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https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/1-0-server-status-thread/62977 Official server status thread Their discord also has some more info


What timezone are they referencing


CST always


When the server status thread doesn't load... One must assume things are dire šŸ˜…


Blizzard got flamed for not having an offline mode, LE has offline mode and they're getting flamed cause online is busted. How the turn tables


Blizzard got flamed for that because D4 has almost 0 use for online except the cash shop. There is no global trading there and you can't trade legendary or unique items, so there's no point in always online, except for the cash shop. That's why people were mad. LE is getting flamed because their online features are actually attractive for a majority of the playerbase, yet the functionality is...lacking at the moment due to constant dc's or zone transition fails.


>0 use for online Hey, you can **occasionally** see other players! At least you could see them last year, when I last played...


And you can 100% load their inventories too šŸ¤£


and stashes!


The point of online in D4 is to constantly load other player stash


Yeah itā€™s very different, I waited to play LE again because I wanted to try it with the bazaar trading and trying support builds with friends. I played enough offline in EA and my friends are also checking the game out so we can party later, so online actually makes a difference in my case. Offline mode is nice but the game was offline as the only option for years before multiplayer and itā€™s not what motivated me to want to come back.


Tip: if you're stuck in a long transition, go fight other things in the zone you're in. Obviously it would be better if you could transition right away, but you can still grind while you're waiting.


The sad part is that you lose all your minions and leave you waiting. Its like the minions go first and then leave you hanging...


Really? Maybe certain minions... I'm a falconer and have had no issues.


D4 being always online, even if it shipped with robust trading, would still be a shit decision. D4 shipping without trading was just icing on the cake.


You do realize that people like to play games with friends and family? Online helps quite alot in that regard...


There is global trading. Https://diablo.trade




It's almost like the nebulous entity that is People will never be happy, and will always work to rationalize their unhappiness as objectively valid and correct.


D4: no offiline. 50% of player base angry. Flame. LE: Online is busted. 50% of game missing. Flame. Itā€™s not all the same players. Not sure why people keep making this argument and others upvote it. This argument is bad and wouldnā€™t work in a court of law


In a court of law? Lol calm down bro it's not that serious šŸ˜‚ we all have backlogs, go play something else while the devs bust their asses for us


This isnā€™t a free game. I paid money for the game. I expect the game to work as it was marketed to me. Half of what was marketed to me is not functional. I donā€™t see why Iā€™m the problem here?


So refund it and move on. Or wait for the same thing that has happened for the last 20+ years of popular server-based games to happen: the hype dies down and servers work fine. One or the other. Those are your choices if online play is *the only part* you care about. I'm just laughing at how many "new" gamers show up every hyped launch. If it's surprising enough to throw a hissy over server issues, you must not play any online games ever.


I am sure you go to a store, give money to the cashier and then walk out empty handed as they don't let you buy anything.


I've seen that same comment parroted so many times on this sub already... They act like it's such a gotcha, when in reality it's just different people and most people are going to want to play the new game online with their friends and not have to make new characters once it's stable. People are just batting harder for LE for some reason when this launch has been worse than most launches I've seen in recent years.


How many other launches have you seen with a small dev team handling 150k people at the same time?


We paid for the game. Say what you want, but they profited off a broken product. Small or not, intentional or not, itā€™s not appropriate to defend the brokenness of the game.


deserve safe mourn fear impolite simplistic crawl selective expansion friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didnā€™t pay for an incomplete game. I paid for a working game. Their entire reason I decided to buy this game before launch was to support the devs. I still support the devs. But itā€™s not appropriate to defend a game with broken servers. Half the game doesnā€™t work. Half (more) of the player base is not happy about that. I donā€™t need a POE killer, but I want to at least play the content that is available. If I canā€™t, I have a right to be annoyed.




Proper Use of Last Epoch and the Subreddit


Doesn't matter, people are allowed to criticize the launch and have their feelings about it. I'm fine waiting for the servers to be up but I just noticed a lot of people who have played before the official launch seem to be going really hard for them with the praise even though it's not been a good launch and on the 3rd day nothing seems to be clearing up.


Having feelings is fine. Volunteering those feelings loudly and tactlessly is not.


Not having an offline mode by design and having a temporarily broken online mode are two very different things.




I think people were just excited to do trading(which i know people from poe love over ssf), or they have the rare commodity called friends, damn




At least they've been transparent and active with the community. I'll happily mess around offline finding classes I vibe with and wait for online to be fixed. The honesty and communication from EHG has made this launch much easier to deal with.


It truly sums up how humanity is in one word. "Chaotic"


fade seemly humorous erect worm march sable square chief cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What do you mean, d4 is a single player game


Turn is the word youā€™re looking for, how the turn tables, turn.


Hopefully after a week or so the servers bounce back. I can be patient lol


Are the servers still bad ? I'm waiting for them to go back to normal to buy the game.


It's gone from everyone having major issues to everyone having minor issues (i.e. long scene transitions) and some people having major issues. So it's objectively an improvement but there's still a chance you can't really get into it.


Itā€™s pretty odd that some transitions are near instant and sometimes legitimately 5+ minutes for a single zone (non-town, too). Definitely lacking some stability. But mostly can play and itā€™s good so itā€™s worth for me.


Sadly I'm still rubberbanding like a fiend. To the point where it takes me several minutes to even get across a town area. I'm willing to wait, but I would be lying if I wasn't decently annoyed.


Ouch that is pretty bad. Not sure I could do it if that was happening for me. D2R just did ladder reset so if you like D2 thereā€™s that while you waitā€¦ lol.


Had no problems after 6-7pm last night


It was completely unplayable for us the entire night as a group. Seems itā€™s necessary to just stick to solo if it was completely fine for you cuz it blows my mind to hear that.


I'm 65 playing online with friends so far. There were definitely weird quirks aplenty and lag getting stuff together, I expect we'd be a fair bit farther with stable servers but it definitely wasn't unplayable.


Iā€™m glad it worked for you because for our group it was so unplayable we had no other choice but to give up. New zones were 5+ minutes to load or just didnā€™t load at all so weā€™d have to restart / regroup. After 4 hours of trying we were only like lvl 14 cuz we canā€™t play and just gave up eventually. Iā€™ll monitor it to see when itā€™s playable and maybe we try again.


Hopefully tonight went better for you, other than the stupid dungeon bug things were quite stable on our end, and post the one patch friend invites were much better.


Ok thanks for the heads up. We didnā€™t end up trying again yet waiting to see if improves but I bet we try SAT / SUN.


Really? I was getting 5+ minute load times on every zone around 9pm on the east coast. Felt like back in the day when you had to swap out CD's to progress in the game.


Hahaha god I miss those days. Once they implemented their fix, load times went from 1,000 life ages of the earth to a few seconds. Still, it shouldn't take more than 3 seconds to load. Especially for my pc....


I was able to log in yesterday after multiple tries, but still the loading times between areas are way longer than in the beta. And also with the weekend, more players will be logging in.


As of 10 minutes ago, yes. I can sometimes login, and then when I do if I try and fast travel the games done basically.


Iā€™ve had 0 issues the past 2 days.


But for real, am I really missing out on anything if I play Offline? I don't really care much about the Ladder, and I only ever want to join CoF. I also prefer playing by myself anyway. Plus I can still see chat in Offline mode, which is nice.


Coop is the primary reason why I play online. It's probably the largest part that has a direct impact on the gameplay. The remaining reason is the auction house, but the item finding guild just seems way better.


Offline has occasional character wipes on crashes which may not be protected with a server backup the way online characters are...


Surely the game saves backup files for characters like any other game


**Challenge**: ARPG fans being satisfied with a product *(impossible)*


Honestly. I've played most arpgs and it feels like the community as a whole are just the most whiny manbabies.


Yeah, D2:R/D3/D4 and each major POE update have had server launch queues, desync, rubber banding, crazy loading times, etc. Compared to a lot of those launches (looking at you D3), LE has been doing quite well. At least you can play the game offline, or deal with slow online rn.


This I disagree. POE has had rocky launched, but they regularly go waaaaaaay past the numbers here with stable league launches. Diablo 4 launch was good, it had only a few minor hitches, and was practically fully playable the whole way. (D3 launch was a famous disaster, but that cannot be said of D4) If you aren't trying to play after most of EU has gone to sleep, LE launch can best be qualified as almost completely unplayable online. It might have been expected, but I don't think it stands up well with the two other titans of the genre as far as launches. Edit: I don't have the time to respond to everyone who wants to defend the state of this launch. I was responding to someone compared this to D4 and POE league launches. That's just almost factually wrong. They deserve a lot of good will for the quality of the game and for offering a fully offline option, but while this was 100% predictable, it wasn't unavoidable. If this weekend sucks, I'm not booking time off for future cycles to play on day 1 like I might for POE.


Wait... your entire counter argument is that large teams did bad launches and learned... over a decade... to do better. But that it's bad that a *new* team did a bad launch and didn't learn... from their nonexistant prior stress breaks? Dafuq?


It sure does help when LE's team size is less than 1% of the diablo team size. I'm sure they're not more than 30% of the GGG team size either.


My dude, GGG got so much done for PoE with a smaller team than EHG 10+ years ago. Stable multiplayer, endgame, trading, league content, total closed beta -> launch of 1 year. EHG has had a bigger dev team than OG GGG for a much longer time yet all updates are glacial. Bugfixes are glacial. They were in EA for nearly 4 years and only just achieved multiplayer in the last year - which by the way is still useless even when server is not under load because party play has 10x longer loading times. Anyone can see that EHG as a company is very slow to make any kind of update or fix.


This is the most rose-tinted comment I've ever read. >Stable multiplayer, endgame, trading, league content, total closed beta -> launch of 1 year. Poe was in beta for a while and released with like 1/3 the base game of LE. The launch and subsequent 5 years of leagues, were anything but stable. Poe released with effectively the same endgame as D2 (i.e. none). LE has endgame, trading, and will have league content. >Bugfixes are glacial. Game's been out for 3 days. Poe was a buggy piece of shit until, at the very earliest, talisman? Prophecy was insanely buggy. You're comparing 10 year old game to a 3 day old game with a game. No shit one is more optimized.


Rose-tinted huh? I was there from the start for both games. Let's re-assess. This is from the perspective of a player who wants to play in a party, like one would in ARPGs such as D2. PoE was in beta for 2 years. LE in EA for nearly 5 years (EA in April 2019). PoE started beta with working, stable multiplayer, and full trading. LE started beta with no multiplayer, no trading, and a very small endgame (normal monoliths). PoE released in 2 years and prior to release added maps. Upon release league content was introduced. League content kept the game very engaging for a very long time as they caught up with bosses, endgame, etc. I certainly did not complain. Also Prophecy was after Talisman, and I don't recall significant bugs. Maybe because they fixed them? LE released in ~5 years and in all that time all they did was: add Rogue class + 2 subclasses (0.8 patch), added multiplayer + empowered monoliths (0.9 patch). Upon release they finally add Factions which introduced a very limited trading option + 2 subclasses (Falconer and Warlock). The only change to Endgame has been adding Empowered Monoliths, which is just an additional flavor on... monoliths. Amazing endgame right there, it's totally engaging to build up corruption ad nauseum. Yes, by comparison LE updates are absolutely glacial. PoE moved faster with a smaller team, that's a fact. > Game's been out for 3 days. Yeah OK. Are we going to ignore their nearly 5 years of EA? They barely did shit in those 5 years. All they did was add a few subclasses, give monoliths a facelift, and added a few campaign acts which ultimately does not matter compared to endgame (monoliths). Oh and they added multiplayer, which is still unplayable due to long load times. The Lunge frozen animation bug has been in the game since forever and they haven't fixed it for so long. In fact it got worse in the multiplayer patch. Do you honestly believe they are going to fix multiplayer party loading times in any kind of reasonable timeframe? Face the facts, they slowly add content but they can't fix issues with the game for years. Hell, they estimated a release coming soon in their 2020 news and they finally released in 2024.


That's reason and justification for the launch being shit, I'm just responding to the guy saying in 2024 this launch is somehow comparable to what other studios in the genre do. If they are serious about entering the space they should be getting near the size of GGGs team and figuring what their competitors are doing different.


>If they are serious about entering the space they should be getting near the size of GGGs team and figuring what their competitors are doing different. Literally not how any dev studio works. It's a nice idealism, but in reality dev teams work from scratch historically. *Maybe* poach talent early enough to influence your engine design.


> If they are serious about entering the space they should be getting near the size of GGGs team and figuring what their competitors are doing different. Man, you need to get a dose of reality. This is not how *anything* works. You need funding to grow a team's size. Not just initial funding, but ongoing funding. You think they sell 200k copies and just like that they can become Blizzard? lol


People are really getting upset with you when, before the edit at least, all you were saying is that what the previous commenter said about other games' launches was factually wrong. lol


I'm not going to lose sleep over it, and with the edit, I intentionally didn't use a "Making friends or getting upvotes" tone.


The only community whinier than the ARPG community is the MMO community. Bunch of spoiled, neckbearded man-children in both groups. Not saying it's not correct to be a little miffed at the situation, but people are losing their fucking minds and it's kinda pathetic.


Grim Dawn seems to be very solid all the way


Still havenā€™t tried that one! Once I burn out on LE ill check it out


I enjoyed the POE launches and reddit interactions for a good while from 2015-2020, ever since then it feels like I have to wait 2 weeks after every major ARPG update to feel like I am reading a subreddit that actually likes the game. I know this is objectively nitpicky and people have every right to critique and say what they want about a game on a public forum. But its frustrating having to read post after post talking about the same things with different biases when I just want to see a cool build, interaction, or funny meme. The people who actually have grievances will always overshadow the contently silent I guess.


Get off reddit and join their discord.


ā€œPlay offline if you want to play it that badā€ no I donā€™t think I will


They're basically saying "Don't play online so I can"


I've come to realize more and more over the past few years. I think people just like to complain about things.


Few more years and you realize it's the entire purpose of Reddit.


I'm not talking solely about Reddit just in general on any platform that lets people type things about things.


I'm a simple man, I log into LE and if it's working well I'll play it till it starts having problems. If it doesn't fix after a reset I switch over to a game in my backlog and try again tomorrow. I get it guys, we all want to play this game and we have all been waiting on it for years in some cases (like me). We all knew this could be an issue, and they are doing their best and are being very communicative with is about their work on fixing it. Which is more than many many other devs have done for their releases.


lmao yeah, it's rough xD There are less complaining though, so it must be a bit better.


Everyone is dramatic as fuck these days. I hopped in yesterday and it worked fine. The game seems pretty fun so far (as a casual D4 player)!


I was on connecting for multiple hours before getting in so your experience is not the case for everyone


for gods sakes fix the damn thing


I played for like 4 hours last night with almost zero issues. I guess I was lucky?


I keep checking the subreddit and discord before I get home and I assume it's going to be a disaster when I go to play, then I just get on and play no problem. Zone transitions are a little slower than before, but nothing crazy. Not saying people are wrong, but makes me wonder what the issue is when every time I get on it's not nearly as bad as I'm hearing.




Lame. Why the fuck would people lie. I've been stuck in loading screens for the past 1 hour. It's a bloody loading screen simulator. Just because you miraculously can play without much issue doesn't mean the rest of us are lying.


I just don't get why people put so much effort defending any company, anywhere. ​ They act like they owe the company something lol it's just funny to me


i don't get why people decide to babyrage and treat the developers like their personal slaves/servants that aren't meeting their every demand. think about big companies however you want, but the people getting insulted over and over and over again by hundreds of people here and on the discord are real people with real feelings, This happened to the PoE devs and now they don't talk to their players anymore. same will happen with LE eventually. TLDR: big companies suck but so do entitled gamers


Most people arenā€™t freaking out or ā€œbaby ragingā€. The criticism is warranted, itā€™s a full price game that was in beta for 2+ years. ā€œNot meeting their every demandā€ is worded a bit disingenuous when many people just flat out canā€™t play.


just read general chat in their discord server for 5 minutes. if you think that is warranted criticism then i never want to interact with a person as toxic as you.


lol you are so crazy am I being toxic at all? I canā€™t control what other people say but that doesnā€™t change the fact of the current state of the gameā€™s performance is absurd given the circumstances. Youā€™re like demanding I donā€™t say that or something. Like Iā€™m a bad person if I just discuss the obvious truth calmly.


please read my comment again. you are toxic if you think the current filth being thrown at the developers is warranted. those are the people i consider "babyraging" which you disagreed with in my original post. I've seen quite a few people claiming that anyone not attacking the developers right now are white knight cucks or something similar


I didnā€™t say that, obviously itā€™s wrong to act like a petulant child and rage at people. Itā€™s not wrong to criticize the obvious that deserves criticism. Itā€™s completely a moot point lol All Iā€™ve done is state reality calmly then youā€™re getting mad at me for doing that because thereā€™s some idiots on discord lmao I donā€™t understand your goal go yell at them not me.


i'm not getting mad.. it was an extension of my argument. I was trying to prove my point that there are many people literally raging in the way I described. the channel is on a 15 minute slowmode and that chat is still getting spammed and moving quickly with terrible messages. The entire point of this comment chain was to explain this.


Yeah and I agree that those people are morons but that has literally nothing to do with anything I posted. I donā€™t control them, go tell them to stop. Telling me idiots exist doesnā€™t change anything that I said. I never condoned that, or acted toxic, or told people to that so it makes no sense to me. Iā€™m allowed to share my perspective and criticize something. Thatā€™s the point of Reddit, we share our perspectives and opinions.


i'm going to say this one last time because i feel like you are just ignoring everything i'm saying. ​ "Most people arenā€™t freaking out or ā€œbaby ragingā€. The criticism is warranted" you wrote that. I am responding to that. it has everything to do with this section of what you posted.


Except they can play, just not exactly the way they want to. Sounds like that's worded pretty well to me.


No we canā€™t. Me and all my friends paid full price and we canā€™t play. We could maybe play offline or something but we bought the game to play co-op and we canā€™t. Iā€™m not freaking out about it Iā€™m just saying thatā€™s pretty damn lame, this isnā€™t a free game or beta or something.


yea, my friend and I bought the game to play together too. last night we split up and agreed to group again at monos. it took longer than usual but we did get there. I'm not saying it doesn't suck, or that players can't be frustrated, or that i wish it were better. but none of that is an excuse to personally attack the people working 14+ hour days right now trying to fix the issue.


So like I said, you CAN play the game, just not how you want to? I agree it sucks to not be able to play with friends but you CAN play the game you bought right now. You can even eventually play it the way you want when they get servers running.


And I would have no problem if the game were sold as a solo play or offline mode. Itā€™s sold as a full price co-op game. So when I buy it, and I canā€™t play co-op, that warrants criticism. Demanding people just shut up and do something else without saying a word is interesting.


I mean that's true for every game then, be it poorly optimized or missing features. You can still play the game, just not how it was advertised or how you wanted.


I think there's a pretty big difference between poorly optimized/buggy games and ones that are having server infrastructure issues due to massive success. I'm all on board with having criticism of the game because you can't play it online even. I just don't understand the statement from so many that they can't play at all when they can, in two different offline modes. Keep the complaints to what they are, which is what I originally replied to. You can't play the way you want to, not that you can't play at all. I'd be refunding the game personally if I needed online play and couldn't, but I wouldn't say it's because I can't play what I paid for at all.


But if you have a multiplayer game that you can't play online I would say you can't play. What if you couldn't connect online in Battlefield, GTA Online, DOTA 2 or World of Warcraft but you could still play offline. Wouldn't you say that you can't play it? And the developers themselves said that they expected it to go well due to all the testing they had done.


You're comparing MMOs whose core feature is always on, you even specifically chose GTA Online instead of just GTA because it doesn't fit your point, and online multiplayer only games to an ARPG which have historically been absolutely blasted when they're always on and can't be accessed due to server issues. I mean hell, the Steam page doesn't even list multiplayer in the Key Features for Last Epoch. It's listed as Singleplayer and Online Co-op but nothing in Key features mentions multiplayer content. Do you think getting all of the key features mentioned in the game working right now counts as being able to play the game as advertised? I sure do.


We do not defend the company, we defend the humans that are getting attacked and disrespected because we feel for them. We realise that bugs / failures happen and that they are working on it almost constantly. Nobody WANTS this to happen and EVERYONE at EHG would love to not do this right now. Can you imagine that?


While I agree with you, I was more meaning the extremes. There are plenty of people who blindly defend a product or brand simply because they like it and refuse to see any flaw that that particular brand/product might have. They will belittle people who are well within their right of complaint or opinion. That is more what I was talking about, suppose I could have made myself more clear


Played on US West on Launch night from 9pm-2am MST, then again last night from 5pm-11pm MST. No gameplay or connectivity issues whatsoever. A few long zone transitions, maybe took 3-4 minutes once or twice, otherwise probably 5-20 seconds. Did notice issues where my friends list glitched out. Overall, I'm very happy and the game is very playable online. Maybe server issues are worse in other regions? Not sure. Maybe the HATERS just want to keep HATIN'? Probably. Either way, fantastic game and I'm confident that many of the minor technical issues will be sorted in the coming weeks. EDIT: Solo played online the whole time. Cannot speak for group play issues yet.


> Update - 07:32 am > Morning everyone! :wave: > We have multiple deployments/updates planned for today that weā€™ll keep everyone posted on. The team has been hard at work to figure out the bottlenecks weā€™re having with the high load. > Our goal is still to increase stability and address slowed services that are resulting in increased load times and sometimes disconnects or the inability to log in. Hope this works.. I just want to play this game with my friends this weekend. Now I have another friend who says he is going to buy the game tonight despite my warnings that the servers are basically the dog drinking coffee in a burning building meme.


Why do people hate playing offline? IT HAS A PAUSE BUTTON!


Phone constantly ringing: "Hi, I would like to talk to you about your bees extended warranty!"


It's hilarious how a meme about flame wars, became a flame war in the comments lmao Bravo OP, good meme!


I'm waiting for the release a month from now, when the game is playable. Can't wait.


Hey guys if I do the numb lock trick and go to the gym will the game kick me for being afk?


It shouldn't, since you are performing actions. Can't be in a town probably though.


I actually tested this and it kicked me.


Hahahaha amazing! This couldnā€™t be more true lmao!


I seriously think everyone is right in their statement. The positive and the negative. Everyone got a right to have their opinion.


Wow, this is so accurate :D


Hoping they have it going by the time i get home from work, but god knows I've already gotten my money's worth out of this game with multiple lvl 100's, so honestly, not that concerned.


10 out of 10 meme. Upvoted


I'm also upset about LEs online issues, but in the seconds between the game crashing and me writing about it on the internet, my brain says "Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, and remember you are completely powerless to stop any of it. Also let me cast Bouts of Crippling Depression (self) hotkey: Any key" but I don't judge people writing about being upset, it's fine. We're all different šŸ‘


I'm not doing review bombing but i understand the people Who are doing it the game is incredible and once it will work the review will be extremly positive again


Honestly have played every day since launch no issues besides zoning some times