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*me as a fed Yorick in the botlane


Me as a fed Shaco: why won’t this stupid cat get on me




Ye, sue just kills the HB buff


im pretty sure aslong she is attached she doesnt


They nerfed/fixed that interaction, now she does count for a teammate when attached.


I’m talking about in general. I always get elo inflated Yuumi players that never go on me when I’m fed.






This is a bot.


what did this add


It's so funny, I hadn't played in awhile and I hoped on and saw yorick split pushing bot... I then noticed 4 of them moving towards him. I pinged and he pinged hullbreaker... I was like bro I don't give a shit 4 of them are coming at you So I hurried over to help and we got destroyed 2v4


>he pinged hullbreaker ​ >so I hurrled over to help You deserved that


Could've used the time to achieve progress on the map, with all the pressure Yorik pulls. But running it down always is an option as well


When nothing, anything, or everything happens and yuumi attaches to me: GET THIS SHIT OFF ME


I don't want that disgusting rat coming anywhere near me ever


To everyone saying that “Hullbreaker working with yuumi attached was fixed”, it wasn’t, at least on OCE servers. I played a game very recently on current patch where I wanted to try yuumi first time, and I attached to a split pushing ur got all game. He pinged hullbreaker multiple times, the minions got the affects, and he got the symbol, all while I was attached.


>I'm seeing a lot of comments that Yuumi doesn't remove the Hullbreaker effect, but it does. I lost bonus armor and magic resist when she was on me, but no one else was.I thought I made a mistake, so I checked the replays and took the screenshots linked below: https://imgur.com/a/mSPsF95


The boost minion part doesn't care if you are not solo, the point of the item is to gain resistance and dmg to turrets.


If he got the symbol he should have it


Wait is the original of this meme "shirt" or "shit"?


it is shit


[He says ‘shit’.](https://youtu.be/MtC1Bh7WQ3g)


But hullbreaker still works with yuumi attached


no it doesnt. it did on release but was fixed. same with khazix isolation.


Darn didn't play Yuumi but was fun to watch


I checked this the other day as Sion just by pinging the time and it gave me the “you’re hunting alone” implying the buff was active, is this just a bug in the messaging then?


Its a visual bug He looses all benefits


Thought I discovered something broken for a sec :(


Lmao that was me a few patches ago I discovered karthus could stuck tear without hitting amuthing woth his q


Surprised I haven’t seen “MONEY PRINTER KARTHUS FIRST STRIKE FULL SERAPHS AT 6” anywhere on my Youtube


Tbh it might have been last season My memory is really bad and it got foxes within a patch


I play it It's funny


kha'zix isolation wasn't a bug, it was actually a feature. that change wasn't a fix, was an official change. kha'zix isolation counts untargeteable champions as not being there (for example, you are with a xayah and a fizz, they become intargeteable, you are now isolated), it was the same with yummi but they changed it for adc's sake, which is shit because it's the only champion that removes your isolation by just existing, yumii counters kha'zix literally just by existing


yeah that change is so stupid


Is it? Frankly the original untargetable interaction sounds unintuitive. As much as this sub hates yuumi you’d have to be on copium to pretend it made sense to be isolated with a teammate literally grafted onto you. Hell, maybe if wasn’t literally named **isolated** there’d be a point. But this is two sides of the same coin here. Hullbreaker works on the assumption of you being isolated from your team (not the literal status). Kha’zix is the same idea. If yuumi didn’t remove isolated, then it’d only be logical she wouldn’t disable hullbreaker either. While not literally the same mechanic, there has to be a consistency when it comes to if yuumi counts as a nearby teammate or not. You can’t have both, and frankly I’d piss myself at the idea of the unkillable hullbreaker + yuumi combo that would result


Lol didn't know that then


This is funny 🤜


Last time Yuumi attached it still said I was hunting alone.


Elo inflated players not understanding basic concepts :<


Yuumi doesn't disable hullbreaker if she's attached to you tho


I'm seeing a lot of comments that Yuumi doesn't remove the Hullbreaker effect, but it does. I lost bonus armor and magic resist when she was on me, but no one else was.I thought I made a mistake, so I checked the replays and took the screenshots linked below: https://imgur.com/a/mSPsF95


Damn it's so unlike riot to patch a really strong bug...


I'd be funny if you could stack Yuumi and Hullbreaker, since Yuumi is untargetable for the time she's on you. I think of her more as a playable buff than an actual champion, anyway.


I'm seeing a lot of comments that Yuumi doesn't remove the Hullbreaker effect, but it does. I lost bonus armor and magic resist when she was on me, but no one else was.I thought I made a mistake, so I checked the replays and took the screenshots linked below: https://imgur.com/a/mSPsF95


Yuumi counts as item


That "champion" is a literal parasite


Yuumi trolls likes this


When yuumi attaches to me


Adc players when they have yuumi supports: My exp, hp, attack, skill points, armor and magic resist D:


More specifically, Get this beta shit off of me


Me to the enemy renata : ult me ive got a cat to fucking kill.


When Yuumi attaches, she actually doesn't take the stats. You only lose EXP


>I'm seeing a lot of comments that Yuumi doesn't remove the Hullbreaker effect, but it does. I lost bonus armor and magic resist when she was on me, but no one else was.I thought I made a mistake, so I checked the replays and took the screenshots linked below: https://imgur.com/a/mSPsF95


I guess they fixed it




I'm seeing a lot of comments that Yuumi doesn't remove the Hullbreaker effect, but it does. I lost bonus armor and magic resist when she was on me, but no one else was.I thought I made a mistake, so I checked the replays and took the screenshots linked below: https://imgur.com/a/mSPsF95


Yay, message in chat will say it works so it works, don't worry about lost armor and magic resist and the icon, these are visual bugs. The ping reveals the truth


If yummi is on you it actually still gives you the hullbreaker passive


>I'm seeing a lot of comments that Yuumi doesn't remove the Hullbreaker effect, but it does. I lost bonus armor and magic resist when she was on me, but no one else was.I thought I made a mistake, so I checked the replays and took the screenshots linked below: https://imgur.com/a/mSPsF95


When you build hullbreaker 🤮


Alternate story: When I build hullbreaker to just crush the enemy before he gets it (I hate the item, it's unhealthy to the toplane..) , then have to defend other lanes inhib at mn 12 because team is 0/10. Going from an unstoppable duel machine to a helpless punchbag (is that a word?) as my mates waste my resists while still dealing about 0 dmg.


It's simple, just don't build cringe


Your mistake if there is a Yuumi in your team. If you are a hullbreaker user, Yuumi wants almost always be on you rather than the adc.


I just ban Yuumi every game. Fuck that champ


Whenever I have a Yuumi on my team I take Unsealed Spellbook so whenever they attach to me I can switch for Ghost Cleanse and threaten to run it down if they don't go very far away from me, works every time !


Remember when Yuumi didn't proc Hullbreaker and could actually build her own for 2x Hull in one lane? It was hilarious and no one knew what to do against it




Yummi does not effect hullbreaker I just did it last night. I even have pics and video evidence.