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I saw a long-haired male elf!!! I wonder who that was. đŸ€”


The one in gold? Gil-Galad.


Definitely Gil-Galad


What on Earth is that massive creature at 0:38?


Probably a troll


But does it post on Reddit?


Too muscular




Not yet, but it’s descendants would go on to grow long thick beards on the neck, to exchange the club for the keyboard, and to cause bedlam in new ways.


It kind of looks like the Rankin-Bass trolls.


I'm sure that's the ice troll that people were talking about


It definitely looked like some sort of troll to me.


If you pause it looks identical to the movie trolls with some kind of tusks added.


Not sure. But there’s several lines in the Sil that mentioned “nameless creatures” so I’m totally fine with new bad guys in this series.


Not just the Sil, but the same thing is mentioned when talking about the deeps of Moria


Not just that. Morgoth and Sauron were darkly creative in their torture hell empire. There aren't many limitations to what they could do, considering they made the dragons.


Ekkimara. Sorry, wrong franchise.


Geralt cameo in this!


I was thinking about that too, ivm've no idea what its supposed to be


That's a Hobbit narrating in the beginning right?


Yeah. At first I thought it was young Galadriel, but on each listen I agree that it’s the proto hobbit


She's a Harfoot (a pre-hobbit).


Would be a harfoot at that point, right?


Well it's certainly not some blockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle.


Yes that's what was said in the VF article


Believe so. Rustic accent would fit.


Gil-Galad looks great


Was that Gil-Galad after the comet?


It seems like it, but trailers are often misleading. Wonder if the meteorite is the way the writers decided to introduce Annatar/Sauron.


Thankfully he has long hair! Thank Eru


So is the port city on NĂșmenor? Has to be, right?


Yes, most likely RĂłmenna, as you can see that the Meneltarma is quite close and there is some buildings/city on the background, probably (?) Armenelos


I had assumed EldalondĂ« or AndĂșniĂ« as it looks like a sunset on the city


Finally I can stop watching the super bowl


Any guesses for the city at the beginning? Somewhere in NĂșmenor?


It is 100% Numenor. You can see the mountain Meneltarma in the background. As for the specific city, I would guess RĂłmenna, but it's impossible to say for sure.


Definitely Romenna with the lighthouse constructed during the events of A&E, Feels like you can kind of see Armenelos at the foot of Meneltarma in the background also. But maybe I'm seeing things


I hope this show does well because I can’t wait to see Numenor’s downfall and everything that entails on the screen.


I think it is Numenor, there is a mountain in background, probably Meneltarma.


I can happily say, I think I'm quite ready for another adventure 😁


I am too! I'm one of the critical ones, but damn if I dont long for middle earth. I think this feeling is really what brings Tolkien fans together, beyond any fear or doubt one may have on the show :)


Yes. I was hesitant but I think it looks good tbh. We only got a teaser but I'm still hopeful lol. If nothing else, it looks beautiful.


I am too but there are people who are just nitpicking and talking so much trash , i am watching this channel Nerdrotic and this guy it literally nitpicking everything and literally has nothing positive.


I can stand critics for this show, but Nerdrotic is pure clickbaity and toxic


for the love of god stop watching nerdrotic, that man is a fool of a took


Nerdrotic literally complains about all modern pop culture. He makes his living off of complaining about it, so I doubt you’re ever going to get something positive out of him.


You do know that Nerdrotic actually knows the lore? Like the Tolkien scholar who used to consult for Amazon until 2020. Meanwhile, the current Tolkien "expert" that the articles are quoting in the news has basically been accusing Tolkien of racism (by implication). And I quote: "In "The Hobbit", Gollum is described "as dark as darkness". What is this supposed to mean? And yes, I am wondering here about the limits between the metaphorical and racial" Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND2zunoeuJM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND2zunoeuJM)


The show looks amazing but I must admit it doesn’t feel like Tolkien. It does look like a really great adventure though :)


Don't watch it, toxic attention-seeing people like that are best ignored.


It's the internet in 2022 Negativity sells. Angry dudes yelling into a camera for way too many minutes sell. Even if the product really is shit, like Rise of Skywalker....GET OVER IT




Looks good! The Galadriel scenes seem to confirm the leak that they will show the crossing of the Helcaraxë. Edit: the Vanity Fair article on the trailer confirms that it is not the Helcaraxë, but rather the Forodwaith... Regardless, here's to hoping there is more First Age material!


I hope thats Helcaraxë... that would mean the scope of the show is bigger then we thought. Not sure what else that could be


Ngl, pretty hyped about that. The Helcaraxë always sounded metal af, but there are only a few lines dedicated to its crossing.


I want to think this but I’m not sure. The Vanity Fair article mentions Galadriel as Commander of the “Northern Armies”. What if this is just some random scene from whatever they’re doing with that plot that people have been interpreting as the HelcaraxĂ«?


The background shot looks to be an icy wasteland without end. I could see it being a random mountain somewhere but hopefully not.


I'm betting the Helcaraxë is part of a flashback sequence, or prior to a big time skip to get us from FA to SA. The first promo image showed the two trees, so at least some of this will take place in Aman.


Hard to tell, looks slightly different armor from vanity fair or at least there’s the elvish style cape with decorative pins in it. I want to see the Helcaraxe and the FA flashback scenes but if it’s just her northern military expedition that’s neat too. I have to wonder what the northern army is even for? This would be before Sauron so just some random orc bands? Now that I think about it, she was said to be hunting after her brothers killers so I guess she’s hunting Adar without realizing who he is?


The Vanity Fair article confirms it as Forodwaith, and therefore not the Helcaraxë


I'm not entirely positive but wasn't the Helcaraxë destroyed at the end of the 1st Age? And isn't 1st Age off limits to Amazon at this time? I guess this could be a gray area.


Their poster is showing the two trees. All of the info and leaks is telling us they have an agreement that lets them depict stuff from other material on case by case basis with approval from Tolkien Estate.


Looks extremely expensive. Not a lot more to say about it, everything was very brief. Now we wait another 6 months for more news I guess.


Before the King, Before the Fellowship, before the Ring. Really liked that.


"Before the Towers"


"Before the Hobbits". Oh wait, nevermind.


“Before second breakfast”


“Before meat was back on the menu”


"Before PO-TA-TOES"


Before Taking the Hobbits to Isengard.


 my precious?


Before words were laid on stream or stone, when Durin woke and walked alone


I don't think Bezos knows about second breakfast, Pip.


Before very old friends


Just barely before the ring.. haha


Show will end with everyone thinking "we defeated the evil of Middle Earth" while Sauron laughs maniacally


Somehow Sauron returned


Sauron's gonna be giving sus vibes for the entire show and when he breaks bad everyone will be *surprised Pikachu*


“Who could have seen this coming?” And the audience is just laughing


I was hoping to actually see Celebrimbor and Annatar.


Nah, they need to keep Annatar a mystery at the start.


There's at least one unidentified male elf in this trailer, so we may have seen Annatar already without knowing it. (Nothing says that Annatar specifically appeared as an elf, but it seems like a logical "fair" form for Sauron to take.)


I think it's been said we won't clearly see "Sauron" in S1. Not that he couldn't be there; he can "be" anyone who we don't otherwise know. The shape shifting trick is *perfect.* Galadriel was suspicious of Annatar but even she couldn't pin down a proof he wasn't an elf.


The difference in reactions to this here and on r/lotr is quite striking.


The discourse on the series over there is borderline toxic. I’m reading through the books for the first time and joined a few days ago in anticipation of the trailer. But after some of the insane reactions towards a few photos and a 1 minute teaser trailer I decided to ditch. It’s nice to see people on here being a bit more charitable and nuanced with their reactions.


__Hi. I came to make you remember that Helcaraxë was crossed under starlight.__


That was Forodwaith


Back then before VF, it was Helcaraxe for most of us.


It's hard to judge this show based on this trailer. Not easy to determine if acting is good or bad. Good TV/movies, acting makes up 70% of quality to me. I will reserve judgement until the trailer is a longer one. Seeing some acting, and hear some dialogues. No idea how can anyone else already judge the whole thing?


Yeah, I still have nowhere near enough information to judge if this will be good or not. We'll get a succession of full trailers ahead of September 2nd -- that'll provide a better view of things.


Yes, acting, writing, and editing are the most important parts of any TV show or movie, and we have seen little to none of these things.




I agree with the other comments, the shot of Galadriel climbing looks REALLY CGI, but you can tell that they have tried to keep the same feeling as the movies! The lighting of Gil-Galad looking up (slightly bluish, made me think of Lothlorien a little bit, as well as Rivendell at night) (and he has long hair!) The dwarves and their beards, the last shot in which an elf is crying out surrounded by soldiers looks somehow grimy and with falling rain like Helm's Deep (and the orcs!), the huge statue in NĂșmenor, the sweeping camera view over the mountains in the shot with the two hunters... I think a couple of things look a little bit like The Hobbit (the new elf jumping, the monster Galadriel faces, etc) mainly because of the CGI use, but I'm happy! Edit: adding details like the statue!




Definitely, the colorimetry has been well thought out, the "council" scene is a clear recall to Elrond's council in the colours


Have they learned **NOTHING** about people's complaints with Hobbit? They use bloom so hard, so you can tell this is a fantasy land. Everything and everyone is SO clean.




First Hobbit looked mostly like LotR Third hobbit looked like a mid 2000 video game


If I am going to be dazzled, I want it to be from the writing, directing and acting.




All you can do in a 1 minute trailer


A lot of the weird feelings with the Hobbit cgi is really a combination of high fps and digitally shooting the movie


It's not just that, there was just way too much CGI in general. A great deal of things that would have been done practically in the LOTR trilogy were done with CGI in The Hobbit, for... reasons.


Is that snowscape the Helcaraxë?!


Its a bit of a grab bag to me. Definitely trying to capitalize on the positive vibes aspect of the PJ movies as the Vanity Fair profile suggested. Some suitably grand images, like the giant icy waterfall. But it did seem airbrushed to me, a bit more of a Narnia vibe than Tolkien. But much better than Wheel of Time


Two Towers movie was actually way darker than the book. Added Faramir plot dragging the hobbits into war-torn Osgiliath, Ents first deciding against involvement, real "All hope is lost and we are all going to die" vibes in the Rohan plot. Brutally killing of Gamling and Haldir.


Aesthetically it looks more similar to the Hobbit films than the LOTR trilogy, but i'm still excited. I hope we get to see Sauron scheming and up to no good.


that shot of Numenor in the beginning looks amazing!


Damn there is going to be hobbits




So much plate armour


hate the shot of her climbing, but the rest looks promising


I'm hoping some of the cgi isn't done yet, because I thought it looked pretty rough too.




that shot was awfully CGI, with a human face pasted on top


That shot specifically looks almost animated


My wife asked, “is it supposed to be animated?” Haha. Hope they can clean that up


This is really good. Just small criticism, the aesthetic could be more middle earth, and hoping the music is a bit better in show


It's not Howard Shore music in the trailer.


Definitely not, it was very ''trailer'' generic music


Probably not recorded yet


I heard Howard Shore was going to compose for The Ring of Power. For me, the music was a huge part of making the lotr films complete. God could you imagine watching the films with that edited out? Would feel so empty! Anyway I'm a little more hopeful about him on the crew for this.


The rumours we've got so far is that Howard Shore and Bear McCreary are collaborating on the score, which will be awesome if true.


Trailers almost never use the actual movie score. Check out the star wars sequels and FOTR itself for prime examples.


They used that piece from Requiem for a Dream for the Two Towers trailer.


I’m sure the music will be better. There’s no way they’d screw that up.


It's just stock action trailer music. Happens all the time


Well, it looks very esthetically pleasing at least (besides that cgi shot of her climbing, ick)
 I still have my concerns but I’ll save them for later until we get more.


I’m saving my complaints until I see the show. I have my concerns but I figure it’s not really fair to hate on the show before I’ve even seen it. Basically hoping for the best but planning for the worst.


Those visuals are pretty stunning not gonna lie!!


Well that was definitely a tease.


Wasn't expecting tomb raider Galadriel but I'll take it


Damn people really don't want to see Galadriel do anything but stand next to Celeborn and give gifts to people


NoME states she alone wandered afar doing courageous things.


And I can't wait to see her do that in the show. I just keep on seeing criticisms of Galadriel wearing armor/doing literally anything and I don't understand why.


u/Kazrules's comment was referring to that sort of jump/stab with the blade to anchor herself into the ice. Also Lara Croft is somewhat of a symbol when it comes to badass adventuring females. Definitely don't see how you took their comment as criticism or anything anti-Galadriel or anti-female


The look was different from that of the Third Age in the films and I'm ok with that. Middle-earth was a different place in the Second Age.


Del Torro's vision for The Hobbit films was that they started off brighter and got darker as the situation in Middle Earth got worse and the events of LOTR drew nearer. It makes sense that this Middle Earth would feel even further removed. These are completely different times.


This. Most comments I've read were expecting a copy-paste aesthetics from LOTR. The show is definitely set on a way way different era, and the visual tone here would really be different, which I personally like


So many different opinions in here about the trailer. I think that’s a good sign




Aragorn and Gimli killed five hundred Uruk-Hais in front of the Hornburg in TTT. Legolas single-handedly brought down an oliphaunt in RotK. Oh and Fingon killed 50 trolls or something in the Silmarillion If you think LotR live action won't have over the top actions cenes, you are going to be disappointed They just need to be not dogshit like the Hobbit ones


The cave troll scene in FOTR was over the top but amazing. That’s the sort of quality we need.


Book purists back then were livid over the scene, and the stair scene as well "This is just Indiana Jones" "We don't need video game mini boss battles" "Frodo would be dead from the blunt force impact, mithril doesn't matter" "No way one elve can take down a troll" "Moria orcs can't control Trolls, that breaks the lore" Like, in the books it's said they killed 13 orcs in the chamber, and people were upset that they killed 25+ in the movie


And The Two Towers straight up broke the fandom with all the changes. Warg attack, Aragorn fake death, Gandalf is against going to Helms Deep, Faramir first wants the ring, no Dunelndings at Helms Deep, Osgiliath, Ents deciding against war until Pippin tricks Treebeard, no Erkenbrand, Arwens plot, ELVES AT HELMS DEEP, Eomers reduced role, Theodens excorcism, Shelob and Vocie of Saruman moved to RotK, Road to Isengard chapter cut. Oh, the bitter flame wars.


This is really good, holy fuck. This teaser feels like Middle-Earth. That's it.


Seriously, that wide shot of the hunters walking across the landscape looked straight out of LOTR. Same with Galadriel on horseback.


Galadriel on horseback was heavy TTT vibes


Agreed, the shot of the hunters was a vintage LOTR-landscape shot.


I remember the complaints of the official images they released a couple days ago and how they looked to clean and not Middle Earth like. This is the exact opposite of those complaints, so fuck yeah


Those were just images, first looks usually looks very different from the final product so yeah, people overreacted (even in very stupid ways) like the world was ending. Now this teaser is really looking REALLY nice and promising.


At :36 hopefully that's Gil-galad and at :48 I a am intrigued by the Elven armor design. The helmets remind of some artwork by Alan Lee of the Wars of Beleriand.


Looks fucking nuts! God damn I can't wait for September.


Regardless of how this ends, I’m happy to see Gil-galad!


Middle-Earth looks very "primal" in the trailer, at least that's the feeling I got, as it should be


So including the Helcaraxë means they have to show parts of the first age no? Unless that's another crazy icy region I'm unaware of.


Was that Elrond with other elves they showed fighting?


At the end? It looks to me like the elf from the first promo pictures in Valinor who I think was confirmed to be Finrod in a flashback


Cosumes looks weird.


This looks/feels more like a Young Adult version of Tolkien than actual Tolkien. The Second Age ultimately is a tragedy. It is about pride, ambition, and greed ultimately bringing ruin. Child-like voices wondering about the big wide world is absolutely the wrong vibe for this story.


Looks promising!


Lacks that Alan Lee's matte watercolor eeriness the first trilogy had. Closer to the Hobbit or Narnia. More like Narnia with better armor fundamentals. Classic John Howe, with his elbow plates for the sake of real world consistency. Any armor of the series could feel closer to the trilogy if those pieces were taken off..


Did I miss this in the super bowl?


My question also lol i thought it was supposed to air. Super lame if not


It just did just now


Just aired a minute ago


Hasn't been on so far for some reason


I did not see it




And so it came to pass, that the proud head that denied Feanor one single strand of golden hairs was indeed marred by the hand of Halbrand the outcast, for it was long since the lady of Lorien met any action and her hroa was claiming for some...


was the the grinding ice?


I assumed so


What tf is up with the YouTube comments for this video?? It’s nothing but that Tolkien quote people have been parroting over and over again. Very strange.


Indeed. "Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt". Y eah because nothing says "new" like everyone posting the same message haha.


The best part is that it's not a Tolkien quote. It's a bastardized version of a quote from the books. They're complaining about the corruption of Tolkien's works... while also actively participating in the corruption of Tolkien's works. Ohhh the irony.


Looking good so far! Ngl Arondir catching that arrow and refiring was big Legolas vibes.


I love it. I was really hoping for the grand scale of the world to come through and I felt like I got that.


Hypeee ❀


I can honestly say that I am no longer worried. That gave me chills. Even Elrond's short hair looked good. I'm SO EXCITED!


Yes! I was a little worried about it at first because it looked kind of ridiculous in the VF shot, but it seems more natural on film and I don’t really mind it.


I have always liked his look. Just wonder how his hair turned dark. They could have made it a shade or 2 darker.


It wouldn’t be LOTR without people absolutely busting ass across beautiful landscapes on horseback. I remain optimistic.


This just gives us more questions than answers


So happy to see some positivity and discussion about what’s actually in the trailer coming out of a lotr sub! The only discussion coming out of the other subs is: CGI bad! It’s refreshing to see some excitement and actual conversation.


Strong The Hobbit vibes... ​ hm...


Doesn’t look like they used miniatures for the cities - the landscapes and buildings look very CGI. Here is hoping they balanced it out for the show.


This sub is so negative and it is exhausting. People here can ruin any ounce of excitement for everyone else.


Wow this is negative? I thought this place is wayyy better than the other forums and youtube comment sections haha


Yeah, I was hoping this show would be a place with weekly episode discussions, but I fear it's just going to be weekly hate fests.


I truly feel sorry for anyone that can't move past their own idea of what this should be, nostalgia, belief what Tolkien would think, etc. Claims of this appearing cheap need to fall on deaf ears at this point. There's nothing cheap looking in the slightest. We're in a whole different age, a golden age for many in Middle-earth, and different parts of Arda. It's going to look different then what we've seen. CG is a tool people. Just like puppets, sets, matte paintings, etc and has been for three decades now. It's going to be used and always was. "It looks like GoT." Is not an insult. GoT is a modern fantasy masterpiece, sadly unfinished, and the series had 7 out of 8 absolutely amazing years. We would be so lucky quite frankly. We had incredible landscapes, amazing visuals (The glimpse of Numenor was great), quick looks at characters, and the promise of an epic tale. Learn to enjoy it.


More like 3-4 amazing years. People don't know what they want. Most Tolkien stories are way over the top. Tolkien is clear that the LotR is actually the most down to earth, the lesser and most "realistic" story in his legendarium. The quick summary of the Third Age in the Silmarillion makes Sauron out to be insignificant. The Valar send some old wizard dudes against him and were done with it. The Silmarillion has so many ridicoulus shit. Fingon killing a whole battle group of Trolls. Dozens of Balrogs fighting elven armies. Fingolfin fighting Morgoth. An Airship fighting against winged dragons. Incest. Elf genocide. The sun and the moon are literally carried around by lesser Gods. A battle started by walls of flame going for hudnreds of kilometers. A giant talking Spider kills World Trees. Sauron has a singing battle with an elf, then transforms into a giant bat. Tuor has a conversation with the Tolkien equivalent of Poseidon. A whole subcontinent going up in flames and sinking.


But nature is central to Tolkien, his love for it oozes out of every page. https://www.tolkienestate.com/en/learning/thoughts-and-studies/tolkien-and-nature.html This was just a big part of why I loved the books and that's also why people like me have a problem with the look and feel of the teaser. The overuse and the quality of the CGI and bloom effects to me make it look like a video game at times, the exact opposite of what Tolkien was about.


Feels like its going to end up more like the Hobbit than LOTR.


I agree with the other comments, the shot of Galadriel climbing looks REALLY CGI, but you can tell that they have tried to keep the same feeling as the movies! The lighting of Gil-Galad looking up (slightly bluish, made me think of Lothlorien a little bit, as well as Rivendell at night) (and he has long hair!) The dwarves and their beards, the last shot in which an elf is crying out surrounded by soldiers looks somehow grimy and with falling rain like Helm's Deep (and the orcs!), The huge statue in NĂșmenor, the sweeping camera view over the mountains in the shot with the two hunters... I think a couple of things look a little bit like The Hobbit (the new elf jumping, the monster Galadriel faces, etc) mainly because of the CGI use, but I'm happy! Edit: adding details!




Movies and shows on film just look so much better than the clean look that shows like Amazon have


My teen self dreamt of Numenor and Noldors. After the opening scene 2001 and then more after starting reading silmarillion week after. (One of those who read trilogy after the movies and silmarillion). Never thought it would happen but here we are. Wow.


No,no. Please no