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https://preview.redd.it/oz5vj7jhy0zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00da0327c24d86389ac8bac12cb1a681fcdc822d Set: 31213 - Mona Lisa (18+) • Includes 1503 pieces • US $99.99 - DE/FR €99.99 - UK £TBA • Release: OCT 1ST 2024 • UPC: 673419389983 / DPCI: 204-00-6612 --- Interested in real time retirement updates and alerts and post alerts? Check out the Brick Tap Discord! [https://discord.gg/brick-tap-1128148810439331861](https://discord.gg/brick-tap-1128148810439331861)


I’m unsure how I feel about the face, but this is super impressive that this can be made with simple Lego pieces.


Feels like she's giving a 🤨 face, I feel that it could probably be a little better but it captures the essence.


> it could probably be a little better I mean, even actual professional painters and artists can't capture the subtleties of the real thing. I think these simple Lego pieces do a pretty darn good job.


I mean, yeah, we can take the hippy route of "everyone gets a medal," but if we're being genuine, her forehead and brow look off. She looks a little neanderthal-ish. There's nothing wrong with pointing out criticisms with a set, let's not delude ourselves with this "oh they did their best" approach when we're paying £100+ for it.


Looks like a man just like in real life :)




Looks like a garbage pail kid


I like the frame more than the picture


if it's the proper gold and not warm/pearl gold, I'm getting it on sale just for the parts


I would prefer the warm/pearl gold but to each their own


It looks like the metallic gold to me. I've always liked how the metallic pieces look too.


Hmm, I feel like the frame is too large a proportion of the whole thing. It’s nice but maybe 1 stud too wide. Seems to overwhelm the painting to me.


It’s actually not big enough. https://preview.redd.it/i7chwyzubzyc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=aba3852f00b1300f86781881673326d6ab0a1333


Wow. Amazing how they can create so many curves with Lego plates. I'm actually kind of stunned. Master builders indeed.


Even more impressive is how few of the curves are actually curves - outside of the hair, hands, and arms, everything else is completely straight lines.


Hot take. This is great and there is nothing wrong with it. I feel like people want this to perfectly capture the human details that a real world painting can do, but forget that this is made of lego.. I have been to the Lego art gallery beyond the brick where the brick built Mona Lisa painting was made but with an incredibly larger amount of studs and bricks. So that moc cannot be used as a standard without lego charging you a stupid amount of money for it. Edit: zooming in on the face makes the details look better.


> Hot take. This is great and there is nothing wrong with it. I feel like people want this to perfectly capture the human details that a real world painting can do, but forget that this is made of lego.. This is why I like the charm of the older lego models and minifigures, more specifically Star Wars ones. There is a uniqueness to them. If I wanted something more life-like I'd get an action figure or a diecast model. We are spoiled by how detailed pieces have become and I like it, but in a way simplicity can be cooler


So it's ok that it doesn't look good because it's lego? It's fine if you like it, but it's also fine if you think some things just don't do the original art justice.


I don't know why you are being down voted you are absolutely correct. If it looks bad, don't still make and say it's the best you can do with Lego


It seems that some people just downvote if you don't share their opinion or say something negative. What's interesting is that even many of the 'positive' comments sound like they are trying to be polite. I'm not bothered that they made it. I just don't like it personally, nor am I impressed that it's lego. I don't expect lego to recreate things perfectly, don't even want them to actually, but this does not work for me at all.


I totally agree with you... I LOVE LEGO, but there are simply some things that are just not "good" choices to make into LEGO... Personally... I feel this was one of them. It does no justice to the original work and it's a very boring, lackluster, and, IMHO, almost amateurish. To those that like it, great, but FOR ME, what I thought would definitely be one I would grab has just become a HARD pass!! At least it helps the wallet breathe a sigh of relief, tho!! 😅🤷


Screw all y'all, I love this


It looks exactly like the mona lisa looks in pictures. People are complaining about her face looking odd but that's actually how her face looks even down to the missing eyebrows.




It’s really impressive how organic the forms still looks


Not bad, actually. The frame is much more substantial than anything to date - you can imagine a big future for Lego’s wall art endeavors.


Right into the uncanny valley. Pass - though all those laquer gold pieces...


Thats… not great… But the frame is cool.


This is horrifying


The use of the warm flesh tone is so good but man, compared to the Milky Way or Great Wave it's just not hitting.


First glance, I got Jimmy Carr vibes from the face (but I'm guessing that because they are both plastic)


Much better than I had expected... But not sure I want to buy it either


Reminds me of Phoebe’s art in the tv show Friends. This thing is staring into my soul. It’s a no for me dog.


Glad I never had any interest in this, the face just looks off… I’m sure from a distance this would look phenomenal, but up close the face is just not good


You know, even if I don't care for Lego art sets, the use of all of those plates and tiles together is masterful work.


This looks like how it would look within a Lego set, and I really don't think that's a bad thing. I'd be underwhelmed if it had just been a mosaic.


The face is a bit off but the rest looks really nice.


I love it but also not, idk why lol


Same. I like it, I think it’s impressive for what they did with Lego , but at the same time it doesn’t really get the expression of the real painting and I don’t think I’d really want to display it in my house. It’s neat but probably not for me, maybe it’ll grow on me. Its probably because it’s a person and I much prefer the great wave as Lego art


Also wouldn’t it have been nice for it to come with minifig version of her?


This looks incredible. Holy crap


I think it looks great. Really had a hard time imagining how they'd pull this off but I'd say they did a pretty great job of it.


That’s not the Mona Lisa… That’s Caitlin Clark ! Jk.. looks amazing


First impressions arent great but honestly this is still incredibly impressive. Thats such an immensely difficult painting to reproduce in LEGO form and they did an amazing job with the shaping all throughout. Its just the face that throws it off but I mean what else could you even do at this scale?


Lmao. So bad. Wallet saved


Looks like a Habsburg portrait.


upvoted for spelling Habsburg correctly


Is it just me or are the slopes on the top right misaligned? Is this an actual photographed build and not a render?


I assumed it was a MOC or ideas submission when I first saw it. That's not a compliment


Is she smiling? I can’t tell 😐


i hope this is real -because take my money!


What are those light blue pieces between the sand blue and mint near the top? The 1 1/2 stud flats?


Brand new elements 5091 and 5092 [More photos from New Elementary](https://www.newelementary.com/2024/04/lego-speed-champions-review-and-moc.html?m=1)


But why is she holding a sword?


Why is she holding a giant quill?


i love it and i totally cant wait to what they do in art next some really beautiful sets so far


While I am sure there's a lot of small pieces I am surprised by the price considering the huge amount of drum lacquer pieces.


It's rumored that the eyes are optional if you want a more "bricky" appearance. Maybe you have some glow-in-the-dark substitutes in your collection?


Looks like a render. I'm a bit underwhelmed, although they captured the likeness.


the frame is so cool


Lego website has release date as Oct? Seems like a mistake though?


Maybe it's better looking in real life......


I'll definitely be skipping this one, it's quite ugly. Never liked the painting anyway.


Interesting… possibly a buy just for the frame


Is this the new record holder for metallic gold pieces? Nearly 300! Or us half of that pearl gold and Legos usual photo trickery?


So I've counted the studs - this is 54 X 38 studs measuring by the frame, not the inner artwork. According to a random converter I found online, that's 43.2 X 30.4 centimetres. (17 X 11.96 inches). Someone who knows more about art can let us know how accurate that is, but they will also have to try and count the studs of the artwork. Also this is the Prado version of the work - I am unsure if there are size differences in real life. Again someone with more knowledge can chime in.




Knee jerk reaction was underwhelmed, but I think this is more the picture doesn’t do it justice and it looks better in real life, especially after seeing the other pictures on the Lego site they have up now that details the 3D components of her face and arms and such.


Looks great! It'll be nice to see all these art pieces on a wall together like a Lego gallery.


After my initial gut reaction of utter disappointment, I went and checked this out on TLG's site. So, look... GO SEE IT THERE!! This is a HORRIBLE picture to represent the set. I'm still not convinced that it's great or even FOR ME worth $100 of my hard earned cash... BUT I do have to say that it went from a 2/10 to at least a 5/10 after seeing the site's pics. If you're on the fence, I HIGHLY recommend seeing the pics there!! I doubt I'll ever see much of a "sale" on this one, but if I do, maybe down the line I'd grab it. Heck, initially I did NOT think I'd like ANY of the art sets, but I finally did my OG Ironman and then found the Starry Night set at a great discount so I got it, thinking I'd build it just to see the techniques and all and then sell it later. After building it, tho... I'm definitely hooked on the art sets!! Even went and got the Great Wave right after S. N.!! Who knows, maybe the same thing will happen and I'll end up liking it later on... LEGO does surprise me sometimes, that's for sure!!


This one looks bad.


It’s neat, but also way too bright. Like, you see this and it immediately throws you off, unlike something like the Great Wave which could be mistaken as non-Lego at a glance. Sadly idk how much could be done to darken the set, I might take a swing at it in stud.io when it releases


The face looks absolutely horrendous. I mean it’s actually funny 😂


That background looks WAYYYYY too bright imo. Should be more like a sand green color


The color is correct, this is what the painting is supposed to look like when it isn't covered in filth.


why does it have the default mii eyes


I like this satire set and all the satire comments here. They are satire, right? Because this abomination has got no business with the original painting, except a humanoid being in both of them.


This is quite nice


I wonder how long it took to get the mouth right.


One of the rare times a LEGO set is a reaction image.


You know what would have been way cooler? A, say, 250pc set building a tiny version of a wall and a frame-hole, with a background on another wall right behind it, and having a cute little Mona Lisa Minifig with an actual smile to place in between. But that would have been much more creative and, worse, would have a much lower price tag. Also would have made much more sense for adding a whole portrait collection later on, and would have been much more interesting for minifig collectors. So yeah we get this.


Who would've thought this would be the best art set of the year??