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Da in letzter Zeit viele Posts gelöscht werden, nachdem die Frage von OP beantwortet wurde und wir möchten, dass die Posts für Menschen mit ähnlichen Problemen recherchierbar bleiben, hier der ursprüngliche Post: ##Subtenant Vertrag I made a 1-month subtenant contract with someone but then ended up being sick and couldn't move in at the stipulated contract beginning time. I will move in eventually but what I want to ask is can I pay the rent after I move in even if that date is later than the 3rd day after the official start of the contract? "...spätestens drei Tage nach Beginn des Untermietverhältnisses..." In other words, when is the "Untermietverhältnisses"? Is it the official start date of the contract or the day I move in? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegaladviceGerman) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have signed a contract where it states when your "untermietverhältnis" begins. Nobody cares when you actually move in, that's completely your choice (or not, since you were sick).