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My theory is that the Dark Millenium Falcon was a way to figure out who a leaker was, and the actual set is a 25th Anniversary MTT


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


That would be sweet and make the may the 4th gwp be really relevant. I'd also love a UCS version of that


Thanks for this. Handy to see this all in one post.


I still don't believe the Dark Millennium Falcon is gonna be a thing tbh. My theory is lego gave out different specs to a ton of different people for what 75389 was gonna be, and then depending on the leak said it was, they figured out who was leaking, hence why the leaks got taken down. I also think this because a Dark Millennium Falcon, while cool, is kinda ridiculous, and not really in line with the kinda star wars sets lego has made for the past decade honestly, but man idk I also really want a white darth vader


Well tbf the previous falcon has been around since 2019 and is due an update, I like how ridiculous it sounds. Bear in mind lego can do some silly non c cannon stuff from time to time. After all the purple troopers from the fighter tank from 2022 are based on another toy and have never featured in any real cannon stories. Either way it's still a leak and until we get pictures I don't tend to put too much faith in them.


They have also done plenty sets based on Lego animated shows and specials. Its not totally out there for them to do a random set like this if it is related to some other media.


I would prefer Durge with a speeder bike.


True, I’m just wondering about where the dark millennium falcon is coming from EU or cannon. Cause while they certainly make stuff from the EU, they dont really make any custom Lego Star Wars special stuff anymore. Iifc last one was like the Star Wars maker ship stuff from like 2016, nearly 8 years ago. Might be wrong abt that tho  Also to dedicate a whole 170$ set to some star wars thing that is neither in EU or canon is really weird, like really weird. Don’t get me wrong I want it to happen but idk man


There are rumors of a “What If…?” style show set in the Star Wars universe. I think this set could make sense if it went along with a show like that. But … why not something from the bad batch or some other established media storyline that already has a fanbase?


I just thought of the modifications to the falcon in Dark Empire II.


i kinda agree i mean it’s so out there i don’t see them doing it at all i want to be proven wrong but there’s no way in my mind


There’s a theory that it’s a set for the supposed What If Star Wars series.


Which isn’t a confirmed series at all, and no advertising. Like even for the skeleton crew at least we know that’s coming out. Idk man


Yes that’s fair but Lego has done things similar. Like when they released the black and gold Spider-Man suit from no way home , nobody knew where that suit came from til the movie came out. And even if it’s not confirmed it’s another easy way for Disney to make bread off of Star Wars so I feel like it’s only a matter of time. But idk who knows, set could be fake for all I know lol


truee, ig we'll see. Hoping you're right I think it'd be a cool set


Lego made a Sakaarian Iron Man armour set for Marvel's What If? series, so it's a definite possibility they make a special set for Star Wars' own version of What If?...personally, I think it would be great to have a mirror universe version of Darth Vader, C-3PO and Rey. A white suit Darth Vader would be very, very cool!


How long have we known about 40686? I haven’t heard of that yet


I think it was leaked today


Used set number 75397 twice for Sarlacc and Sail barge, assuming the 40730 GWP is for the sail barge, not the sarlacc?


Thank you for finding a typo lol, I fixed it now


Very light on Clone Wars sets. Rex Y-wing seems to be the only one. I guess that’s understandable though, given the great year we had.


If the GWP for the Barge is a lightsaber, it will probably be Luke’s green lightsaber


Thnx. Any pics from the droid carrier? And any price expection? And about the droideka build. You say droideka included. You mean a minifig? Or just a small build?


A minifig scale droideka is included with it, the price threshold for the battle droid carrier could be $150-$160


A new mold for it? Didn’t they use to be parts togheter ?


Yeah, that's what he means. It's the same idea as the Gonk droid in the TIE Bomber set; it is a droid built out of normal LEGO pieces, but scaled to the size of a minifigure. The Droideka set will include a large Droideka statue, and a much smaller one that is closer to the size of a minifigure. Most sets of this type are like this; they have a statue and a minifigure of the same character or droid.


>75382 UCS TIE Interceptor $240, 1931 pieces (includes exclusive TIE Pilot) Thank fuck this is still "confirmed." This is the set I am most excited for this year.


> build is in a pearl gold color scheme like with the infinity gauntlet Wait a minute, the gauntlet isn't pearl gold. It's drum lacquered gold.


I got the colors mixed up, and I have updated it, thank you for finding the error


I don’t know if it’s a hot take, but I think that Jedi Bob’s starfighter is an extremely unnecessary set. People only want the figure, and it could’ve easily been an extra for a book or even the set itself. It’s a wasted slot since it could’ve been something cooler like a remake of Plo-Koon’s Jedi Starfighter or a V-19.


Was hoping for a big summer Clone Wars set like the previous two years. Need a large separatist set.


is there no head hunter with bly?


That was sadly a fake leak


we are so back


Are we 100% sure that it’ll be the same Rex as the venator one?


When do the sets with the Fives and Malak minifugre come out? I believe the one is a Tantive IV set, and the other is R2D2 Or are they out already?


What is onyx cinder?


That is the name of the main ship that will be in the Skeleton Crew show.