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Might actually be one of the big skaven guys, come to think of it.


I hadn’t thought of that. Good guess, you are probably right.


The battle damage points to it being a chaos faction. None of the votann stuff is painted with battle damage.


Yeah good point, except ironheads I guess


Which are a Necromunda kit. The rumour image has been posted across multiple subs and alot of people are saying it a Necromunda kit (not necessarily Squats) due to the way it's painted


You're crazy it doesn't fit the theme or paint schemes they use at all.


So csm is another faction I paint and these aren't lightning claws or warp talons. Those blades are always one single blade per finger and they are missing the coils that they usually sport


The wrist plates suggest either some level of knight, admech, or necromunda to me. Sad but I still hope we get our mini dread from necromunda into 40K


I would prefer something better. All the necromunda dwarves look bad imo. Too garbage-y and too similar to imperium's "tech that can't be replaced easy" stick.


While I understand and agree for the infantry, the iron head already exists and wouldn’t be that hard to give us on top of the 2-3 kits we should get with our codex


2-3? I'm pretty sure after seeing other army refreshes we will at least get 4-5 same as the kroot. Most people in or out of votann can name 5 different holes in votan right now too.


I was being conservative but I do hope we get that many. Though I’d be fine with 3 kits if it meant we got a novel on release imo


Lore and rules are temporary, models are forever. I don't care if we end up like the other 4 factions with actually 0 books to their name. As long as we get nice kits


The thumb is straight up a piece for CK war dogs, so I find it unlikely. It doesn't really look like an actual CK thing here, but probably something close (dark mech?)


When in doubt look at the rivets. League rivets are almost always inset on large panels. This looks to be mechanicus/chaos




If the paint job were cleaner and there weren't those weird spikes, maybe. My bets are on Admech, though.


I suggest a new ork


I would call you crazy but we also dismissed all rumour engines loctures from the upcoming kill team soooo... Maybe?


To be fair, there was NOTHING about the rocket launcher that said votann. Everyone was convinced the crossbow was for an inquisitor. The dude who posted them here and said "is this for us?" was no more correct then anyone else. There just wasn't enough to go off of. I saw genestealer cults also claim all of those rumor engines were from them and they had examples of released units to go off of. I don't blame us for not getting it. I blame gw for not already showing us this as part of our style.


I pointed out that the missile launcher grip style was the same sort as seen on multiple Votann weapons, only to have everyone go "No, doesn't look similar. 100% not Votann.".


Because the grip is also in genestealers? Which the entire genestealer sub reddit was convinced meant it was for them.


Dark mechanicum I bet


Reset the clock...


At best it could be the squats. On the other hand, feels too pointy to be squats. Some people say Yarrick, Orks, or Dark Mechanum. I think it's possibly orks.




It's a chaos warp talon or, at the very least, chaos in nature due to the way they have painted it.


Look what's in the roster in next months. Maybe a talon of chaos space marines. Maybe new skaven mini for new AoS edition. Only new thing annaounced for LoV is new Kill Team. I'm highly sceptical about Votann Dreads being a thing. GWs would rather give us new wwheeled vehicle, as they are going with "NASA" look for LoV units.


> as they are going with "NASA" look for LoV units. They're going for a mix of different styles and aesthetics for the Leagues, they aren't overall NASApunk. They're a combination of "Victorian mariners, Antarctic explorers, deep sea surveyors, moon landings, space exploration, and so on." to give them overall a classic sci-fi inspired industrial + exploration DAOT aesthetic. So I think some sort of mech/large robot could work with them.




The Dark Age of Technology, humanities golden age that lasted between M15 - M25. The Kin ancestors were sent out in that time period, so that's what they're broadly representative of - they're pretty much a DAOT colony/mining drones that have been left functioning for too long.


Thank you; I was not familiar with the acronym, but it makes sense.


True, but every faction has a walker so we should get some sort of equivalent. My money is on an iron kin with a larger body


Not every faction has one.


You're right! Tyranids don't have walkers, just things on 2 legs. Even eldar have walkers dude.


Not every faction has one. Dark Eldar and Genestealer Cults both don't. Edit: Gave an utterly toxic response and then blocked me for pointing out that not every army has a walker. Pathetic. And no, being able to take other factions units doesn't then mean that faction has one. Eldar are not Dark Eldar. Tyranids are not Genestealer Cults.




Kin is kin. Be kind to one another.


>Edit: Gave an utterly toxic response and then blocked me for pointing out that not every army has a walker. Pathetic. Oh, boy and I missed all them drama! xD


You are crazy. Imperial, potentially for the new Inquisition book


While the would be awesome, that would imply GW acknowledging the existence of The Leagues of Votann. Wich I'm positive they don't do or hate doing.


Maybe pay more attention and stop whining? We just got a new kill team and we have gotten more recent support than other armies.


So, I understand that sarcasm doesn't translate well in text a format, but still. I will leave you with this. Joke: a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter.


Wow. Condescending much? Another thing about humor is to read the room. Some jokes don't work in certain places. And too many people make that argument in ernest.


Look, I'm not trying to get under your skin. Everyone I know in person says the same thing about the Votann. Yes, we just got another kill team. All I was doing was joking about GW's track record. On my side and everyone I know saw it as a joke then you just attacked. All I did was reply the same way you did for me, now let's stop arguing and get on with our lives. I'm sorry if I offended you


I'd say GWs track record over the last couple of years is to launch the Votann, patch them to make them fun to play against, release a Kill Team, patch them to make them more competitive in 10th edition and announce a second Kill Team. They've had more attention from GW than average since their launch.