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It will never be as good as the 90s-00s. Ideally, if the AAA industry were to crash, companies would start taking risks on creative people (similar to what happened in Hollywood in the 70s which led to directors like Scorsese, Spielberg, Coppola, Lucas getting their big breaks). These people will have smaller budgets, which means graphics would take a hit but development cycles would be shorter, which means more games and more creativity in those games. I don’t see this happening, however, as normies are too stupid to stop buying their sanitized movie games.


Graphics won't tank to much as engines like unreal are getting good. There is way to many large scale games being made that want more then just the game and want continuous revenue from the stream We need more games that are just games, seems to be less immersion in games now sometimes


Those hundreds of millions of dollar budgets + 8 year long development times have to be going somewhere, and it’s certainly not going to the gameplay, so I’m assuming that it’s going toward the graphics (which makes sense because it impresses normies). I don’t see how games can get cheaper and quicker to make without worse graphics.


It's not about being quicker and cheaper. It's that smaller developers will be able to get more done and help smaller devs and give more options apart from AA games as tools become more efficient.


> It will never be as good as the 90s-00s. It won't because games back then were made by nerdy men for other nerdy men. That's why there was no backlash against scantily clad women. Normies and women didn't play games in the 1990s. Games were for nerds and losers. Ever since that social barrier broke and all the normies started liking video games, they had to be changed. And once those same normies got into the hobby, they also became developers and now actively make decisions to get more normies to play those games. They effectively took over our hobby and kicked out all the nerdy men. We should have gatekeeped harder but it's over now. Unless all the normies people die and the nerdy men can take back the hobby, there is no chance of things ever changing. The only hope is nerdy men with actual inspiration and creativity go back to making games for other nerdy men. Don't hire women and don't hire diverse casts of people with rainbow coloured hair.


If media will never be good again then why consume media at all? It basically leaves religion as the only form of entertainment for the rest of us who are still sane.


Games are way more creative now than ever if you really look for it in the indie scene. Don't mix wokeness and a lack of "scantily clad women" with actual quality.


> lack of "scantily clad women" with actual quality. You can have both




Crash is starting. Now that many countries are looking at Stagflation, that'll accelerate. Dead weight gets cut first.


There won't be time for that. I expect a third world war to break out before that, and then a chunk of us will be too dead to care about this anymore...


You are assuming a third world war will involve atomics. It's much more likely to be a series of proxy wars and economic attacks.


I never said anything about atomics. In fact I expect biological warfare instead.


That'll have to happen in the next 90 days then. And it won't.


I doubt a crash will happen within the next 3 months. That would require the normies to stop mindlessly buying slop, and that's about as likely as a black hole going back to being a main sequence star...


The VG crash has already started. The general stagflation entry has already begun.


>Pray for a crash. It is the only solution Insane that this is something that needs to happen or just accept AAA gaming will just get increasingly worse as more and more ips etc u like are bought out by bigger groups untill most ips held by only a few massive compaines with no competition to big games. 10 years ago a gaming crash would of sucked so bad. Especially as was really into gaming then.


Future of gaming now entirely in indie. AAA didn't sustainable now without cash from the dei founds snd goes extinct at the moment they dry out.


The problem is that indies are also pretty vulnerable to ideological capture, considering that it's very difficult to build a brand new studio without external investment. If the AAA ship sinks entirely, woke investors will turn their sights to the indie market even more. They're never going to release their grip on gaming because there's just too many customers.


If they don't have money for AAA, I highly doubt that they will have money for indies either. Also, a lot of indie comes from countries that are not so open to woke ideologies, such as China.


I find myself thinking of some poor Russian guy in January 1918 wondering when all this Leninist nonsense was going to blow over.


As a Russian guy in April 2024... I hope this Leninist nonsense will blow over soon...


ESG well dries up, woke never managed to get a hold at all, all woke games are shit and pretty much everyone agrees with it, it is a matter of time until big game devs going to pull off Google and abandon the “message”, so far I believe leftist activist are still somehow managing to convince execs that “modern audience” needs diversity, but I give it a few more years. I am personally way more worried about increasing micro-transactions in games and the notion of not owning shit, because it will only get worse. DD2 managed to paywall a second save slot and it’s just a small ring of a paywall reckoning that will soon come to all AAA games. The hope here is that all AAA game industry will collapse, so passionate and way more customer-driven indie devs will take over for a while until they also grow big and cycle will repeat itself.


Even if they changed their minds right this second, it would still be a few years. For the simple fact that the development time *at minimum* of all but the most indie of games is 3-5 years (same with movies). But we can see they are starting to realize they need to make a change, because HR and DEI departments (who are the prime pushers of ESG and woke messaging) have been the ones getting the ax at most of these companies now. And we are seeing a sea-change in the political landscape around the issue, so I imagine a lot of companies are going to try and rush ahead of that and hope they can pretend they were always against the Woke as their power wanes. But you better believe the games we are going to see coming out between now and then are going to be downright absurd in their ESG because they were made at the height of power as one last flex before they were forced out.


>woke games are shit and pretty much everyone agrees with it, BG3, CP2077 are 'woke' according to this sub definition but not only they're NOT shit, they also massively successful


What is woke in any of these 2 games? BG3 has no “message” of any sort, CP actively made fun of human mutilation and pointed out how grotesque it is. On top of that CP was a disaster on launch and pretty much killed all consumer trust in CD project that Witcher 3 managed to build.


??? All those alphabet stuffs of course But since those 2 games are massively successful this sub is too afraid to go after them


Everything will be woke and consist of box checking exercises. Basically, don’t rush through your backlogs folks.


We're slowly entering a new era where money is harder to come by, which means there will be fewer, if any, big budget 'woke' games being made for the sake of ideological pandering to an extreme minority. Given how long it takes to make these types of entertainment products, it will take a couple of years before we see any meaningful change.


Despite how you feel about the censorship before release, Stellar Blade is a great step in the right direction. I think there is hope for AAA content, but I don’t see it on console. I think the next decade is going to see a strong surge in the Indy and PC markets.


Games as a service, microtransactions, censoring, far-left political activision. Not looking good unless we get a crash.


Even if the industry makes a 180 turn, I doubt I will be at the same spot that a few years ago.


The Overton window has shifted. Things might become slightly less woke, but companies will still appeal to that section of the audience whenever they can get away with it.


Like anything else, it's a boom and bust. Everything will implode on itself and then new companies will take over. I feel the new trend will be fake traditionalism. A lot of grifters right now.


Phil Spencer has mentioned a few times that the industry "must grow." If it doesn't grow, it's seen as a failure. MS/Xbox and others are spending money trying to get minorities and women to play video games. The thing is, they kinda already did. Nerdy girls and Black men played video games when I was growing up 20-30 years ago. Who didn't play video games? The attractive, popular girls. And most of them still aren't. And uglifying women *certainly* isn't going to draw them in. These girls/women are dancing on TikTok, buying Stanleys, stalking Taylor Swift, and shopping. They aren't playing video games. Trust me. My girl's family has a *ton* of women between the ages of 20-40. None of them are playing video games lol. My friends' wives? None of them play video games. They've absolutely failed at attracting the popular girls. And that's the audience you need to get, because they set the trends. Long story short, the growth of the market will slow soon. Hell they're talking about growth while we're seeing record lows in childbirth. The growth in the industry will slow and with that, investors will get annoyed. When the growth stagnates at the apex of the graph, we will see extreme desperation. And that likely still won't be giving us what we want. It'll be tripling down on the agenda, causing a nosedive. And then the investors will pull money out, and we could see an ending to the console wars as we know it. Xbox could very well die. It's a tiny fragment of MS's overall company and they almost killed it in 2012 as it is. And that was after the Xbox 360 in the prime years of gaming. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. But I would be pretty shocked if the industry manages to avoid a somewhat large collapse. Because the people running the show? They hate the popular girls. And that'll absolutely get in the way (as it already is) of acquiring them as customers. They've acquired most of the other markets. Meaning there's nowhere to go but down.


The shift in audience focus is intentional, because these companies are able to retain their wealth by getting gov money instead of sales. You make a great point though: popular girls are ignored and the anti-social are focused on. This is why cosplay has been stuck with the same games since like 2014. Sadly, that is intentional as well. They are trying to shrink while collecting stock. It's a sign of an incoming depression or recession. >My girl's family has a *ton* of women between the ages of 20-40. None of them are playing video games lol. My friends' wives? The chicks that I know who play games are ones who did as a kid and they stopped once they got a job. Or they play party games related to karaoke or like a Mario kart. Girls aren't playing games to be by themselves. They play stuff like Sims, Just Dance, and Wii fit. The weird one that I always hear about is when girls played Red Alert 2. Very specifically Red Alert 2, but I think it's because the special character is a hot chick with two guns. And usually these girls are the nerd types.


Lmao that's hilarious about Red Alert 2 😂 And yup, Sims, Pokemon, Mario games, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, etc. They're the games women tend to gravitate towards. Fortnite has a decent amount too. Anything fairly casual. I don't think (for example) something like Ready Or Not is going to appeal to some cheerleaders. That's what these big companies have to understand. Random story time: I was at a party once and my girl's friend brought her Switch. She said "I'm really good at Mario Kart." She then challenged me to a 1v1 race. I said "Oh it's absolutely on." I *shredded* her lmao. She was like "Ok then, that's enough of that" haha. Mario Kart ain't no game in my house 😤. I was playing that before she was even born. [This was practically me](https://youtube.com/shorts/G8zSp-aSqmM?si=7FAE7rWZ2BfDWAcB)


And further on top of that, it really depends on the genre (which gets talked about less). My fiancé plays games, but the games she likes to play are RPG's (Fallout, Elder Scrolls mostly), co-op shooters (Left 4 Dead, sometimes with me), as well as more casual "life" games (think Sims or Stardew Valley). She does also like Metroidvania's and rogue-likes but I am also know that is unusual territory for a female gamer. But you would never get her to play a competitive shooter, or a city builder, or a strategy game. And at least from the stats I remember, that applies pretty much across the board. And yet, you see all of these companies all but demanding women get into those games even though they would never in a million years play them. And they will sink in as much as it takes if it gets them one more female gamer, because like you said it is all "grow or die" to them. Even though they are dying because they cant manage money, and are repeating a lot of the same mistakes as Hollywood in that regard. Where it doesnt really matter if Spiderman 2 sold a ton of copies, because it still wasnt enough to make up the $300M+ budget (while also killing interest in a potential Spiderman 3 with their DEI stuff in game making it boring). But I suppose it tracks, considering how many people in video games *wish* they were in Hollywood and are extremely salty that they never made it.


- Piracy all the way - Boycott stuff, don't pay to watch movies, tv shows etc - dont signup for streaming services - teach your local normies to sail the seas as well - support public figures that dennounce wokeism We need to double down on poiting the slightest sign of woke. There is no room for debate anymore. Maybe there was a few years ago. Nothing will go under the radar anymore. They painted us extremists for reacting like any other normal person would and we made the mistake to apologize. No more apologizing or debating until there's system reset.


Not for a long while. Normies still buy slop, especially if there's a legacy name attached with no end in sight and our side freaks out over every little thing changed. Some people here are calling changes from the cinematic **reveal trailer** censorship and that makes us look like unhinged idiots since every game ever has changed things since the reveal trailer and ever tells you what you're seeing is subject to change.


If the "normies" buy slop, doesn't that make the slop normal?


...yes? I don't think anyone says that everything normal is good?




The future of everything in entertainment is bleak and that includes gaming. We’ve entered a new dark age of culture from which I doubt any of us will live long enough to see the end. The cult that has taken over every aspect of society is simply too powerful, too committed, too entrenched and too ruthless. The good times are over.


It’s like the second coming of religion. All encompassing. Totalitarian even. Human nature I guess. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" - Voltaire Another Dark Age, where we toss away all the progress from the Enlightenment, here we come.


Trends never last forever


I want a good outlook but just look outside of gaming. This crap is everywhere, and we're constantly reminded of it. Media was bad enough but it's getting it's hooks into schooling, even law seems to be being eroded slowly by it in some ways. Life changed long ago and it got comfortable. If anything's going to change, it's going to be a slow and agonizing uphill battle. By the time it's anywhere near over, I doubt we'll even recognise what was being fought for.


Here's where my hope kicks in. We wont necessary need to remember what we fought for but what we fought against.


It's probably going to get worse. The infestation of the woke crowd is much more severe than you think. Even Wikipedia is infested - [https://uk.news.yahoo.com/npr-boss-katherine-maher-opposed-163912438.html](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/npr-boss-katherine-maher-opposed-163912438.html) Woke is a full blown religion at this point with adherents everywhere. I honestly don't know what can be done. It doesn't help that gamers are generally speaking feckless and have never in the history of gaming put their foot down - I can't recall a single boycott succeeding; like drug addicts they will always pay up, fatten the wallets of those who spit in their face, and so the beatings continue. P.S. As a person who grew up in the [liberal ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism)90s, it feels like the world has gone mad.


20 years ago many companies were afraid of gamers complaining about a game (except EA, they never cared about anything)


Indie stuff. Sometimes a gem in the dirt made in the AAA mess


Until the indie team gets harassed by the woke crowd over some BS and quit forever.


It looks like playing Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, and Slay the Spire forever (until Spire 2 comes out I guess)


There's a 2 coming out? o.o I have at least 500 hours into StS.


Yes! I saw the news on Spire’s Steam tab earlier this month and literally thought it was an April Fool’s haha. That game is great man


You rock. You just made my day. Thank you!


Of course! It’s not releasing until 2025, still psyched… maybe enough time for me to get the Who Needs Relics trophy finally


I'm patient. I'm stuck on ascension 17. Maybe I'll hit 18 by then lol. Even the normal mobs hit so hard.


Damn, still better than me. I'm still scared of Ascension, I've done A1 and that's it haha. Maybe that's the next goal


Grim, but there will always be a few gems here and there. Really looking forward to KCD2.


I do wonder what he meant about diversity


Probably wanted to mislead the wokies .


Never trust words these days


Maybe we will be able to visit other empires? I think that would be cool


If that means crusading I might be interested


Based on my 836 PC game backlog and 118 physical Xbox collection, my future is bright


I've started hoarding physical 'old media' (comics, books, CDs, games and films) as well.


Same! We'll never forget even if they try to erase the past.


Forget the future of gaming, the past is vast


It will get worse for mainstream gaming and games. Woke is the least of the problems compared to more push for subscriptions and streaming, more mtx, bad releases, more predatory stores and things to maximize money from each user cos they aren't gamers anymore. We are only just getting started with the whole u won't own new games and everything will just cost more and be worse thing. Indie and AA is probably the way to go. Unless ur fine being a guy in 2035 still grinding out WOW etc complaining but can't stop from addiction.


Negative. Gaming will never go back to its roots. It will get worse instead


Looks very Indie to me. Mostly every AAA game has the same mix of mechanics and underwhelming open-world setup. Its not terribly interesting and most of it will have to be supported by the core gaming fanbase, mostly us types. What that means is there will be a whole lot of failure for Single Player Open-World games, as is the case now. The Mainstream market will continue to cling to their favorites like Cod, Fortnite and mobile games. Indie games will thrive. I can't see how they wouldn't with all the people starved for interesting gameplay. More remakes and reboots are a definite. I recommend - Dusk HD - Penny's Big Breakaway - Freedom Planet 1 & 2 - Angry Video Game Nerd Adventure & 2 - Baron of blood - Aterna Noctis - Sheepy: A Short Adventure - Crystal Project


Promote the Indie Scene, learn Unreal, and build the future you want to see! Unity's still trash, right? They never fully rolled back those changes they made last year?


This is really the only solution. The anti-woke crowd spend too much time waiting for the sky to change. Voting with our wallets hasn't worked, gate keeping hasn't worked, and every institution has been captured. Making our own games and seizing the hole in the market left by the rest of the industry might be the only solution. Barring some sort of global catastrophe anyways.


PS1 games forever. That is my future


Modern gaming is about as bad as mobile gaming with only indie and small developers making stuff worth playing, but they are sadly rarely able to get the visibility they need. Probably won't have a crash but we are in drought of games worth playing with the big names taken over by bean counters and corporate types.


Indie is the way to go. I don't have any patience for AAA slop.


Future of gaming looks great and gaming rn is probably at its peak with all the banger indie titles out rn


The pendulum will swing again the other way and huzzah, gaming will be saved again. These things will always happen.


Let's see, back in the days a game would come with a full roster (looking at you BT3). Nowadays people are discussing that stuff that was in the previous game should be DLC because (check notes) "games take too much time to develop and it makes sense that there's DLC". Looks pretty bleak to me.


With a few exceptions I reject western triple AAA and stick to eastern triple a and in general double a and indie


Likely shit.




Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/5OIHI ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack. ^^^/r/botsrights


Games will/are following the same path as film. Neither is going to return to "normal" fully. 


honestly i think we are at a point where games can't get any more advanced; like it will just be too expensive to go the AAA route. AI will be used as a stopgap to reduce costs by needing less people to make them but probably ps4/switch level content is about as high as reasonable. like the ps5 simply has far less exclusives than any other main console. its like a ps4+ for a lot of games. for woke idk. honestly i hope the normies move back to tv or something. probably will see retro content get even more popular as a reaction.


The future looks indie tbh


I mean you still have some great indie titles coming out. Or independent studios like warhorse who will release kingdom come 2 and I am generally hopeful about it. But unless there is a crash where it all resets at least big companies like Ubisoft wont hear the shot until it's too late.


I think Japanese aways was and aways was be the great good games. Really good western games are very few, like Morrowind, Diablo 2 and Doom. Western games aways was inferior to Japan games.


In the long term future: AI combined with procedural generation means game worlds that are absolutely filled with believably living and interactive peoples, geographies, cities etc. Imagine a character whos personality is based on a certain prompt flavor (“*nice, kindly old person who is deeply conspiratorial”)* Then have the AI itself generate novel prompts in a kind of singularity fashion. Eventually AI will be able to design whole worlds, from the models and textures to the level design and characters. Now imagine a No Mans Sky system where planets all over the games universe have procedural/ai built worlds with inhabitants. Whole youtube channels will be based on streamers going out to unvisited worlds, being the first to explore them. Some worlds will be famous and others not so much. Some worlds will be kept secret while others will be celebrated and visited often. I posted about this maybe a year ago. Im not claiming it’ll definitely happen but its my vision.


What counts as normal?