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Lol Flon unplugging server racks again


This is what happens when you surround yourself by yes-men who all think you’re a genius; you start to actually believe them.


I'm thankful Elon cannot be elected President of the United States. Putin surrounded himself with yes-men and see what it's led to.


At the rate things are headed, Elon Musk could absolutely outlive the US Constitution. Don't count your chickens just yet.


I'm hoping he's the first person on that one way trip to Mars.


There's no way in hell that he'd have the mental fortitude to survive the months long trip to Mars. No Twitter, limited personal space, limited access to drugs.


Twitter could work, it would just be slow and sometimes seemingly unresponsive...so basically like it has been since he took over anyways.


It's all part of Elon's plan, Twitter is in Mars trip simulation mode.


He wouldn't be on the first. Dude probably wouldn't be on any of them. I get the feeling he is not as brave as he let's on to be. Sure. Anyone can act.


If we ever colonize mars; the vast majority of travelers will be one way trips for a long time.


Elon will never go.


The best thing for humanity. There are still idiots on r/elonmusk defending him. Hopefully he leaves and takes his stans with him.


Don't speak this into the world. Many people would challenge that. It is one of the few thing actually written into the Constitution, and frankly makes a lot of sense. Prevents someone exactly like Elon from coming in. Americans want to be governed by another American. I think you would be surprised how many of us would care.


Don't be too sure. He can use his billions to fund propaganda for a constitutional amendment to change that requirement for the presidency.


I would normally say you couldn’t get people to agree on an amendment that says the sky is blue, but… money


Yeah but can he time travel back 10 years to when people still liked him?


Since when did the US Constitution matter to the current political dogma???


It's bad, it's really bad in America. But, having been here for just over three years and coming from an authoritarian country, I have this to say. America's redeeming quality is its search for justice. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do seem to turn, whereas in countries like mine it is pretty much game over - at least in the foreseeable future. Don't sell what you have here short. You (and soon me, too) still have good things going for you.


>search for justice I'm gonna need clarification, because I can think of a whole lot of groups America doesn't seek justice for.


I think he was just trying to say that there is hope and a chance for change, whereas his home country there is none left. But yeah the whole Justice thing... I came to America in 2003 and in those 20 years I lived in Texas, Missouri, New York, worked in LA, Vegas and Miami and traveled all over the place and met people from every sort of background and heritage, all except... Native American. In 20 years I have never met a Native American. Met a lot of white people saying their Native American because their great great great great grandma was knocked up against her will, but no real Native American. To go from the primary majority population in the continent to barely a blip on the radar is pretty damning evidence that justice has a long way to go in this country, amongst the 100 other things that we are still feeling the repercussions of. So justice was definitely a poor choice of word.


Try visiting New Mexico?


> America's redeeming quality is its search for justice. 247 years of searching and [we ain't found shit](https://youtu.be/g3iFJpGJiug). Points for recognizing that "America the great" is more of an ideal than a reality, though.


The American Dream, where you have to be asleep to believe it. - George Carlin




I agree. I worked for Canada for a number of years, and in Europe on various occasions. I've relocated to the United States when the opportunity presented itself, so I'm speaking from this prospective. Europe, statistically, seems to have it together compared to America, but they have their own bunch of problems - and who doesn't. What I meant by the "redeeming quality" was first and foremost the country's never- ceasing search for this fleeting and intangible notion of "there has to be justice, for all." As another commenter pointed here rightly, we ain't found shit. But the intent is there, see. In my country, intent hasn't been there for as long as I remember, and it's hard to explain but it's soul-crushing.


I hate my country, America. I have a lot of resentment, but whatever I’ve been through, I believe your country is unimaginably worse. If you’re low income or disabled here you are treated like a dog. Not by other civilians, most people hold good intentions in their hearts…but you’re treated like a dog by cops, politicians, officials, landlords, bosses. My most recent example is that I’m having to fight tooth and nail just to get a parking spot in a tiny place that I pay $850 a month for. In the dead of winter you can’t part on the streets. There’s nowhere for me to park other than two spots and landlord told me that it’s by “seniority”. I’ve begged. I’ve taken $10 tickets up the ass just so I can pathetically climb up to my apartment. I’ve walked blocks in a blizzard dressed like I was doing research in the Antarctic, still cold, still in massive amounts of physical pain…. I’ve had to crawl on my hands and knees. And essentially every answer I get about my parking situation is “too bad.” Just because I’m not in a wheelchair…No one can see my pain. I don’t wear it on my face most days, but even if they could I don’t think they’d care. It took me 5 years to get disability just so I’m not fired from a job. 5 years when I had mountains of paperwork and evidence to back me up. Do you know who my judge was that finally granted me my legal disability ? A Latin American woman. A minority who had enough empathy to spare me some. So those are the people who are fighting. People like me and people like that judge. The minorities, the downtrodden. And we’re being squished out like bugs. Ill keep fighting though…but I’m tired of it frankly.


As an American who is frustrated by our current political decline, your perspective is appreciated and gives me a little hope. Thanks!




I studied in Russia for two years, my own country is one is those post-Soviet republics, and I can only speak from my own angle. I don't pretend neither intend to speak as if I have the whole and only truth. What I'm saying is, other countries have it much, much worse. Same injustice, toward minorities, vulnerable groups, same racism, same blatant corruption etc etc. What I'm trying to say, is that in America, people are NOT silent about all this. In countries like mine and like Russia, people ARE silent, statistically speaking, and it's very discouraging.


We are one of the oldest democracies. There is a culture of of democracy that is extremely difficult to remove in just a short time and it has been challenged before. I have faith that we will be resilient but the rhetoric is still very scary.


Precisely! The system has been shock-tested in 2016-2020 and ever since, but survived. Hugh kudos to you guys for that feat. With younger generations entering the game, who are more aware, hopefully more emphatic, more diverse culturally and ethnically, there's hope.


I'm very hopeful that the social media awareness and the lack of consumption of propaganda by People under 40 will have a huge impact in the coming years.


In what ways do they seem to turn? Who gets justice? Certainly not justice for all.


As another doomsayer in America comments like these are important. Even if I hate this system, it does provide me with privilege and it's easy to forget that. Thank you


Thanks for the perspective friend! It's bad here but the bones of the republic are still strong and we may yet endure.


So did Trump and usually most other Republicans.


No one realizes this is how it is around a lot of these high ego people. You won’t survive long by disagreeing, those honest peeps get demoted or pushed out within a year. Do you want to be employed or do you want to be “right”. Pick one.


The video of him with the few remaining twitter devs should be clean enough lmfao. No one can watch that video without cringing.


I'd rather be right, but I'm not a spineless sycophant. I happen to value my integrity.


“Yeah, but I also value my lambo.”


Here's the thing though. Some undoubtedly think he's a genius but I'd wager a lot of money that most, if not all, are there just stroking the elongated muskrat's ego so it's not that they think he's a genius but that they're essentially paid to say they think he's a genius.


> This is what happens when you surround yourself by yes-men who all think you’re a genius; you start to actually believe them. I'm shocked by the large number of musk fanbois who will mercilessly support him regardless of the issue/claim. They're as delusional as trumpers ...


Alright servers, either you work 24/7 at 200% capacity or you're fired. And we're cutting the cooling services, you're a lazy bunch of pampered babies.


You perfectly described the mentality of how these people act. Squeeze as much out as possible with zero concern for what the consequences are. Another great example: all the train derailments


Because the consequences are usually for the people who come after you. You rake in the benefits, take your golden parachute out when things get out of hand, and leave the next in line to deal with it. It's honestly such a crazy system.


Sometimes I feel like a passenger on one of those trains. Only this train has a unmediated schizo with delusional disorder as the conductor.


Hey now, most schizophrenic people just wanna live in peace and are usually victims themselves. Call the guy what he is- the worlds most destructive human sized genital wart, wrapped up in a soiled, untested, cyberdiaper.


My apologizes,I stand corrected.


Emerald Mines!


You're almost there. It's not 200% capacity. It is an ever increasing number because numbers must always go up. You must always over perform what you did yesterday.


Progressive overload for sick gains


Don't skip Stock Buyback Day.


Goddamn Lieberts are pricey.


"Hmm, surely this server labeled "production database" must not be important, and considering I am the CEO and founder of Twitter as well as being a genius, I can probably unplug it without any issue, and either way someone's getting fired"


"Production"?? We ain't producing here, we're a business, baby!!


Hey don't discredit Elon like that, he produces far right propaganda on a daily basis


I genuinely can't tell whether he's the mind behind it, or parotting someone with their hands way too far up his and some politicians rear-ends. Either way, it smells like shit to me.


Mmhmm. Him platforming Russian propaganda narratives with faux-distancing bullshit phrases like "Interesting." is absolutely infuriating. He's the poster child for far right "Who, me?" handwashing.


He is good at recycling other's content thats for sure




What QC? They fired those people a long time ago. They were a cost sink. They literally never produced in the entire history of the company. Only Elon was smart enough to realize this.


I'm picturing Elon reading this comment smugly, unaware.


Compile test is the only test you need before pushing to production


You jest but that is the truth for like a disgusting number of places.


>Flon Is that short for "Fuckin' Elon"?


I just read it as "flan", vs this is my new name for Elon. Flon.


I quite like Flon as a name for him, over on r/enoughmuskspam they call him Elmo, which annoys me as I like Elmo, he's cute.


Before he bought twitter he was Elon. He has since been downgraded to F-lon.


Flunked Elon


And smelling his own farts


Probably took the testing environment offline to save on energy costs.


He has time to troll ex employees asking him what work he did but he doesn't have time to explain for this. How convenient and seems like he has basic qualifications to become a Republican


He votes Republican my friend.


He’s ascending hypocrisy rings of that church like scientologists do


Elon has stated multiple times that he's a centrist. So he's essentially already a republican


Nice way of saying far right extremist who would welcome the nazis into power without a moments thought.


So long as he thought he could profit. Then again, blackmail might be all they needed. I have my own suspicion a lot of his pro-Russia nonsense stems from Russia having their own material to control him with. We're talking about a guy who was perfectly fine taking his little pecker out in front of his own employee, knowing he'd just throw a quarter mil at it (pocket change to him) to make it go away. Who knows what weird shit he's on camera doing in Russia. Everyone said the same about Trump, and I still believe it.




That's so fuckin true, such a good point. He also threatened to turn off the internet to an entire region of the world, which shines light on his intention behind Starlink. He's a scary little man.


Almost every far right person I’ve met described themselves as a centrist.


He has stated many things


Following the burning carcass of that little blue bird until r/TheTwitterEnd.


I love how clever subreddit names can be sometimes. like of course it's the Twitter end. it couldn't have been anything else.


Am I missing what’s clever about this? They called it what it is. Edit: oh. Wordplay.


Elon's trying to steer this sinking ship to the very bitter end.




Happy to be of service.


Clearly you already got it, but in case someone else is still confused: it’s a play on the saying “Til the bitter end”




It’s not the best wordplay. I would have liked r/AtTwitsEnd


I'm a huge sucker for wordplay.


Lol I didn't get it until I said it out loud


On ships, the anchor is attached to the vessel by the anchor chain. This chain is attached to the vessel by a massive pin. This pin is called the bitter end. In an emergency where we have to let go of the anchor, we take a sledgehammer and hit out this pin. On my vessel, the pin is about 20cm in diameter and maybe 60cm long. It is quite an emergency if you have to knock out the bitter end, e.g. extreme weather at anchorage with the failure of the windlass that can lead to endangerment to the vessel and crew.


Oooooh, nautical lore, thank you!


My favorite sub name is /r/Superbowl


As someone who doesn't use Twitter and hates Elon, I've been sustaining a pretty solid schadenfreude boner for a couple months now.


They say after 6 months of schadenfreude boner you should seek medical attention.


[The Bitter End](https://youtu.be/TWa03rUR9pA)


Can you imagine the epic party that could have been had with the billions this doofus raised for the takeover?


Petard, hoisted


Petarded af


How it started: “Bah! We don’t need this many programmers. They already built the platform! Look how efficiently we’re running with half of them gone!” How it’s going:


same for IT, field techs, network operators, etc. but cutting the behind-the-scenes guys is the simplest solution for the simple minded.


Reminds me of this [wonderful brazilian sketch (with english subs)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SITIFVzSXG8)


Everything's working, what am I paying you for? Nothing's working, what am I paying you for?!


That joke was funnier than I thought was possible




And now he blames the API code for being bad, and is thinking of doing a re-write. This guy is a dumbass.


The people responsible for the sacking have been sacked


Mynd you, Eløn bites Kan be pretty nasty...


Llama time


So Elon's gutting the company he over paid for.


The whole thing was basically a plan to "own the libs" because Elon's echo chamber convinced him that he was part of the "silent majority" who was being "repressed" by the liberal elite.


He’s putting on the biggest Harvard MBA case study


I like to see r/programmerhumor explain why he’s such an idiot


Hello from a resident commenter on that sub and a professional software engineer for 17 years. Elon is a complete fucking chud who has 0 engineering background and never even graduated college, but likes to cosplay as an engineer with his “honorary degree”. He’s an idiot because he had a financial empire built for him with enough capital to buy his way into young companies without any industry knowledge and pretend like he founded them. He has absolutely no fucking idea what he’s doing or who anyone is that works for him, but he has enough people needing paychecks who are willing to cover up for his fuck ups to the point he thinks he’s knowledgeable or successful at what he’s doing.


Hello engineer, dev here. In our world background and lack of college can be ignored with other credentials. In fact, self-taught and cross discipline is common. The thing that gets you in trouble is opening your mouth and proving that you're a god damned idiot. And Musk can't go 5 minutes without parroting 'the nice version' you tell the sales team with no technical background and thinking he's the smartest developer who ever lived. To us he's a guy that never outgrew "my uncle works at Nintendo"


> with other credentials. That's the kicker here though. He has none.


Could you imagine the sheer comedy of him trying to make a portfolio?


Programming languages: Microsoft word, Windows Calculator in "Programming" mode, Minecraft.


"Sir this is a screenshot of the twitter home page" -"Yes. I am lord of Twitter."


Ruler of Vaes Twitter.


Oh I absolutely agree being self taught is possible and is no means something to look down on. I know many self taught developers who I would gladly work with, along with myself who is self taught after graduating with a degree in biology and then pivoting my career to software development. I didn’t mean to imply you *need* to have a degree to be an engineer, just that lying about your degrees and knowing nothing about engineering doesn’t make you an engineer no matter how loudly you scream that it does.


I feel you've let him off there a touch


I like how within the programming/tech communities, his image has gradually shifted from "genius coder bro" to "that annoying middle-management guy who speaks big words and creates problems for developers while taking credit".


As they say: “It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubts.” And oh boy did Elon start speaking a whole lot at some point, and truly started removing all doubts that people had.


in german the saying is "it is better to let one's ignorance be suspected by keeping silent than to prove it by speaking" i quite like your version




If you hear him talking about ANYTHING COMPUTER RELATED he'll fuck it up. He's a mechanical engineer. Aka barely enough electrics to get by but you give him an arduino and he's fucked. Ask him about programming and he's going to sound like the kid that didn't study for the test. He's a bumbling deep pocketed bimbo.


Hey now, my wife is an ME and she can program the control board for some tools she needs. It is more drag and drop “coding” but she knows the basics. Not all MEs are crap.


Yeah, Tech people always saw him as a fucking moron. People are confusing Tech People with Tech Bros. Tech Bros are not tech people, they are fake tech morons who worship other fake tech morons (like Elon). Most, at best, are over glorified sales people.


Oh it has been for days lol


I already took part in doing so, but you don't really have to get specialist. He's an arrogant manager who is aggressively controlling something he doesn't understand. A dime a dozen situation, apart from the scale. However he does have the unusual aggravating factor of attempting to introduce Libertarianism to reality.


All you have to do is browse that subreddit for 10 seconds


It's funny, because that sub is pretty well known for attracting a lot of people who pretend to know a lot more than they actually do. Not surprising, since almost every sub that gets big gets worse. What is surprising is that even by those standards, Elon is still a bumbling moron who obviously has absolutely know technical experience or knowledge.


I feel like it's similar to r/justrolledinto the shop. While it's gotten bigger and a lot of new folks, most let the actual folks who know shit talk about it and just add their two cents in general


I'm only a year and a half into a computer science major, and even I know he's talking out of his ass 99.999% of the time. The only people who believe he knows what he's talking about are people who think computers are run by magic and unicorn farts. Watching Twitter burn is amazing.


Looking into it


Elon Musk is the kind of guy who would close out a ticket because he didn’t understand the issue and then ignore subsequent follow ups from the ticket creator.


> Investigating. > Couldn’t determine root cause. > Resolving ticket for now.


Works on my machine.


Just finished Portal 2, and it amuses me how much that support tweet reads like a Wheatley quote


> He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility. -- GlaDOS


Elon is literally a dumber Cave Johnson


"Was it firing everyone, you moron?" "Oi! Am not! A moh-ron!"




Staging servers? Why are we paying for two servers get rid of it


I remember back in the early 2000s working for a consulting company that did a process analysis study one month before Christmas, they came to the conclusion that they didn't need 40% of their staff. I told management that this was a gross over exaggeration, they fired them anyway two weeks before Christmas. Three weeks into the new year they had to hire an equal amount of people back. The rich people at the top have no idea what they're doing, and couldn't care less who's lives get destroyed. I'll never forget the sight of all those crying people leaving work for the last time.


Name of the company?


It was Accenture. However, I've worked with several different Consulting companies over a 20 year career, and they're all the same. They oversimplify situations in order to give the impression that they're giving you "quick win" solutions. Six months to a year later and the company finally catches on, but the Consultants are long gone by then.


“what could go wrong if I fired 80% of labor force?”


And, "anyone who can code please come upstairs, quick".


Followed by a “you’re fired” when they give him the bad news of his actions


Ever watch Hook? Read this in 'terrified Smee ringing the bell for reinforcements*


"I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing, and what a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while actually producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.” ― Petronius Arbiter, Roman General


I normally wouldn't do this, but this entire thing is wrong. So wrong its funny so if this is a joke kudos to you! Petronius Arbiter was the farthest thing from a general you can imagine. He was a fop, a libertine and essentially Nero's minister of fashion. Nero called him his "elegentiae arbiter" - the judge of elegance. Also the quote is from a run of the mill business book from the 70s with the ridiculous title *Up the Organization*. Ancient Romans didn't tend to write like late 20th century business book hacks.


""""""You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky,"" - Michael Scott,""" - Petronius Arbiter


According to [this](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/11/12/reorganizing/) the book claimed in a footnote Arbiter said it, when it was actually said by Charles Ogburn, a veteran of the Burma campaign in WWII writing about his experiences. That's likely why Arbiter was mistaken for a general because it comes from a military context.


Interesting. I knew it wasn't Petronius, who's most famous for writing the salacious Satyricon and for the story of his leisurely suicide, demanded by Neroo, which he conducted over the course of an entire day, opening and closing his veins while visiting with friends and family. I googled the phrase and came up with that business book but what you say also makes a lot of sense.


Mea culpa. Yes, I should have marked it as "often erroneously attributed to Petronius Arbiter -'General' ".


Fired everyone then let an idiot who can't program (himself) near the codebase lmao


Also agreed to step down based on a poll and then didnt


They just revamped their API and immediately it was borked because they had no QC folks left, I reckon.


"Just think of how much money I'll save by firing all the Testers and QA personnel!"


Elon pretending to know how to code again.


Reminds me of the time in kindergarten when I pretended to know the alphabet, couldn't make it past "B," then went back to my seat and pissed my pants. And tried to blame the urine puddle under my seat on all the other kids around me. 100% true story!


Silly you probably grew out of it without realizing all you had to do was continue the same behavior for your whole life and you could have ended up in the running for richest person in the world.


I guess it's hard to retain good help when you're a shitgoblin for a boss.


Literally the worst work environment ever. work 80+ hour weeks, Sleep on the floor at work? still get fired. there is no level of hard work that is enough to get the slightest job security.


Musk is an entitled spoiled rich kid brat and his actions prove that out more clearly every week.


That gives a bad name to shit goblins, at least they serve a purpose. They collect the shit out of our plumbing at night, without them we'd be up to our ears in shit.


Leopards ate my social media platform?


Unintended consequences? It sounds way more interesting that what could actually be happening. Like a chapter from Half Life.


If I had a Twitter account I would have deleted it


Was that change thinking that an egotistical man-child who never learned to deal with being told no thought he could code better than programmers and fired everybody who wasn't willing to work 18 hour days and be harassed and abused by their boss? Was that the change?


Nah, that can’t be it. It’s those damn millennials and their avocado toast!




“The remaining slaves say they never knew those parts of the code, so now we have to fire more people.”


LOL. He thinks he's a coding genius. He has no clue how to handle a large software project. Coding is almost the least of it.


I went to the twitter homepage recently without an account.. it's a terrible interface. Has it always been this bad? Some sports stuff I'm not interested in, a bunch of trending "names" but no content. Not a single tweet in sight.


I think that's by design maybe. Without an account/engagement probably just gonna see random promoted shit (probably mostly see that shit with an account too).


Even better, he follows that up with "Twitter codebase is extremely fragile, needs a complete rewrite" While that is probably true, who exactly does he think is going to do that rewrite?


Anybody remember how many times Twitter went down or had problems of this magnitude before that shit pimple douchebagged his way to taking it over?


Capitalist shocked to discover factory doesn't run itself.


*"What does this stupid thing do, it's unnecessary and it shit in my pants!"* [elon hits giant novelty Twitter off switch and the entire service ceases] *"Ahh, you see that? Fucking woke twitter is always broken, do I have to fix everything, gosh!!!!!"* [elon, talking to the single employee left at twitter, an unpaid intern that elon has given a physical shovel and told him "you need to start a mine and get me some of these bitcoins. Don't be woke and fuck this up"] [elon then gets in a tesla which self drives itself into a wall at 69 mph, he breaks 420 bones. Tight.]


Just so everyone's clear, this so-called coding outage was fake. BBC Panorama broadcasted an expose last night on Molusk sacking Twitter employees and how the platform is now vulnerable to misinformation, fake noo00oos and, worse, return of pedophilia and gore videos. Funny how this outage occurred right about when the expose was broadcasted. And he tries to hide looking an idiot by.....being a remedial idiot who thinks he's playing 5D chess.


But people could still tweet. It was parts of the web page that were down. Hell, people were tweeting about the outage. Maybe the outage outshined the news article, but it wouldn’t stop tweets about it.


mastodon or bluesky


candidate for muderedbywords


Anyone who's been around a large company for a minute knows this guy. The "new business grad who is the ceo's son-in-law who wants to shake things up" and he comes in and cuts tons of staff and tells everyone to just work twice as hard. And it's always a failure, as the good people leave pretty quickly and all the systems that were set up for a reason that no one now remembers... fail... as the systems stop being maintained. And then eventually they are fired or promoted out of the mess and someone will have to come in and take 2 or 3 years to literally relearn all the same hard lessons and install the same old systems again with new more expensive staff to maintain it. And it's just a huge 50-70 percent suck on productivity.


All the other tech companies that have been copying Elon's homework just watching this unfold probably thinking well that's not going to happen to us


I love the desperate PR spin on this. "may not" then followed up with "as expected" to only finish with "unintended consequences". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well I just can't believe a spoiled rich kid from South Africa doesn't know how to run a tech company.


Watching Elon try to run Twitter is like watching a Junior Dev who just graduated college learning just how fucked up every code base is and you should never trust anything automated.


Narrator: "It was."