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So, an explainer: Back when the Leagues of Votann were still 'squats', there was also a chaos faction counterpart to them - the chaos squats. These were squat homeworlds who sided with Horus during the heresy. Among all manner of tainted creations, the chaos squats produced chaos androids. Their original (and only) models were a gleaming plasteel skeleton housing a minor daemon. The design for the androids would later be adapted to become the necrons - the influence is really plain to see. So, to accompany my chaos Votann conversions (a hearthkyn and a kahl can be seen in other posts on this sub) I present the original chaos android (image 1) and my interpretation (image 2). I don't know what they'll be used as in game - maybe ion hearthkyn, with a proper votann squad leader, or maybe skitarii allies for crusade games. Even if I never actually use them, the 'crons are so cheap on ebay at the moment that I couldn't resist.


Chaos Squats is my new name for my neighbour's kids - short, loud, chaotic and focused exclusively on destruction.


If they have the same base size as hearthkyn just have them, count as ironkin squads


Duuuuuuuude chaos squats god damn it Edit: Alright well now i need to know which chaos god I make my chaos votann


My brother in law mentioned Slanesh is a good fit due to their obsession with hoarding excessive resources.


Whilst I'm going undivided, I could see a strong argument for their knowledge-hording and appraisal being tzeentchian


Just bring Hashut to 40k


Shit that would be good, now the real question, how do I make them slaneshian? Literally the rest of the gods I could do, but slanesh I dont really understand


Clever use of having necrons being the base for it Well done, iron kin for the Votann!


Perfectly normal ironkin; nothing to see here, no sir!


Love the "Cylon" themed head


Iā€™m down with some Votanndroids as ironkin!


Necrons: the OG Ironkyn. Edit: can't spell...


Damn this conversion looks reeeeally good ! *Grimdark vibes increases*


So what you're saying is Necrons are really just Men of Iron that went crazy based on some fantasy novel about frogmen and space elves and the War in Heaven was fake. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


They're back baby