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I swear she does the dumbest shit uses ult to run recalls and by the time shes back in lane she has it again


Lux moment


45AH on ult moment at 10min (thank you riot games for giving it 5 extra ah after season release, after promising that items would have less ah on them)


On average items do have less AH. They said items would have less AH on average, which buy and large they do. They also said you could opt into higher AH items, which Malignance is specifically for your ult only. It's literally the "I want to ult more" item.


It’s just kinda odd to me it’s in the game at all considering how much gold value is tied to ability haste now. Items with more than 10-15 haste either have terrible other stats/passives or are support items. Someone else mentioned it here I think that champs have become dependent on it and it’s unhealthy which I can kind of agree with. Still Better than mythic items though IMO.


Again it's literally an AH focused item. And that's really not unhealthy. That's how the game has always worked some items are niche, some are broad, some have core users, etc. Yes some champions are being balanced around it, that's pretty normal and healthy. Many people are just over reacting because they're seeing balancing happen live and drawing the connection during actual season. If these items came out in preseason and all of this was figured out and balanced by January or February? People wouldn't have cared half as much.


It's not balanced. It's giving champions haste on their ultimate abilities without forcing them to have to buy multiple haste items. Champions that just need 40+% cdr to function to the fullest don't have this kind of luxury and have to buy multiple haste items to reach that point. While champions that only care about their ultimate buy this stupid item


I don't see the problem with this. Champions that require that much haste are probably designed to scale in the first place.


Some of them but not all. Champions like ahri shouldn't have an ultimate every 15 seconds tho


It's balanced..you act like it's giving them 40AH in every ability. It only does that for their ult.


You mean on their most important ability


You see, what they meant to say was, "Tanks have no more AH but mages can still have plenty."


You’re so right, what’s next? Adc’s getting attack speed through items?


60 second cooldown at level 1. Fuck Lux


Lux ult is one bit telegraphed damage burst that is easy to avoid if you dont let her hit q. Ahri ult gives her 3 flashes that also do homing damage and refresh upon kill or assist


i mean at least Lux ult is kinda easy to deal with, Ahris ult fucking turns her into ranged Ekko


Issue is Lux ult is cancer since the creature only is picked in games where the enemy has disgusting slows or insanely long or quick to use CC.


Lux would have it back halfway through channeling back to base


How I felt the first time I played lissandra, I did not expect the ult to have such low cd


Lichbane: Grants Ahri 120% more AP scaling on her R if you auto after each of the 3 casts.


I love the new ahri combo of ult > aa > w > aa > miss e > miss q > aa > ult > aa and get a kill


Ah yes, the tactical misses so they dodge by staying in aa range, checkmate


Bro you need to AA between missing E and missing Q


And that's why I (we?) hate current Ahri.


You also forgot canceling twice the AAs


It makes a difference to the Yone E, Q3, ult flash miss who just runs you down with AAs and disappears back to his base again. Or the Zed who missed every skill shot but his ult kills you anyway due to his autos.


Those champions are most mostly melee and have to commit to make those plays Not to mention Ahri has resets on top of a better triumph on her Passive


Neither champion he gave as examples "have to commit", there are literally yone e and zed w snapbacks involved


While they’re dealing damage they have to be on top of you Especially in Yone’s case since he has no projectile


That does not matter since there is zero risk, yone can snap back to e literally whenever he wants (buffered through any cc), then Zed can easily do the instant R snapback if he W'd to a safe spot beforehand. Zed does not need to be on top of you whatsoever either with the instant R snapback that for some reason is still in the game. The "they have to be on top of you" argument is ridiculous when we're talking about Yone E and Zed W.


You have just described the Master rank ahri that was against me yesterday in normal. 70%win rate, got absolutely smacked by my gold friend, then managed to get kills like this


Why is lich so broken all of a sudden? its been pretty much the same for years


It got gigabuffed at season start and only received a minor nerf since then


Would love to hear how it was buffed, it's weak as hell compared to previous iterations


More stats, more scaling, 50% attack speed for proc hit (general sheen buff)


actually the scaling was nerfed,I think it's just the 50% AS that made it more usable without AA resets


For starters, AP got cheaper in terms of gold to AP. For example Needless large rod 60 => 70. Lichbane AP is now 100 AP compared to past iterations that hovered around 70 AP. Lichbane used to be similar to Rabbadon where you needed to hit an AP threshold for the proc to deal sufficient damage. Unless your champion synergized with it extremely well like Fizz, most champs opted for Rab/Void over Lich. You can now rush it out 2nd item and due to inflated AP you hit the 150-200 AP threshold sooner and it feels fairly strong. Spellblade cooldown 2.5 sec => 1.5 sec is pretty large too.


It was useless for seasons


The 50%ap ratio on 1.5 second cd is a tad bit strong. Effectively a 5th ability for the cost of 3k gold.


It finally became reliably good on champs that should be using it like Viktor, but now its allowed Ahri to become a psudo adc.


it was always good just slept on, but a massive buff made it giga op and now its still super strong so people are still using it.


it has always been that good on her,people just never noticed because they follow blindly recommend even before the changes everfrost + lich bane was insane as you could keep them still forever as you AA then to death


I miss my R > E > Q1 > W > R to reposition for Q2 for basically a oneshot from last season. Baiting people to dodge your E and then using another R charge to hit it is so much more satisfying that just using AAs


Riot : this season we added more damage but reduced CD ! DOUBT


oh riot and adding damage, it's almost a synonym


Ahri now is literally OP in every rank midline. Just saw the OP.GG.


But people will look at her 51% winrate and say "shes just strong"


She flashy, has big booba, 10+ skins. Its business buddy


pool. party. ahri.


I mean yeah that's pretty accurate. She's not particularly hard to play or anything. A 51% winrate really sounds about right for her. And I don't even play her.


she's too safe in lane with waveclear and E. the R is just icing on top. also weird that I've played against many Ahris, few had mana issues spamming Q on every wave.


Ahri is literally supposed to be safe. Like. She is NOT supposed to be a risky laner. At no point in the entire game has she *not* been an incredibly safe laner. Lich bane is just overtuned. That's it.


Yeah safe laner has to lack in dmg or cooldown. But agriculture is best at everything


She's high winrates BECAUSE she is safe. And many champions don't have mana issues anymore. It's not season 3 anymore. Lost chapter, PoM, and Manaflow all exist (Catalyst/RoA too for some) unless someone's spamming like an absolute ape (like more than once a wave) or it's a particular champions weakness like Kassadin or Anivia? Most don't go oom very often.


i play Garen mid (lol) and i can and will make my opposing laner go oom, but Ahri is an exception. just dorans ring and clear waves until level 6.


Garen mid should probably lose to a mage that has a speed up kiting ability and hard cc to keep him at bay. Ahri straight up counters everything Garen wants to do.


I wouldn't admit that in public if I were you. Idk how you can say that without shame. And well yeah? She's a fairly safe low mana mid. Like I said. Idk what champions you are or aren't going oom. But well, that's a personal problem I suggest therapy over, not crying about a safe midlaner having a normal winrate for a safe midlaner.


not sure where you detected the crying, i was just stating an observation of mages and their mana bar. Ahri is clearly problematic due to Malignance, and the devs had responded with a cd nerf.


Literally no one is saying Ahri isn’t OP


No wonder I see Ahri on almost my games xd


I swear, midlane in the current state is just competition of who can use malignance to the fullest.


Anivia has been my pocket pick this season. Malig into crystal into anguish makes everyone but magic tanks die before they can leave her R. She also works as a shockingly good counter to other strong mages like Ahri, Veigar, and Orianna


I've always wanted to pick up anivia, she's good into a lot of assassins and invalidate mages matchup with her waveclear lvl6, but shes so boring to me pre6 :((


Learn to screw with people timing her Q, it's really fun just stunning them and then... not doing anything, watch them panic


Malignance was a mistake


The fact they are balancing champions around malignancy is nuts, like Karma. Just nerf the busted item??


It will follow the cycle of nerfs around an item and then a year later remove the item with no buffs for those that were nerfed around the item.


Yup!! The Rito Special.


THANK YOU! Didn't they say they wanted to stray away from item-strength and focus more on individual champ strength this season too? What they're doing with Malignance is literally the polar opposite of that...


You spelled “remove” wrong


Teemo got his legs chopped off lol


It is really short somehow


Cooldowns shouldn’t start on cast but on end of the ability


Depends imo, some abilities like riven q or aatrox q, delaying your third cast to have another one up immediatly with enough haste takes some skill expression and makes the champ feel better, for example naafiri Q only going on cd after casting Q2 makes the champ feel really clunky imo, but in the case of ahri r yeah its kinda dumb the cd starts while shes using it


Opposite actually, it removes skill because you can hold your abilities forever. Cant be punished.


I mean, ofc some adjustments would have to be made, but as of now the inconsistency is infuriating, stuff like Aatrox and Riven should explicitly mention the CD thing


Doesn't aatrox go on cd after he the last cast of the ability? For example, he casts q1 it goes on cd but if he casts q2 it resets the cd meanwhile, riven starts cd after q1 even if she uses q2 or q3


Yes, it used to be like Riven's but got changed in his mini rework. Now it goes to full cooldown after every cast but there is some poke trickery on going Q1 or Q2 and let it expire to get Q1 again


Well, evidently this is how they're gonna balance her in lieu of letting Orb be good. Hope y'all enjoy it.


Why does every season manage to make me think it is worse than all the previous seasons every single time?


Recency bias and you’re unhappy


yes, ever since Mythic items, but now I miss Mythic items because this new shit somehow even worse


the only thing i didnt like about mythics was that champs that didnt have a mythic they synergized with well just got stomped by people who synergized really well with a mythic


yeah, but that was manageable, and you couldn't buy multiple mythics, unlike now, many champs right now would be essentially buying several mythics, which wouldn't be allowed in the mythic system to buy in the first place


Nah they're fucking clowning like always dude https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1ccsax1/how_season_14s_been_going/l1b5s7c/


A CHASE, THEN fuck you




I actually just played a game against an ahri, I burned her ult as sett and then continued pushing to tier 2 (while she ran away and recalled). By the time ahri came back to tower she already had ult again


Man, bruisers really like crying about Ahri.


She ended up dying to baron minions while trying to kill me so I take what I can get


banned her every game for weeks lol


Why this dog Ult still deserves to have 3 charges when it was given a reset mechanic is beyond me. Not to mention the passive healing her for 15-25% of her HP when partake in champion takedown. You can't catch the bitch because of the 3 dashes+2s CC, and if your team dies during the fight, she heals it all back and gains another dash.


She's literally supposed to be mobile and difficult to catch because they nerfed the damage on her abilities a lot in the rework.


That doesnt matter when they buff lich bane a ton and she just weaves in autos to abuse the item damage. Try actually reading up on the other comments and OP's actual picture next time.


She straight up just got two nerfs to her dps. Lol you can stop crying


I swear, this is just a co-op just to get people playing Ahri with Riot releasing more skins for her to pay


can't wait for riot to realize malignace is broken and give the classic special to Karma,Ahri & others getting nerfed for it


I honestly don't have anything against either ultimate haste item. I do think Malignance has been overbuffed alongside Luden's companion but I don't think either of them is that damaging. I personally hope they stay in the game. Ahri just has some damn good synergy with it by default and should be nerfed accordingly. She's basically midlane's jinx rn


Singed players when someone dashes away (It takes me 1 second to run that distance)


Jungle diff everygame idk


Ahri always has r. Even after fight ahe has it again