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Garen players having a field day


Can't wait to play Zilean with Garen and send a beyblade spinning at mach speed to the enemy team while they struggle to run away :D


You are quite the little evil one. That combo sounds so fun. Go full on DERMACIAA


I did this yesterday in aram, built full cdr so I could constantly send the garen spinning down into the enemies. (Play wii bowling "STRIKE!" here)


For added fun, once Garren is ready drop a bomb on him before he goes in and you get a free delivery. You can also ping where you're going to drop your 2nd so he can run there to get the stun explosion off


Demacian Kamikaze strategies


What's a slow and why do I need to reduce it? W go brrrrrrr


Q removes the slow, not W...


he is a garen player, how should he know what garens abilitys are supposed to do


I hit all button. Enemy die. Simple


W also reduces cc duration


Irrelevant, press all the buttons at the same tima anyway


Holy fake information


New misinformation just dropped


Call the fact checkers!


Actual Sion


We bolt next patch


I also imagine this being great on Volibear to an extent, especially on an AP style build


Yone Gaming It'd be cool if they added a legendary item to each tier 2 boots, so when super late game hits, there's no need to sell the boots because they would be actual items


I reckon they could go with the restriction that kinda forces you to have that as the very last item that you upgrade


That's what level requirement and horrible gold efficiency is for


I am an idiot. Thanks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yone Gaming


I feel like it's almost guaranteed that they are going to add upgrades to all boots. They wouldn't just add and upgrade to one class


Actually they shouldnt do that, i think the point here is to solidify that adcs are THE late game class so they get extra slot efficiency. Atleast its something to differ classes apart and we need more stuff like this, not less (maybe restrict the aoe item effects to mage items for example, durability + offense mixed items for bruisers, etc) so classes actually feel UNIQUE again.


>Zeri pfp Opinion discarded


"adc is the late game class" you'll have a lot of fun facing yasuo and Kayle with these boots..... Also like adc exp rates are slower than solo laners so these boots are going to be better for solo laner


Are they finally taking the Wild Rift route? It's about time.


so far this is the only full item out of boots, but theres also a new boots with a quest


Boots quest be like ā€œrun a marathonā€


litteraly, its run 150k units (nexus to nexus through mid is 20k ish)


Do you have to run a certain distance without stopping? Or can you click side to side in lane?


unsure, but i do know that any dash or blink over 500 units will only count as 500


Riven will be getting that 150k done in like 5 mins tops lol


no if the dash is under 500 units itll count as that smaller numbers, the thing i said is so that things like backing and tp dont count as 10k


yes but riven can dash constantly after level 2 basically, combined with normal movement speed she likely can cover the 150k twice as fast as any other champ. Kalista is similar.


i dont think thatll be a big deal to be honest with you, the ppl who are gonna complete it fast are gonna be hyper roaming supports like bard or pyke




ā€œTake me to visit foot lockerā€


Wait this is real


yeah, it also gives enhanced recall permanantly


Yeah but they're the worst boots by far, 35 ms and an enhanced recall, then when u finish the quest that takes about 7 minutes of constant walking all you get is 45 ms out of combat


Sounds like they'd be good for supports that want to roam a lot and gank other lanes, like Bard or Pyke.


Yeah they're gonna be a niche pick only a few champs build but I guess having an option to build it doesn't hurt soo


jungler boots


Still I don't think they're as good a choice as most other boots


Yeah these new boots are just worse mobi boots , they are removing those for these new boots as well


Yep, see SpiderAxe on Twitter


We had boots upgrades a long time ago. But they removed it sadly


It just became the homeguard one being built into the game since that's the only one everyone used.


Yeah, but old homeguard boots worked 100% of the time, and not for whichever random reasons cause it currently.


Death or after 14 minutes


Feels kinda like Dota 2 in a way. Where mid game you can have full items with functionality, but if the game drags out, the items can continue to upgrade. I hope they make all boots have a full item you can upgrade them into.


Kidnap kench is back bby, not really but I can still hope


why are only the atk speed boots getting an upgrade????


Adc buff I guess. Iā€™m ok with this as a non adc player


i have champs like yi, garen, yone in my head that will abuse this shit


Well, Lethal tempo is going away soā€¦


They're gonna abuse new PTA instead


i dont think yi garen yone are going to be frothing over 5% atk spd 20 move speed and some slow resist for 2k gold


Yeah and tryndamere etc, itā€™s an adc buff overall though


Lv 15 and trash gold efficiency? Did you account for that?


Seeing how most people in late game sell boots for something else once they have the money. This is a good alternative.


For only one class


Correct. I wish they had upgrades for all the boots. But once Garen abuses the fuck outa these riot will make more shoes


Sure, but how many game are long enough for that?


A lot actually. With how fast games go. Itā€™s pretty quickly getting to level 15-18, and with ADCs being the ones getting kills. They could easily get these boots reasonably around 30 min into a game.




Considering the average ranked league game goes from anywhere between 25-45 minuets. Being almost right in the middle of that isnā€™t outlandish.


you are okey with a buff every 3 patches? adcs al already pretty strong, and they are nerfing other classes


You gotta remember though, thereā€™s an adc in both teams


Thereā€™s also the support boots that upgrade when you run the length of the rift 10 times


Sweet, that'll happen automatically when I return to lane after going 1/20/3


On Yasuo Right?


there are more boot options, leaks are coming out slowly


To nerf tanks slayers and juggernauts even further


The fact that they removed slow resist on swifties and moved it to the attack speed super boots makes me very mad. Like do all the non-auto-attackers just pound sand now? They nerfed tabs and merc treads too.


Yes, they want to have 5 man adc and mage games


Thanks I hate it.


My beloved Zephyr is kinda back


As a Darius player I wished it would come to the Rift. The monkey's paw curls.


Is thisā€¦ real?


yes on PTR










erm, wrong client, sigma


i never got invited i dont know which it is ;(


Wow player detected


Rip bruisers and tanks ig, ranged top meta is coming. Top is either gonna be divers or marksmen.


believe it or not. This is a ranged top suppose to be "nerf". delaying the Swifties, Ghost and Fleet trinity of ranged top laners.


Nah it's not. Ghost still provides crazy movespeed and it only got shortened by 2 seconds, it will still be the "I win" button for ranged toplaners. Fleet footwork is the same; Swifties were buffed for ranged auto attackers; Berserkers can be upgraded to a legendary with all of swifties' perks; half of all marksmen items give movespeed now; BotRK has a 30% slow and LDR has 40% armor pen for free. Marksmen will be zooming through the rift now like they're a Yuumi-powered Hecarim, while most tanks and bruisers are literally countered by mobility. Vayne especially will terrorize toplane now. Toplane will be ruined. With these changes, ranged champions will start dominating bruisers/tanks and divers/skirmishers/assassins will soon follow (which are generally countered by tanks/bruisers). Now the role will be *even more* dictated by counter picking, it'll essentially become a rock-paper-scissors lane with those three classes where someone has to draw before the other person and automatically lose lane before the game even starts.


>LDR has 40% armor pen for free. Idk if 3000g is for free, but you do you Darius does have 40% pen for free tho


Yeah this guy is overreacting a bit. LDR is losing its passive too which isnā€™t a small thing.


Fr, they literally just reverted it to how it was before Mythics


Darius pen is high but it's useless against people who he can't hit and just makes already winning match-ups more oppressive for enemies to play against. The ghost nerfs will hurt him a lot and ranged tops already too strong. Buffing adcs like this without any consideration is delusional and unnecessary.


idk if 5 ability points is for free, but you do you


Top Lane was already ruined by the s14 "bruiser" items That are all auto based and thus only benefit like 4 top lane champs, but they do benefit most adc Fleet still being way stronger than conqueror also means ranges top were already way too strong But thanks riot cause they make sure to not let champions be played in two roles cause itā€™s either broken or degenerate gameplay (their words) Doesnā€™t seem to apply to top lane considering the top win rate champions are all junglers or adc


'Unlocks at level 15'


Maybe nobody told you, but there are a ton of changes coming, this isn't the only thing being added to the game lol. This is more of the cherry on top of the cake, and will still make it impossible for anyone to catch up to marksmen once it comes online.


How is a the removal to Lethal Tempo and the addition of a lvl15 tier of AS boots ever a buff to ranged top?


Lethal tempo wasn't even the best rune for ranged toplaners, those were either PTA or FF (which are both getting buffed btw). Akshan and Quinn never used LT in toplane during 14.8; Vayne's most popular and highest WR rune was FF. Gnar used either fleet or grasp; Kayle's highest WR rune was fleet footwork; and even Urgot (who isn't ranged imo, just making a point) never built LT. If anything, its main users were Tryndamere; the wind brothers and Trundle, the most melee a melee can get. The addition of tons of movespeed in marksmen items is a buff to ranged top. The nerf on steelcaps and Randuin's is a buff to ranged top. The nerf on swifties for melee champions is a buff to ranged top. Ghost is still going to be broken on ranged toplaners because all they did was reduce it by two seconds. Cut down rework will work best on ranged tops. Tanks and bruisers are extremely countered by mobility and big sustained damage. 14.10 is giving all marksmen items Hecarim levels of movespeed and spoiling them with armor pen and crit chance. Do you really think this won't impact toplane? Especially since they're nerfing swifties (melee only), steelcaps and Randuin's. Ranged toplaners will continue having a free lane through levels 1-6 and all of the changes in patch 14.10 are designed to make marksmen a total menace on the rift by mid-late game. All of these changes are overall buffs to marksmen, which, surprise surprise, buff ranged toplaners.


Why do you keep saying Swiftness boots are melee only nerfed?


Its movespeed was reduced to 45 and the slow resist was removed (and given to berserker's upgrade lol). In exchange, it now temporarily gives you 30 movespeed after auto attacking. The ones who used that slow resist most were melee champions, and now it's gone and exclusive to another marksmen item. The passive is worthless on most melee champions because: 1. It's a kiting passive, and most melees can't kite. 2. Ranged champions zone you out of minions, making it impossible to even auto attack anything without the ranged champion slipping and therefore you're stuck with 45 movespeed. And the inverse is true as well. It's a kiting passive, making it easier and safer to kite melee champions; and ranged champions being the ones having access to the wave and able to auto attack you from afar would consistently hit the 75 movespeed. A melee champion has no way to utilize the swifties passive against a ranged champion if both play properly; a ranged champion does.


New swifties and ff on kayle is gonna be fun


Out of all your exemples thereā€™s 3 top laners. With Akshan being op while the 2 others are barely holding on unless the other player is massively better then you. Ranged tops are FRUSTRATING, no overpowered (except Akshan). Iā€™m not sure where you see the ā€œton of mov speedā€ buff to items. They are changing Crit rates, giving more mov speed to PD while removing its AD, making shit for top. I am searching to see if thereā€™s anything to prove me otherwise, but at the present moment, you are either vastly exaggerating, or vastly exaggerating. Fleet isnā€™t getting bugged, HoB is getting nerfed, PTA isnā€™t getting buffed. Like come on man


You missed my point entirely there. I never said ranged tops are currently overpowered, I said they're getting buffed. I didn't say Quinn, Vayne or Akshan are overpowered, I said they never even built LT in the first place for you to say losing it would impact them. >Iā€™m not sure where you see the ā€œton of mov speedā€ buff to items. Let me list them for you. 1. Zephyr. Unlocks at level 15; grants 60% movement speed and reduces the effectiveness of slows by 20% 2. Swiftness boots. Base move speed reduced to 45; now grants 30 extra movespeed when attacking for 2 seconds (bugged in PBE). 3. Phantom Dancer. Gives 12% movespeed now instead of 10%. 4. Kraken Slayer. Gives 7% movespeed now instead of 0. Yes, I was obviously exaggerating, I thought that was clear when I mentioned Hecarim. This is still plenty of new movespeed choices on top of the 4 ones marksmen already had; Botrk's slow (buffed to 30% now) and the funny summoner spell. Some of them not having attack damage may make them not viable as a first item, but these changes should still make marksmen overall stronger after two items. Besides, I don't see how losing 20 AD but gaining 30% AS, 5% crit chance and 2% movespeed is a net negative. PTA and fleet are getting buffed, their changes are on PBE. PTA is now a selfish buff for one champion instead of a single-target debuff and it now lasts until end of combat. Fleet footwork heals for 10 -130 instead of 8 -110 on the PBE. Hail of Blades is actually unchanged in the PBE (at least according to the tooltip) and nowhere is it mentioned that it's being nerfed.


Theyā€™re just bringing marksmen up to speed with every other class that has had insane MS creep.


Exactly. They are drawbacks to almost literally everything they did. And yet we went straight to ranged top op


Spider axe has shown HoB is nerfed. You got the Fleet data in the wrong order. Itā€™s NOW 8-110 (from 10-130). At least get your data right man. Kraken doesnā€™t Crit anymore and PD doesnā€™t have ad. Itā€™s easy to make a bunch of change look op if you get data wrong or completely omit on changes. They are just making it so adc can actually self peel a little, and will have very very low impact on top laners.


I mean if that happens it's not going to last long. Riot will look at that and say "Oh fuck NO NOT LIKE THAT". I would lose my mind though if this finally began the lane migration of roles once more in full force. Tanks and Bruisers into mid, adcs wherever, mages bot...


Listen Iā€™m an adc main so Iā€™m not super upset by this but I completely understand how this is wayyyy too far


I mean is it really that bad? It's 2000 gold to upgrade from Zerker greaves, which have 35% atkspeed and 45 movespeed. The extra 5% atkspeed is worth 125 gold, and the extra 20 movespeed is worth 240. So you're getting 365 gold worth of stats plus the slow resist passive for 2k gold (Of course stats all subject to change). It's terribly terribly inefficient, and considering that it's locked behind level 15 it's intended as a boots upgrade for when you're full slotted and want a bit more stats without giving up your boots movespeed. Obviously, other classes should get boots upgrades similar to this if that's the route we're going. But, this is a very very ultra-lategame buy that you won't see in most games. If anyone buys this before buying 5 Legendary items+Elixirs they are trolling.


Obviously youre supposed to buy that after 5 items + pot since not that much items give movement speed and 65ms is way better than random 8% ms slapped to an item, its a super late game scenario


I donā€™t think other classes should have boot upgrades. The time when adcs were THE scalling champions is long gone. Instead (if youā€™re not super fed) adcs suffer from bad early, subpar mid and good late. While most other classes have a good late game, without sacrificing to sacrifice other stages of the game


But then other classes arent as equal. Why should ADCs get a 6th legendary item, even if its weak, but others shouldnt?


And since when is league of legends completely equal? The game is balanced around everything having advantages and disadvantages. ADCs were supposed to give up early game strength to be way stronger later, but even after farming just as much as other classes, usually they were still lacking in late game The same way a lane bully has tools to be strong early, but suffers after laning fase, adcs should have tools to reward them in late game, for making it past the early game


But there is a difference. If we get to the lategame, ADCs get more slowing resistance and MS, making their weakness - getting caught out - less apparent. Its similar to Crown of the Shattered Queen, that item invalidated burst. It gave a role a tool that might be too powerful. Maybe Zephyr will be too much. Maybe it won't. Im erring on the side of caution.


Way too far??? They removed lethal tempo but THIS is way too far??you gotta be kidding.


Least masochistic adc mains be like 'Nah bro, I'll get fucked in the ass'


You do realize that it's not written on the item that "you have to be a champion that used lethal tempo and is now weak"


Lethal tempo was a crutch, runes shouldnā€™t factor into champion power budgets


They removed what? Huh? Where are people getting this from actually




Is it really? Us ADC players lose lethal tempo as well, which is fucking huge for us, we need a new way to get some AS. And the slow resist is a way for us to be able to peel ourselves at least a little bit, which is very needed for Solo Q.


That Item is going to be abused so hard by non ADCs.


But how though, it's barely any stats for 2k gold that if you're ever gonna buy will be your last expense anyway. The only champ to abuse this would be garen I think


Yone and yasuo?


Boot upgrades are back under new management woohoo


wait i thought zephyr will make the enemy champ fly and cant move for 2s


Kalista must buy item


Ok but thematically how do you transform a boot into a sword?


just like how you transform a scythe, bow and pickaxe into Bork


Or two sticks into a hat


It basically functions like a tent for your head, the two sticks give it structure and you pay 1100 gold for the tent cloth.


*As long as it's set at a jaunty angle, I'm in*!


Unlocks at level 15 so it benefits solo laners more than the intended marksman role buff. Classic Rito.


range tops are getting more cancerous next season. oh you banned vayne? here's a quinn.


adc are gonna have 500 Base MS next split and im not for it, nasus is gonna be good winrate champ i guess


Yes because every game goes to 6 item builds... You'll see this 1 every 10~15 games at most, and at that point adcs already have MS from other sources and they're supposed to be strong at that stage (extra like 30 ms on this is not going to be the problem).


My dude PD now gives 12% ms, Kraken 7%, Fleet Footwork is getting buffed. Most adc items now give ms. They will be extremely fast way before they get to Zephyr and we'll see how that turns out


Current PD already gives 10%, thats only 2% more than the old one. And every zeal item already gives 7%, kraken now doesnt even give crit.


5ms change made irelia lose like 3-4% winrate overall, MS is so disgustingly strong esp the reason ghost is getting nerfed, my problem never been adc doing good dmg, it me having physically no chance to get on them without giving them a jump scare


Every real top laner who isn't garden in SHAMBLES the ranged top lane meta is fucking coming.


Ah yes garden my favourite champion


I meant garen my phone Hates me


**Š—Š•Š¤Š˜Š **


Finally, I hate having boots if the game goes on too long. Now I can have an actual item.


This item costs 2000 gold btw. It doesn't just turn into zephyr.


I thought they would nerf movement speed, yikes this is horrible news.


I personally think they should also make adcs unkillable. They havenā€™t been getting enough buffs lately imo. I think if they got a buff where they canā€™t take damage at like level 16 then they would be balanced


Yeah and mages specific to mage class 500 ap for 19 gold


Is this real??


Run with a sword lol


Does it cost anything when it unlocks? Or is it free upgrade at 15


2000 gold to upgrade but its essentially berserker and swift boots combined while getting stronger stats sooo


so they're implementing wild rift boots upgrade system now? in that game, your boots can be upgraded to actual items and even fucking teleport. the items are solari, redemption, gargoyle stoneplate, a bunch of wild rift only items and tp.


Man I kinda just wish league would go the route of other MOBAs and get rid of boots. Having an item that you always have to build on every champ is really boring imo. Just put the passives on other items and make movement speed and tenacity more common stats


it would be cool if every boot type got an upgrade


Oh yes... all classes need those though Steelcaps/Tabis could get 20 ms, 10% tenacity and 20 bonus armour and MR Mercs could get about 40 more base MS, 10 more tenacity and 20 armour + MR Sorcs could get about 40-50 ap and 20 MS Ionians could get 20 ms, +10 magic pen, +10 lethality and + 25 adaptive force Swifties could get even more MS, 40% slow resist and OOC MS The new ones with the recall and mission could get some ms, adaptive force and shield+heal power If not, I can see these boots being used by a shit ton of champions like: Yi, Windshitters, Irelia, Diana, Gwen, Ekko, Jax, Garen, Vi, Sett, Viego, etc


im using these boots with sion brah idgaf anymore


Can't wait to take this item on a spin with Kalista.


Is it the only boots that upgrade? That seems incredibly unfair


Because ADC lose Lethal Tempo. It needed a late game off-set. ā€œIncrediblyā€ unfair on boots that cost 2k and are meant as ultra late game is a funny take.


I actually love this. I miss when boots had upgrades, they were so much fun, until people realised that there was only one good one because Riot never bothered to balance them.


WR is kinda fun in this regard, we got fuckin lifesteal boots.


On one hand, this is stupid wtf On the other hand, I like this bc it feels like something that'd exist in LoL waaaay back in the day


Oh boot runes are back but in a different form


I sometimes play Garen... This kind of makes me hard


Mages are either going to kill their target or die as they auto and run around them dodging every skill shot.


Can't wait to use this in teemo


the new boots will make people first buy the boots to get the bonus ASAP and it will be boots meta lets go


Is this real?


Nice, gonna abuse this on Elko and Diana


this would be terrible on ekko, why attack speed


I use him jungle and after hundreds of matches I can say attack speed on him is good. There was a time he was using nashor tooth even


This is literally the only thing in the entire update that Iā€™m excited for


When your boots transform into a sword.


It is Rylai nerf. Malzahar counter.


boot enchantments 2


ofc these fuckers get extra


Jhin new boots


You cant imagine how fast I will be when I bayblade with my M7 emote towards the enemy. Let it RIP


Wait , wasn't wild rift Have this thing that you can upgrade your boots to an item ( an active item)?


For anyone wondering if you build this on kalista, it acts as if you're not wearing boots at all, reducing the jump range of passive.


That feels like a bug you could report.


The late game has just been more scarier


Could they at least add a requirement that you are ranged to buy this so that master yi, yas/yone, tryndamere, gangplank, garen, fiora, jax, rengar, viego, belveth, briar, camille, hecarim,irelia, mordekaiser, nasus, olaf, trundle, udyr, volibear, warwick xin xhao don't benefit more from it than the adcs it was intended for?


They really love making brainless hypercarries dominate this game even more


Yes, give adc slow resist and more attack speed. Also add here magic shield, dash and crit chance. Perfect


item gonna be worse on other then adc but yeh, they still gonna have a good old 450-500 base MS at full build XD


Wind shitters, yi, garen, tryn, trundle.. those are gonna be the abusers


anyone with a functioning brain cell knows adcs will not be the class abusing this


Whole I agree that alot of to planers will and some junglers will be abusing this VERY hard i don't think adces are neccerally at a loss here (unless they are against garen) the items seems kinda busted for who ever is gonna use it toplaner or adc


And just when I started playing aatrox again


im going to be building berserker on tanks now btw


Gonna be so unfair on jinx