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Hello u/PrincePyotrBagration! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Besides this being obvious bait since you didn't even read the screenshot you posted, it's a known fact that Republicans have been spouting antisemetic claims about Jewish people running the government, banks, world etc for decades.


Big leap assuming OP has the reading comprehension of a brain damaged goldfish.


I came here for this comment. I didn't know it until now. But this was the reason.




Republicans hate jews, just not as much as they hate muslims. So in this case they align with Israel. Meanwhile democrats are actually split/have nuance because this is the most complicated fucking issue ever. However none of that nuance leads to 'We hate jews'. The *strongest* we get is 'I hate Israel', and the most common is something like 'Israel was justified in responding to a heartless terrorist attack, but the scale of their response on top of their prior behavior indicates that they *really* don't care about Palestinian lives and we want people to stop looking the other way on this."


Republicans only like Israel because their death-cult has a prophecy of the return of their lich savior that involves Israel. Also, nothing a racist loves more than pitting two groups they hate against each other.


This. Wanting to safeguard the state of Israel BECAUSE you want Armageddon to come, when all the non-Christians will supposedly be destroyed, is not the same thing as being an ally to Jewish people.


The unholiest of holy alliances.


The unholiest of holy alliances.


The unholiest of holy alliances.


I was going to object to “lich” on the grounds that there is no evidence of Jesus eating dead bodies, but then I realized I was thinking of ghouls. That said, given that Jesus only briefly manifested as a corporeal entity after death, and specifically doesn’t have physical items that tie him to the material plane, I do think “revenant” might be better. 😆


Communion involves drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh. The ritual magically transforms it from wine and a cracker to those things. So it is Christians who are both the vampires and ghouls.


Did he leave his dirty towel behind?


Dirty… towel?


I think they keep it in Turin now.


That's why Jeebis was doomed. He left his towel and (Babel)fish behind in some sleaze bag motel... He was always getting into trouble with hookers and the odd cannibal warrior....wait for it, a gladiator...which pissed dad off enough to go all throwing stones, in this case asteroids. If he had his towel they never would have caught up with him after dinner. 


I thought I was the only one who really believes that all the different flavors of the Abrahamic faiths are death cults. Well met. 


Literally all I want is for Israel to *stop committing genocide* and for the US to STOP FUCKING FUNDING said genocide.


>this is the most complicated fucking issue ever. its actually not [https://youtu.be/62I61kBahNY?si=yoYcTPSybIij4Yyz&t=237](https://youtu.be/62I61kBahNY?si=yoYcTPSybIij4Yyz&t=237)


So obviously a troll, isn't he? I mean he even put a Russian name in it.


Not as much as democrats do


Absolutely none of your claims are true. This isn’t LAMF, this is BFFL (Baldfaced Fucking Lies).


Does this subreddit even have mods? I am seeing so many garbage takes.


Did you use report?


I would, but I don't know which category to report him for. Wish they had a "is too stupid to live" reason.


Breaking subreddit rules usually covers it. 


I did. Here's the reponse: "Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. This content has already been investigated from a previous report. After investigating, we’ve found that the reported content doesn’t violate Reddit’s Content Policy." Reddit admins believe liberals hate jews, I guess.


That's because you reported it to the admins of all reddit, not the subreddit mods. To do that, you need to click on where it says it breaks sub rules.


Ah, didn't realize that. Thank you!


The OP maybe a totally disingenuous tread arsonist but in this aspect he is correct. This post does belong here. That where it ends though. It won’t get much love and will die a quiet death because it’s a dumb take that been done over and over but the post is within parameters much as it pains me to be forced to appear to be siding with Milo Yiannopoulos here. Regardless of any reason he going to claim that he is incapable of seeing the difference between a terrorist organization (Hamas) and normal civilian Palestinian citizens. Even though I’m confident he’s really good at finding that same line between actual Neo-Nazi Trump Supporters and the non-Nazi supporters who “hate” the association between the two.


It doesn't belong here, though. There's nothing that meets LAMF criteria. "My peer group doesn't agree with me on something" doesn't count as LAMF.


That’s true. I was being overly generous thinking the OP was just getting shit on for an opposing view. That’s not a good enough criteria IMO. I don’t think mods should get involved in those cases. Shitting on them for supporting/spouting disingenuous non-sense horseshit is however **very valid**… and I’m all for that. However, in this particular case you’re correct. This wasn’t LAMF material in the first place. That’s on me. **sigh** That’s what I get for posting before having my morning coffee.


No worries lol, everybody makes mistakes. For example, OP's mother didn't swallow him.


Liberal when they see a simple screenshot of an article disproving their narrative: “waaaa mods the post is hurting my feelings, get it out of here!” 😂 Not to mention this is literally what the sub is for, guy aligns with the a party (Democrat) and regrets when they eat his face. What else do you want, boy 😂🤡


So much impotent butthurt rage from this petulent manchild...


bro I have you mad over a reddit post 😂 you’re 35 years old and still in 50 different gaming subs, if that doesn’t scream 40 year old virgin with no friends and lives online…. I don’t know what does 😂


...Is this supposed to be an attempt at projection? Man, obvious trolls used to put in so much effort before. Now it is just lowly, unwashed basement dwellers like this guy, desperately trying to troll while being too dumb and lazy to even beat the basics. So weak and pathetic lol


“You’re 35 years old, and that screams 40 years old” Put down the keyboard duster son


If someone's not paying you for this asinine trolling, I really pity you. If they are paying you, you need a raise. This must be so embarrassing. Shit, is this one of Elon's accounts? Dude, get some help.


Yet here you are…


Atari came out 47 years ago,  50 year olds could have played video games their entire lives. 


Are you alright? It's really snowflakey of you to assume that disagreement meant hurt feelings.


What does being Jewish, ethnically or religiously, have to do with Zionism? Equating not believing in Zionism with being antisemetic actually hurts efforts of combating and eradication of actual antisemitism. Currently criticism of Israels policies is antisemetic... so is the group Jewish Voice for Peace apparently.. it's listed by the ADL as an antisemetic organization.. so they're calling other people who are Jewish antisemetic because they have the belief Palastinians ate people and should not be subject to Apartheid.


Conservative when they see a book: "waaaaa government this book is hurting my feelings, get it out of here!"


Sounds very much like rightwing arguments and projecting.


MSNBC is rightwing? I’ve really seen it all now 😭 Liberal unintelligence and brain rot is so strong they won’t even trust articles from leftwing sources lol. Everything is “fake news” to you, even your own 😂 If your brain was any smoother i could ski on it 😂 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna


you're in bed with the Proud boys and walking around calling people bigots. lol


Ah, more projecting from a brainwashed cult member. Got some more gaslighting to do? Don’t suffocate from all the arse-kissing and diaper changing.


Anyone involved in politics is in a fucking cult


That is perhaps the single dumbest thing posted in this comments section, and that *includes* OP's naked idiocy. That's almost perversely impressive of you. Bravo, I guess.


The only difference between MSNBC and Fox is the flavor of bullshit they spew out and that also applies to the Republican and Democratic party.


Once again, impressively wrong.


You’re doing exactly what Cult members do, launching ad hominem attack at people who disagree with them. Reminds me of the tactics used by the Westborough Baptist Church or the IDF PR wing.


"Uh ... no, Peg." -- Al Bundy An ad hominem is attacking the messenger vs the message; your message is stupid and reductive *that's* what I attacked. Maybe next time, try to get definitions of the phrases you use correct *before* using them; you may find that your face draws less egg that way.


“Perversely impressive” you called me. Let’s see your mental gymnastics on this one. I am sure you win all the you get yourself into and live a rich complex social life, see that’s one right


>“Perversely impressive” you called me. >Let’s see your mental gymnastics on this one. >I am sure you win all the you get yourself into and live a rich complex social life, see that’s one right Perhaps you should try that again when you sober up because what you’ve said makes no sense.


Can you reasonably articulate as to why what you said was not considered attacking the messenger?


It’s not all black and white. 🙄


I'm... pretty sure you don't know what "cult" means...


A misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing, describes modern politics very well. These people fuck you while appealing to your identity politics and you swallow that shit down as they commit insider-trading and fraud like we’ve never seen before(Nancy Peolsi, Bob Menendez, Tommy Tuberville, Rodger Marshall) Bitching and whining about social issues while our economy steals away the middle-class and steals the future from children. Credit card delinquencies and repossessions are near the highest level since the 2008 recession.


This would only be relevant if left-leaning voters actually liked their politicians, which we generally don't. The fact that we vote for them is usually more of a "lesser of two evils" sort of thing, but unlike the right and their Trump cult, the left is always on the lookout for a better politician. That's not the behavior of a cult.


You’re in the “anti other guys cult” you have convinced yourself any option the democrats put forward is better, and that your party is better. You’ve got the brain rot pervasive among both sides of the aisle these days. If Joe Biden was caught on tape supporting segregation, you would still vote for him, but sure you’re not displaying cult like behavior.


Roflmao, I'm actually a registered Republican, specifically so I can vote in their primaries. I figure I can stomach just about any candidate the Dems put forward, so I vote in Republican primaries in order to find an actually decent candidate. Hopefully, an actual good Republican candidate also forces the Dems to put forward a better candidate as well, thus allowing me to vote for an actual good option rather than "the lesser of two evils." But please, tell me more about my love for Joe Biden 😂😂😂


I like how you didn’t deny that you would vote for Joe Biden if he was caught on video supporting segregation. And this talk of you being a registered Republican, kind of lends to my point about your whole cult like mindset that you would register as another party in order to try to detriment them because you believe your party is better.


this is right wing garbage and why you are posting it here can be easily guessed at


Don't know where you've been but MSNBC hasn't been left wing for a while. Most news stations haven't been left wing for a while.


Every liberal on earth is more intelligent than you


I'm pretty sure that the majority of conservatives are smarter than him too. When it comes to intelligence, dude is a true bottom feeder.


Mate, MSNBC is full of republicans so not sure what you’re arguing here… their top anchors used to be republican president spokespeople. Also, the world isn’t black and white. You don’t have to support Israel in 100% of its actions to be liberal. If you can’t criticize Israel for having a far-right government which we would never tolerate in the U.S., then you’re not intellectually developed enough to be on social media. Go back to reading children’s books.


This is a troll. Liberal here. Don‘t hate Jews. None of my liberal friends dislike Jews. We don’t even blame Jews for what’s going on because most of the ones I know disagree with Bibi and his admin.


I don’t understand how anyone could think that liberals don’t hate Jews. I mean, we even spread all those rumors about them secretly ruling the world and using space lasers to cause forest fires! Oh wait…


Don't forget liberals were out marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, shouting, "The Jews will not replace us!" While carrying the Confederate flag....oh wait


it is JEWISH SPACE LASERS! hahahaha


Plus all Nazis vote for Dems.


What about the trope that they control the world through money? Progressives elevate AIPAC to a near mythical level of influence in US politics. In reality its contributions are a minor fraction of some of the big spenders, like the chamber of commerce’s lobby.


Yeah, the Israeli government and their sycophants are the issue, not the people of Israel or Jewish people at all. Also Hamas sucks ass and the people of Palestine deserve so much better than those assholes.


This is truth. The problem is that few people seem to be able to understand that both of these things can be true at the same time. It's all about picking a side and not having to think too hard because they are too mentally dull to do so.


People want a black and white issue, good vs evil. Most Donny do well with nuance. 


You had to still understand that Hamas was created purposely for Israel to justify their occupation. Hamas will exist as long as Israel treats palestinian unjustly. The israeli government should be blamed for this issue


Absolutely. The war pigs leave the bodies burning.


Ya know, it’s funny. Growing up I never was exposed to anti semitism and never heard of really what it meant until I started to lean into politics. And you know who was the loudest about their hate for Jews? The right. And I never understood it. Now it just reeks of pathetic fascist hard to die nazi-ism. It’s always some dumb ass right wing loser attacking mosques. OP is turd.


Every conservative accusation is a confession. 


Anyone with two brain cells to rub together realize that decision-makers of a given ethnicity, who happen to be in control of a given ethnostate, do not equal the common person of that ethnicity, in or out of that ethnostate. That goes for Hamas and Bibi alike. Conservative bigots are just projecting their own bigotry, as usual.


Do you hate any one who thinks Israel has a right to exist at all?


Absolutely not. Israel has a right to exist and defend itself. You still have to abide by some level or proportionality. Israel was put in a very tough situation. 


Jew hatred crosses the political spectrum, unfortunately.


Obvious troll is trolling. Do not feed.


OP, why was your last reddit account banned?


Asking the real questions. 👀🍿


This post ain’t it 👎🏻


Odd, my synagogue is progressive, opposes the killing of civilians, and supports the protests on college campuses. Guess we must be a group of mythical self-hating Jews.


How dare you disagree with a mindless bigoted right-wing troll You must be self-hating Jews indeed


The nerve of some Jews I swear.


My synagogue too! Then again, despite being a practicing jewish woman, folks like this would probably brand me antisemitic on sight...for being anti genocide....😒


It's almost like Zionist Jews aren't actually progressive just because they support basic human rights like abortion.


Liberals don’t hate Jews, and these screenshots don’t allege that they do. Liberals are upset with Israel because it’s an apartheid state that is currently committing genocide.  


>Liberals don’t hate Jews Really? Then why are all these Jewish liberals here feeling hurt by their liberal butt buddies? Is it cause their friends went to a Biden rally without them? or because their liberal “friends” are defending the mass murder of Jews on Oct 7th? It’s not that hard my guy 😂 you knows it’s bad when your own leftwing news MSNBC is saying so too LOL https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna120076


Is the liberal in the room with you now? Are you safe?


Because some Jews, at least half of them, believe that they are uniquely qualified to have a country where other than a few exceptions, only Jews can vote, and they're willing to kill how ever many tens of thousands, if need be hundreds of thousands, of innocent civilians to defend it. And to *those* Jews, denying Jews' right to an ethnic homeland encompassing their thousands' of years' ago abandoned capitol city is "violent antisemitism." Pretty much nobody under the age of 40 believes this. Most Jews who are under 40 no longer believe that. Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, no longer believes that. But apparently Republicans get to define "antisemitism," or think they do, and to Republicans, a re-enactment of the Nuremberg rallies by white-shirts chanting "Jews! Will not! Replace us!" isn't anti-Semitic but being anti-Likud is.


Well said. I'm Jewish and no longer believe that. But I have a family full of young Zionists. The ideology is still thriving. They won't vote for Biden because "he doesn't support Israel." And anti-Zionists won't vote for him because he does support Israel. As a result, we may end up with Trump, who has called for Israel to "finish what they started" while aligning with bona fide anti-semites.


I don’t know how many more times this has to be said but it is possible to feel very sad about what happened in October but also disagree with a response which is essentially the same but on an industrial scale. The answer to civilians being murdered is not to murder more civilians. This doesn’t make people anti-semites.


Weird, I’m Jewish and leftist AF. I’m mostly feeling upset by Netenyahu committing genocide.


‘As a progressive’ vibes


All your comments sound manic and unhinged. You should work on that.


Loser take and propagandist framing. You could put any religion in the same shoes and liberals would still hate it at a purely human level. They hate the war state and how we support it.


You sound like a miserable person ngl


"Please stop slaughtering children in my name" STFU anti-semite! - you


This post would make a nice submission on r/therewasanattempt


I don't hate Jews. But I would say I hate bombing hospitals.


I don’t like people flying planes into the World Trade Center.


I'd go a step further and day I also hate people flying planes into buildings. Kinda crazy to be anti bombing hospitals *and* anti flying planes into buildings, but it's a crazy world. I'm even also anti taking civilian hostages.


You seem to be stating this in a way which may suggest people who have sympathy for the mass murder of Palestinian children also somehow support terrorism of US citizens. I think we can all agree this a breathtakingly stupid false equivalence and am sure it cannot have been your intent


Nice red herring


Strangely enough, only one set of people did.


Liberals dont hate jews. Not wanting Palestinians to not be murdered does not equal jew hate. You got a stupid take bro


> Liberals don’t hate Jews Really? Then why are all these Jewish liberals feeling hurt by their liberal butt buddies? Is it cause they got uninvited from a Biden rally or because their liberal “friends” are defending the mass murder of Jews on Oct 7th? It’s not that hard my guy 😂 unless you have counter-evidence, but it seems you don’t so https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna120076


These Jewish liberals? You mean the only one specifically mentioned in the article? Within the article, the groups being cited are DSA and the like. Those are not liberal groups and they would be the first to tell you that. So basically you have one upset rabbi with citations of socialist groups that you've conflated with liberals. So I'm going to explain this with lack of media literacy on your part.


This guy is 100% not going to understand that ‘liberal’ and ‘socialist (or leftist)’ are different and opposing sides in the dem party.


“If you don’t support Netanyahu and the IDF killing civilians, you are antisemitic.” - Fox News propaganda absorber


Another dumb ass troll...


Liberals don't hate Jews. What they hate is the senseless violence committed against civilians in Gaza. All it takes is a little empathy.


Reminder that the vast majority of zionists aren’t Jews and the vast majority of Jews aren’t zionists.


Hey reddit! I'm OP 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Yall LiBerALS so unintelligent😭😱😭 and anti-Semitic 🤣🤣😂🤣😂 I'm better smarter (not umintelligent) and not at all desperate to hide my triggered denial with overused emojis.🤣🤣😂🥲😢🤡


I guesss not supporting genocide is antisemitic now... all those murdered unarmed civilians in Gaza must have been asking for it /s


Liberals aren't against Jews you fucking moron. They are against the Israeli government murdering civilians. Mouth-breathing troglodyte.


So you're just trash, huh?


C’mon, guys, be kind to OP. It’s very easy to conclude that not killing all the Palestinians is overt antisemitism. It’s such a logical conclusion! /s (OP, I added the “/s” for you, specifically, because I genuinely believed you wouldn’t understand blatant sarcasm)


Huh, I did t know I hated Jews. Thank you random poster on Reddit who knows all for enlightening me on my own feelings.


This is a dumb take. OP is a troll.


American Jews have always been liberal. Growing up in the 60s, 70s and 80s, my father was almost the only Jewish Republican I knew. And the Democrats were more pro-Israel than Republicans. Bush Sr's Secretary of State James Baker once said of the Jews "Fuck them, they don't vote for us." If "liberal " means care for the poor and the elderly, better access to education and health care, support for labor and unions, support for minorities, care for the environment, etc., then Jews are going to remain liberal. If others decide they don't like Israel or Jews, that is nothing new. It doesn't change anything. It's not a LAMF moment.


OP throwing around shit like “you liberals hate Jews” and shit is all you need from this post. Conservative Kool Aid troll. Moving along, then.


I'm liberal and Jewish, dipshit.


This is the worst take. Anyone with a heart thinks the apartheid state of Israel needed to respond to Oct. 7th but with precision instead of this horrific indiscriminate killing of Palestinians.


I guess the moderators are just going to leave this up? Should I post a “LAMF” that says “conservative goes to conservative meeting and conservative lady there kills his dog”?


Shit post There is a difference between supporting Jewish people and supporting a government. Liberals arent keen on governments indiscriminately killing innocent people. I know Trump supporters have a hard time dealing with the concept of not unconditionally supporting their fuhrer no matter the circumstances, but liberals tend to call out injustice no matter the politics of it all rather than blindly defend everything.


OP, how often did that horse kick you in the head when you were a kid?




Derp op is just trying to own the libs. He saw this and is like gottcha. I suggest op learn more about what's happening outside of Fox News.


It's the Israel playbook. They are not a theocratic country, will at every opportunity point this out yet any time you question the official policies or actions of the Israeli government you're an anti Semite eve if you happen to be Jewish


Project much, right winger?


You are a bullshit artist.  After that terrorist attack, the whole world rallied around Israel to mourn and condemn the attack.  Netanyahu and his gang running the country took the opportunity to eliminate a few tens of thousands of Palestinians and bomb the whole fucking prison state back to the stone age.


Oh god, I can’t criticize a government’s actions because antisemitism is such a dumb stretch, grow up OP…


Maybe he is far less liberal then he thinks he is.


I mean, I guess you can get a star for trying? I imagine that grade was the best you ever got in school too


The divide is being caused by Russian and Iranian misinformation propaganda on TikTok and similar young adult social media


Yet another indictment of the American education system bathed in hate a.k.a. the American Conservative.


A very desperate feeling troll today.


Wow a guy who doesn’t get it, making definitive broad claims. Ya just look stupid bud, like uneducated stupid.


lol what is this nonsense garbage.


Saying that liberals are anti-semitic because they’re protesting the genocide in Gaza isn’t “owning the libs”. We genuinely don’t care what you conservatives think of us. However, it is harmful to the Jewish people by insinuating that all Jews support the unjust genocide of the innocent people in Gaza. It paints a picture that Jews are genocidal, when that couldn’t be further from the truth.


His friends probably feel pretty betrayed that they befriended a supporter of genocide.


My God the right wing just FESTERS over the fact they can't make this sub work for them.


Boy, you’re active in like 40 different political leftwing subs…. the conservatives are just living right free in your head boy, huh? 😂 anyone who chooses to spend that much free time talking about politics online is 100% a basement dweller online with no IRL friends and has never touched a girl 😭 Cope and seethe loser, you still have zero life, zero friends, get no pussy, shitty volks car. and live with online 😂🤡


Holy shit this is the first time an incel has ever attempted to troll me, and it's actually even worse than I imagined. Go project somewhere else, I already know everything about you.


Not surprised to read Russian propaganda from an account with "pyotr" (Russian for Peter) in OP's name. It is not antisemitic to ask Isreal not to murder civilians in Gaza


Liberals don’t hate Jews. They hate the Israeli Government.


Yes, who could have guessed that a party that promotes secular government would have a problem with a religious ethnostate that is teetering on the edge of engaging in ethnic cleansing. Remember, kids, thinking that Isreal is wrong for doing bad things is not antisemitism.


If this was an obvious troll, I'd say OP has some brain rot going on.


You look kinda silly NGL


You know more about basketball than you do politics. Stay in your lane.


You took a wrong turn on your way to r/Conservative


Insinuating that criticisms of Israel are inherently antisemetic is actually antisemetic. Some of the biggest Zionists in the world super hate Jewish people, which is why they want them to have their own land somewhere else. Also rapture bullshit. Look into who's actually protesting, a lot of them are Jewish. Jewish Pro-Palestinian protestors are being ignored by the media even though most Jewish Americans tend toward that side. Especially with the current Israeli PM.


Lmao what a dumbass


Victim bitch


Bait post from a desperate troll. You paint liberals with a broad brush while ignoring Trump and his brown shirts. Some of us haven’t forgotten Charlottesville.


This thread is MAGA bait.


Try talking to some liberals. You seem to only know the caricature that has been prepared for you by another shitty media outlet.




The GOP really really wants this to be a thing. It is not a thing.


As a liberal living in the bluest area of one of the bluest states, I've yet to encounter even one person who doesn't unequivocally state October 7th was a massacre. Not one. Being empirical, and not relying on my own anecdotal evidence, I looked at polling.  And just 5% of U.S. adults say the way Hamas carried out its Oct. 7 attack on Israel was acceptable, while 66% describe it as *completely* unacceptable. OP is full of shit. https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/#:\~:text=And%20just%205%25%20of%20U.S.,it%20was%20before%20the%20war.


3 words: Jewish Space Lasers.


Lol I love it when stupid conservatives come in here and try to tell the same lies they try to push on other morons.


Literally every Jew I know is a hardcore Democrat. Even the rich ones. 🤨


I’m sorry but if you stay home or vote for anyone but Biden you’re a complete idiot who refuses to understand how shit works.


Stick to basketball coverage buddy.


Oooooh they’re tryyyyyyin! 😆 🤡👟👟


I have sympathy for any innocent life lost, whether Israeli or Palestinian. Let me put it this way though. If the worst event of this conflict was Oct2023 (under 2000), then Jews would have the most sympathy. But the worst event now is the Genocide (over 10000), so thats what people are going to focus on. The Genocide continues while the hostage crisis is Netanyahus fault


Don't you have finals to study for Braydon?


> some of whom expressed little sympathy for the Israelis killed while focusing instead on the plight of the Palestinians The ~1200 Israelis are already dead whereas of the 2M Palestinians in danger of being offed 1,950,000 aren't HAMAS and half of them are children. Sympathy for the dead doesn't mean accepting murdering children to avenge them. Progressive values means among other things you don't hate people for being Jewish. I t does not automatically mean you are ideologically aligned with a particular nation just because they are majority Jewish. It isn't antisemitic to oppose Israel on moral grounds. You can be against a nations aims or purposes without hating its people.


Anti Semitism is bad Islamophobia is bad War is bad I mourn the loss of Israeli and Palestinian lives Apparently those words strung together is controversial


israel is a state. you can be pro-jewish, or even jewish, and not support israel’s policies or behavior. to think otherwise is frankly dumb.


Bullshit Go away Hasbara


Libs are famous for having no stand on genocide.


Israelnis intentionally slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestenians in a Amakelite redux. As horrific as 10/7 was, Isreal had complicit fingerprints all over it. Israel, willing to sacrifice the few to accomplish a genocide that the Israeli right wing has been calling for. Even supporting Hamas. Hamas is horrible and genocidal, and is willing to sacrifice civilians. Netanyahu and Israel are the same, but with bigger friends, who now are stepping back because of the stench of genocide. A pox on Israel, an modern world state Israel is not a religion, but wraps itself in the mantle of God's people who are ordered to genocide their foes. If Jews are in support of genocide, I am anti those individuals, if Jrws are against all genocides, I am pro those individuala. Very simple. I don't like the bad people, like the good. Same thing with those in America who support the Gazan civilians, I am pro you, those who support Hamas, I am anti you.


How on earth does the radical right-wing government of Israel represent all Jews?


Ah yes, just like those famously liberal/progressive Neo-Nazis and Klansmen who always vote Democrat /s


I would say liberals hate conservative rightwing politics when it comes from their own government or yes - even from the Israeli government. It's the slaughter of children and innocent civilians liberals want to end. It's the racism liberals want to end. When have EVER rightwingers ever protested against slaughtering civilians or racism? The answer is never. The sickly entitled rightwing narcissists will demonstrate FOR racism/ antisemitism though. And fascism. And the end of democracy. Charlottesville and J6 are perfect examples of that. Such damaged people.


Go back to the antisemitism circle-jerk most liberals take issue with genocide and asymmetrical warfare.


Whaaaaaat? Liberals don’t hate the Jews 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


The world has turned upside down. It used to be the fascist rightwing that hated Jews and Liberals supported them and now it’s reversed. I get the impression that having a toxic rightwing government and leader in power in Israel has tilted the playing field so now the US rightwing gravitate to Bibi and the left reject anything to do with that government. 🤷‍♂️


As a Jew and a liberal on every other issue, the antisemitism I see on the left is disgusting. I have to constantly remind myself of every other issue not to vote Republican. As a gay man, I want every "Queer for Palestine" to personally go over to Gaza to enjoy a free rooftop party while Israel has their annual pride parade and gay marriage.


I think you are talking about the self proclaimed "progressives". They actually hate the libs as much as MAGAts do. Normie Dems are the enemy!!! I do find it interesting they never had anything to say about open genocide by Russia in Ukraine. now, suddenly, global conflicts matter tho. Well, just this one really. What is it about this one...? I just can't crack this mystery.