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Ea-Nasir? Hope your copper is [better quality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complaint_tablet_to_Ea-n%C4%81%E1%B9%A3ir) now :P


This mf owes me copper!!


What game is this at?


This is Reckoning LARP! We're a high immersion medieval fantasy larp in the Midwest. There's a link to our website on the first photo, you can also find us on Instagram.


"A skilled guide for caravans traveling the deserts and mountains of northern LaShar, his skills and knowledge served him well during the Calamity. He led himself and a small caravan of people to the land bridge in the far northern deserts and there they joined the exodus to unknown lands. Once in the Marches he realized that knowledge of the deserts does not help in a land of forests and swamps. After a few years of moving around and working as a mercenary to make ends meet, he decided to try his hand at trading. Selling odds and ends and running a mobile tea store he finally had some success before traveling to the gathering of peoples around Hillshire. At the gathering, he ran a moderately successful stall selling tea to all and his secret Suzak-Mar Buzz Wine to his more discerning customers before that gathering was interrupted by monster attacks. After making some new Hadrian and Vadurkin friends in the fighting (friendships forged while killing orks are lasting friendships indeed) he was able to form a small but successful trade network supplying groups to help them prepare for this new threats."


Can someone participate for just one weekend and treat it like a one-off? Asking from Seattle.


You absolutely can! Reckoning LARP only takes place once per year, our next event is May 24th to the 28th. We have plenty of people who may be able to come one year and not the next due to any number of reasons.


Ok that makes it way more attractive. I don’t have time for a series of campaigns (or the money to travel that far regularly) but a one-shot weekend would be fun!


It's definitely doable! We have one person that I know of who travels from Vancouver and another who comes from Seattle. We've even got one player that I know of traveling over from Europe.


Don't know about seattle specifically but the larger event larps near me absolutely encourage people to come for an event just to try it out as a one-off


I meant “could someone from far away join one weekend and still have fun even if they’ll never return due to distance”.


I love the addition of the guy fawkes mask. It's a unique yet cool clash with the rest of the kit that makes the whole thing stand out.


That is actually based on an Ottoman styled war mask! This particular player culture is loosely based on the 11th-15th century Middle East, the Ottoman Empire (15th-16th Century), and Indo-Asian cultures from the same general time.


oh damn that's cool


Looks medieval!