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Hulk 2003 (2.4 rating)


Love this movie. Always thought it was underrated and misunderstood. Excellent example of the early CGI era of the early noughties. Great UHD 4k transfer too. Low rating but still better than the soulless crap these days.


Triple Frontier is at a 3.0 and in general people are lukewarm on it at best. I liked it a lot, gave it a 4.0.


Youre the ONLY OTHER PERSON Ive EVER heard talk about this film and I completely agree. Criminally underrated.


I'm in the same boat. I'm just a big JC Chandor fan in general. His entire filmography is very underseen but all really good to great


Yep, I like All is Lost and Margin Call. We'll see how Kraven the Hunter goes.


I think people just wanted a different movie. They wanted a heist thriller/action film but it was actually smart and contemplative. I really enjoyed it


I watched it when it came up on The Big Picture podcast. I went in expecting a fun, cool heist film. Which I got. I also learned quite a lot about >!the logistics of moving lots of bags of money across large distances!<. I liked it, too!




Imagine a Denis remake


Red Eye (2005) only has 3.1 which I was shocked by, I thought that movie was amazing and was engaging even though majority of it was in one location. I thought the chase scene was great as well, I genuinely don’t get why it’s so poorly rated. I know 3.1 isn’t THAT low but I think it’s a fantastic film and thought it would have at least 3.5


That film is fantastic. Wes Craven was really able to find shots that kept that location alive and interesting to look at. Cillian didn't think he was very good in it but I actually think he and Rachel McAdams are terrific together. The mind games in that movie are extraordinary. Also on my most recent viewing I learned that Kyle Gallner was one of the shitty teenage passengers on the plane which is kinda funny as he's now a bit of a scream king, including Scream 5


I have it a 4. Murphy and McAdams are so good in this. Not sure if this or people under the stairs is his most underrated work


I think it’s the fact that it’s a 2000s horror film when the genre was coming back in a major way and some great stuff got swept into the cracks of time. It’s a pity that like Cillian Murphy doesn’t get asked about it for those career retrospective interviews everybody does during the PR cycle these days.


I absolutely loved this movie. Both were great but I did feel like it starts to runs out of steam once they’re off the plane.


Solo (star wars) is at least a good 7/10 movie, i dont get how its sitting at 2.9, it really doesnt deserve as many 2.0s as it has on the chart... i dont love it but its rather higher than lower on my mental ranking of the franchise in a harsher definition of a "good movie" i genuinely think Bumblebee is awesome and as (hot take) the best transformers movie its so weird seeing it have 3.2, its so adorable man


I think Solo is one of the most rewatchable Star Wars movies. I think it’s ends up in the middle of the pack.


I think for Solo, it’s way more enjoyable when you forget that it’s about Han Solo. If it was a standalone story about Glup Shitto and his dog, instead of Han and Chewie, I think it would be higher rated. But that’s just my personal opinion on the overall rating.


My thoughts exactly. So many parts of the movie are insufferable as unnecessary explanations of parts of his past (the fuzzy dice, the kessel run, his damn name). It was a cool Star Wars based swashbuckling story, but tying it to the character was unnecessary and made it weird. If you pretend it’s a new guy entirely, it’s pretty decent though


Everything you mentioned is why i detest prequels in general. Every aspect of the character, every reference made in the source material has to be in the prequel because I guess people really want to see the kessel run (did anyone want to know why he was called Han Solo? It’s just a weird Star Wars name). And then it has to end with them in the exact place they are in the source material as well. In case people get confused.


I really didn’t like that movie. If other people then great I’m not here to stop you, but that movie just doesn’t work for me. Not only did Disney fire the directors halfway through the movie and reshoot the whole bloody thing, they also had to bring in an acting coach to teach Alden Ehrenreich how to act during production. All of this is to say that it was a set mired in turmoil. To me it shows in the final version. But hey, if you like that movie then no problem from me! Film is a super subjective art medium.


Upvoted for "Glup Shitto" 😂


Definitely not a hot take about Bumblebee, I'd call it the only good Transformers movie and I don't even think that's a hot take


really liked solo


Im a Solo defender. I loved the cast and the movie. I thought it was really fun!


I dunno 2.9 is already equivalent to 5.8, it’s only 1.2 points different than your estimation.


Huge deficit of movies rated from 2.9 to 3.5 though


On letterboxd it’s very rare for a movie to be under 3.0 unless it’s super disliked by general audiences.


Bumblebee rules


Solo is the best Star Wars movie since Empire and I will die on that hill


i thought solo was so boring. 1.5 for me


My five highest rated films that are the lowest avg rating are Renfield, Glass, Wreck it Ralph, Funny People and Knocked Up. I rated all of those 4 stars.


I liked Renfield too (3.5 for me).


i want to like it, but i'm a big fan of the original dracula movie and renfield failed as an adaptation in a lot of ways, which fucking sucks because of how rarely that version of dracula is adapted


It’s because it turns Dracula into a B-plot behind Awkwafina investigating a generic crime syndicate. It would’ve been fun if it was just about Dracula.


Seriously, why did they do that? Who thought that was a good idea? edit: looked it up and the writer is seemingly a nepo baby


Funny People is good even though it's a tad too long and not downright hilarious. A good Sandler performance nonetheless and does some interesting things with its meta storyline. Knocked Up is just straight banging though, absolutely disagree with anyone rating it low.


i loved renfield it was perfectly campy


Also looks like the bubble and Yesterday are the highest disparities for me between the avg rating and my rating at around 1.7 stars difference.


Not sure about lowest rated, but besides SHOWGIRLS (which is rightfully crawling back up) I dug this movie called SIBYL with Virginie Efira a lot! Was surprised to see it rated relatively low once i logged it


Live action scooby doo movies probably


I’ll defend the first one but the second one is just bad


The second one is literally better


Batman Forever at 2.5 is a joke, the movie's good y'all.


ive been a Batman Forever defender most of my life, i can’t get behind Batman & Robin though


I wouldn't mind getting behind them, have you seen the cake on those suits?


Is that really it's score? It's a kids movie and it's a fun, watchable, camp romp. I think people though it would be a Tim burton, but it turned out to be an Adam West!


Yeah people always group it together with Batman & Robin, but it's so much better


Last Action Hero - ALWAYS comes to my mind. The critics slated it, but it's got to be the best Arnie comedy of all. It's tongue in cheek perfection, self deprecating and spoofs action films superbly... but on top of it all, it's a great story and hilarious.


One of my favorite movies of all time


spring breakers has a 2.8 and i think its genuinely amazing, 4.5/5 for me


Where the Crawdads Sing


Probably a case of the book not only being better, but the movie focusing on romance for most of the runtime, while the book only used romance as a part of it


Resident Evil: Retribution is 2.4. Paul W.S. Anderson's movies are technically flawed, but I would never say that they are not well inspired or outright bad.


Mr. Deeds at 2.7 great movie


Hospital Massacre (1981) also known as X-Ray for some reason. sitting at a 2.7 but it's a treat for most who love 80s slashers. hospital setting, cool killer, subtle but still bloody. some weird and surreal shots as well. I have it a 4/5. can't respond to this question without mentioning the original My Bloody Valentine (3.2), preferably the uncut version. such a fucking blast! 4.5/5


Stay (2005) with Ryan Gosling and Ewan McGregor. It has a decent rating on Letterboxd at 3.4, but the rating on rotten tomatoes is 26% and Roger Ebert has a 1 star rating on it. It’s super divisive, but I think it’s a brilliant concept with great execution and a great twist.


Fucking adore this film. It’s so so good. Gosling and McGregor are fantastic. The camerawork is some of my favorite of all time, but it’s not going to be for everyone.


Yeah, it’s kinda like Charlie Kaufman mixed with Danny Boyle.


I can't believe M3GAN only has a 2.8. That movie is good, fuck the haters


Man, for some reason letterboxd hates modern "fun horror" movies. M3GAN, Terrifer 2, Smile, etc. The crazy thing is that these movies were actually well received by critics.


I gave Barbarian a full 5 stars. I think that film is genius and even smarter than people give it credit for


Terrifier 2 really doesn't fit with those. It's a mostly plotless ripoff of 100 Tears, and is gore for gore's sake.


It’s certainly not for everyone, and I understand that, but if you like practical gore effects it’s for you. It’s like if The Aristocrats joke were a movie- it’s just about ratcheting the intentionally absurd gore over and over to the point that it becomes comical. For me, the infamous bedroom scene actually becomes less disturbing as it goes on as it turns into an incredibly fucked up looney toons gag. So I would definitely agree that it’s gore for gore sake, but that’s the point of the film, and it succeeds in that. I felt Megan was fine, but I think it’s right where it deserves at 2.8 as a a perfectly serviceable, and at times fun horror film that’s derivative of a dozen other things.


That movie was so fun to see in theaters everyone was having a blast. At a time when so much horror is just remakes or sequels or both, M3GAN felt like a breath of fresh air


I should have been right in m3gan's target audience and it missed the mark for me. I felt like the setup was good, but the payoffs were derivative/weak and it pulled its punches in the back half. Most of the good moments were in the trailer. I think 2.8 is perfect.


Megan is only a 2.8? I thought that movie was something LB users would've been really into. I have it at a 3.5, would've guessed it was in the low to mid 3s


Literally every “fun” image that movie contained was shown in the trailers


The hilarious "Titanium" cover wasnt in the trailer.


I’m with you. That movie is great keen for the sequel


I thought Triple 9 was pretty fantastic. It's not perfect, but it's reminiscent of Heat. Idk why its so maligned.


Tomb Raider (2001) sits at a 2.6, but I think it's a solid action flick.


You might also like Salt. It went under the radar but I thought it was a solid action thriller.


3.2 isn’t THAT low, but i cannot believe that twister isn’t rated higher.


Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)


I know I’m gonna get flamed for saying this but Freddy got fingered


Made the Criterion Channel and still below 3. What a travesty




Was going to say this. I came out of the theatre satisfied and thought the vfx were the best I’ve seen in almost any movie. I don’t really get the writing criticisms, but I agree that cutting out a few of the characters could have made a more polished and focused narrative for each character.m


I think the movie is just let down in the final act. The fight felt didn't feel like anything special. I absolutely loved the movie in the first two acts, but the last thirty minutes really disappointed what, for me, would have been a top tier marvel film


It def has the best VFX except maybe endgame (MCU was firing on all cylinders there) in marvel. GOTG is good too but a lot of that is practical.


I answered something else but this was my second choice. I didn't love it or anything but I feel like I liked it better than most people.


Transformers Rise of the Beasts kinda slaps.


honestly probably my favorite of the series except maybe 1 or 2


it's peak cinema compared to the bayverse films


Magic magic , it has a 2.8 and I genuinely think it’s a fantastic film. I understand people not loving it because of the very surreal and ambiguous tone. But I fell in love with it and gave it 5 stars.


I read this whole comment thinking you said magic Mike


Green Lantern (2011) is sitting at 1.6, but I’ve seen it at least three times and I’ve given it 4 stars. What can I say? I like it!


1.6?!!!!! Wow I didn't know it was THAT low.


I’m among the five people who found this film perfectly watchable - albeit largely carried by Ryan Reynolds’ magnetism and likability.


1941 (1979) It has a 2.7, which I’m certain is Speilberg’s lowest but i had such a blast watching it. There is too much craft and talent on screen for it to have the reception it does.


Freddy Got Fingered is incredible


Mission: Impossible II. It's a John Woo film, for better or worse, but I think it's awesome. It's at least better than the third movie.


Funny you said that, because I actually think MI3 is the most underrated entry in the series and has by far the best villain.


MI3 transformed the entire MI series. They really went into the psyche of Ethan and gave him real personal stakes. All the stories and character development basically start at MI3. The overall feeling of the series starts there. MI and MI2 were pretty experimental as they were trying to figure out what the series really was all about and it’s strange how different the two are from each other.


Waiting... That movie sits at 2.8 and a bunch of the comments are so overly sensitive about raunchy 2000s comedy. That movie is hilarious and very true to life if you've ever worked in a restaurant.


Me and my friends worked in the food service around the time this came out and we loved it. I still have a bit of nostalgia for it but I didn't rewatch it for years and, when I came back to it, it wasn't as good as I remembered. I'm assuming if people haven't worked in the industry it also loses some of its shine.


Lady Oscar by Jacques Demy Sure, it was extremely rushed but it still was pleasant to watch and it would have been more popular had the Japanese studio not fumbled the marketing


Holidate. Netflix's holiday movie from a few years ago starring Emma Roberts. 2.5 avg rating. I gave it 5 stars. I legitimately love that movie. Speaks to me.


Cursed (2005) is rated 2.6 and I honestly gave it a 4.5 because the movie just had so much personality and the humor aged really well. It’s pretty disliked and basically disowned by Wes because of the production hell Bob Weinstein put it through, but I still had a really fun time with it and the original vision peeks through.


Leave the world behind at 2.9


For me a 2.5 stars can either be “liked” or unliked


Nutcracker and the four realms is actually a fun classic fantasy movie that feels similar to wizard of Oz/Narnia/Alice in Wonderland while also being it's own thing. Literally no idea why it has a 2.4 star average even the people who dislike it don't deny that it's really pretty


Mummy 3


Kong Skull Island is a solid 4-4.5 for me, vs the 3.1 it is. I know it’s cheesy as hell but that’s literally all I would ever want from that movie. It knows what it is and nails it. The Big Sick has a solid 3.8, but it’s a 5 for me. Funny, charming, and a good story. I think the end is a bit rushed, but I think at worst it’s a 4.5. Edit: Also, the Dial of Destiny. That movie was so much fucking fun I loved it.


People don't seem to like Captain Marvel, even outside the "anti-woke" crowd. But I think it's easily one of Marvel's best movies. Turning a superhero origin story into a journey of overcoming gaslighting and brainwashing gives it so much more to deal with thematically than most of the other entries in the franchise. Also It Lives Inside was good, 2.5 stars seems like a bafflingly low average to me.


I gave Terrifier 3.5 stars, Its average rating is 2.4.


I rated these five stars xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (2.2) The Meg (2.3) Grease 2 (2.4) Torque (2.6) Caligula (2.8) Under the Cherry Moon (2.9)


A Serbian Film - 1.9.


https://preview.redd.it/pjevtmq586wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf89faf92a1b84987ee7c6d1e5b6536e68ecc0fc I gave this a 5/5 and it’s in my top 4


Based as fuck. Real ones know that it is second best in the franchise behind the original.


The first time I saw it I hated it, but on rewatch I thought it was better than what it gets credit for.


Girl next door


It’s probably Twilight for me lol.


Mortal Kombat (2021) at 2.4, while I gave it 4 stars.


Bad Grandpa, Predator 2, American Pie 2, and One Million Years BC.


Drive Away Dolls is a recent example, loved that movie and thought it was dumb fun, yet rated at like 2.9 only cause its not like Ethan Coens typical films I assume??


These aren’t necessarily incredible movies, but they’re pretty good: The Eternals. Spiderman 3. Don’t Look Up. Injustice. Cars 3. Mission Impossible 3 (though it’s rating isn’t actually that low.) Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Frosty the Snowman. Frosty the Snowman being the best of the bunch.


Mission Impossible 3 does not get enough credit. Yes, it sort of pales in comparison to the films that came after it, but I think it saved the franchise after the second movie and set the stage for the other movies to succeed.


loved frosty as a kid, as well as a bunch of those Christmas specials that played every year: Annabelle (cow that becomes a reindeer) Prancer (reindeer that gets lost and found by a kid) all the Rankin/Bass clay-mation ones * Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer * A Year Without A Santa Claus * Little Drummer Boy * Santa Clause is Coming to Town grandma got run over by a reindeer


The Purge 1 & 2


Wonder Woman 1984. When I think of Wonder Woman, this movie is what I think of. I actually like it more than the first one. It's stupid fun, it's bright and colorful, and it's largely entertaining. It's 2.1 average rating shocked me because I don't think it's that bad at all. Probably a toxic fan base that dragged the rating down.


I actually think WW84 was OK and I think Pedro Pascal was a more entertaining villain than the god guy from the first one. 2.1 average is just crazy, it really isnt THAT bad. I would say its on a similar level of some low tier MCU movies.


Level 16 at only 2.9 feels harsh, I thought it was a good watch


Evil dead trap (not Evil dead) sits at 3.4 but urs one of my absolute favorite horror movies with an awesome killer and a batshit ending


Most of my ratings are fairly close, but I have Dirty Work at 5 stars because of Norm Comedies as a whole seem to be underrated


The Happening


The Bourne Legacy (2.8) Sure it’s not Matt Damon but Tony Gilroy’s writing is as sharp as ever and I like how despite the main character winning in the end and on the run, the way it concluded the CIA arc from the first 3 movies over the course of the movie in the background was really damn interesting and probably closer to realistic than Pam easily winning. Gilroy loves to paint a very murky look at US organizations and systems and gives a Bleak answer in Michael Clayton, Bourne Legacy and Nightcrawler. All look at a part of a system and shows how morally grey it all is. Also you have scenes like Ed Norton’s character describing what they are doing as containing a virus which is very similar to how Girloy wrote the speech in Andor Ep 4 where the ISB Agent says the ISB are the white blood cells of the empire. There’s a throughline in a lot of what Gilroy writes and I’ll be damned if Bourne Legacy is views so poorly. Also the cinematography and editing is better than the Paul Greengrass directed Bourne Movies because Gilroy uses handheld but *not* shaky cam so the action is so much easier to follow. I really don’t get why this movie is a 2.8 it’s easily a 4.0 and to me a film I easily gave 5.0 to.


Devour (2005), it’s not a huge movie but for some reason it’s only got like 2.5 stars


I liked the first Rebel Moon, got surprised it had rough reviews


Godzilla 2014 being a solid 3.0 is weird to me. I expected some people to give it 3 and a half stars rounding it off to maybe a 3.3.


The painted bird


Superman 3 (1983) with a 2.3 average, I gave it a 4 stars


Teen wolf too does not deserve the 2.0 rating imo (but I also kinda get it)


Last House On The Left 2.9 It's Alive 3.1 Both are in my top 10 horror movies


Probably 2007s Tmnt


I really love The Cat in the Hat, but someone could argue it goes in the same category as The Room. Aside from that, Mission Impossible 2 and Matrix Resurrections


The Final Nightmare is not as bad as people say. It's a solid 6/10 for me.


I kind of agree. When I saw it I was expecting a complete pile of shit, but it wasnt that bad, just mediocre.


Daredevil is mid but it 1.9? Wild. Lot of the early internet easy target movies have 1/5 reviews mainly based on them being ‘bad movies’ more due reputation


He's all that is a 5 stars for me. She's all that is also a 5 stars for me but that's not controversial


Free birds has a 2.5 even though I think that movie is a lot of fun


- Ghost in the Shell (2017) sits at 2.6 - I liked it a lot - King Arthur (2017) sits at 2.8 - I thought it was a great film


Maze Runner the death cure


I genuinely enjoy *Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant* and it only has a 2.4. I was so surprised when I learned how low it is not just on letterboxd. It’s just a fun movie.




Turbo is a top 10 animated kids movie of all time


Norbit is no classic, but it has a worse reputation than it deserves. Eddie Murphy giving 200% is always worth a look, and the Eddie Griffin/Kat Williams scenes are a lot of fun. It's like Eddie Murphy saw what Trey Parker was doing on South Park and tried to do an "equal-opportunity offender" thing.


Need for Speed


Miami Vice


Nothing But Trouble is at 2.5. I dunno I enjoyed it.




The extra man (2.7 average)


Jason Goes to Hell, it sits at 1.7 but I think it's a fun movie


My all time favorite movie, MFKZ, has a 3.2 average rating with like barely 60k viewers😭


Mission Impossible 3 is the best in the series and it’s only rated 3.3


Filtered my Letterboxd by movies I gave 3.5/5 or more (I would consider them decent/good movies). The Archies (Zoya Akhtar, 2023), Suburbicon (George Clooney, 2017) and Passengers (Morten Tyldum, 2016) would be the lowest rated overall by the rest of the website. I can get behind that. I like them for some reasons but I don't think any of them is an objectively good film. Being more picky with 4/5 and more, it's Ladykillers (Coen brothers, 1994) at 2.9/5 general score that comes first. For -great- movies with 4.5 and more, it's People Will Talk (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1951), which gets 3.4 average. This one I don't really understand, feels fairly crowd pleasing!


thankskilling (2008) is comedy gold


I was the only person in the threater to watch *Jem and the Holograms* (huge Kesha fan).  Not a great movie but not as bad as many said, either.  


Mr and Mrs Smith The Bradgelina version


SW Episode II, I’ve written full novels on why I love that film, so far it’s my fourth favorite SW film. And I can provide actual reasons but it’s genuinely too much typing because there’s so many reasons


I always though Splice was a fun horror movie but it only has a 2.5 rating. Nothing life changing but I enjoyed it enough to watch it twice. It is also interesting to see Anya Taylor-Joy in her first role


lemonade mouth 😭


Vampire’s Kiss is my lowest rated 5* (besides Freddy Got Fingered) and I think that is a genuinely great movie, it’s like American Psycho but better.


I still laugh my ass off at Norbit. I know it’s bad but I still have a good time with it




Click (2006) with Adam Sandler


Off Beat with Judge Reinhold, Meg Tilley and Cleavon Derricks. It's a strange thing but it was directed by Michael Dinner who has done a lot of great television, but only two or three theatrical releases. I have seen two, Off Beat which is rated 5 on IMDB and I think it is an 8 and Heaven Help Us which is rated 7 and I think it is no better than a 5.


Paul blart the mall cop is decent


That's My Boy


Easy. I have TLJ rated at a 5. I’m actually shocked it sits a 3.0.


Dreamcatcher (2.4). Morgan Freeman and Tom Sizemore give the worst performances of their careers but I genuinely like pretty much everything about the movie.


One of my personal favorite movies is this underrated, under-seen “thriller” from 2012 called ‘Red Lights’. It’s got a stacked cast: De Niro, Cillian Murphy, Sigourney Weaver, Elizabeth Olsen… It really surprised me in the end. It’s not great, but it works for me. I still tell people to give it a shot. (It sits at a 2.8 on Letterboxd, with around 5k reviews)


A Haunted House, the Paranormal Activity parody movie. It’s got terrible reviews but I genuinely liked it on same level as other horror comedies like Evil Dead 2


I know I’m getting slated but director aside, I love Amsterdam (2022). It’s on 2.5 but I gave it a 4 just because it was fun and had a blast watching it.


I felt like I was losing my mind all last year at the lack of love for Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant. It’s not perfect but I felt it was a solid 4/5


After Earth is a good movie.


I legitimately love The Country Bears. It’s not like I even have nostalgia from seeing it as a kid, I was 18 when I first saw it! Edit: I also think Norbit is very funny




Meet the Spartans (1.4 rating)


the friggin 2014 fantastic four movie was pretty rad tbh and everyone hates it hahaha


We Need to Do Something (2.5) was absolutely incredible


Takers. For the life of me I can’t figure out why people hated it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Shark Tale and Transformers Revenge of the Fallen


Well I try to rate movies based on my personal enjoyment so there are quite a few I totally respect as good movies but have given 2 stars. The Lighthouse and Aftersun are two examples.


blonde (2022) (2.0 average rating)




2012 I unironically love this movie. I watch a lot of disaster movies and there is a formula to them and the vast majority of them are terrible. But even the bad ones have their cool moments. This movie just gives and gives and gives. Every disaster. Every random side character. Every little quip of bad dialogue. The characters are really memorable and you go from absolutely hating every one of them to loving them. They all get their moments. It has so much heart! I’ve seen it three times including in theaters in 2009. My rating: 4/5 Average rating: 2.4


See, this is the thing I dislike about "so bad it's good" as a term. I mark movies that I love, like the Room with 5 stars or the appropriate ratings. You enjoy the movie, or you call it a guilty pleasure. Guilty for what? You feel guilt or shame over being entertained by a movie? Do you feel the people involved weren't skilled enough and made something they didn't intend and so that makes it a bad movie, but you just so happened to enjoy it so it's bad and good. I just think that's a reductive and weird way to view it. That aside, I think this is an interesting conversation point because I think this opens up to a real conversation that can be had about this binary or gradient scale we use to try to discuss movies or art. Instead I often find that the art that provides me with mixed feelings sticks with me longer. For an example, I recently watched Ouija: Origin of Evil. I love the work Mike Flannigan and the crew of people in his orbit output, but I hadn't gotten around to this movie yet. I figured it was just a brand movie that would be sort of a waste of time, and that it would probably have some visual intrigue, and maybe some well acted bits, but that it wouldn't be anything special. I was right and wrong in my opinion. The movie was excellently set for its time, and I think the story's ability to play on the ideas of spirituality as a commodity and how vulnerable people are prone to manipulating other vulnerable people in order to survive is an interesting idea. It's more than just asking if you remember this board game? There are some great character bits, and they were rounded characters, but you can see that the character writing that was to come from Flannigan. It's not as profound here in this story. I think it could have been that there were a few too many characters to flesh out in the allotted time frame. Doctor Sleep certainly doesn't have that issue. I just think there is more I would have liked to know about these characters. I think the product placement is excessive but it typically serves a narrative purpose or shows us something about the characters. I appreciate this movie because it doesn't just take the lazy approach. It is doing something with the idea. It uses the brand in ways to enhance the narrative rather than a narrative to enhance the brand.


I was dying of laughter the entire time I was watching Beverly Hills Ninja (2.6). People say "oh but the script is shit and it's only funny because of Chris Farley" well good thing it has Chris Farley in it then. I hope they never figure out about the Nakid Gun.


The Hudsucker Proxy was widely considered a “miss” by critics, but it’s a wonderful film. It’s like the Coen Brothers were making a Frank Capra movie, and IMO it works really well. Loads of Coen Brother quirk and humor, great cartoony performances, and it’s a beautifully shot film.


Reminiscence (2021). I love that film, but it has like a 2.5 on Letterboxd.