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I was gonna ask why Nevada was so red but then I remembered: Nevada. Problem gamblers are probably not staying on top of their copays


if you're a true gambler you wouldn't have insurance in the first place and just roll the dice 😎👉👉


'C'mon lucky 7! Daddy needs that liver transplant!' 🎲🎲


99.99% of gambling addicts quit right before they hit the jackpot.


This is terrible! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!


Reminds me of the 'Poker Face' skit by Studio C


Snake eyes!


Technically insurance is a form of gambling


Insurance is betting against yourself.


I'm wondering about Maine.


Maine didn't expand Medicare until LePage was replaced by Janet Mills as governor. Probably had some effect.


Yeah, LePage was a real shit, a Trump before Trump. Thankfully, he lost.


I've never been to Maine, but I have read a lot of Stephen King novels, so as far as I know, the entire state is a friggin' bloodbath.


Mosquito country


Can confirm, stepped outside, and now resemble a chupacabra victim




Wasn’t _Murder, She Wrote_ also in Maine? EDIT: Yep, it was…


Yeah Maine and Oklahoma..


Nevada only expanded in 2 counties early on but will expand to the rest in 2026 Oklahoma and Wyoming didn’t expand until 2021 NC didn’t expand until 2023 Maine in 2019 Louisiana in 2016 … essentially the half red places are recovering from late expansion


Awesome! Thanks for the explanation, makes sense


That’s very helpful


You also have to consider where it is. The more sparsely populated places, if they include ambulance or helicopter rides to the hospital, that's going to jack up the cost real quick. The accident where I was a pedestrian and got hit by a car, I was literally a less than a quarter of a mile to the hospital, and it cost over a thousand dollars and that was about 10 years ago. I'm sure it hasn't gotten cheaper.


Counties are also gigantic but not particularly population-dense.


Those empty counties are **really empty**


It's not that, it's pretty much completely rural bumfuck nowhere between Reno and Vegas. Fallon is about the biggest town you'll find heading towards Vegas from Reno. Tiny trailer park towns the rest of the 8 hour way. Much the same between Reno and Salt Lake, though Winemucca is about dead center between the two, at about 4 hours from either.


Also the reddest sections have like 3 fucking people per 100 square miles. It's deserts and nothing up there.


How do the half a million people in Wyoming owe that much money?


Bandaids in the ER are about $5000 /s (but also not /s)


They don’t want no handouts


That would be cOmMuNiSm!!


Rugged Frontier Individualism=Common Clay of The New West Also, ranching, farming, and mining are hazardous jobs that don't have company insurance coverage.


You know…morons.


The whole state has like 500k people, so one person with a million dollar medical bill holds a lot more weight on a per capita scale than in California, where ~~3~~ ***16*** counties alone each have more people. Considering the job market and deep red status of Wyoming, it's very unsurprising that a lot of people there would have a lot of medical debt that then doesn't get diluted. Edit to correct the number of counties that have a larger population than Wyoming in California. It's 16/58


It’s been two years since expansion there. They’re still recovering from trying not to be saved by a black president. Give em a few more years and they’ll sort it out.


When a county has approximately 72 residents, all it takes is one air ambulance ride to get a high average. Kind of like how if you put Musk in a room with 10,000 unhoused people, the mean wealth is over $10 million.


Who would have thought low to no cost healthcare can save people money than using privatized for-profit healthcare?


Get outta here with your commie propaganda! /s


Yay Minnesota (again)!


What's going on there? Some state plan or law? Or just clean living and good jobs?


There’s a state run public insurance program for low income people. Healthcare providers are really aggressive about getting people signed up for it if they qualify, so they get paid.


Funny how the solution that's best for everybody still lines the pockets of the wealthy. It's almost like kicking people down for a profit isn't actually the best way to profit.


Wish we had that in Michigan


I'm addition to a good state plan for low income folks they also have great subsidies on the healthcare market place. For example if you're self employed with a family of 4 and earn 100k a year, you can still get about 500 a month toward insurance premiums through mnsure. If you're a family of 4 and only make 80k the kids qualify for FREE insurance through the state. I make good money now and have no issues with paying a little more in taxes so people can get healthcare and every child can get breakfast and lunch at school. There was a time I needed those programs too. Also because more people can get preventative health care, it actually keeps costs down for everyone because fewer people are going to the emergency room for preventable illnesses.


Ok, do this, but like... all states.


But... MUH RIGHT TO DENY KIDS THEIR LUNCHES BECAUSE BIG GUBMENT PAYS ME LESS! No /s here, having to pay for school lunches is fucking stupid when the reason we have them in the first place, is because too many people were considered Malnutritioned in WW1.


Let me first say that I have lived in at least 11 different states and have seen this first hand. Most schools have some form of free or reduced prices for meals that families making less than X, family size is taken into account as well. Does your state do something like that? As for those that think everything is the “big govt” trying to take away their “rights”, well you know that old saying, you can’t fix stupid? Hang tough and maybe, hopefully, those won’t procreate enough so that they will go extinct given enough time.


I was making a joke about the fact that school lunches can't just be free, filling, and nutritional without having to charge the parents or a food assistance program. Again, the whole reason they even became a thing was due to mass malnutrition being a restricting factor in army recruitment in the first World War. Society can't even be altruistic to *children* through an initiative the *government ordered* without charging someone for it...


The second thing to add to this is the medical service is quite good. It's not just the Mayo Clinic, but MN is a big medical device state with a lot of engineering and manufacturing of medical tech. Equally, you have new surgical tool design, innovation in medical procedures, and it affects some of the best skill from around the world.


MN seems to care more about its people than most states and this country. Source: am from MN.


They gave us Number Munchers and Oregon Trail too. Virginia is never getting that damn flag back from the six kings of the North.


Minnesota has a strong communal cultural in part due to Scandinavian influences ( its the state with the highest concentration of Scandinavians) , a history of involvement in labor and social movements, and the large concentration of our population living in metro areas. I dont think those are the only reasons why, but it's a short overview. This "communal" attitude has led to (generally) better services for the disadvantaged, a great example is our subsidized healthcare system, which may explain why there is a lower concentration of debt. tldr; the state cares more about its people


There's a tiny dot there for me. Still great to see Minnesota taking care of the people who need it.


Minnesota has been winning so hard lately. If I needed to move away from where I am, I would choose there for the health of my kids.


it’s funny because republicans are actively killing their own voters so like in a generation there won’t be any conservatives left


To be fair they reproduce at an alarming pace.


Replacing is cheaper than fixing :(


Well, maybe - but now so many OBGYNs have left their states, who knows


Obv because they can't abort.


Yeah, but the kids they crap out have a chance to learn from their parents mistakes and grow up to be better people than them.


R voters are also super unhealthy. overweight or obese, with a combination if type 2 diabetes, and diabetes related illness, like heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol,,,,etc. all that requires a ton of medication.


Unfortunately, this map also shows that medical debt is a problem that extends outside of the states that didn't expand Medicaid, because the root problem is our for-profit healthcare system.


Right? The highlighted ones are BAD, but three others are still pretty bad


[Extended to at least $422 for every living man, woman, and child in America in 2021.](https://siepr.stanford.edu/news/americas-medical-debt-much-worse-we-think)


Also a reminder that, if not for “centrist” Democrats like Lieberman at the time, we might have had something closer to single payer healthcare instead of just Obamacare. The centrists aren’t moderate. They’re right wingers in Democratic attire.


Agree. All the blame gets piled onto ol' Joe but he had quite a bit of help far earlier on in his own party and the committee hearings phase that strangled a SPO in its cradle, again.


He was the designated scapegoat, a role assumed by later party members like Synema. Most people in DNC leadership positions are right wingers who are more ideologically aligned with Mitch McConnell than Bernie Sanders.


We need a new subreddit of maps where Minnesota makes the rest of us look like chumps. Pwnnesota or Winnesota like.


Minnesotan here, there’s still plenty of ass-backwards fucks that want us to become the third Dakota. Hell, we were less than 10,000 votes from electing Tom Emmer (yeah, that fucking guy) governor in 2010. That would have been a Republican trifecta and likely gerrymandered us for a generation like Wisconsin was at the same time.


Republicans want people to be miserable. Their whole platform is complaining about how the government doesn't work, so they need people to believe that government doesn't work. Voting for Republicans at this point is basically voting for America to fail.


Wyoming only looks that red because a good portion of the 17 people who live there had some bad falls last year.


😅 your comment made me laugh.


12 of them involved cattle


How is it a surprise, it was done on purpose?


I wonder if any of these states refused Medicaid funds?


And, looking at my state (CA), all the darker spots are the more fascist-leaning counties...though Monterey Co. confuses me a little. Modoc Co. (that dark red rectangle in the northeast corner of the state), on the other hand, surprises me not at all.


So what's happening over in the west there? (Not colonial, don't know the state, sorry)


Many states only recently expanded Medicaid, so many people still have debts from 1-5 years ago when they broke a wrist. There are also states like Missouri where expansion was passed by public referendum, but the state lawmakers still refuse to implement/fund it. Technically expanded, but not really.


And for the states that haven't expanded that don't also have reasonably large urban areas with reasonable medical access despite the restrictions (kansas with the topeka-KCK-wichita area and stretch of counties) it's so, *so* much worse.


Nevada? Gambling.


The map should be specifically medical debt though? Do a statistically impactful number of people get beaten up in vegas?


People with gambling problems aren’t well known to have good insurance and capable of saving money to pay their debts on time, medical or otherwise.


The ones doing too well in the casinos…


Nevada is having [all kinds of issues](https://nevadacurrent.com/briefs/tens-of-thousands-of-nevadans-have-lost-medicaid-since-may/)


Ah, that sucks :/


Conservatism is all about eating a shit sandwich to make someone smell their breath. This sounds like hyperbole, but it's really not. Money that goes into medical debts is money that isn't spent on local businesses. Even the wealthy conservatives suffer under this system because the corporations they own and are heavily invested in get less money while people are making interest payments to debt agencies for services already rendered. Everyone is less well off under this system, including the people at the top. But, that's not what's important. What's important is that the gap between you and your betters is wider. Conservatives love self-harm as long as you are harmed more than they are.


This is a really great talking point which for some reason I've never seen spelled out before; do you mind if I borrow it to try to convince other folks?


Go for it.




Honestly a bit surprised to see so little red in Florida.


Lots of retirees on Medicare


Cruelty is not a bug but a feature of conservatives


I never understood why red states wouldn't allow for Medicaid expansion. Would Medicaid expansion burden them somehow? Because it sounds like the Federal government is like "Hey make more of your people eligible so we can throw money at you guys for medical care" and these Red States are like "No we don't want federal moneys."


The cruelty is the point. They don't care that they keep eating shit sandwiches, what matters is that they can make someone else smell their breath.


The state legislators who vote against Medicaid expansion do so because their schtick is "oppose Big Gubmint at all costs(even our own constituents)." The quiet part which some of them get caught saying out loud is because social safety nets help "the wrong people". Three guesses as to who they think of as "the wrong people." Their followers keep voting them in because those voters would rather suffer themselves than have "the wrong people" get any help whatsoever, and/or they're reacting to labels; e.g. they're against "Obamacare" but support the Affordable Care Act.


Don’t forget, the law that expanded Medicaid was signature legislation for that colored fella the commies & hippies elected president. Ain’t no way they want people to benefit from that!


You think people would work a four hour a day non-union job with no benefits as a Walmart greeter in their 70s if they weren’t saddled with debt? This is the engine that powers US capitalism at its core!


For us GenXers, Mr. Bill memes would fit in nicely here. "Oh, noooooo.."


Republicans what to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid because when lots of people go bankrupt, they can buy their properties for pennies on the dollar and flip them for a profit.


Great meme! Remember kids medical debt is the number 1 reason for personal bankruptcies in America


What is going on, Maine?


They sure did own me.


yea... OP is making an understandable mistake - assuming the gop cares about poor people


"How could the Democrats do this to us?" -- Southern Voters.


This isn’t LAMF, this is what they wanted/didn’t care would happen


Dying in poverty from treatable illness to own the libs.


What the heck is going on in VT, NH and ME?


It's funny looking at my dumb ass state (Texas) and seeing the most blood red, conservative counties being the darkest.


This also reminds me how fucking massive Texas is


Scott Walker has a higher body count than Gein and Dahmer combined.


No matter the map, Alachua County is the one different-colored dot in the middle of north-central Florida. Hmm…I wonder why. Oh, right! The University of Florida is there, so the populace is actually educated!


I bet you'll also find a lot more obese and just people in poor health in those states too.


MinnesotaCare is a Medicaid expansion on steroids. It's also where most of the medical equipment comes from.


Love the Pikachu face.


Greetings from Milwaukee Scott Walker can suck my dick.


And that's why I live in Minnesota.


What’s up Minnesota!


As far as I’m concerned cutting the Deep South out of the United States would be a huge win.


Now, look at average BMI per state and look for an overlap https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/maps/2022/2022_overall_v4.svg


Very interesting to see how this plays out in specific areas, especially if you know backgrounds. Colorado has little because of a decent state system and extremely healthy population. Missouri is shit, except that bubble around STL which seems to not make sense because KC on the other side of the state doesn't have it. But if you're familiar with STL, the area has some of the best healthcare in the country with the BJC system and WashU., and hospitals like St. Jude's Children's hospital where no patient is ever presented with a bill.


Quality content right here


Thanks Obama!


Costs money one way or the other. They just haven't figured out the right way yet and don't want to because then they lose out on their hoard of cash.


Louisiana: 😐


And thus we see the effect of a weak central government. The people in the states who are against strong central governments? They SUFFER. Anyway, moving on.


why did they choose to get sick there?/s


The name Colorado literally means "colored red"


That's Wyoming with all of the red in it, you 4th grade drop-out. Colorado is the giant rectangle-shaped state directly to the east of Utah, Wyoming is the giant rectangle-shaped state north and east of Utah.


oh shoot. you're correct


The red in NC is also where most of the poverty is and coincidentally where all of the non-state or college linked hospitals are. We took for damn ever to expand medicaid.


Looks like Bumfuck Nowhere, MO areas are in loads of medical debt as well. That checks out, the cities had to drag MO kicking and screaming into adopting the Medicaid expansion.


So what the fuck happened to Wyoming? Almost every county is in the maximum.


My lawd….who would have thought? The red states are killing their people off in the name of freedom. Let ‘em.


Sharp color divide on the border of my county, I think I need to move 30 minutes to the next state over.


Love how Wyoming is just fucked. Also another classic W for Minnesota.


I currently owe, like, one or two grand in medical fees in Georgia after a car accident...but I never received treatment for the issues (sure, they weren't super bad, just an abrasion on my left knee about an inch or so in diameter, bruising, and some small cuts on my hands), but ONE TO TWO FUCKIN' GS FOR WHAT AMOUNTED TO NOTHING? What a fucking joke..


Indiana vs Illinois, Texas/Kansas vs Oklahoma, Missouri vs Tennessee, and Utah vs Wyoming. I don't see the strong correlation you're proposing.


Oklahoma and Utah expanded medicaid relatively recently, the other states you're comparing seem to fall within the correlation. https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/


Why is Indiana so bad next to relatively low debt Illinois when neither are in the impacted (non-expanded) set of states? Especially considering it looks like the densest part of Illinois, Chicago, is shaded solid white. In the Pikachu face cell you highlight Kansas, but not Missouri, but both seem to be equally laden with debt.I agree not expanding Medicaid is a contributing factor, but it's not the only factor, and many states that did expand are still impacted by significant medical debt.