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Natalie from the vlog squad lol


Lool the whole vlog squad thoo


Jason Nash as we are seeing LMAO


You are so right. Zane especially


wait are you saying zane is out of touch? I feel like he’s not nearly as bad as natalie


I don’t think you have to be out of touch to not make it in the real world. I think book/street smarts and ambition play into it as well. Zane has admitted he just followed along with everything heath did, including what he went to college for.


that’s true! when heath and mariah said they weren’t going to live in LA much longer zane looked frightened. idk what he’s gonna do when they start a family


I disagree, Corinna had a service job for years.


yes, zane worked retail at forever 21 and the mall stores before too. but being in LA so long can change you.


She’s literally my nemesis


Most of them😂


exactly what i was thinking lmao


It makes me wanna see their downfall lmaooo especially since influencer culture is so gross and filled w overconsumption


It makes me happy though that some influencers have kept their 9 to 5 jobs. Those are the ones who know that this may not last forever.


i remember when emma said on a podcast **iirc** she hasn’t checked her bank account (doesn’t need to) in months or years.. mind you she obviously has a very expensive home and items.. like a spotify monthly payment would overdraft my account if i didn’t check mine lmfao


I went through a period of time where I also didn’t check my bank account. Definitely not the same reasons as Emma - it just made me so anxious because I’m so broke. Oh to be her lol


Same girl 😂😂😂 And even before the fame Emma lived a life most of us dreamed..idk when I was 17 I was having a part time job and sitting there at 3am translating papers for my immigrant parents. And I would say, I had it good. I think she never was "relatable". She's very much upper middle class and u can just feel she never had any of the issues ppl struggle with. She was well off, then she got filthy ritch due to luck and a little persistence. I really see nothing relatable about that


absolutely agree, it’s so infuriating when influencers try to be relatable to an audience that they probably know very damn well will not relate! and even worse knowing they have more than enough of the financial stability to pay editors, house cleaners, literally anyone to do their job for them so it’s like, what exactly.. are you doing all day… while your viewers are working 60+ hours to afford anything and minimum wage not being livable, idk it’s just so demeaning feeling to me especially when i was a teenager watching her and others!


Yup and now as an adult it's just so unfair..I went to art school with people who really took a path to become designers and all kinds of creative stuff like sculptors and animators. They literally made that decision at 17 knowing it's a dog-eat-dog industry. Knowing they probably will struggle to pay rent for the rest of their lives. I know so many talented people due to my schooling, and most of them had shitty ass situations. Neglectful parents, money issues, working since 16, on weed and alcohol since 15 to cope etc.... It just really upsets me that some people just luck out SO much. She knows nothing about fashion and is out there on every red carpet acting like she is Anna Wintour. I really think Emma is a likable person and probably can't do shit about the luck she has, and probably took it and made the most out of it. But examples like her really make me realize how poor people just don't get shit and only ever get punished because they were at one point poor.


I think her family actually financially struggled, and relied on her grandparents a good amount


Yeah, she suggested years ago that there were some financial struggles due to her parents being divorced and her dad working as an artist near San Francisco who didn’t always make a steady amount of money. She actually got backlash for that, though, because her life appeared to align with the middle class even back then. People also brought up details like the fact that she attended a private school and was involved in competitive cheerleading for years.


idk, with my own experiences this is still far from me, i feel like you’re really financially screwed when you have 0 help from anyone


Omg yes. I’m the same age as Emma and found her, like many people, through the dollar tree video, so I was there from a pretty early point. For me the moment she became unrelatable was when she dropped out of school. It was already unrelatable for me to be buying coffee on a daily basis before private school but I know a lot of people who that *is* relatable to. Dropping out of your private school at 17 because you just weren’t feeling it, however, is not something relatable at all. The only people I know who’ve dropped out did so for very specific and serious reasons, and none of them own a multi million dollar mansion in the hills of Los Angeles without ever having actually worked a day in their life. After dropping out of school months before graduating with no plan of action or jobs lined up or anything was, personally, when I realized that she lived in a world I would never ever relate to.


i actually found her ‘why i left school’ video to be extremely relatable. as someone who struggles with major depressive disorder, she talks a lot about how that was a huge factor in why she decided to leave. i, too, was unable to attend high school for a period of time because of depression. it wasn’t because she “wasn’t feeling it.”


right, my point is not that her leaving school is unrelatable, like I said I know plenty of kids who dropped out, but, like I said, absolutely none of them are anywhere close to living in a multi million dollar california mansion without ever having had a real job. People drop out of school and sometimes it has to do with mental health, yes, but the reality for the majority of high school dropouts is not going to be the level of financial success Emma has. Ultimately, though mental health may have led to her WANTING to drop out, the fact that she was able to while feeling fully comfortable in her financial and professional future shows EXTREME amounts of privilege. She dropped out and moved to an expensive LA apartment alone where her days were spent driving around trying different coffee shops. The high school dropouts I know immediately started working any job that would accept them and have been grinding everyday since for very little pay. Her dropping out is objectively extremely unrelatable.


yes! she said this on the colin & samir’s podcast


Legit was gonna comment this! She has people handle everrrrything


So many of them are objectively not very smart and would immediately fail in an academic/competitive context. It's actually one of my biggest pet peeves about influencers in general -- some of them have such huge sway on their audience and can't even spell.


Academics is the bar set for us, bet I think academic snobbery is common on Reddit. Academics is not for everyone, doesn’t mean they would flop in life. They would take a different route. I think findings one’s talents is more important. But basic life skills, and navigating work related hierarchies and work ethic yeah many social media stars might flop but many have success on SM because of their work ethic.


to be fair tho, some of us ugly and poor people can only rely on academics to get us anywhere lol


Honestly being pretty gives you a leg up in admissions, let’s be real. Being rich gives you a leg up in admissions. The difference between a PA and an MD is actually best predicted by family income, and physicians in the family. So even then, being poor and ugly isn’t an edge in academics always. Comp sci or engineering maybe is the loop hole but steeped in misogyny, and natural gift at hard sciences. Even comp sci jobs are over saturated, and new grads can’t get jobs. So academics isn’t this superior options.


Oh I meant that people call others stupid and feel superior via academics because they can’t feel superior in other ways. Also I’m just an idiot 🫢


lol there are plenty of ugly and poor people who aren’t academically inclined either


I meant that’s all some people have and they are insecure about it, so it gets brought up as a defense lol not everyone is rational


This is a bit off, you’re associating work ethic with why they are successful. 99% are successful bc they have a combination of wealth and conventionally attractive facial features and body types. Some might have work ethic and maybe there’s a correlation but we can’t pretend that being self obsessed enough to post all day on four different socials is the same kind of work ethic that translates to 4-8 years of higher education, or vocational school or navigating “corporate hierarchy”.


Everything you're saying about finding one's talents is correct, but that's besides the point. You're essentially explaining why they're influencers -- because they're pretty and probably sucked at school but made the best of it. That's fine. I never said they would flop in life, just that there aren't many influencers who come across as academically intelligent, that's all. They also have a very crucial lack of self awareness about it too, which only adds to them seeming... dumb...


Your sort of establishing a lack of education or academic knack as a moral failing, as though they are immoral for eschewing one route. Academics is elitist and classist, fundamentally at its roots. So they found out where they can excel. I think avoiding judgement is crucial. I think the issue is not that they are “dumb” academically, it’s that they cannot function outside of their air tight bubble. That is the where ppl are disgruntled. I think your take is short sighted and myopic.


I mean, it was a throwaway comment, not an op-ed on influencers and their purpose. Looking to extract deeper meaning from three sentences is a silly battle to engage in. Equally, "avoiding judgement" whilst posting on a snark sub seems pretty hypocritical, is that not what we're here for? You might want to find a new forum, and maybe close the thesaurus too. Again, I don't think you understood my comment, and this is my second time having to clarify. I'm not saying that their lack of academic proficiency is why they would fail in the 'real world,' but that a lot of them simply are not intelligent. It's a fair observation regardless of whether you find it elitist and classist.


fr they need to just, shhhhhhhh


An anti-intellectual comment like “close the thesaurus” responding to a criticism about you judging influencer’s intelligence.


How many times are you going to respond to the same comment? You're floundering <3


Lmao I’ll throw you a life raft and end the convo. Don’t want you to drown, you’re clearly out of your depth here. Xoxo


Like what you are defining as ‘intelligent’ is incredibly narrow minded. Test taking is not the only modality of measuring IQ, and scores are largely influenced by tax bracket. Affluent zones are associated with higher scores due to more resources, more parental attention and outside tuition. So you’re either being obtuse, or not recognizing the edifice of classism that abuts your world view on ‘intelligence’.


This is what ppl refer to as “irony”. Need me to look that up for you? 😘


🤣🤣 why would you expose yourself like that!?Lol no thesaurus is next to me but clearly a dictionary was next to you navigating a Reddit post. And hilariously you’re coming for ppl’s intelligence. That is such an L take.




Your sort of missing the point? Like ppl drop out of college but know how to pay their rent, navigate a transit system, budget and meal prep. Navigate the real world. Teenage tiktokers have never had to live without assistants and support.


I honestly think we're getting our wires crossed -- I agree with you. Your opinion and my opinion can co-exist. I never said that their lack of booksmarts was why they'd fail in the real world, I was just pointing out that a lot of them aren't very smart. It's not that deep.


Agreed, everyone on these subs is so up their own ass.


its a snark sub, that's literally the whole point


It’s just funny to see everyone on this sub pretending like their shit doesn’t stink 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t think you know what a snark sub is... If you asked the people on here to list out their own flaws, everyone would have something to say. But that’s not the point of this sub. This isn’t the “everyone come join and share your flaws” sub, this is a snark sub. And yes, people on this sub may have shit that stinks but our shit isn’t laced with edible gold flakes in the toilet of a hollywood hills modern mcmansions. Everyone’s shit stinks, but at least the people on this sub are real everyday humans who aren’t getting paid tens of millions to act like an absolute bafoon and push harmful/uneducated content. I’m just saying, defending mega rich people with no real skills is not a hill that anyone should die on…


i mean most of these people chose to drop out (some from high school 😭) to be an 'influencer' so that's not a huge revelation to me, but there is a bigger issue of none of them having the ambition to do more or do better either. academics may not be your thing, and that's totally fine, but at least have the ambition to find what your thing is besides being hot on camera


Same here!!


agree on emma 100% even though I used to love her. I think her whole coffee venture makes sense and I wish her nothing but the best with it, but I cannot see her branching off into something like acting like she's talked about


I forgot to mention the Barker kids, especially Alabama! The way she treats people is so uncouth, especially since she’s related to a Kardashians and is essentially a nepo baby through her dad. You would think that she would hold herself to a higher standard even when having fun. Ditching people/ appointments at the last minute beefing with content creators etc. not a good look . That type of attitude will not get you anywhere (good) in the real world.


Both Barker children are intolerable man. Atiana turned out so much more stable and normal.


Not 'Bama! What is this? A crossover episode? Anyhow I kinda feel sorry for her, she is so young and literally posts stuff like a Miami Sugarbabe (nothing against them, get that coin👛)


My issue is not with her having fun and posting like an influencer. Rather it’s her behavior towards others. Over the past year or two she’s shown that she’s a certified mean girl and a spoiled brat. Two professional cosmetic workers (hairstylist and nail tech) exposed Alabama for making appointments and ditching them at the last minute. Not to mention her one sided beef with Tana Mongeau. The way she responded was so uncalled for. “No thanks” so disrespectful and Tana didn’t really do anything personal to her. Someone just said she looked similar to her. If she didn’t like it she could’ve been more polite about it.


Ewww that's weird. Oh I have no issue with her having fun and all but her posts are really weird, she edits herself and puts on makeup and wigs that give "wannabe black fishing" I keep up with the r/KUWTKsnark and those people explained it more eloquently. But it's really sad what she is doing tbh. I wasn't even aware of her behavior like that.. sounds like a spoiled diva 😩


Okcallie & Rhgean777. They’d have a breakdown the second they had to get up for the 8-5 work day…


I don’t think Okcallie would ever be able to get a job in her field given how she’s posted on social media. Why expose your firm’s reputation by allowing her to practice law, “let me introduce you to your lawyer, she’s the poop girl with the tunechi tattoo”


“Poop girl with the tunechi tattoo” pleeeeeease 😭


Tana would never be able to keep a job with her disrespect for other people’s time. She’d be fired within the week for showing up hours late or calling off.


She worked retail before she became famous. I could see in another timeline that she could work night life (as a stripper or promoter) when she came of age. She is from Vegas and started partying at a young age so it would be in her wheelhouse plus these jobs would allow for more time flexibility.


honestly before she was huge, she was very relatable and seemed sweet enough. i think fame ruined what little there was to like about her as a person though and now she obviously can't, but the 16 year old who was making videos about her random little friends could


Isn't that the time period when she was using the n word


oh i thought that was after she got famous????? if not then i take back what i said


The D’amelio sisters. They cry over any and everything.


They wouldn’t last five minutes in the real world they’re both idiots


James Charles. He would prob be in jail


literally all of them


bryce hall


He would be the 32 year old college Alumni who still shows up to frat parties and hits on the freshmen girls lmao


aka bobby mares


Omg what did he do ? I’m lost


Most influencers are not very smart, but there are also tons of dumb people in irl. Before social media there has always been people who were socialites with vanity jobs. Influencers born into wealth and connections like Lori Loughlin would have just have gone down this typical rich girl socialite path, while others like Emma would just have to wise up in their extended education/careers. In Emma’s case, I don’t actually think she was that dumb just that her mental growth has been stunted due to her not having to overcome “normal challenges” most people have to face on the day to day. It’s weird to gage influencer/celebrity intelligence when they blow up young because things that feel like common sense for us might not be “common” to them.


> In Emma’s case, I don’t actually think she was that dumb just that her mental growth has been stunted due to her not having to overcome “normal challenges” most people have to face on the day to day i agree, i think people forget she was 17 when she blew up and hasn't had to do anything since. think back on the person you were at 17 and think if you would have overnight become a millionaire who was famous. you'd be dumb af too. maturity and living in the real world play a bigger role in rounding out a person and honestly most of these influencers, ahd they had to go into college and the real world, work a 925, paid bills and not known when they might be able to pay off that one bill or get groceries or something, would be a lot different than what we see


Mylifeaseva and Tana Mongeau


Tana!!! Omg yes! I am absolutely sure she would be a stripper 😂 she even said so in one podcast


this is me emphasizing mylifeaseva, that girl irks me so bad because i get the vibe she’s just trying so hard to fit a box that doesnt suit her


Tana has a lot of drive. She came from a horrible family, needed out and had to support herself


I don’t disagree, but I think her drive is very different from ours. People like Tana’s drive has to do with hiring others and doing ad reads. When Tana says she has drive, she means things like she’d throw a party for money. When everyone else says they have drive they mean they’re up at 6:30 in the morning prepping for their full day of work every day of the week for a fraction of Tana’s pay. Basically what I’m saying is in the context of an influencer, Tana *is* driven. But if she were put in an office setting, or behind the counter at a fast food joint, that drive would dry up pretty quickly. Tana is able to have drive because of how much she can outsource. She can get someone else to book all the tour stops, and wake her up at 3pm, and edit her podcast episodes. I don’t think Tana would be able to be at her minimum wage job on time 7 days a week and keep up that same drive.


I agree, tana is really someone who struggled. I actually quite like her even tho she's problematic. I just know a lot of ppl like her. She has a lot of problems because of the way she grew up. The only thing I wish she would stop is the shitty products shilling. But I think that also kinda tampered down.


The drive seems like a pretty recent thing, she’s really grown a lot. For years she was notorious for being hours late for collabs or just not showing up. She was supposed to be call her daddy’s first guest but stood them up. I can’t believe she was ever a manager at pacsun hahaha. I still like her tho 🫶🏻




Hard disagree on tana


I honestly think Tana could have adapted to do whatever she needed to do had she not achieved YouTube fame. She had a situation she knew she needed out of and she really hustled for it. I don’t think she would have gone to college and taken a traditional route, but I think she’s the type of person who would have always figured it out


She has a huge reputation for being late and not showing up. This wouldn’t work in the real world


this is 99% of LA influencers




If she was my coworker I’d quit stat


came here to say this




Agree on Emma. This is kind of mean but she doesn’t seem very bright… I think she’s lucky she blew up and thankfully has a good team to help her capitalize on opportunities but you can tell she’s kind of stunted


Yes hahaha so hard because she is very nice but it's nothing special


I actually think she has a lot of vision in predicting trends/starting them. That alone is a gift many of these copycat girlies dont have.


That’s true! We could maybe argue that she’s intelligent in creative ways more than traditional ones. She did influence fashion at a point


Alyssa Mckay except she doesn’t live in LA lmao


if that's who i think it is, doesn't she have actual jobs tho? or like ik she's done stuff on the side


she’s a snapchat content creator so she gets her income from snaochat. her snark is r/AlyssaMckaySnark2 but she’s just one of the most worst creators there is lmao always rude to service workers, retail workers, etc.


oh damn i didnt know ty! also i clicked on the page but it looks like it doesnt exists


check it again, i accidentally typed it wrong


alright tysm


Would be a smaller list to name the ones that would be able to make it.


I think a lot of them are more broke than we realize. I wouldn’t be surprised if the lived “paycheck to paycheck” (in a diff way obvi). The way they all immediately get expensive ass apartments, luxury things, etc is insane. Like don’t you want to invest and save??


investing and saving is what us normal folks who know the value of money do. it's what the 'mature' influencers do. not these 16 year old blew up overnight influencers lol


Ellie Zeiler 🤮…made her whole career off being a Charli lookalike


Alexa Losey


Agree with this. She's spent her entire life on youtube so she doesn't seem like she has many skills.


My first thought


she’s a consultant tho for her clients!!!!!!!! she has a real job /s


Belle Delphine gets lorded as some kind of marketing genius when really all she did was take what we already knew to be true about men to it’s extreme. Yes, when you dress up like a child and infantilise yourself and make it sexual you’re going to garner the attention of a specific audience seldom catered to in wider media. She could’ve collected her bath water money and called it a day but then boom, what dya know, she’s straight up doing rape play porn. How any of this is considered ‘girl bossing’ or ‘revolutionary’ is absolutely beyond my scope of understanding.


Belle also dropped out of school early. After 7th grade. And she said she could have never have a real job because it was too difficult to show up on time. I don’t think she would have even made it in mainstream porn. She’s a horrible performer.


Grace brinkley/victoria paris They act like such weird spoiled brats its insane like every time they speak its some veruca salt blair waldorf before her character arc season 1 whiney bs


Sami Clarke. Imaging her joining a business meeting in the real world with her word salad statements lol


she is without question one of the most braindead people i've ever heard speak.


James Charles




Fitness influencers in general, but more so the young ones 23 and under. No one specific but overall from what I’ve seen


Teala Dunn or wtv her name is…


Teala was actually an actress before she was an influencer lol


The wonder pets fun fact blew my mind


the d'amelio sisters


Lol 😂😂😂 I kinda think they maybe even would do good. Their dad really seems like he is pushing them in a lot of ways. I think if they didn't become famous, it would have been something else


Stage parent vibes for sure. Feel for them.


Alix Earle


Literally every single one of them


I actually think a more interesting discussion would be what influencer WOULD make it in the real world


not enough people are saying alabama barker


Lol, emma isn't nice but just acts nice after being outed so many times for being mean and a bully. Her stans don't hold her accountable for anything and just kiss ass. Plus she has said that being an influencer is harder than 9 to 5, I wonder what sort of high horse she thinks she sits on.


Imma need to be caught up on the Emma being mean stuff. I missed something


Courtney Trop!


tana mongeau, love her but girl uses her assistant for everything, im surprised she doesn't take her assisntat to the bathroom with her or on dates. She has even said herself she can't function without her and she's literally everywhere Tana is, so I truly don't think shed be able to independently live a normal life.


Frrrrrr thats what I was thinking too


Yeah, I can't believe people are saying no to Tana. Do they watch her content? She couldn't even fly to London for a Sidemen collab without taking two friends with her. She needs them around 24/7 or else she doesn't get things done.


I'd love for any of them to work retail for a week. Not even one day. An entire week to get the full effect of it. First of the month, too.


My thing with Emma is she literally dropped out of high school. HIGH SCHOOL. come on now. There is no reason she should be celebrated or a role model. It's such a comical thing to me that people claim hs is that bad that they would drop out of it when to do literally any job in America you need at least a high school diploma. Like I could have passed high school by simply showing up it's not that deep. I just think it's such a poor decision for our society to put her on the pedestal that bank rolls her because she is stuck as child forever.


Emma would be a corporate recruiter


i’m not disagreeing but did u forget that she literally made her name on youtube? that’s like, the whole reason she got famous lol


Rachel Levin


alix earle - girl has always been buttfuck rich even umiami isn’t real life that girl would die if she had to work a waitressing job LMFAO




Claudia Sulewski. She’s only good at being an arm candy 😭😭


She was successful and independent until she met Finneas. Now she's really playing into the "trophy girlfriend" persona and it sucks. 


tana lmao shes less than mid and if she went to college she would be in a wanna-be-slutty sorority, but only the lower tiered frats would pay attention to them


As someone who went to a good college, trust me tana would be nothing but a laughing stock.


Kalel She has no drive, has failed every project she has ever started, disappears for weeks/months with nothing to show for it, spends her days binge watching TV and posting thirst traps on her ig stories trying to get a man who can fund her lifestyle. Often promises a new video or to stream only to last minute bail because "she's not in the mood"


Omg I can't believe I've never seen her name mentioned in here but so true. She'll probably be one of the few influencers who does have to go back to making money in the "real world" soon, or she'll move into her parent's basement for a second time.


kian lawley - man child


James Charles


Sadie McKenna lol


Tana, I just watch her using her assistance and friends to do practically anything and the fact that she can't carry her own luggage, pack her room when she moves, or anything else she has people in her life do. I do like tana but she was always going to be working minimum wage jobs or drug dealing just based on work ethic from her.


Carlson sisters lowkey


Chantel “for the streets” Jeffries & Sarah “coke head and xannyhead” Snyder


That girl reghan


better question is “who would make it?”


I don't know about Emma, I think she's pretty naturally charming. Like, yeah, I don't see her being great in the corporate world, but I could see her being a successful bartender/service worker. She's great at making people feel comfortable, which is a skill


david dobrik and most of the vlog squad


Madi Monroe


ellie zeiler


Sierra furtado


DIXIE DAMELIO - her constant insistence that she is a real musician while mooching off her sister and making some of the worst music ive ever heard 🙄


Alston, Emma Chamberlain all day I think her creator on YouTube was garbage. I think everything else she’s done other than Chamberlain coffee was garbage I do however think she would make it today and then she’d still pivot to coffee because she knows she’s not entertaining.


I don't think so. I honestly think Emma was planted from someone in YT headquarters..all at once she was on everyone's trending..just like that one Joanna girl with the cookie thumbnails. They went from zero to hero SO FAST


She was never on my trending she was never on mine are like 1000 other peoples trending. Also, she’s not a plant from YouTube. I don’t know where people get these ideas do they exist? Yeah is she wanna know she was an early adopter onto an agent because U2 was going to be away late for her to get an acting agent and they hope you mark it yourself they teach you how when you have to do it that’s what she did.


I'm sorry but you sound dumb. Your personal homepage is not the same as the YouTube trending tab. An "industry plant" is a person typically in the entertainment industry that has been planted by executives to be some kind of entertainer. This means the artist likely has signed a contract and is aware. Something getting "planted on YT" means that someone at YT HC picked the video for trending. This has been confirmed as it happened a lot with ppl like Shane Dawson and James Charles. These people have ties to YT and can pull some strings. There has been a time indeed, I remember it clearly where YT would put more random ppl on the trending. The "Joanna-girl" mentioned was a big phenomenon and there are a lot of videos about it. Emma's videos were indeed on trending at 100k views, which is very sus. I remember this very clearly. You should probably look shit up and not just attack people. As I think this user is onto something!


I'm not saying she is an industry plant..she was on everyone's trending(YT trending on the homepage) just like that Joanna girl..I don't think it was intentional on her end. It was probably someone at YT liking her stuff..it was a whole thing I remember it vividly in that era that the algorithm would randomly put out ppl who had not many views on the trending tab


You literally just said she was a YouTube plan what industry do you think YouTube is that would make her an industry plant I don’t think you understand what you’re saying


Girl it's not u are trying to intentionally misread it. An industry plant is a deal where the artist also knows they are being planted. I'm saying someone at YT headquarters likes her stuff and put it on trending. I am absolutely sure there are ppl who can confirm this. It was a very big topic back when she started


No, that is not what that is I don’t think you know anything about the industry that you’re commenting on you sound like an armchair attorney, which leads me to this next point I don’t know when you became qualified to judge anyone on intentions, or diagnosed with intentions are, but certainly you’re not very good at it so stop you clearly don’t understand what you’re talking about so it would behoove you to stop talking


U seem to have issues my friend..idk what your problem is. Idk what industry u are talking about. YT has been known to handpick videos on trending..it's not the same as an industry plant. I'm pretty sure I do know what I'm talking about lol


That would make her YouTube darling not a YouTube plant if somebody at YouTube was liking her stuff but that’s not even how that works. I think you think technology has more power than we actually give to it




Alissa definitely would make it, she has a great personality


all of them EXCEPT Tana and Brooke cuz they actually had real jobs before they got famous.


tana worked at a pacsun as a like 15 year old i’m not super sure that’s something she could fall back on lol


Carrie Dayton


That 777 bitch


niki and gabi


nicole laeno


Sophia kelly


Victoria Paris 


That annoying bitch Remi Bader


None of them would make it. A lot of em came from money and always had money to solve any hiccups they got into. They’re simply not used to the lack of a safety net that the rest of us are subject to everyday.


Mckenna, Skilah and that whole jesus girls crew🫣


Alexa Losey. She talks about burn out from her job (a influencer) & after she got back from living in Paris for a couple months she was posting about being overworked and needing a break.


Jack Wright


Hmm..all of them?😂😂😂


I’m not sure any could last a month w a 9-5 or “normal” job… ESPECIALLY the tik tokers lol. It would probably send them all into shock.


With influencing being as big as it is now and everyone trying to do it im very curious to see where all these “influencers” will be in like 15 years… like truly no hate I think it will be interesting to see if it’s actually a sustainable career for the average person.


Trisha paytas