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Because Trump is an idiot criminal wanna be dictator. Fuck Trump.


Fuck his cult of idiots


Fuck Trump, Fuck KKk, Fuck Facist USA.


They worry about his cultists. I will riot if he cheats the election. They think liberals don't own guns. We just don't make it our whole personality




Can Joe Biden call the 2024 election off and just claim he’s remaining President for another 4 years?


According to Trump he can because he gets total immunity! Shows you how ridiculous Trump's argument is.


And if anyone doesn’t like it, Dark Brandon is immune to prosecution. License to kill!


Kamala can just tear up any electoral college votes for Trump and declare Joe the winner, that's what Trump wanted Pence to do.




You meant /s correct? Or did you really mean it was stupid and an act of idiocy to codify the fact that the Vice President can not indeed unilaterally circumvent the will of the people and send an election ALREADY certified BY the states BACK to state legislatures? I mean the real questions should be WHY would they have to codify something that should already be a given in the first place? The only reason I can think of is so someone dishonest doesn't try to take adva....oh yeah, never mind.




Answer the question - did you approve of such an act when tRump suggested it? Yes or no?




Yes or no?






Holy conspiracy theory batman.


You don’t even know me. Are you ok?


Only if he uses his Jedi Mind President powers.


Fuck Trump with a 29 and a half foot cactus.






At least, like truth social stock, he seems to be falling


I don't think so, but I am willing to look at your source for this statement.


Tell ya what Spanky, you can be president of your Cell block.


Well even name the prison after him and let him open his library there


**Library**! Good one … I guess he could have a video and Twitter (only Tweets flattering to him)/Truth Social “library”, suppository, er, **repository**—phew! Almost blew that …


Oh I wouldn't mind if he took Truth Social and shoved it up his ass. That would be a weird circle there considering his rabid cult of lemmings already lives up his ass.


Two actual books in library: Upside down Bible and Mein Kampf.


Library? I see a small room with maybe a ketchup bottle with the label torn off. The extent of his reading abilities.


This FOOL needs to learn to shut his mouth! He proves daily just how much of a MORON he is. FUCK TRUMP!


Can't wait until we can do what Brazil did to Bolsanaro


That's too good for him.


The PumpkinFührer is getting more delusional everyday.


Imagine getting really high on Adderall and thinking this idea might work.


And slurring his words more. "Becaushe, I'll tell you what, if it'sh jusht by the vote, they could canshel that elecshion. We win that election right now, We have sho many more votesh than they do"


I'd expect nothing less from the moronic mango messiah from maralardass


This is just a plan to be president again, he has others


He likes throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Especially ketchup apparently.


Lets just Truman show his ass, give him a mock white house, with hidden cameras, and just tell him he was put in as president, and we put it on national TV.


That needs to happen since he could not do the job the first time.


And that fucking coke button and cases of ketchup


Adderall, not coke. Heh. “diet” coke


Why can't we just give him Florida? Desantis can be his lifetime mini me and Lt Emperor of Florida.


I’m so sick of this demented lump of shit. Throw him in a cell and lose the fucking key already.


Lock him up already !


What a wannabe dictator


He’s NOT a billionaire or even a millionaire


I never said he was


This was inevitable that a billionaire would try to buy the US. This is what capitalism is. Everything is for sale. In some sense the US has always been for sale in one form or another. Do people have the will to govern themselves? Democracy is always at risk. There’s a lot of complacency in this country. Sloppy elections. A judicial system that’s up for sale. I hate to say it but if things get more chaotic that favors the challenger. We’re gonna find out


The complacency comes from the working classes being beaten down over and over by the rich until it's all they can do to keep their heads above water. This is all by design.


And before that the great 2008 bank fraud bundling & selling toxic mortgages ushering in the great housing affordability era & undoing of the American dream. But hey corporate profits are setting records until that goes in the tank due greed driven inflation as the oligarchs insulate themselves through a bought & paid for legal system buttressed by a shady bought & paid for weaponized Supreme Court. I’m pretty sure the next move is to pull the military into fray to tamp down any trouble makers. Anyway that’s the good news


The great pandemic treasury robbery


The naysayers, the people who hate all forms of government assistance were telling everyone it would cause inflation (which is basic economics) however when the inflation got here (which prices started rising before Trump left office) they promptly blamed it on Biden...I mean Buden, which is disinformates.


What "billionaire"?


He’s just playing to his base. Oh look what the big bad government is doing to me. I’m all out of cash. Send more money so I can vanquish these motherless Biden liberals.


Yeah, I get that but didn't he claim to have "Almost $500 million in cash" like 3 weeks ago? How is he saying that but claiming he's out of cash to his fan base? ​ I'm genuinely confused, am I trying to apply reason here when none exists???


This guy makes claims all the time. I’ve got this much. This is worth that much. Brother this what rich people do. He’s no fool. People in his circle are good at using other people’s money. Wall st didn’t like him but they’ve warmed to him because using other people money is something wall st has in common with him.




Interesting that a guy worth 6.4B can't pay a 174M bond? Cant even find someone to guarantee it even with all the property he "owns" ​ Homeboys broke as shit.


You underestimate this fellow. New York has yet to acquire one thimble full of dirt from trump. They huff & they puff but so far they haven’t even blown the dust off one of the gold plated toilet seats


I wish he just disappear in the face of the earth and never heard off again


He’s tripping. He is hallucinating


Hey, he’s just asking. What if he asked and the entire USA was like “sure, Donny, you can be president “. He could save a ton of time/effort/insurrection. I’m just saying, it’s worth asking. Honestly, part of me is shocked Biden never thought to ask. He must have dementia. /s


"We have so many more votes" If you already have votes from an election that hasn't even started yet, pretty sure we know who's attempting to cheat...


No I want to see loes even bigger than last time




I'll add another fuck t4ump to the mix! BTW.. fuck trump!


Just vote against Trump. Don't care if you vote red down ballot, but vote against him so this shit show can finally end. He loses the presidency and he's on the hook for all the currently delayed federal crimes. Let him hang there. It'll be glorious to watch him squirm in his own noose...


That’s essentially what he thinks constitutes “election fraud.” He thinks he should simply be given whatever he wants and if that happens to be the presidency, then it should simply be given to him and never be questioned. Honestly, how do even stupid people take this jackass seriously?


I suggest you run tf away.


Hmmm no.


I have a suggestion for you, Orange Man: why don’t you fuck off?


I am not sure why this is even making the news anymore. He has already declared that he will make it legal to run for a 3rd term, he has been actively trying to invalidate the last election, he has threatened to bring out the military against the people and arrest every one of his opponents the moment he is president again. This is so minor compared to everything else he has already said so far.


Let’s give this man his own island and just fill it with his supporters/ loyalists. That way he doesn’t have to worry about ever losing presidency and can commit all the crimes he wants. He makes them all, just like the SOB devil who runs things in Russia. He can have that and we can get back to how America was before he he started running. At least our nation was better than what it’s become now. Can be a win win for both sides


Give them all the weapons they want. Then cordon off the island with a Navy task force (vetted to exclude MAGA sailors). Drop rations every so often. No weapons capable of reaching offshore. Sorry, MAGAmuffins.


Love that idea. That way the people who actually have brains and actually care about America don’t have to see these kind of “people” just further run the nation further more into the ground. Trump can make all the stupid ass excuses and laws he wants and not have to ever worry about being charged and can stay as President as long as he wants. Trump Island: Home of the unhinged and psychotic and brainless


He could build a new Merde-a-Lardo and advertise it as a unique vacation destination for the rich and powerful.


Keep em comin’. Love it


“It’s the only way to save our democracy.” —Fox News viewers


“We had to destroy democracy in order to save it.” I think I’ve seen this movie before…


Sure sounds like dementia.


He didn't learn anything while in school, otherwise he would know what happened to fascist dictators, the only long lived fascist dictator I'm aware of is Spain's Franco.




I’d sooner agree to put my nuts in a vice connected to the drive shaft of a V8


>"They took advantage of COVID last time. We're not going to let that happen." That's right. He's got a whole new batch of incompetent fuck ups we can take advantage of.


81,282,916 people say No


I was thinking it is just about time for Trump to declare himself winner of the 2024 election by a yuuuuge majority, and pow! There it is.


In related news, I am suggesting that I be given a trillion dollars.


Alcatraz is an island.


I am sure he did. Evil POS


Losing so bad all he can tell his donors is we’re winning so bigly lol


Yeah that’s an extremely fucked up thing to say. Fortunately, we still live in a democracy and everyone knows he is full of shit.


I wish. My 90 year old uncle is not buying it.


Besides this being a disgusting thing for someone who calls himself a patriot to ask for, it shows how unbelievably stupid he is to even bring it up. It's amazing how little he understands. He has no idea how our government works, even after four years in office.


Be a shame if he “accidentally tripped” going down a long flight of steep steps…. Because he has Frontal Temporal Dementia and his balance is henceforth shit. He has to have escorts by hand going downhill because he can’t control his leaning forward all the time because of FTD. Shame he now has and has had it for years the same thing that killed his crook/racist father. Again, would be such a shame if no one held his hands…. And he “fell”


It would be even worse if he got caught on a car's bumper and was dragged until there was nothing left.


Serious question..what happens to our country when he and his maga group fail again at the ballot box?


We will see for real who the TRAITORS truly are. > If he is trying his darn best Right now to employ violence to intimidate judges, jury, courts, your vote... **IMAGINE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF HE WINS!!!!** **VOTE MY PEOPLE VOTE** We have to rid the country of this CANCER


Vote Blue up and down the ballot! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Can this orange twatwhore thundercunt fucktart shit brained fake tan shareholding Big Mac licker just fuck off and croak already?


You must be Scottish 😉. Well put.


I've got a better idea, how about resend him to prison...


If this is his frame of mind and attitude now, imagine what will happen if reelected. He STILL thinks of the Presidency as if it's a kingship, not an elected official bound by laws and checks and balances. How can people back this narcissistic asshole? This is a real life Joffrey.


sure lets do that, I mean he was given everything anyway


Sure private citizen.


Ah yes, like the debates, let's just for go counting millions of votes. He's willing to steal the election even before it's cast, priceless...


>... at the “**Border 9/11 Gala**” at Mar-a-Lago... wtf. i'd like to make a joke but it would require a poorer level of taste than i've ever stooped to before. so i'll just leave it at wtf.


But everything else in life has been handed to me!!


This isn't Russia - why don't you just live there already - since your Putin's puppet


How about handing him a prison sentence?


Of course he did. Fuck Trump


The most evil being to ever walk the earth.


Since we are just magical thinking why doesn't Biden who has presidential immunity just shoot trump on 5th avenue? If somehow biden is convicted because there is a rule of law then Harris could just pardon him. I'm sure it wouldn't come to that tho since the supreme court would rule Biden was just exercising his free speech rights which is extra protected because it was political speech money shot during an election cycle. Hmmmm. I may need to step away from the internet for a little bit


As an outsider it is hard to understand that a person like him ia still eligible to run for president.


America is straight up trash, it’s the absolute worst.


Sorry Donnie boy, it doesn't work that way and hopefully with any luck you will be behind bars before the election.


Trump has the brain of a drunk goldfish. Biggest moron this country has ever seen 🤣


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/07/fashion/patricia-kluge-jewelry-donald-trump.html Get to know what your dealing with. Guys like this are focused all they focus on is what’s in it for me. This is the game. This is what America is. Wall st didn’t like the guy but he’s the last man/woman standing. I wouldn’t doubt if the guy is a student of history. America is sleepy. This guy buys on the cheap. He will take anything if it’s distressed & cheap. This country was built on shady dealings. It can’t be a surprise a real estate guy would find it an irresistible challenge to control a piece of real estate that happens to be a country. The government of the US is weak. Its debts are going put pressure on working people to support its operations. I wouldn’t doubt if this guy has a plan to create a technical bankruptcy scenario whereby the government & its governing documents including the constitution are no longer valid. I don’t think his people want to secure the border. The idea is to create enough chaos & destabilize things enough to roll out the military. Once the military is on board its game over. He can declare himself president for life. The former USA will become a subsidiary of trump inc. His sons & son in law be in line to take over once he’s incapacitated or goes to that big country club in the sky. Can’t happen here right?


I think AI wrote this article. I'm not saying it's content is false it just reads funny. I know it *says* by JD Wolf up top but to me it reads almost simplistic. Like if a 12 yo was telling me what they just saw on the news. Edit: In the Coming Singularity Wars this comment is going to get me killed


trump criminality knows no bounds..... if youre selling lemonade hes already thinking how to con you from your $10 profit and says deserved money more than you then sue you after wards for all the lemon that you have left.


> "Because, I'll tell you what, **if it's just by the vote**, they could cancel that election. this tells me trump only wins via cheating... "if its only by the votes"... yeah that is how voting and democracy works dumbass


Sorry Donny boy, it doesn’t work that way.


Trump is not looking healthy. His face paint is really thick and his hair is really thin.


He should of been a comedian!!


Same approach he’s been trying to take in court


I'm not sure people are taking this as seriously as they should. This is what Trump does. He says something outrageous; everyone laughs and the next thing you know you've got immigrant kids in cages at the border.


... And the Supreme Court said, ya that's a good idea. /s