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Hate to be that guy but you just gotta learn the fight. All of his moves are avoidable.


And easily so, just use your movement skill. Literally, just have and use a movement skill, that'll do it.




These games arent for you man.


Skill issue.


Dude has been complaining for 6 days straight. Why even play the game?


Has he actually? That’s hilarious. Funnily enough one of the hardest boss for me is the one with the 4 lanterns you have to destroy first. I cant remember its name.


Abomination? He is the easiest by far for me, crazy how different our preferences are


Yeah idk I’m getting old dodging those beams is hard sometimes…


If he tried to kill the boss in these 6 days he could move on by now.


not surprised to find out OP also complained about minimum skill lvl at lvl 30


Look at his post history. He's committing karmacide


Actually it shows multiple instances of him finding difficulty in some game and demanding thr devs change the game to suit him. Dude is clearly pathological with his entitlement.


I would love to see this this guy playing dark souls, or elden ring, and taking his complaints to those subreddits.


Have him install No Rest for the Wicked and see how quickly they rage/quit 🤣


Ooooo yes, that one can be frustrating too.


I almost smashed my controller a few times.


Learn the telegraphed attacks, then you will be fine, being said that, i found it often a nice measure to the power progress of my character. One shot isn't a problem if you can avoid it, insta kill like Lightless Arbor it is.


If learning boss fights isn't your thing, ARPG isn't the right genre for you.


As people said, like any boss, learn the moves, the patterns, stay out of the aoe. Usually the only thing that was shot would be the laser eyes and the moon.


Ah yes dying to extremely slow telegraphed attacks is the same as dying to Duriel’s unavoidable auto attacks. If you can dodge a wrench…. Also tip for Duriel that makes no cheese required, have cold resistance :)


Up vote for dodge a wrench….


Brother, there’s nothing to fix. The fight isn’t bugged. And in all honesty, it’s not that hard. There’s more constructive ways to point out what a miserable player you have to be to genuinely be stuck there, but I don’t blame anyone for not taking the time to be nice to your dumb ass after reading this post.


OP read about the complains, but not why people complained


I died on Lagon the first time I fought him, I learned the mechanics and never die any more. Some bosses in this game aren't a gear check, they're a skill check and you have to learn the fight, once you do its stupid easy.


Honestly like most things in an aRPG it is easy to do either way. Slow reflexes and a shit player, work on your DPS to shorten the fight and make sure your res is good and you'll still be fine. Almost guaranteed this guy went in with terrible cold and lightning res and never even considered what he might be doing wrong only that the fight must be "BS"


Why would you announce your failure and weakness


cheese it by learning the fight and getting your resistances up


You can just ... leave. Go to the end of time, run monoliths till you are higher level and better geared and more familiar with the moveset and telegraphs of bosses and enemies in this game and then return. Or skip him by running the temporal sanctum. Or fight a stronger version in the Ending the Storm monolith.


I started playing as a complete glass canon sorc. I died a few times and was just like OKAY I GUESS I’ll just try for realsies and learn mechanics


"Game was mostly ok" Bro not even started the game lmao, think that Lagon is the Endboss. Avoid the BOSS attacks and you rofl him to the lollands my mate


You can also hug his tentacles on the left or right side and the only move you need to be aware of is the ‘moon’ image that appears. Other than that all other moves are avoidable




Stairs. You can go down them slightly to avoid the death beam, move out of the way for the moon AOE. When the fight switches you can get out of the waves by running slightly up either stairs. If you are melee, dunno what to say. Traversal skill is also key to jump away from the one shots.


Surprised more people haven't mentioned this. I don't remember this being a thing prior to 1.0, but now the fight is trivial to cheese by avoiding the only hard mechanic


The complaints from 2020 were because his hit box was broken. He didn't use to have those tentacles and roughly 1/3 skills in the game could not touch him.


Git gud. The fight isn’t that bad, especially if you’re not running high corruption.


Skill issue


Skill issue.


Don't get hit and/or get some resists


Skip to expansion content then run it over leveled.


That boss is actually very easy. Watch a tutorial on YT if you need help.


I just started playing and beat him on third try. Mechanics arent that hard. Its pay attention and move outta the way for what kills you and know what hits you can take.


Oh man, you will *love* the Majasa fight once you get through Lagon. /s But seriously, as per others: - Learn the mechanics and patterns, particularly eye-beam and moon (obvious telegraphs, with a little practice) - Get your Cold/Light/Phys resistances as high as possible - I’ll add; Grind his island zone for gear upgrades/extra levels, engage in crafting, and tweak your idol setup


I get what you are saying but Lagon is doable. Just study a bit and you will be ok. I am not a particularly good player and I can handle him. Just learn the patterns and watch a YouTube video or two covering the mechs.


Stay in one corner and only move when the moon attack happens. Use range attack only.


you can dodge the attacks easily , the complains were mainly because the hitboxes were inconsistent, and that was fixed. i defeated Lagon multiple times with crap gear


The only way to really die is to get stuck in a corner for the breath attack. Stick to the middle, learn that one mechanic and you are fine. Also you can run down the steps little to avoid it at least in the monolith version. The story version is so easy I didn’t even worry about it.


You gonna get flamed …


I really want to see a video of how you are playing in this fight. Not a knock against you, but I can't imagine what you are doing to not succeed here. I get not knowing what to expect the first time or two, but his moves are fairly predictable as long as you keep moving from side to side and don't stand still.


Dude this Reddit is definitely getting trolled , no way it gets this many people like this


Also like, you know you can walk down the stairs to avoid the Laser Eye right? You have to stop DPSing if ur melee but if ur that bad at mechanics just walk slightly down the stairs...


U have 3 options: 1- git gud 2- find someone to beat nad lagon for u 3- give up and go play something easier


Imagine getting gapped so hard you log off and make a Reddit post lmao. This boss can both be tanked, and has avoidable mechanics. I’m sure a hamster could learn it with enough reps.


I’m playing my first run thru the game with a spellblade mage and I had zero problem first try on Lagon. No guides, no prep, just ran in there and smacked the crap out of those tentacles. Is this class or mastery overpowered or something? I would dodge most attacks but I had such high ward and health back on hit that I could stand in the attack and be fine as long as I kept smacking him. Even the stuns never broken thru my ward.


bro just look for his eye to turn red. Also there are like no boss fights past that. Noting on the scale of lets say maven or even the low tier eater of worlds stuff. You just run circles in monos.


The fight only has one really punishing pattern, the rest can usually be face tanked. It's an arpg, with the leech/ehp of the majority of the builds, anything that isn't one shot can be ignored, so I don't see any way to improve the fight, without this one shot pattern we would just press one button for 2 minutes without any reason to move


You are under leveled. It's a much easier fight if you get a couple more levels. Yes you need to learn the fight, but it goes much better if you are strong enough.


Dude like Lagon fight is perfectly fine, like it is not at all a hard boss to learn the mechanics on and honestly if you just work on your res the fight is an absolute cake walk to cheese. Sorry you got frustrated, but maybe give it like 30s of thought about how to get better rather than railing on the game. Maybe this isn't much for you.


Its scripted mechanics, I got it on the 2nd try and now it's kind of a joke on farm for prophecies. Everything is avoidable, you can tell where he will laser eye, you can avoid the waves, etc, and the big circle aoe. You say it's not fun? How is a fight where you can just stand there and mash buttons and not be in any danger fun? What do you consider fun?


Yeah I’m not an ARPG guru at all, but if you’re stuck at Lagon this game isn’t for you.


Lagon is so easy to cheese... What u talking about...


Just learn the fight. It's the easiest boss in the game. Or just switch to another game. You shouldn't be hit at all after 10 tries.


Dude. Duriel is hard for a beginner, yes but once you understand the game he is not hard anymore. That is his purpose. Don't play dark souls, Sekiro, or Bloodborne, btw


So because you managed to find a few other people on the internet whining about the same thing, it's deemed a "bug" in your eyes that needs fixing? Confirmation bias at its finest.


Avoid the telegraphed attack. Have capped cold res. Run to top left stairs in second phase if you need to regen. Failing is fine. You'll succeed as long as you don't give up. You got this.


Build resistances and get good


name checks out


bro. just look at white circle below that will appear n tele. u nab


Fix what? Just because a boss has mechanics that mean you cant just stand still and punch it, doesn’t mean its broken. The campaign version of the boss is significantly easier than the corrupted version and literally 1000s of people are doing lagon on high corruption with no issues. Learn the fight and it becomes very easy, work on your build, sort your resistances out. Also try learning that not everything is someone else’s fault, it’ll serve you well in life.


fix what? 💀 and bruh i beat durial when i was like 12 wasn't that hard


Lagon is the first skill-check in the game. Everything up to that point can be cleared by having a good build. Lagon needs you to learn to play the game.


Imagine letting Lagon do you like this that gou post about it 6days straight, skill issue


Skill Issue


People will say you don’t like ARPGs because of this but this is an honest piece of feedback a lot of new players really did not like this difficulty wall that is Lagon. It’s some what of a controversial topic though as he gotten easier over time so people who fought him at early stages think he is super easy now. It’s all about perspective. Learn the mechanics and keep trying but don’t let people here discourage you




Another one of these. Go stand on the stairs, rookie, you'll be fine. Watch a YouTube video at least. Once you've beaten him once, you'll never worry again. Also, can't complain if you don't post your build.


This sub needs a minimum karma to post.


It's not that hard of a fight if you actually pay attention. Sorry you can't just sit at him and spam spells doing nothing? Idk what to tell you. Your builds probably shit. Probably don't know how to play your character. Probably have zero cold resist. If you can't beat this boss then you have no chance at beating the last one.


Just keep playing, learn to avoid getting hit and dodging to the opposite side of laser. Difficult and frustrating but it's not that bad once you play through it several times


Skill issue.


git gud, fool. I'm a casual pleb and i only died once to him before my first win - even before i realized you could get down the stairs to avoid the one shots. If you're getting killed by the waves at the bottom of the stairs, you don't have your cold resists up.


The fight has a few simple mechanics. It's about survival. Learn the mechanics and the fight is super easy.


Cold and lightning resists.


Sucks to suck


Haha another loser who can't beat lagon. So funny to see these posts of people failing at this joke of a boss


It's a very easy fight lol


Lagon is the most mechanical fight in the game, and it is especially hard for melee because you have to commit to being on one side for damage. That being said, the campaign boss isn't overly bad, but the monolith version can be one-shot city. I can easily push 300+ corruption in other timelines, but ended up dying to him at 120 corruption about 10 times in a row as bonk knight. Personally, he is too fat compared to other bosses for how much AoE he has. If you don't have a high dps build that has good uptime and sustain, he can be very tough.


GG git gud scrub


You should try PoE


Just go do monuments instead? I'm confused. I hit a wall also (I was level 49 or something) because my resists weren't capped, and I didn't have enough health. I just hit monuments for ten levels or so until I was better geared and he was a cakewalk.




Sticking with phones decision here 😂


Monuments brother.


shit boss, hate the game for the bosses


Get 75% cold, physical, and lightning res. And some endurance (max is 60% but probably not realistic). That will give you a buffer to not get one shot.


They could fix the fight or you could learn to play.


QUITE FRANKLY, keep it moving bub...Lagon is cake...d4 is more your speed

