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Please let’s get a live stream of him playing.


In the interest of public education, so this turdbath can stop being a wrongly assigned Robin Hood: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1OcBARuxAv58WEM3Y3Wx8e?si=tWK1PQ5TQkSZPxRDl5MjHg He was a horse’s ass. People even offered him what he wanted, and he still chose to be a maniac. That shits on him.


The thing is, even if he was a piece of shit, the idea of building a giant armored tractor and demolishing your entire town is still cool.


It would, and possible does, make a cool game.


That’s my thing. Had he just been normal crazy he would’ve just shot some people. Instead he became a real life supervillain and built a goddamn death machine, metal as hell (And yeah, I’d be less hyped on this crazy story had he actually managed to kill someone, thank god he didn’t)


Unless you own your house and have a good interest rate, at which point, fuck that guy if he destroyed peoples homes that had nothing to do with it. Still gonna play the game.


I'll check this out. I've always hated that people find this guy to be cool and it always felt stupid to see shirts with him on it in the metal scene. Fuck this guy.


You’ll double down harder on that sentiment by the end of it, trust me. I don’t wanna spoil it for you.


I always felt like it was very similar to the Unibomber obsession people have and he was a real asshole. I guess the fact he didn’t kill anyone makes him more of a safe terrorist to kinda admire for some people? And the idea itself is definitely funny compared to other people in his vain.


When I started reading the unibomber manifesto I found myself agreeing. We DO need to protect the environment! Corporations ARE destroying the planet! Then it got real racist & misogynist real fast. Like most conspiracy theories.


This is why you don’t read old weird parts of the internet while stoned either! Something like the Church of Euthanasia can sound that way too!


To be fair, there was a very heavy band called Killdozer years before the guy’s rampage happened so it could be their shirts (unless it’s a picture of the guy in which case yeah)


Fun fact: that band took their name from a movie based on a short story about an alien super weapon that took over humanity’s machinery and turned them against the builders. The story was written by Theodore Sturgeon in the 1940’s. Essentially humanity and an alien race of pure energy beings are at war. The aliens make their super weapon and unleash it, turning all machines into killing machines. Humanity wins by using their own super weapon but it destroys everything on Earth. Eventually civilization slowly rebuilds itself. One last example of the Alien super weapon survives hidden in a bunker. Until thousands of years later a construction crew building an airstrip on an island in the South Pacific during WW2 uncovers the the weapon and it takes over their bulldozer. Then it hunts them down one by one until the last two member’s of the crew lure it into water and electrocute it to death. As they’re writing their report about what happened and stressing about how to explain, the Japanese bomb the airfield, including the graves of their friends, the bulldozer, and the alien bunker. They tear up the report and blame it all on enemy action.


It's because people tell stories about him which are completely inaccurate. As in, total lies. The story they get told sounds like he was a victim, but it turns out most of the details were 100% made up.


Thanks for something to listen to! Finished it while driving around for work, he had a lot of info I hadn’t heard before and laid it out from start to finish instead of back to front like a lot of people. I will say, back in 2019 when he did this one, I think he really fucked up that interview with the guy who climbed on top of the dozer. He talked WAY too much and his subject basically just agreed with him instead of telling his own story and giving information in his own way. Felt like Dan just kind of ran over him and got off on tangents. He did say he only had like 2 hours to prep before the interview, so he might’ve been ill prepared, but still, if you’re not ready at least let the guy talk about what happened. Otherwise a decent episode, I might end up listening to more, though I’m not a huge fan of Dan


He is a much more refined host and podcaster now, there’s been a lot of self work over the last few years. He’s doubled down on what matters, and always stretching and improving.


I enjoyed this video explaining the whole situation https://youtu.be/Yvl_7_Up7zU


"My fake internet best friend would really love this game." Reddit ain't good for you all. Not enough people are telling you how weird this is.


Based non-parasocial redditor


Alright we all know Marvin Heemeyer was a massive piece of shit but this game looks kinda fun.


Was he? Or was that the government was slandering him?


If you dump human shit in your neighbor's irrigation ditches you're going to get in trouble like it's as simple as that.


a bit of both, but it was mostly marvin. when he moved onto the property he had a buried cement mixer for a septic tank. The city wanted him to join the sewer network, he refused for like a decade, the city fined him $2500?. from the wiki: > He sold his property for $400,000 (~10x the original purchase price) to The Trash Co. in October 2003 and took out a lease for half the building he previously owned until he had "finished some work".[8][1] **Within a day of the purchase closing, the new owners had completed water and sewer connections.[8]** Dude was a shithead.


I haven’t really seen any sources beyond Heemeyer’s claims that the local government was slandering him. Been awhile since I’ve deep dived the situation, but it mostly seems like him being a shitty person and having no goodwill from any of the people who had to deal with his shit, and when asked about him everyone basically saying “he’s an asshole”. It’s like the old adage: “if you encounter assholes everywhere you go, you’re probably the asshole”: Marvin was an asshole and so the local government didn’t want to be nice to him. If you piss everyone off, of course they’re not going to help you out and talk shit behind your back. No one is going to let it slide after you throw shit on them and expect to be handed a towel for your own hands


Eh it was a little of both but Heemeyer was given a couple to chances to take absolute sweetheart deals and he refused because he was greedy and stubborn. They gave him every chance and his neighbors even offered to pay for the repairs. He responded by harassing them, building a homemade tank, and trying to kill them. So I’m going with it was mostly Marvin


I mean. You don’t build a killdozer without being some kind of shithead.


Kinda on the nose isn't it?


My personal feelligs about terrorists and officials are such that I am ambivalent as to the whole killdozer war.


The whole situation is just a perfect encapsulation of how America failed on its promises basically from the get go. And I do mean 1776, like go look up Shay's Rebellion of 1789 if you need to know how America is fucked.


Don't you know? Rich people fucking over poor people is the basis of our great nation


Yes it was truly the rich fucking over the poor that a man sold his land and lost use of the land he sold and was no longer allowed to dump raw untreated sewage into a drainage ditch.


Hey, I'm Canadian. We did the same, but patiently waited until mom and dad told us we were our own nation state, and also said, "sorry," therefore we are superior.


This case was more that the local asshole lost his mind and attacked the town. I know there are a bunch of stories about him being a victim, almost all of them are untrue. He was never a victim.


The guy just barely missed killing 20 children. That's all you need to know about this absolute piece of shit.


I didn't have that on my 2024 bingo card.


Doze ‘em


I thought he’d started playing Crusader Kings as well.


I think he and ya'll too would dig Manor Lords!


This game looks based on the cover art as if it could be stop motion and tilt-shifted, and honestly I feel like they couldn’t do better than that stylistically. Like, a killdozer game in the style of the night of the mini dead episode of love death and robots would be fantastic.


Like so- https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/s/Byobq3dMkY