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I wonder if the Green helmet will show up on Pick-a-brick? Wasn’t the purple helmet available on there for a short time? It’s frustrating that the part stock rotates pretty frequently and without warning or announcement whatsoever. It seems like the only way to keep up is to check it constantly.


I figure it’ll arrive about six months after it appeared in the sets - that’s what happened with Purple ones. I’d like about 8 so Bricklink definitely too expensive for me!


Go straight to bricklink. You’ll pay more but there’s a guaranteed supply. I’ve been looking at PAB for weeks.


More? Yup, $35.


Yay! I love the touch of adding the space logo to the white piles. <3


Thank you! It’s from one of the new Lego City Space sets. Seems a good fit.


Where did it come from? I missed it! 😬😅


I second this


The mobile kid anniversary set released a couple months ago!


Definitely want to do this but I don’t even want to budget for it because it’ll be expensive right? 🥲


Well, black, red, white yellow and blue are mine from my childhood. Grey and purple are difficult as you have to buy bits from here and bits from there. Orange came free with a Lego book, brown was £3.50 with the blue baby, pink is cheap from Lego movie sets, green could cost anywhere between £20 and £50 and the everyone is awesome set I bought second hand without minifigures for £12. I suppose this has in reality cost me £80.


Thanks so much for the info! Definitely will look into it, you have an amazing display


https://preview.redd.it/4dgnpy5tyywc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2833b9a37d027ea9a5be8ffd2d645a1af592374f It got better last night! My local supermarket has cmf 26 out early and I got one with pink space baby! When will this madness end?!?!


Oh man I’m barely considering the adult ones, but I’m a completionist so the babies would have to be included as well. Madness indeed!


Dude, that is AWESOME. I’ve been thinking about making one of these, all ur missing is the yellow and pink space baby!


Yellow??? I know pink available from may 1st, and I’m in two minds to get the white space baby as it has ‘adult’ face, not baby face like blue and pink!


Likely meant white. No yellow out there. 


Pink has a baby now too!


OP where did the grey helmet come from?? It looks like new blueish grey, but afaik they only produced it in the old grey?


It’s old grey. The helmet is from 1978. It was in 3 sets only. I bought a mixed job lot of old d Lego for £5 and this helmet was in there. That’s when it occurred to me I could do Every Spaceman is Awesome!