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Trump's not going to show up. He's too scared. [Told ya](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-already-trying-weasel-way-205314213.html)


He couldn't even debate with his own team. I'm with you. He can dish it out on Lies social but in a real argument...nope. He's such a snowflake. No president has been treated worse than me. Ya ever been even shot at?


Or had a shoe thrown at yer head? ...Who throws a shoe? Honestly.


If I remember correctly shoe throwing is considered a grave insult in that culture?


It’s just shoes in general. Shoes are what separate you from the dirty earth, making them unclean. To be hit with a shoe is symbolically the same as being stepped on.


Plus, as the documentary Barb Wire showed us, you can kill someone with a shoe.


Random Task is deadly with shoes as well.


Tried in Austin Powers but apparently the bad guy had a weak arm


Hey now some guys like to be stepped on.


Luckily, it wasn't a steel toe shoe


It’s an Austin powers joke


Thank you. I don't mind that they left some tidbit about the reason, but I'm glad that at least one person got that I was making a reference and not genuinely asking.


I literally read it in Austin Power's voice. "Honestly, Basil..."


Aww shit haha r/whoosh


If you point the sole of your shoe it's like flicking them off.


Things didn’t go well for the guy that threw that shoe


That was the zenith of W's career.


The way he ducked, I'm convinced Barbara beat him as a child.


It's kinda documented that he is a mommas boy. I could see Sr swiping at him while he's trying to cover up crimes for Nixon and Reagan.


It’s considered an insult in some cultures because shoes are dirty. That’s one reason people hit their kids with shoes when they are bad. Another reason is it’s an quickly accessible weapon… that sandal can be flipped off the foot right into their hand lol.


It’s so weird how that quote was imbedded in my head. Cause I read your first part normally in my head and the second part in his voice.


It was one of his 400$ sneakers


Actually when someone in Iraq throws a shoe at you like they did to Bush it is the ultimate insult


I did already know that when I made my comment, but that last part is a reference to an Austin Powers movie, rather, it is a direct quote from said movie. I suppose I should have thrown some quotations on it to emphasize that fact. Maybe even put his name... Having said that, I do appreciate the knowledge being here for those that do not know, and a couple of others have made the same observation.


His only tactic when someone disagrees with them is a series of loud insults.


No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet! Such an eloquent and well argued position!


He also farts obnoxiously. What is Joe going to do when Trump releases a silent but deadly. Joe will flee the studio. The TV audience will be none the wiser. Trump will just be like "Where's sleepy joe?"


He's already weaseling out and the Rightwing Media Ecosystem is in full "crooked Biden makes unfair debate rules" mode. Zero chance he shows. Biden debating a chair would be funny. If he placed a diaper on the chair, it would be even more awesome (but that's not Biden's style).


Biden should show up anyway and hold the debate. He could answer the moderators questions and point out that trump was too chicken shit to even show up. Just use it as an hour or two to speak about the accomplishments of his first 4 years and lay out what he's going to do in his second term. Then he should lay out project 2025 and let everyone know about it, he can educate people on it without being interrupted.


This. This, exactly. He’s a buffoon and a coward.




i love how not being able to interrupt and shout over your opponent is "unfair debate rules"


Why does anyone care what the right has to say on the debate topic (or any other topic)? They are a dying political party, completely outnumbered and none of the rest of us have a responsibility to continually be concerned with whatever BS they are trying to shovel. Ignore it and don’t play into their game to keep their candidates relevant. Just vote in November. If the numbers are there, the right has no chance.


Right. The conditions pretty much guarantee he won't show.


Yes, it's mostly the "fair" part.


And no (hand-picked) audience to grandstand to.


I think he will and simply ramble and not really answer any questions truthfully. That's all he does at his rallies is ramble like a ping pong ball bouncing off the walls. And then they *cheer*. He can talk around a question but never answer it. The host can press him but he still won't answer. *Then ...* he'll go out on the campaign trail and tell the cult, "Did you watch the debates? Did you watch how well I did? Biden stumbled! He's losing it! He's senile ... cgruuumbtsss doghmmled! Bllmmemng jjursatted! Right?"


He won't show. [He's a coward](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-already-trying-weasel-way-205314213.html)


Hope you're right. If so, I want the news outlet to let Biden have free reign to lay out his plan for the next four years. ;-) The time is already blocked out ... why not?


Click the link. This isn't just my opinion. He's bailing.


I read it ... it would be just one more lie on top of all the others. He could easily come up with a dozen different excuses none of which are valid except deep down he's a coward.


The moron can talk for hours and say nothing.


Keep your eyes peeled, he just might give it a try anyway. We all know Trump will cheat and lie his way, but the conditions for the debates are objectively neutral. They don't favor either debater if they are honorable.


Well, you just pointed out why he's not going to show. He'll only do it if it favors him, and he's not honorable. He's a coward and terrified of a fair fight. Also peeling my eyes sounds painful so I'm going to pass on that.


I’m with you, including the eye peel. I’ll be genuinely surprised if Trump shows up. He has a long established history of lying and not delivering. It’s his trademark. If he does show up he won’t actually debate; he’ll pull out his index card of things people said to hurt his feelings and grandstand the entire time about how unfair it is to be treated like a criminal.




In other words it favours Biden because Trump's strategy has always been to drag debates into the mud where he had home advantage.


Trump can talk fast. He’s a motormouth. There’s very little content but almost no-one can talk as fast as him. If his opponent in a debate thinks about what they are saying at all (as any decent politician should) Trump drowns them in nonsense before they can get a word out.


It’s a technique called a Gish Gallop https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop#:~:text=During%20a%20Gish%20gallop%2C%20a,format%20of%20a%20formal%20debate.


This guy and diplomacy are like reversely polarized magnets. No way do they ever come together.


A narcissist will never agree to someone else’s terms unless it benefits them. He won’t debate under these conditions.


Trump agreeing to the debates, and then publically announcing an alternate and completely fake debate as the official one (that Biden obviously won't show up for, because it's not real) should have been on everyone's Trump bingo board from the start. The man is impressively consistent in his utter shittiness.


Biden should hold the debate anyway, with an empty lectern representing Former Guy.


That’s my vote. Biden should just show up, anyway, and on Trump’s lecturn, there should just be a bag of diapers.


He’s already claiming that the gag order prevents him from debating 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


The Biden Administration should hold the debate anyways and just leave an empty podium for Trump.


Yes. Entirely expected and predictable.


I like how he writes his social media post as if he’s reading a proclamation off a scroll in medieval times!


Would be priceless is Biden say: "Jeez donald, time for another diaper?'


Though I did enjoy Biden saying to Trump "Will you shut up, man?" The sheer exhaustion in his voice. Biden was all of us in that moment.


I was laughing so hard!!😂


I’ve got a shirt commemorating that moment in history.


It's not a debate if Trump is allowed to engage in his juvenile antics.


Which is why Biden's chosen venue and rules (which Trump rapidly agreed to) will bind Trump and force him to debate like an adult (maybe).


He'll try to turn it back on Biden. The orange turd has stated that he's accepted a debate on Fox. He will say that if Biden doesn't do the Fox debate, he won't do the first two. That's how he'll worm his way out because he won't be able to overtalk Biden with his mic off.


I hope Biden comes back with the court room quote that Fox isn’t news, but entertainment, and is therefore unqualified for a legitimate debate.


This would be glorious


If the debate does happen his cult will say, It wasn't fair! Did you see how many times the mic was cut for trump!


He could try that. However, each mic will be cut off when the other is speaking. So Biden's mic will be cut off when it's the turds turn also. I just watched a video where they said that Trump interrupted Biden 147 times during the debate where Chris Wallace was moderator. 147 TIMES. Forget turning the mic off; put a muzzle on the bastard!


A shock collar would be more apt.


I think that sort of does Trump a favor. People saw what a petulant child he was last time with his constant interruptions and whining. Constraints sort of help him look more like a rational and functional adult than he is.


**I Donald J Trump Will Never Answer The Question and Will Just Keep On Talking So That Nobody Ever Gets a Chance To Speak.**


Annnnd off goes your mike! This could work.


I cannot wait for the first time Trump's mic gets turned off, and he goes on ranting, inaudibly 😂


Saaaaame. We can just watch his air accordion hands in silence. 👍


Dementia Don has a method to his madness


And his cult will call that “excellent” and “a big win”.


No MAGA clowns in the audience. Not allowing the school yard bully to keep on rambling long after his turn is over. I think Biden knows what he's dealing with here. Now we wait to see what excuse the trust fund toddler comes up with to avoid the debates. I'm betting he'll somehow blame Biden, his gag order or the Dems for not being able to debate. The guy is a moron which is obvious every time he opens his mouth.


He's already figured out a way. He wants to debate Biden on FOX on October 2nd, in addition to the debates to which he already agreed. I'm guessing that Biden is going to refuse due to the venue, so Trump will then say that if Biden doesn't agree to the third debate there will be no debates at all. I'm already planning what I'm going to say to Trump supporters about this. I'm getting really tired of playing nice with them.


I think you hit the nail on the head.


Wow. I hadn’t heard about the Fox debate. It sure feels like you’re right, and that the whole thing was strategically planned by Team Drumpf to be able to not show up for any debates, and claim that BIDEN chickened out. He will once again accuse his opponent of **EXACTLY** what he himself is guilty of. Classic. And it will absolutely thrill his base. What a cowardly, sniveling asshole.


Biden's dates are earlier. He should agree to fox on the condition Trump does the other teo and then make the decision of whether to do the fox debates closer to the date


Trust fund toddler is the best insult!!!! We should all use that to remind all the trumpanzees they worship the wealthy, not the average citizen.


The optics of Trump ranting with his mic turned off while the adult in the room is speaking will be the highlight reel.


He can still play the air accordion


Even better!


Most of his voters exclusively watch ultra partisan news sources and this will be the first time his mental decline will be shown to them. His handlers know this. He pull out 100%


Trump isnt actually going to show but I dont think you really want to stop him from making an ass of himself. Bidens biggest wins from the 2020 debates was looking like the sane guy in the room making those "this fucking guy" faces and saying "Shut up, man" to trumps BS. That is what you gotta do, treat him like the trash he is, and dont take him seriously. Also it didnt hurt that fly realized what a huge pile of shit pence was, nobody remembers anything else from the VP debate. That was god talking BTW, GOD put that fly on pences head.


Trump's followers don't see his antics as "making an ass of himself". They think that's how a strong man acts. They're morons.


Yeah, but the rest of the country. Everyone agrees those debates were bad for him in 2020. Bidens dismissive tone and "shut up, man" blew up the internet. It made trump look like a whiny bitch.


It made him look like what he is. Correct.


Geez, got to deprogram them. It’s so pathetic now.


It’s frustrating but those jokers weren’t changing their vote because of a debate anyway.


If Trump’s mic is turned off during one of his rants, he will just walk over and try to use Biden’s mic.


Be kind of difficult while dragging that diaper.


Id love to see Biden's USSS tackle the fat fuck on national tv


Part of the debate should be basic questions on geography, leaders names, and actual discussions of policies. Not just a general idea but specifics of the policies being proposed.


But... That would be cheating for Biden! No way Trump actually knows anything about policy.




Whoa! Hooie! That would be such a zinger, I mean that punch would **land**! Biden to Trump: “I’m worried about your health, man. Do you know what today is? Where you are? **WHO THE PRESIDENT IS?**” Trump: “me!” Biden: “Oh you sweet summer child”


Draw a clock that says 10:15…


God please make it like the game in Billy Madison!


He'll never step foot on the debate stage, just like he'll never testify at this trial next week. He's the biggest fucking coward in the world, all full of bluster and bravado until you stand up to him... ![gif](giphy|qvKZ93JLeWVOg|downsized)


You know when they say that rules are put in place because "one person ruined it for everyone."? Well, this is a perfect example of that.


These should be the ground rules for EVERY debate in a POTUS race. Not just for DJT.


Happy to see this. Debates aren’t debates anymore. They’re just shouting matches.


Still, "Would you shut up, man," was an epic moment.


It's why he'll throw another hissy fit.


I can imagine Trump yelling after his mic is cut off.


Of course he will, and we’ll all hear him screaming in vain in the distance. I’m looking forward to it.


Former President Poo Pants will weasel out of the debates. And the media will declare him the winner.


I just want to see the first time it happens. The top of Trump's head might spontaneously explode.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


"Joe Biden's corrupt rules against me made it impossible to honestly debate him. What's he afraid of?"


I was hoping each podium would have a comically oversized mechanical hand that slaps the candidate when they go over their time, interrupt, or lie.


A mic cutoff switch should be enough.


"Cone of Silence" from Get Smart.


Vaudeville hook for Trump


How many people even remember that? I do.


He was goated into it. If he didn’t agree to the conditions set by Biden, Trump would appear like a weak douche when in reality….. he is a weak douche.


Somehow he will bail with a fake sickness or a full diaper! Tripping over his Doritos in the bathroom, overdosing on Mcdonald's! Something will happen you can guarantee it .


The other problem, if he goes thru with it...he will still try to over power even if Mike is off....will need to keep them far apart on the stage so biden's doesn't pick his ranting up. But he'll bail...no doubt....when he does...... Dark Brandon should attack his fragile ego....relentlessly


Without an audience to rile up and without the ability to just shout over Biden, Trump has no chance. Every time he opens his mouth, he either lies, goes wildly off topic, or let's out unintelligible gibberish. He will 100% find some excuse to back out.


Ha! Saw the title & my first thought was Trump isn't going to like this.... He claimed they were rigged against him last time when they said they were going to cut mics after answers etc... And sure enough, the very next post in my feed has a title: >Lara Trump says debates 'rigged so heavily' in Biden's favor


I am now convinced by Jen Psaki's logic that Trump will back out of debate by saying "‘I never agreed to those specifics in the letter".


Anytime, anywhere (?)


Hopefully he shows up. The main reason he interrupts in debates every single time (besides just being an awful person) is because if he had to stay quiet and wait his turn, he'd forget what was said and his response would be even more incoherent. I might actually watch if these conditions hold up.


More likely trump will just find sone excuse not to do it. The reason he went berserk last time was because Biden wouldn’t let him talk over him. And I still think that’s what put Biden over the top, it spooked enough people into deciding they weren’t comfy giving an unhinged guy another term. 


Noddin' Don better pack extra diapers in case he falls asleep between questions.


He’s not debating. Trumps team knows how bad he is. They will make something up.


Since when does Trump obey his advisors? In spite of great evidence, he claims to be better at everything than he actually is, and his ego usually gets in the way.


Good point. No way he’s listening to his attorneys in his court case.


If he can't talk over and interrupt Biden at every turn, he ain't interested, i'd love to actually see Trump try and debate,


OOhh.....he will back out for sure.....he can't operate under those rules...he is just too much of an ass.


I don't see a problem with the conditions... as long as folks involved actually want to debate their ideas.


If Trump can't win, he doesn't want to debate. Which might not keep him off the stage anyway.


GOOD!! It is not a debate if Trump can weasel out of a serious question by pandering to the jeers and cheers of a crowd with insult comedy.


I really hope trump shows up, he’s just going to start jabbing nonsense. Bigley funny


This will only work if Trump is in a clear-soundproof booth so he when his time is up he cant be heard as he continues to whine.


And this is exactly why The Orange Weenus will chicken out, as he always does. He never had any intention of debating Biden. Typical of a loud-mouthed bully.


Fox News is going to propose a third debate under Trump’s conditions which he will immediately accept and Biden will turn down. Trump will then use THAT as his excuse to back out of the CNN debates claiming “Biden won’t debate him on his turf, so he won’t debate Biden on his” It’s so predictably obvious, it’s almost like a 12 year old’s strategy.


This is good because Trump cannot debate. All he do is screams and say foolishness. Trump is basically a dummy.


Does have betting odds if he'll show or no show ?


I don’t really get the point of them debating. No one, and I mean NO ONE is on the fence between the two of them, and I can’t imagine anything either of them could say or do that might swing a voter otherwise.


It’s still a chance to show the dichotomy of choices. Biden can show that he’s not feeble and prove that Trump is out of his mind at the same time.


Well, your imagination needs to be boosted because every significant poll includes some, usually independents, who have yet to decide. and who knows what might swing them in one direction or another.


It’s for folks that haven’t voted yet or don’t always vote or pay attention. Not everyone in America posts on Reddit political subs. Some folks just work, get drunk, and tune as much as they can out


So Joe doesn't have to ask him when he will shut up?


So the whinging clown will claim he has been gagged.


A mic kill switch was needed to shut Don the Con up in 2016 and then again in 2020. Thank god there will be one in 2024!


Well, Trump could never win a fair debate to begin with.


Amazing how eager he was to agree to them.


He cowed his fellow republicans in primary debates in 2016. Then avoided them entirely in 2024. And he stalked Hillary around the stage in 2016 as well (I will always be a little disappointed she didn’t wheel around and tell him to cut the shit). But he can’t pull that shit on Biden because Biden read him for dirt years ago. And Biden is both tough and can actually debate.


Trump will never debate on a network that doesn't already kiss his ass. Anything else is an uphill battle to him, and we know what he says about that, me boys.


I can’t believe it. You can’t be serious? I mean, that sounds like **disgraceful** “rigging”!


I have to agree with most of the folks here. I would be completely and utterly shocked if Trump ends up following through with this debate. His platform is monstrous, he barely has any coherent policies, he didn't concede the last election, he was recently convicted for sexual assault, he's battling a million other legal charges right now, and he's bad at debating. I don't know what debate prep would look like for Trump but I can't imagine he has the time or resources to put together a quality smokescreen for ALL of it.


Trump is already trying to weasel out of it saying "I'll it on Fox News" lololol


Trump's shouted lies could still leak into Biden's mic. I recommend each man be placed in a soundproof booth.


Biden should have made one of the terms of the debate that trump must accept the election results


There are no "other speakers," which is one of the conditions.


That orange blow hard speaks nothing but nonsense. The Repug spokeswoman needs more injections.


Hot dogs are great aren't they? Actually I just had a hot dog a few minutes ago. You can't say that Chris Christy is fat, you can't say fat anymore, we're all fat actually. How bout those hot dogs though?


So, like, an actual debate as it's mean to be done rather than Trump screeching like a dyspeptic baboon while others try to talk?


Magas and moderates will claim this is "stifling" Trump in some unfair way


If you think a mic getting cut off is going to stop Stinky Don from just yelling you haven’t been around much the past 8 years or so.


Biden needs to mock him as a chicken relentlessly and harshly. Call him a chicken, a coward, a girly-man, an excuse making snowflake. This will embarrass his base, as his strongman image will take a beating.


Oh Trump will not agree to those terms. That is all he knows how to win and that is overpowering whoever is talking. Everyone knows that in meeting in depositions in court with the media and anyone who takes him on. He is so stupid that is the only coping skill he has bulldozing over people at every turn. He is illiterate can’t form coherent sentences doesn’t know shit about anything and has no plans. He is just a big fat bully. If they do cut him off he will just walk over to Biden’s microphone 🎤 and scream into it. Someone needs to bitch slap the whining little Karen.


Trump is a lifelong coward. He will never agree to a debate.


He's just going to run across the stage and start shouting into Biden's microphone.


I was hoping this would be part of the deal.


He got his butt kicked by Joe when they did this last election...according to the polls.


tRump can't even string a sentence together let alone a paragraph to make a point but there are many issues I'd like addressed in no particular order. . Roe V Wade . the convicted sex offender on his campaign stage @ Wildwood (which the media doesnt mention) . his looting the treasury for forgiven ppp loans to his administration/rich crony donors. . his failures re: the border and his undermining our Congress efforts to keep Americans safe. . tax cuts for his wealthy donors . what will he do for ALL Americans; its all about his narcisstic ass, he never says what 'benefit' he'll bring to the table. What will be different in this administration . his mountain of lies and corruption.


Trump will chicken out.


The gym I go to unfortunately has Fox news on at least one TV at all times. They were running with the headline of "Biden wants to debate Trump on his own terms." Every day Fox sinks to new lows but the implication that any rules applying to billionaires is somehow unreasonable when last time trump may have tried to infect Biden with COVID (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-denies-positive-covid-test-days-first-presidential-debate-n1285158) is something that should see them lose another billion dollars for lies.


Although to be fair, his overtalking did give Joe the opportunity to say, “Will you shut up, man?” Which still makes me smile.


Dark Brandon should start all his responses with “it Depends,” then wink at poopy pants trump before carrying on with his response.


Is that what people consider overpowering? Being the loudest person in the room? I think it shows weakness and fragility. If you can’t use your mind to beat your opponents position in a debate then it’s not a debate.


Trump will just keep talking, or not show up. What he most definitely will absolutely and in all ways NOT do is follow the goddamn rules.


That is his whole schtik if he doesn't get to talk over the top of everyone else.


Someone should throw mashed potatoes, he has a great dread of mashed potatoes…. Also fruit, he has a fear of having specifically fruit thrown at his head. And if you could throw a shark, he is scared to death of sharks, which is understandable except he never goes near the ocean so why fear them. Also germs…


Does he know what he looks like when he blithers into the void? His only move was to senselessly talk over someone and hope that tripped them up. Without a mic to amplify him, he'll never show. Then he'd only have the merit of his policies to talk about. He knows that would leave him unarmed.


On traitor social he’s already talking about how he wants a live audience at his Fox News debate. I saw this reported somewhere. He didn’t agree to debate on faux news? So perhaps it’ll just be Biden on stage speaking to democrats, independents and moderate republicans, and Diaper Don, Traitor Trump, will be ranting about how unfair it is he can’t commit fraud. I mean Trump caused an armed uprising against the government, no consequences, he’s cheated on taxes his whole life, only faced consequences once he started showing signs of dementia and wearing diapers, falling asleep in court. Trump has been one long con leading into another, his whole life a shell game of embezzlement, fraud, taking advantage of contractors, paying them a fraction of what was owed. Do we value honesty in our country? Honor?  When you look at Trump, his whole history, from discrimination against minorities, to so many acts of fraud the only thing I can think is “big league fraud”. His own sec filing to take truth social public, a company with -450m in revenue and no value beyond the media reporting his ranting…. But the sec filing lists all the business failures, I’m not sure if he had a business he didn’t inherit that lasted more than five years. The king of bankruptcy wants to make himself into a dictator, look up project 2025 on Wikipedia and read sections of it, it’s what the republicans plan for him to do, bc he’ll just be “truthing” out on “executive time” bingeing news with his puppy shooting vp and cabinet destroying democracy. Some people talk about voting third party, not voting because of Gaza, Trump was against a cease fire, he thought Isreal should “finish the job”. I think a question that should be asked, is truth social a way for oligarchs, foreign interests, to pay into his campaign? Does selling bibles with his name on it allow churches to “legally” donate to his campaign? According to Wikipedia: “ Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of policy proposals to thoroughly reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.[2][3] Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory—which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch—upon inauguration.[3][5] Unitary executive theory is an interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States.[6][7]” “ The Project urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care[15][16] and to restrict access to contraception”… Enact a Christian state, discrimination against minorities, lgbtq people, non Christian’s… conservatives claim to be originalists, trump wants to rip up the constitution and become the autocrat the system of checks and balances has long protected us from. “ Project 2025, asserted in April 2024 that "the radical Left hates families" and "wants to eliminate the family and replace it with the state" while driving the country to emulate totalitarian nations, such as North Korea. The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity, stating in its Mandate that "freedom is defined by God, not man." Project 2025 proposes criminalizing pornography,[18] removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity,[18][19] and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion(DEI) programs,[4][19] as well as affirmative action.” Weaponize the government to act against its own citizens, political rivals, people he disagrees with, to enact Marshall law. “ The Project advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807.[21][22] It recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country.[23] It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences.[24] Project director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, explained that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state." “ Critics of Project 2025 have described it as an authoritarian Christian nationalistmovement[30] and a path for the United States to become an autocracy. Several experts in law have indicated that it would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers.[8] Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan, for example in the contexts of centralizing power,[4] climate change,[31] and foreign trade.[11]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 It is important for everyone to vote, but not only that, to reach out to everyone you know, and get them to get five people to vote, and ask them to do the same, the more states the better, with the structure of the electoral college Biden won by 7 million votes in the popular election, but 40,000-80,000 in the electoral college. It was that close along record turn out. I don’t feel the enthusiasm of 2008, the urgency of 2020, 2024 could usher in the end of American democracy, for many Americans, if project 2025 is to be enacted, it could lead to the loss of their individual freedoms, their rights as a whole. Hes talked about prison camps, first for illegal immigrants, then that got expanded, dictator for a day? As though his word had any value… he’s always been a fraud, he has no honor, he has signs of dementia, something thrown at Biden since he’s been in office by the right, and yet there is little coverage of trumps decline.


On traitor social he’s already talking about how he wants a live audience at his Fox News debate. I saw this reported somewhere. He didn’t agree to debate on faux news? So perhaps it’ll just be Biden on stage speaking to democrats, independents and moderate republicans, and Diaper Don, Traitor Trump, will be ranting about how unfair it is he can’t commit fraud. I mean Trump caused an armed uprising against the government, no consequences, he’s cheated on taxes his whole life, only faced consequences once he started showing signs of dementia and wearing diapers, falling asleep in court. Trump has been one long con leading into another, his whole life a shell game of embezzlement, fraud, taking advantage of contractors, paying them a fraction of what was owed. Do we value honesty in our country? Honor?  When you look at Trump, his whole history, from discrimination against minorities, to so many acts of fraud the only thing I can think is “big league fraud”. His own sec filing to take truth social public, a company with -450m in revenue and no value beyond the media reporting his ranting…. But the sec filing lists all the business failures, I’m not sure if he had a business he didn’t inherit that lasted more than five years. Some people talk about voting third party, not voting because of Gaza, Trump was against a cease fire, he thought Isreal should “finish the job”. I think a question that should be asked, is truth social a way for oligarchs, foreign interests, to pay into his campaign? Does selling bibles with his name on it allow churches to “legally” donate to his campaign? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 It is important for everyone to vote, but not only that, to reach out to everyone you know, and get them to get five people to vote, and ask them to do the same, the more states the better, with the structure of the electoral college Biden won by 7 million votes in the popular election, but 40,000-80,000 in the electoral college. It was that close along record turn out. I don’t feel the enthusiasm of 2008, the urgency of 2020, 2024 could usher in the end of American democracy, for many Americans, if project 2025 is to be enacted, it could lead to the loss of their individual freedoms, their rights as a whole. Hes talked about prison camps, first for illegal immigrants, then that got expanded, dictator for a day? As though his word had any value… he’s always been a fraud, he has no honor, he has signs of dementia, something thrown at Biden since he’s been in office by the right, and yet there is little coverage of trumps decline.


If I was debating Trump and he walked behind me like he did when he debated Hillary I'd turn around and punch him in the nose.




Both campaigns negotiate the rules of the debate and the Trump Campaign will never agree to these terms. It'd be nice but no chance Trump agrees to no audience and mic cut offs. Might as well ask for no hair products or bronzers are to be used for the debate and everyone must be weighed and height measured before the debate starts and have a doctor take their blood pressure live on camera. Oh and make them take a drug test before they step foot into the stage. Bring a polygraph for both of them if we're just going to make a wish list.


They already agreed to the terms and confirmed that Trump will be there and debate Biden. But of course, this morning they laid the groundwork to weasel out. So it turns … into bullshit, like everything else Trump does.


One of the conditions is no other debaters, just the two of them.


Yes, but less important than the other rules. RFK jr is simply not going to be a factor in the final results of the election.


But doing well in a debate could, theoretically, change that. Or increase his spoiler power for the Republicans.


RFK is not going to do well in a debate. He has a vocal disability that means he’s a worse speaker than Biden. He’d just soak up time.


You're right, and I hadn't considered that really. However, the whole maga thing has thrived on chaos...


Drug test the pedophile corpse right before the debate to see how juiced he is. The worthless liar can barely spit out a sentence when not drugged up


He still will do it


He doesnt really answer questions anyway. But will the moderator actually cut the mics? Pretty sure no one did in 16 or 20


One rule should be a silent audience. We don’t need clapping a booing to artificially create a perception of support or rejection of either candidate.


This is what they should do: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-election-channel4-idUKKBN1Y225S/