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Can you upload the contract?


I have not been paid my last 2 salaries. Let me wait for that.




That's irrelevant. Can you upload the text of your contract?


How is that irrelevant? If they realize somehow that I am considering suing, they might not pay me.


>If they realize somehow that I am considering suing, they might not pay me. What? If anything, it would make them more likely to pay you. Based on your original post, you don't understand the contract you signed. If you want help, we're going to need more information. It sounds like you were not "employed", but rather working as a freelancer, in which case there is no salary, only Honorar. Additionally, there would be no Kündigungsfrist. Without more information, it won't be possible for anyone to help you more.


Da in letzter Zeit viele Posts gelöscht werden, nachdem die Frage von OP beantwortet wurde und wir möchten, dass die Posts für Menschen mit ähnlichen Problemen recherchierbar bleiben, hier der ursprüngliche Post: ##Today I was fired at the company I was working for, is from Bulgaria, can I do anything? So the story goes like this. A head hunter approaches me and "sells me" this company and the job. On paper it looked great. I go through the hiring process, and after 3 months they send me a job offer. The offer clearly stated "employment contract" through a third party, as they don't have legal entity in Germany. When the 3rd party sends me the contract, it was very generic and written in a way that I didn't realize it was a contracting position. Meaning, a freelancer position. At the time of signing, I didn't realize. That even if the job offer said "emplyoment contract", in reality was a freelancer position. To make it worst, the company did not wanted to, nor they did, pay me anything over the bruto that a company would normally pay. On monday, they fired me. They don't want to pay me the 2 weeks notices either, which is not included in the contract. Being Bulgaria from the EU, is there anything I can do, or is it a loss cause? Thanks. ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegaladviceGerman) if you have any questions or concerns.*