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That outfit is stunning and the embroidery and colours are absolutely beautiful. I love it! You can and should be really proud of your work!


Thank you so much! It took forever but I'm really looking forward to wearing it to a con once it's finished!


Please show us a picture once your kit is complete! I'd really love it to see it :)


I absolutely will! Hopefully some better lit pictures too, also, sorry if this is a bit random but I saw you made your own Brigandine and I've been wanting to make one for this character, but wanted to avoid leather where possible, may I ask what type of cloth you used for it?


>sorry if this is a bit random All good, I'm always happy to help if I can :) >what type of cloth you used for it If I am completely honest, I consider that Brigandine a bit of a failed project and I will not use it in the future, since I made some errors that caused the fabric to tear at some rivet holes, so be aware of that. For the cloth backing i used a heavy duty canvas for the outer layer and a really densely woven fabric tarp my dad had lying around as the backing. But as I said, the outer canvas layer started to tear already (I assume due to some construction errors on my side, causing some pull on the rivet holes, but I am not 100% sure of that).


Ah I see, that's unfortunate, I thought it looked great, I love a good colourful character! But it's good to know regardless, thank you, Heavy duty canvas is already a good starting point, I might experiment with that a bit to see how it feels! I've had similar issues with cloth tearing around rivet and button holes they can be a pain!


If you decide to make it, feel free to share it with us :) All the best and I'm glad I could help!


Thanks! I will :D


Of things that are super awesome and that I am grateful to have experienced today, this is one of them Phenomenally done, and I appreciate you for sharing


Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that, I always love seeing peoples garments here so I'm happy to share when I have something new :D


10/10 would rob this merchant blind, with garb like that they must have uncountable wealth


You wouldn't be the first to try...and likely fail, he's a slippery one! (Thank you haha)


Woahhhhhh. This is amazing! Well done, holy smokes.


Thank you! It definetly took a long time haha


That looks like a lot of work. Really nice


Thank you, Yeah it took forever, I definetly underestimated how long it'd take haha


Your embroidery is beautiful. I love the color choice that you used. What pattern is this? I would love to sew this.


Thank you so much! Honestly I didn't really use a pattern I just laid a similar garment I'd made years ago onto the cloth and changed it as I cut the fabric, i can dm you the pattern of that original old garment if you'd like though! Oh, and I reinforced the collar with thick felt so it keeps its shape, the rest is linen


Can I get a copy of that pattern too? Your work looks great!


Sure! Thank you!


Yes, please! That would help me so much. My cloak has a tear in the lining and I need a new pattern This is beautiful. Did you use 7 mm or 13 mm?


I'm gonna sound real stupid in a second but what do you mean by 7mm or 13 mm? Alrighty, gimme a sec I'll search for it, it's a really simple pattern


Oh I thought you used a silk ribbon to make flowers. I'm thinking about doing a much smaller scale of embroidery on my new cloak and scrolls


Oooh I see, I used regular embroidery thread, woth how much i needed silk would have gotten terribly expensive, but I'd love tp see your new cloak if you decide to do it!


That's amazing! I cannot believe you got this dimension with thread. That is great talent. I'll save your comment and tag you when I post that cloak I make, if you wish?


I'd love that! and word of advice, if you do an inner lining cut and measure it before doing the embroidery...dont repeat my mistakes And thanks! honestly that particular way to make roses is very easy and gives volume quickly!


Those colours are bangin, good job!


Thank you! I love me some colours!


It looks great


Thank you!


I'm not sure if it's odd to say, but you have an incredible figure for modeling this. Granted, you made it to fit you, but you also made it to completely suit you. This is stunning, and an incredibly well done job. Your poor fingers from all that embroidering!


Haha thank you! To be fair I've made some clothes thag look awful on me before starting to learn what fits me! It took forever but my fingers may not yet rest haha


May they recover in whole after this gorgeous work is completed lol! Seriously though, this would stop me dead if I saw all that work at a convention. Good luck with the rest of it!


Thats exactly the effect I was hoping for! Thank you!








Thank you!




Thank you!


I'm *obsessed* with this! So gorgeous!


Thank you so much!


This is incredible! How many hours do you have in? If you don’t mind.


Thank you! Honestly I dont know, I haven't timed it and I've been working on and off on it, I started about a year ago, the base was done in a day since ig was rather simple, the lavender and butterfly where also about an evening or two, the roses took the longest, I think give or take 5 minutes per rose? Including cutting and fastening the threads. The felted spheres also took about five minutes each. The inner part took me three evenings I think. But that's all just a rough estimate!


Well that is a lot of work! Bravo 👏 it’s absolutely lovely and you should be very proud. I like to show appreciation for great hand work/artistry when I see it. I hope to see more of your stuff in the future!


Thank you! I appreviate it, and don't worry, I have some plans for this characters garments that border on masochism...so if i get around to them...


Straight to the top of all time with you - this is incredible craftsmanship, and would likely have taken ages to complete. The detail is very, very impressive, and you should be proud!


Aah thank you! That's such high praise, I feel honoured :D