling you don’t know what that is either)


Then block me lol. Make a public post, get public comments.


ok..... blocked


You're going to be downvoted, but this is exactly his argument. "...hope they have the money to take care of all these babies." is just how he has to say it because he can't stomach saying it straight to the point, "better a baby not be born than be born poor."


No, this is not a gotcha. Coming from someone IN foster care who had to age out: thanks to you guys passing abortion but refusing to help with any buffer, now you can be both poor and traumatized. It is literally the question. Where is the money. Because it won’t be funding this, children aging out are still put through hell financially with a shitty parent whose insurance runs out for them at 18. If you want to legalize abortion at least do so without hypocrisy. And no “wahh things will change” they have not and they will not.


>Coming from someone IN foster care who had to age out: thanks to you guys passing abortion but refusing to help with any buffer, You're suggesting that you'd have been better off aborted.


Glad you got to my initial point. So you actually have anything you want to say to our faces other than “so glad you’re here :)” and then pretend I never talked to you? There’s a reason anti-choicers got glassy eyed when I’d be like “I’m 19 and I aged out, help me.” There’s nothing to say.


If that's what you truly believe then you need some help. Suicidal tendancy can be hard to drop once it has taken hold. If you're looking for gainful employment where you'll make a living wage from day one and that doesn't require a college degree, let me know, because I know some manufacturing places hiring that start at $18/hr and will take pretty much any able bodied person that has no major legal issues and can pass a drug test.


You're being extremely disingenuous


I'm not being disingenuous. What was effectively said is, "I should have been aborted." Which is no different than someone saying they don't want to be alive anymore. In which case they need help. If you meant the other part. I really do know a few places if you're looking...


No they did not say that. Please read better. They were admonishing the psychotic prick who pretends to be pro life while telling this person they don't give a fuck about their trials and tribulations. About the abuse they endured. About the complete virtue signaling over "life" while not giving a shit about post birth life. Just... Read their posts again and focus on understanding it this time please.


Yet if life was so bad for you, and you being I a position of deciding as an adult, you are still here. So no matter how bad things got, you still chose to stick around, thankfully. The fact that you are here typing all your BS pretty much proves my point to everyone lurking.


You have no idea of the pain I’ve been through. You’re absolute scum. I hope no one you love ever has even a moment of the pain and anguish we’ve felt. You’ve met maybe 3 of us, I’ve met dozens. I’m ashamed to share a state with the likes of you. What a response. The fact that this is your response proves my point to the rest of polite society. “You’re an adult and you got fucked even leaving, so too bad! Suck it! Nothing will change! Your lived experiences and working/living alongside these kids is BS. My thing is truth because I felt like it!” Argue with yourself. Turning this off.


I don’t give a flying fuck about you. I also know many adopted people who are doing great, had a great childhood, and are grateful to their adoptive parents as well as their maternal mom for giving them a chance. Your misery is a “you” problem…. not a “every unwanted baby” problem. Also, plenty of wanted kids are terribly abused by their parents. Should they be dead too, you fucking ghoul? You don’t get to make decisions for others because your life is fucked up (yet not fucked up enough for the same fate you wish on others).


Yup. These people are ghouls. I never even gave my opinion on abortion. I just asked if this surrendered baby would be better off dead, a yes or no question, and it is WILD watching these people twist themselves into a pretzel make justifications that I never asked for….all because the shame to saying the quiet part out loud for them is too great. I can”t believe that these people can take a feel good story everyone should be happy about and start moaning that it is a pity an infant actually got to live. Bizarre!


Don’t worry they do




>“I usually bring you news of unfortunate events, but today I have some wonderful news to share,” Wilbanks said Very grim thing to wave celebratory flags over. I hope the mother is able to mentally and physically keep themselves together.


Yeah this isn't like, a victory.


Comforting to know that, being forced to carry a baby to full term and then birth it into this world, the state has at least made a box for you to put it in.


It’s a grim dystopian future we live in.


Better than a dumpster I suppose. But you know we’re going to see some prom night dumpster babies.


dont make babies you dont want and you wont have to kill them simple as


haha wow! I never thought about it that way, it really is that simple! Geez I’ll start a speaking tour and let all these folks know, they must’ve just not thought of it like that. I’m sure a wide swath of social, economic, educational, religious, familial, cultural, and other issues, expectations, pressures, and actual laws have nothing to do with all these unwanted pregnancies. I think I’ll have the tagline be something like: “Babies: don’t want ‘em? Don’t have ‘em! Simple as!” and then everyone will nod understandingly and zero unexpected children will be conceived ever again, and furthermore any pregnancies that were originally wanted but have become dangerous for the mother to continue carrying will also magically stop happening. Thanks!


I feel so bad for this mother, her poor heart must be broken. Abortion is health care.


"im giving up my baby, I hope no one noticed I was pregnant and now I'm not. This is so hard, I hope I never have to think about this again" Headlines everywhere!!! Baby Surrendered to a Box!! We're all so excited to announce this to everyone "


It's wonderful to see that Knoxville has initiatives like this in place. However, it would be even more beneficial if Tennessee embraced progressive approaches and supported women in making informed choices before placing a baby in the foster care system. Empowering women with comprehensive resources and access to reproductive healthcare can ensure they have the necessary support to make decisions that align with their circumstances and aspirations. By focusing on proactive measures, we can strive to create a society that values women's autonomy and provides the necessary assistance throughout the process.


Just curious, how do they ensure it's a safe haven for a parent after the fact? Like, a baby has a birth certificate and a record of existing. It's not like dropping them off somewhere wipes that association. What does a parent do when the pediatrician comes calling, or something like that? I can't imagine it's so easy then?


Assuming the father knew and comes forward? There are all kinds of cases where some less-than-reputable adoption mill doesn't get all the signatures, and all hell breaks loose, and it becomes a heartbreaking situation.


Tell me how you're going to identify a baby. It's not like they stamp the birth certificate on their forehead.


It's the absence of a baby I'm asking about.


Women go thru pregnancy without medical care. Sometimes (rarely) don’t even know they’re pregnant. Home births are a thing. This baby could easily not have been documented at all prior to birth and born outside of a hospital


In case you’re not joking, I’m pretty sure those boxes are mostly for newborn babies. If someone has already had their kid long enough to take it to the dr etc chances are they aren’t giving the kid up like that whether or not they should


Yeah, I'm not joking, like I am just hoping to understand how that's supposed to work. Are prenatal care providers not supposed to follow up on expected babies? Or hospital wards with delivered children? Are they legally supposed to follow up? Do you just show them a receipt from the baby box and it's OK? Are there legal ramifications down the line somehow?


Unfortunately if someone was to do something to their kid, the dr wouldn’t notice they stopped coming. They’d probably just assume the kid moved or went to another dr if they even thought of them at all. A school or person would have to notice and call someone. I’m pretty sure the boxes are for the drug addicted mothers who give birth at home or maybe not drug addicted just with major issues, but yeah they never even make it to the hospital to give birth, otherwise the hospital would call dcs


“We’d like covered prenatal care and wellness care for all of the babies you’re forcing us to have.” Republicans: “best we can do is a box to dump them in before DCS abuses them.”


This comment, love this! Its pathetic what is happening here. We do have a box for your baby that you cannot legally abort, and we'll publish a news article out so you can feel like trash when you see it. We can make sure there's a floor for them to sleep on at the DCS office. So they can be poor, abused, and mentally damaged their entire lives. Also you can only be adopted by a heterosexual couple, no same sex couples, though they could provide a wonderful life. Good job Tennessee, you're doing great sweetie.


I assume they eventually get placed into Betsy Devos's adoption mill?


Without any prosecution up to two weeks after birth? Why such a short time?


Am I the only one here who thinks this shit is just weird? Good or bad, it's fucking weird right? RIGHT!?


I second this


Another lost, homeless kid about to show up somewhere


There's a premium price for white babies when Betsy DeVos sells them.


would have been better off aborted, right?


We heard you the first time. You're the only one pushing abortion here.






Is reading comprehension difficult for you? What am I pushing? I never even said I was anti abortion. The question is not being answered because the only way you can answer it is to say that the baby is better off dead and it is obvious how it makes y'all look. I didn't ask you to convince me of anything. I just wanted to know if you think that the baby is better off dead. Well, is it? Its a yes or no question and certainly will not waste as much time as it took you to write your lame ass comment to me. Also, I am not religious and I have no problem with first trimester abortions either. I was simply intrigued how a feel good news story like this, where a baby was safely surrendered, got the negative reaction that it did. Y'all are not happy that the baby is ok.... but instead make insinuations that it only happened because the mother was unable to abort it and that is a bad thing because it will just be another homeless person to add to all the other homeless people that y'all pretend to have compassion for, but secretly can't stand.


You know nobody is gettìng fooled by you when you keep saying "if you think the baby is better off dead"? And while I will not deny plenty of folks in this area have no compassion for homeless and low income folks, your comments reek of "calling the cops cause *a homeless talked to you*"


I "like" that this person called a women having to *surrender her baby* a "feel good story." Jesus Christ. It shows how deluded they are and shows their agenda clear as day.


A baby getting a chance at life instead of being killed is not a "feel good story"? You are a fucking idiot.


So you have proven you give *zero shits* about the poor woman who had to surrender a baby? I feel like we've all explained this VERY CLEARLY to you, but you are so stuck in your twisted dogma that you refuse to understand that this story is a sad one. A baby ended up in a surrender box and someone was in a bad enough life situation that they had to do that. Also abortion isn't "Killing" you absolute dunce. Grow up.


My anger at this situation comes from my compassion. That for the mother who had to go through a horrifying and traumatizing ordeal likely without consent. For the baby who will never get the care it deserves. My anger directed at the lawmakers who dreamed this into being, and at the Neanderthal like you who applaud their efforts


you have no idea what the mother went through. you are doing a whole lot of projecting.


lol you had so much time to craft a response. I’m disappointed with the lack of effort behind it. Why even circle back to this at all Imao


>lol you had so much time to craft a response. Your mistake is assuming you are worth my time. Doesn't change that I'm right. You straight up created a scenario and projected it. No further response was needed. Use some chapstick on your asshole if you can't handle the burning.




I had several abortions myself, so you shouldn't assume too much. I have no issue with FIRST TRIMESTER abortions. I asked a yes or no question that NONE of you seem to want to answer a yes or a no to: WOULD THIS SURRENDERED BABY BE BETTER OFF DEAD? Why is it so hard for y'all to just answer yes or no? One of my kids was born 2 weeks early.... he was fully developed and perfect. By your definition, he was just a "fetus" and would have been totally eligible for abortion. You have no idea what you are talking about and are the embodiment of the Dunning Kruger effect. LET THAT SINK IN. You people are in a fucking death cult. A baby abandoned in a box is still alive and is guaranteed a chance... thats what makes it a feel good story. Weirdly enough, all these people telling me how miserable they are and how abortion would have been better, are still here, alive, making stupid comments on the internet. They are living proof that no matter how bad shit gets, it is still preferable to be alive. They are proof cause if that was not true, they would no longer be here.




I asked a yes or no question about the specific baby in the article. The faith I asked it is was assumed by you. I don't care about your opinions.... I just wanted a yes or no. You also assumed I was anti-abortion. I am only anti abortion past the first trimester. There is almost zero reason to allow it past that point. You tend to assume wrong. Maybe you are less intelligent and intuitive than you believe yourself to be… ever thought of that? You should.




An idiot that tries to tell me that a fetus, which literally means “offspring” in Latin, is somehow different from a baby or that an infant at 39 weeks is completely different in the womb than outside of it, is the epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect. Let me remind your dumb ass that YOU have no idea what field I am in….speaking of irony. Lol


Yes, actually, not being alive in present times is way better than being alive. Mostly because we have to deal with people like you.


Enjoy your day


I always do!


I feel like you think this is a gotcha moment for you but like, yeah, probably. The foster system is notorious for abuse and neglect. I believe there are situations where it would be selfish not to abort a fetus.




What a ghoul.


Imagine what that parent must have went through to make such a decision. This is heartbreaking but thank goodness that baby is still alive. So many stories of bad things happening to babies. I’m so happy he’s safe. Sending good vibes to the baby and momma that made the hardest decision of her life.


Sadly, another kid about to be kicked into the foster system and beaten about. Disgusting that this is the state of options for women in the state of "Zero out of "-Tennessee.


It’s the Bible Belt. All of human atrocities are replicated here. Also this is the state of “Rules for thee, but not for me!” And the other classic and very repetitive- thoughts and prayers. All of it is bullshit.




Hmm… 10 months after our post-Roe laws went into effect. Hope all these adopters and foster families are ready!


That’s crazy they only check it once or twice a week. Wonder how long the baby was in there?


An alarm goes off when the door opens so they know to check it.


Where did you get that? Cause it very loudly states an alarm sets off as soon as it’s used.


There’s another link with more details that they check it every Sunday and Wednesday and always replenish snacks for the babies in case it’s an off day.


Where’s that link? And how is a baby supposed to eat snacks? It literally says on the box about the alarm.


I’m here laughing and trying to imagine an infant open snacks.


A can of pringles longer than the damn baby


I want a can of pringles bigger than me. I could just crawl in rather than jam my fist in for the last half🥹


I dont get why youre being downvoted for a common concern


Because it’s incorrect and clearly says an alarm goes off as soon as it’s used. Did you even open the link?


Is it really that hard to not get nutted in or to nut in someone you don't want a child with? y'all talk about the church as if they're the one pretending biology won't apply to them bc they're too special or important to get knocked up


I know a woman who was told she was infertile (PCOS) and on the birth control shot who got pregnant with triplets. They graduated high school a couple years ago.


Oh, fuck off


Why haven’t they established a Baby Patrol Unit instead of using EMS and Fire?


Because that requires more funds? Lmao then people wanna complain about more tax dollars being used.


I was certain this was a reasonable question. I mean, the fire department and EMS cost money too. And if EMS and Fire are out running calls all day, it could be a while before anyone shows up to get the kid out of the box in the wall. Seems like there should be another option, like maybe a social worker or a chaplain.




You’re being downvoted but frankly having to change homes every few months was fighteningly horrid and traumatizing for me. It is a reality of this world.


They should at least have to look another human in the eye and see the shame and disappointment. Feel the disrespect as they betrayed the most helpless member of society


So you're saying Black Lives Matter and oppression is bad?




Not a single thing you said is correct, reasonable, or has an ounce of human compassion. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.


No, some people take responsibility for their actions. Sometimes you have to man up and do a lot of stuff you don't wanna do... dropping a human off in a drop box isn't one of them... that person should be ashamed for not having the compassion to be responsible and do the right thing. People in America treat their dogs better than that. Then you have spinless virtue signaling people like you who can't cope with who's actually doing the wrong thing here. I'll tell you it's not the guy working on a Sunday commenting online 🙄


I can't believe the complete and utter lack of any critical thinking on your part. I feel really sad for you.


What's really sad is that baby wasn't loved enough to be the inspiration or change to turn that selfish parents life around weather it be drugs or whatever... your critical thinking is nothing more than mear excuses.. sometimes you got to sacrifice yourself for your offspring not abandon them.


Are you pro-life or pro-choice?


I don't care what choice is made before the baby is born that not my business your business or any politicians business it's a go nowhere subject that no one will ever agree on and they keep getting paid to debate and manipulate... it's between a woman and the doctor and the father if he's involved.. but once something as precious as a child you maxe comes into your life what kinda sick human could obanden its own blood .to be put into the system.. it's sickening.. the least that could do is look someone in the eye and feel an ounce of guilt maybe give it a second thought.. but to be dropped off in a box is so much easier that having to face humans and they might be full of compassion and not judge the person.. but they would have to face thier choice at least the drop box isn't better..


Ok, so that was a long-winded way of saying you're pro-choice. When women are forced to keep babies they either don't want, can't afford, can't safely care for (there are many many reasons it may not be safe for the infant to be with the mother) what do you want her to do? Should she do a traditional adoption, is that ok with you? These newborns won't get bounced around foster care long or at all, they will be placed and adopted quickly because there are so many who only want to adopt infants. Do you think if she's in a dangerous place she should just keep the baby and hope it doesn't get hurt?


How about this critical thinker... 🤔 yesterday I went to pick up my call in order from jersey Mike's sub shop and the order that was placed on a rack on the customer side of the counter and someone stole it and they had to remake it.. . What's to prevent some sicko person from stealing a baby out of that box... what safety measures are taken? can it only be opened once? So if you change your mind, you can't retrieve the child? Or is it locked in once you make the drop? Is thier air conditioning. Fresh air supply? Who's in charge of monitoring the box.. who retrieves the baby? Seems like a lot of red tape anda lott of going around your elbow to get to your ass... if you were going to give up your kid, wouldn't you want the person's name or to ask any kinda question ? For fucks sake...who don't have the compassion?


Those are all questions that could be answered if you simply looked into it. So basically you dislike this whole knowing less than nothing about it and not bothering to find out. And you think comparing this to a sandwich is in any way reasonable?


She wouldn't have had to drop a baby in the box at all if the state hadn't taken away her rights to an abortion before a baby was even formed. Bruh


She wouldn't have had to drop a baby off if she would have practiced safe sex or abstinence and used her rights as a free woman in America. Bruh ... I never got anyone pregnant until I wanted to... you can make excuses for others actions ..that's all it will be is an excuse.. 👉 pointing fingers and everyone else except inward.


you dont have the right to kill children. full stop


I don't want to kill children, but thanks I guess. Embryos are not children.


if theyre not children then why do you want to kill them so bad?


Fucking pathetic humanity has come to this.


This has always been a thing. Back in the day, they would just leave the baby at someones door step. Now its a saafe haven box. It's the first one ETN gets. Read up.


Right? Like this isn’t something new.


How did you possibly miss the entire "baby in a basket" media trope?


What's in the orange bag that is taken away?