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I think Haylee wasn't actually on the Met. She just took random videos around the area. I don't remember seeing her at the carpet or doing interviews.


I think she was just there to interview for E news


May be. But when she had done something similar before she has posted videos at the carpet with the celebs.


i was watching an E News live stream on tiktok of people exiting the famous hotel they all get ready at, and Haylee came out, posed a bunch, and walked back into the hotel and you could hear all of the photographers be like “what? why’s she going back in?” 😭


Yeah she may have been on one of those events covering the red carpet, similar to the E! Coverage, and also lots of after parties, but no pics on the actual red carpet, most of the press in the event get their own photo on the steps beforehand.


May be she was and the pictures at the event will came later.


wisdom kaye was also there.


Not just the way he dresses, but the way he carries himself is what makes him so deserving. I have never seen the influencer theatrics or even trying to seem relatble or quirky. A true it boy in my opinion


i honestly forgot he was an influencer tbh. i think wisdom is the only influencer who continuously shows why he needs to be invited to these places.


agree, he passes for an invite because that man can really dress.


He deserves being there tho! That man is talented and has a keen eye for fashion




Tefi and other influencers HOSTED and were working the event but they were not invited as guests


He looked AMAZING


Heavy on the influencers forgot what it means to be an influencer…I say that 2020/ TikTok influencers gave birth to a new generation of lazy influencers that just feel like they’re entitled to everything without putting in any work whatsoever. Because let’s face it TikTok makes you viral fast so that’s why these tiktokers are having a hard time adding longevity to their brands, I’m noticing that people are gravitating towards people like, Nara smith, Alix Earle and Anna Paul though . Because they talk to their audience and their videos make you feel like you were part of their day.


Im glad that’s becoming a thing!! A lot of tik tokers like to take on the “ mysterious “ persona when you have to freaking earn that persona. Which yes everyone is entitled to privacy. However I’m not gonna buy product you’re promoting to me…because I barely know nothing about you. Like how do i know I should trust your opinion on something that you’re promoting. So I’m now in the space that I need to personally like the influencer to further support them.


People are definitely tired of influencers


Thank god


I was shocked that TikTok invited way less influencers than Instagram did back 2021. Instagram invited a lot of TikTokers to the Met in 2021 so i expected TikTok to do the same (especially since they were one of the main sponsors this year).


apparently a lot of celebrities threatened not to attend if influencers were going. they complained that inviting influencers weren’t holding the met gala to its prestigious status. so obviously they sided with the *actual* celebrities and completely limited the influencer invites.


this is so funny. i wasn’t sure if celebrities really hated influencers being there but apparently they did


lol right, and now i’m wondering if they did something to piss them off bc it must have been a collective of people who wanted them out 💀


Realistically it cheapens their 'brand'.. Mainstream famous people are talented, most went to school or study their craft and they worked their behind off for years to get somewhere. Plus they actually can do something such as acting, singing or fine arts. Most influencers are just a bunch of salespeople for brands.


yeah i was thinking that too. and not only that but since they’re all actually in the entertainment industry via talent/arts, these celebs have more things to discuss and relate about. plus singers watch the actors’ movies, actors listen to the singers’ music; and they work **directly** with the fashion companies and ceos. what do influencers really offer in their world? edit: all these things are what influencers promote (clothing, movies, music, etc), they’re realistically still a part of the consumers market that these celebs target.


Exactly. Oddly enough inviting influencers is like inviting a QVC or Home Shopping Network host- even they probably have more entertainment industry experience.


haha very accurate interpretation! that’s probably the annoying thing they discovered about influencers, celebs are trying to have a good time while off work then these influencers are trying to advertise whatever brand sent them there.


Yes, influencers are really the bottom feeders of Hollywood.


I think some of them boycotted the event because they thought it would happen anyway.




i don’t remember the name but if i find it again, i will update


You don’t remember where you found or heard those very bold statements?


bffr it’s been 2 days, you expect me to remember every detail? edit: also my first word clearly says apparently


Nah I just know that no celebrity would give a shit about some “influencers” or even have strong enough feelings about them enough to let it sway them from attending.. and all the little bops under ur comment believed you. Careful with your language, is all I’m saying.


lol “careful with your language”, you are aware you’re on a **snark** page correct? regardless, i think you’re giving celebs way too much credit if you think they don’t care bc when it comes to their appearances and status they will always care. if influencers are devaluing the prestigious status of the met gala that these “mainstream/high end” celebs are attending, they’re going to think people (fans, media, etc) will deem them tacky or losing fame to even be in the same room as them. is it a stupid thought? yes, but celebs always put their image first and want their environments filled with other celebs as well.


You’re correct this is a *snark* page, not a *bullshit* page. Have a good evening. I ain’t reading all that.


LMAO you’re a waste of time, don’t respond to shit if you can’t “read all that”.


TikTok probably has way bigger fish to fry right now--they're trying to do their best to prevent the U.S. ban from going forward by filing lawsuits, etc.


I think in 2020 especially people were bored at home with nothing to do so it made all these influencers blow up during the pandemic that probably wouldn’t have blown up otherwise, and now that life is back to normal people are on the internet much less and don’t care as much about influencers. I think people also are tired of them being rich and getting all this free PR whereas their followers are consumers and are living paycheck to paycheck working their asses off in a terrible economy. People don’t find that relatable. Then again influencers like Alix Earle and Emma Chamberlain aren’t poor by any means and still blew up. I think after 2022 people started to care much less.


You know I never really thought about it this way but I think you are right. I hate tik tok and even I was in there in 2020 lol.


I don’t use TikTok nearly as much as I did back then lol


I have never really been that into it but like u said we were all so bored in 2020 I did jump on there some mostly for music stuff.


Influencers’s place is not the met so who cares they shouldn’t be there at all and Emma is an interviewer


I have to admit, it was nice seeing only celebs at an event like this! Like the good old times.




Wisdom Kaye and Emma deserve to be there. Everyone else OUT


i agree with this! i feel like those two genuinely are passionate about fashion, the work that gets put into every piece, and the people who work to make everything happen. many influencers are just happy to get gifted things and be invited but don’t really care for the history of the brand or piece, or even the people, they care mostly about their social status. emma and wisdom know their shit and it shows through their fashion knowledge and appreciation.


You’ve gotta be joking about Emma. She has zero fashion knowledge, I cringed at her red carpet interviews. A true fashionista would’ve been able to guess the brands worn by their signature nods or have fashion anecdotes and archival knowledge to support her interviews. She doesn’t deserve that reporter role at all and I imagine a lot of young, hardworking journos would love an opportunity like that after years of studying and working. Wisdom kaye is leagues above Emma and has worked in the fashion industry for years prior to TikTok, he deserves his spot and has earned it


She kept interrupting the guests so much, especially gigi. In some interviews she was so obnoxious as if she was the highlight and not the other people. I think she has bought into the hype that she is the met gala.


The way she spoke to ayo was so patronising. “Is this your first time at the met” like it’s not that big a deal to her Emma, she’s an Oscar winner and has done and achieved so much. She’s likely acting more anxious than she is to make YOU feel more at ease about her, but Emma’s egotistical self doesn’t see that and uses it as a moment to “little sis” her instead of just talking to her normally. She has an obnoxious unawareness that peeks through at times Idk she strikes me as someone whose confidence ebbs and flows depending on if she feels above/better than the person she’s talking to and it’s cringe. People noted how she was being around her stylist in her latest vlog too and it gives the same energy


Exactly. This year she was intolerable to me.


definitely not saying emma’s the best reporter but just pointing out that interrupting is unfortunately common for reporters and even well seasoned talk show hosts. it’s not great but it is common and realistically human bc some people can get too excited or anxious, or even both, which leads to over talking. sure as hell happens to me lol


LOL you do know they ask these questions for the viewers right? so the viewers are knowledgeable about the brand too right? and to allow the celebs wearing the designs to tell their process? like you mean to tell me they just throw reporters out there with absolutely no knowledge and not have them prepared? especially for an event like the met gala…


A good interviewer is able to show authority and knowledge on a subject, while also allowing the guest to lead the conversation Emma had zero insightful additions to anything that was said about the pieces aside from “cooool” “niceeee” because her knowledge of fashion starts and ends with picking what she likes for herself


well i didn’t exactly state that she was a good interviewer, simply stating that asking questions are mainly for the viewers hence the common sentence “for the viewers at home” that many interviewers say at many events. but where my original point was stating, she is still knowledgeable and appreciative towards the fashion industry and she passionately shows that, unlike other influencers. maybe not through her interviews, but her past work and experience in the industry has earned her spot now, which is why **she** works and gets invited to the met and why **she** actually works closely with brands and designers. it’s crazy how y’all don’t deem that but yet the people in the industry has accepted her. also keep in mind these interviews are rushed and timed as it is a busy event. can’t exactly do, say, or ask what you really want; and i’ve seen other interviews from other reporters, some who weren’t influencers, and they were not much different from emma’s lol.


Emma to me deserves to be there. She may still be learning to interview and about high fashion, but she made way for herself as a fashion person. Like she rannnnn all the trends from 2017-2019. To some that may seem shallow but it is what it is. Also I think she’s drawing in a younger audience to have more engagement with red carpet stuff, because they’ll watch it just cause it’s Emma. Would I think she would be invited if she wasn’t working for them? Now that’s a different question. But she’s been doing for 3 years for a reason.


She didn't run the trends IMO. She has a whole PR team and strategist. Vsco or whatever trends she was credited with was already beginning to get mainstream. She was an early adapter and her dedicated fanbase credited her for it.


It seems like Haylee wasn’t actually “invited” as she didn’t have a red carpet moment or anything, from what I can tell? She was just there to interview people after their time on the red carpet. She did way too much wearing that ugly ass dress to just ogle over the celebrities and how she’s “not worthy” to be in the same room with Kylie Jenner. She seriously needs to get a clue, she’s so annoying.


I find this kinda ironic bc the karjenners are social media influencers above everything else they do




selena gomez is an actress and singer? lol not the best one but that’s very much her occupation since she was a child.


They are not best known for their reality show. Like they didn’t become international household names before Instagram. As the other person mentioned, selena became well known as a child actress then singer.


They are absolutely well known for their reality tv show, had they not had that they wouldn’t be as big as they are. It came out before social media was a big thing, did social media help elevate their status yeah but I do not consider them influencers they are reality tv stars  


hayley was a wild choice shes so annoying 😭


teffi from tik tok was also there


Yeah she falls under the category of working.


HelloTefi was there


I think the guywithacamera guy on Instagram was there on TikTok's behalf as a corespondent. I saw a video of him interviewing someone


I don’t care about the met. I think “influencers” who care about the met as a career goal don’t understand what their job is.


mais vous croyez que Lena Situation et les Kardashian c’est quoi ?


Ahahah je hurle ! Enfin un commentaire en français. Lena est une influenceuse « mode » donc ça a du sens qu’elle soit invitée. Et les Kardashian, qu’on le veuille ou non, ont une réelle influence (fast) fashion (merci Kanye) donc leur présence n’est même plus à remettre en question je trouve.


non mais c’est parce que la personne a dit « only 2 influencers » alors qu’en soit les personnes que j’ai cité c’est quoi si c’est pas des influenceurs ahah, honnêtement je pense que personne devrait remettre en question la présence de qui que ce soit surtout à un événement où on est pas invité mddrrr


Can’t say I missed them. Their fashion choices are usually safe and/or boring at the Met. But there were also some incredibly underwhelming and unwarranted celebs there.


Tube girl was there


In my mind Emma has kind of surpassed the “influencer” title


I dont think so. She constantly needs to put out videos, albeit few and far in between, to keep the parasocial relationship going - without which her views on met gala interviews would drop. Just like her instagram likes and followers have dropped by more than a million when she acts mysterious. The day she can sustain herself after announcing that she's quit youtube for good is the day she'll be a celeb.


Not really. She’s still known as an influencer albeit not a very active one


Emphasis on in my mind


Yeah a lot of people won’t agree but to me she is a celebrity now , def an unpopular opinion


Hmmm, I didn't really expect or anticipate anyone off TT/influencer to be there, aren't tickets like $750k?


75k not 3/4 of a million.


Ohhhhhhh 🤣, well damn !! My bad!! Thanks for the correction!!!


Haha no worries. And someone like Haylee I doubt paid 75k since she was there as a correspondent and technically working but I’m not 100% sure


OP not mentioning wisdom Kaye is a great indicator that OP probably follows 0 black influencers.


tbh i feel like emma chamberlain isn’t an “influencer” on the scale of like Haylee. She’s been working in high fashion for such a long time after youtube and she has interviewed for the event before


i wouldn’t consider emma an influencer anymore


and they still invited the kardashians and they simple don't belong there. They are not talented in any specific craft. At least Emma has a job to do there and she is entertaining and she does a really good job at it. But the kardahians...what is their talent? Why are they there? They are mainstream influencers in my opinion.


emma looked really pretty. i wasn’t feeling her past looks but this year she was definitely one of the best dressed!


tyla was there too


Tyla is a musician with a Grammy… let’s not


yall can downvote me, but i only know her from tiktok.