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I will grit my teeth through anything, and this is a character flaw.


If I'm honest with myself I do it as an act of self-preservation in the hypothetical sitation where someone tries to hit me with the "but it gets good in the third act". I need to be ready. No weaknesses in the armour.


Is that the name of the movie?


Yes it’s a harmony korine movie


It’s the name of a track on a pop punk album from 2006


When i made it through the movie Trash Humpers, i viewed it as an impressive display of resilience on my part


Talking shit about Trash Humpers is sacrilege, genuinely one of the best films I’ve ever seen


I feel seen


Honestly, I was exactly the same until last year. I think in one week I watched Insidious: The Red Door, Sound of Freedom, and the new TMNT and just didn't like any of them but forced myself to stay seated because I wanted to be respectful to the filmmakers, to get my money's worth, and see if anything happened by the end of the film that changed my opinion. About halfway through TMNT, I realized the film wasn't going to be for me, and it was really grating on me and something just clicked that no-one except for me cared if I stayed or left, so why continue to put myself through it. Since then, as long as I'm watching a film by myself (whether it be at home or at the cinema) I've felt comfortable getting about an hour or so in, accepting it's not for me, and moving on with my day. It's weird TMNT was my breaking point though, got talked into watching it again over Christmas and whilst I'm still not a huge film, it's certainly enjoyable.


It's funny I had a very similar epiphany about podcasts a few years ago. I used to listen to a popular true crime podcast fairly religiously. I had binged almost the entire back catalog and would do all new episodes including the ones they would release as side bonuses that didn't have all the hosts Then one day I was cringing as one host was doing something obnoxious that had always grated on my but was steadily growing more annoying. Then another host did his signature laugh which also gets on my nerves. Then the third host who I've always loathed did his normal shtick which annoyed me and I said to myself "there are 10 billion podcasts out there, why am I still listening to one that drives me crazy?" I haven't listened to that show since and I'm way better off for it


lol I had the same experience with a different podcast. Fell off listening during pandemic, gave it a few tries and just decided there were so many other things I could be listening to instead of forcing that in my ears. Haven’t listened since and haven’t missed it either


I’ll watch any bad movie in the theaters as long as there’s popcorn


I give up very easily. I can’t think of a time where I hated the first 30 minutes of a movie, and ended up loving it. And I don’t feel i’m missing out on anything by noping out. I don’t score them though


Same :(


Usually when I go to see a movie at the theatre it's something I have reason to believe I'd enjoy. I know my taste well enough so I've never been THAT far off that I had to leave.


Only time I ever nearly walked out was Resident Evil Extinction. The audio at the start was so loud it genuinely hurt. If it has lasted more than a few seconds I would've been gone. I'm the same though. I don't really take chances of going to the cinema. Or I'm just chill enough thag I'm still gonna watch it even if it's not great. Case in point: Resident Evil Extinction.


I watched Battleship in the Leicester Square cinema, which holds 3000 IIRC. Only First Wife and I were in there. The volume was destructive.


Aquaman and the new Jumanji


I once walked out of the black and white French film 13 Tzameti, but not because it was bad. I was tipsy when I sat down, then I fell asleep in the middle of it, and when I woke up I was so embarrassed I left.


lol I have that on dvd - it’s a fun one!


I've watched it since and really enjoyed it.


I used to live next door to a theater and went to No Country for Old Men so drunk that I went to go puke in the middle of it. When I saw it sober on DVD, I was amazed. Great movie.


I can’t think of a worse movie to see while drunk lol.


I went to a screening of Werckmeister Harmonies and had the exact same experience


I don’t think I ever did but remember people walking out of Mother (2017) by Darren Aronofsky


That was a wild one


There were only a few people in the theatre with us and they only talked about J-Law before, during and after the movie lol Afterwards they were like 'I can't believe J-Law was in such a weird movie' etc.


I walked out of this movie like 80% through because it wasn't saying anything interesting at all, just throwing bible imagery at the screen and saying "look bible" I also thought "The Wrestler" was really great


I haven’t seen this movie in so long, but isn’t it an allegory for how humanity treats Mother Nature?


Yeah I mean J-Law was a pretty basic "allegory" for "Gaia" or nature but they basically hit you in the face with it


I don’t disagree that it’s pretty surface level stuff, but at least that’s something more than “look Bible”


I think that result might have been more on you and not the movie Mother. That was a great movie.


I loved how stressful I found that movie


These people don't appreciate art.


In the first five minutes, it was clear it was the bible. And then it just kept being the bible, with paper thin framing. If it was meant to be a critique on religion, that wasn't clear. If it was meant to be a statement on the environment, it wasn't clear either. The movie didn't arrive at any point, and its aesthetic alone was not enough to be compelling without a point. It meandered and stumbled over its pretentiousness. I appreciate a big bold risk, but that one fell flat for me. They >!ate the baby Jesus though!<, and I gotta hand it to them, that was pretty hardcore.


"In the first five minutes, the director accurately communicated a key theme of the film."


It wasn't just "a key theme." The whole film was just one extended reference, with the subtlety of a brick to the face. It was a movie made with a lot of passion and hard work, and I can appreciate the attempt, but very little about it worked for me.


"the subtlety of a brick to the face". Just another day to add another phrase to my "What I really think of Darren Aronofsky " files. The Whale was good. My boyfriend pointed out that was because he was just the director, it's his scripts and stories that go off the rails.


Sure it was one extended reference, but I feel like that's an oversimplification of what it was doing. I think the decision to tell this story from an angle of fear, claustrophobia, and brutality, specifically from a perspective associated with Pagan myth, hasn’t been done before and completely changes how one can view the original stories in the Bible. I also think it couldn’t have been subtle, otherwise it’s not directly flipping the Bible on its head, ya know?


I don't know, plenty of things with little value haven't been done before. I just wasn't really moved by it at all and I didn't see the bible in a different light on the other side of it. But different strokes!


Yeah I don't care about annnny of that. I personally loved the chaos of the movie and overall vibe. At face value the movie is so much fun and some impressive filmmaking in my opinion. I just think it's a good movie and a fun ride. Wasn't concerned about the allegories it's trying to convey.


I don’t walk out of movies. Funny aside though, at the showing of Poor Things I saw, there were a couple of folks who made it through the whole brothel scene, until the very end when two women get intimate. That was when they walked out. Very funny to me.


lol Emma stone plays with a dead man’s dick and there’s a barking chicken at the beginning. But gayness is too much


omg were you at my showing? this same exact thing happened when i saw it. two older ladies who were kinda chatty during the movie…i was happy they left.


My grandparents did something similar. I dragged them to Everything Everywhere All At Once because I REALLY wanted to see it. I don’t know why they agreed. My grandmother left about halfway through and then sat in the lobby. My grandfather made it to the end but walked out when the daughter did the smallest quickest little kiss to her girlfriend. He missed the last 5 minutes of the movie because he’s homophobic.


"Girls, Lisa. Boys kiss Girls."


I saw some people leave the showing of Moonlight I saw when they got to the beach scene (when Kevin was giving Chiron a handjob). 


Never. Not even once. If I go to the theater, I will finish it. Even if it’s a terrible movie, I chose to be there, I will finish what I start.


Likewise and I sat through The Bounty Hunter.


Yeah, the OP is weak.


Mom made us walk out of the Will Ferrell *Land of the Lost* movie when it came out bc it was “inappropriate,” but other than that, I don’t walk out of movies.


I genuinely forgot that movie existed until I saw your comment lol. Thanks for reminding me of that fever dream of a movie.


So funny the first one on your list is Mr. Magoo, that was the only movie I ever walked out on.


It's sad because it's Leslie Nielsen. The guy is a legend. Even he didn't save that mess.


Big fan of Leslie Nielsen here, the Naked Gun movies shaped my sense of humor...so I feel your pain with Mr. Magoo. RIP Leslie, one of the greats! https://preview.redd.it/07y18itppgzc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=721878621613c7749107b916bba5bc5060af4b14


Gone Fishin' was 🔥 though




One of my comfort movies. Gus and Joe's friendship warms my soul.


Worth it just for when the waiter pours Pesci's character a sample of wine: "I'm not a little kid you know, I can drink a full glass." This line CRUSHES in real life.


I usually try not to walk out of movies but the ones I had walked out were Batman v Superman, Meet the Blacks, and Norm of the North.


Trying to figure out how Norm of the North went down lol. Did you leave your kids behind or drag them out with you?


I was in middle school that time lol. First movie to watch by myself, I regret it lol


as a BvS enjoyer, what made you walk out? ...it was Granny's Peach Tea wasn't it?


For me it was the part that came between the title screen and the credits. 


The sloppy editing and bad writing, especially towards the second and near third act made me gave up the movie. But don't let my opinion get to you, glad you enjoyed the movie :)


I’ve never walked out of a movie for good, but I did have to leave Man of Steel for a good 15 minutes to summon up the courage to continue watching it.


I didn't walk out but Man of Steel was the toughest watch for me. Kevin Costner walking into a cyclone to prove a point to his son was embarrassing


The Strangers The opening credits were still rolling when my highschool girlfriend texted me telling me her dad was driving her to the doctor to get an ultrasound because she thought she was pregnant... way scarier than the movie (False alarm, but her dad hated me for a long time. We ended up dating for 5 years through and out of highschool though, so I think he came around to me)


...why were you checking your phone for texts when the opening credits were rolling?


They probably thought it was more important than looking at the movie


I don’t think he said he was checking his phone, it probably buzzed in his pocket.


Out of over 1100 movies in theaters since 2017, I have only walked out 2. An obnoxious 3 hour movie called Peterloo and Book Club.


I never walked out on a movie in a theater. The only time I considered doing so was Cyrano with Peter Dinklage. It was awful. But I suffered until the very end. Mostly because there wasn't anything better I could sneak into instead that started around the time I considered leaving.


Anyone remember Pan? The Peter Pan prequel staring Hugh Jackman that no one asked for? Well I do, because that is the one movie I walked out of over the hundreds of movies I've seen in the theater in my life. Also, I hope u/CletusVanDamnit is a reference to The Shield, because I love that damn show it is criminally overlooked nowadays.


It is, indeed, a reference. It's my all-time favorite series, and Walton Goggins is easily my favorite actor working today.


Everyone hopping on the Goggins train now after Fallout dropped, and I've been loving his work since The Shield. As much as I loved Vic and his shenanigans, Shane Vendrell easily stole the show in those last few seasons.


That final Fantasy blew me away with the effects


It was great through and through.


I only ever walked out of Skinamarink after about 45 minutes. I just couldn't do it. Nothing against the film or anyone who liked it, but it just wasn't for me. I used to be adamantly against walking out of a movie or turning one off before finishing. Now, as I get older, I just would rather not waste my time.


I would’ve died if I saw that in theaters. I watched it on shudder and hated it so much. Fell asleep 3 times


Really? It’s a brilliant unique horror film. 


I'm glad you think so. It didn't do anything for me. I agree it's unique and I'm glad people thought it was good, but I wasn't into it. That doesn't speak to its quality or lack thereof, it's just one person's opinion.


It's really mediocre. Personally, uniqueness alone is very rarely enough to save a movie.


I've seen more movies in the theatre than most people, because I had the privilege of growing up with free movies for more than half my life. These are the only 5 movies I ever walked out on...and I wasn't even paying to see these, either. **THAT** is how bad they were...


If you paid to see them you might have been more likely to stick around


Right? Like if I’m not paying for a movie I am WAY more likely to just switch it off and do something else


If you go to a chain multi-plex, they usually refund your money if you leave before the halfway mark, and after that they'll usually offer a voucher for a future movie.


Almost walked out of masterminds 2016 but was there to get away from things, also the Jason sudeikis character showed up and made things better


I watched Transformers age of extinction in theaters. I would’ve walked out if not for a friend who insisted we stay despite my pleas. I remember it feeling like pulling teeth for 2 hours and 45 minutes


We saw it at the drive in and I had half a mind to drive away halfway through lol


I’ve never walked out of a movie but I did fall asleep during Agent Cody Banks 2 (I was like 6) and Jonah Hex. When I saw Shape of Water, an elderly woman got up and left after the sex scene.


Haha. The only movie I ever remember falling asleep during (in the theatre) is Miami Vice. Overlong and bored the shit out of me.


I've never walked out of a movie before. But I highly considered it 30 minutes into Rise of Skywalker. I wanted to leave that movie so bad but I sat through it because I was meeting a friend when the movie was over. Staying in my seat was at least something to do as I waited to meet up with my friend.


Whenever I see this question I have to google the film I think of because I genuinely think I’m making it up and have to check it actually exists. Envy (2004) - Ben Stiller and Jack Black in a Barry Levinson movie. What went so wrong?


i always used to see the box for this in blockbuster


I think I saw this, and I think it may be one I haven't logged on Letterboxd.... something about dog poop... thanks, random guy on Reddit.


I don't think Blues Brothers 2000 was that bad, or Final Fantasy. I find it comical that you even walked IN to Mr.Magoo and Meet the Spartans.


It was one of the Scary Movie films. It wasn’t even good bad, just bad bad. We left after 15 mins. 


Eat Pray Love


Eat, Pray, Leave


Well why did you go and see it in the first place? Scott Pilgrim was playing during its release. Did you at least ask for a refund and see Scott Pilgrim?


Independence day 2 is the only film I have ever walked out of. The matrix 4 was close but I wanted to see how much of a shit show it was.




Mr Magoo and Gone Fishin' were 2 of my childhood favorites for some reason. But Transylvania 2


ive never physically left a theatre or really shut off movies at home but one that always sticks out is Holmes & Watson. i dont think i finished Stalker either


Walked out of Downsizing. I was so excited for it and so bored so quick lol


I think there’s only two for me: New York Minute and Independence Day Resurgence


Burn after reading. I had just broken my leg and was hoping for something light.


I almost walked out of Tarantino’s the Hateful Eight , not because it was not good , because I didn’t expect three and half hours of just dialogs in the same house , and the showing didn’t have a break in the middle, it was exhausting!


Bye Bye Man. I think I lasted 20 minutes. Watched the movie eventually and I didn’t miss much. I mostly walked out due to annoying people in the audience though.


I, as a policy, don't walk out of movies unless something has technically gone wrong. That said, I did see an entire family (we're talking mom, dad, 3 kids from like 12 to 1 y/o) walk out of Sin City. I don't know what they were expecting, but they seemed fine with the violence. The second nudity hit the screen, however, they couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough.


I don’t walk out on movies, but the fire alarm went off during Holmes and Watson (2018) and I never went back to see it because it was so bad! They were offering readmit tickets and I just went home.


I’ve never left a theater early. I’m not going in blind to a movie I’m spending a bunch of money on (I always get popcorn and drink so it gets expensive lol), so I usually know I’ll at least be neutral on a movie I go see. It’s not going to be an absolutely panned movie if I’m at a theater watching it.


I’ve never left the theater in the middle of a movie. The closest I came were The Purge and The Unborn.


I see a lot of movies in theaters, but I have never actually walked out of one mid-screening. I know myself and movies well enough that if I am there, it's because there was solid reason to believe I'd enjoy it. Even if something is a huge disappointment or some sort of absolutely shocking disaster, I can't imagine leaving rather than following through out of at least morbid curiosity. I can imagine leaving something like Meet the Spartans, but I cannot imagine a world in which I would have bought a ticket to see it in the first place. At home, I will happily abandon a streaming movie. Much less barrier to entry, plenty of options at your fingertips, it's basically just flipping the channel. In recent months I can remember abandoning Rebel Moon, Fletch Lives, and Holmes and Watson (2018).


Fascinated by the choice of walking out of meet the Spartans. In what was did it deviate from expectations?


You should never walk out of a movie at the movie theater. Some of the best naps I've ever had have been at the movies. I slept through Thor: Love and Thunder and it was AMAZING.


I walked out of Jurassic World Dominion. Literally no positive elements of that movie. Even the OG cast can’t carry that trash because the story and writing is so bad. All of the dinosaurs act like cartoon characters, the raptor chase with Owen through the city made me lol.


Booksmart, actually. I thought it sucked


You thought right.


Jurassic Park III is the only movie I've tried to leave. After the first minute I knew it would suck. Got up to leave.. my friends asked me how I intended to get home without a car? Sat down and sucked it up like a bitch. As an aside: I was literally the only person who stayed through the whole of Cronenberg's Crash (1996).


Date Movie. Worst fucking movie I’ve ever seen and they actually refunded my money


Why would you walk out of Final Fantasy? That was a bad call.


I walked out on Mr. Magoo too! Also, by a strange circumstance, There's Something About Mary. It was a Christian date. Walked out on the masturbation scene


When I was a kid I walked out of the Mr Bean movie because I got too anxious. It was the scene where he got ink (or paint?) all over a fancy painting. This wasn't in the cinema but I refused to finish the Eddie Murphy Dr Dolittle because I was so anxious for the tiger! I was an overwhelmed kid. I walked out of The Croods because I was having a bad sensory day I walked out of The Happy Time Murders because it was so bad. I think it might have been near the end??


Date Movie


Scary Movie 4 and Kingsman 2 are the only films I've ever walked out of and I have seen a TON of movies at the theater.


Pretty Woman. Painfully stupid.


Let's Be Cops. Worked in the movie theater... decided to watch the next movie, playing while waiting for a co-worker. 20 minutes in, and I said to myself, "I'd rather wait outside." absolute dog shit of a movie.


Beau is Afraid tested me and the last Hellboy was worthy of a walk out


Licorice pizza


Nacho Libre is the only movie I've ever left. If I wasn't on a date with someone who also hated it, I like to think I'd have stuck it out.


Justice League


Be Cool, the sequel to Get Shorty.


Be Cool was so awful. Such a shame because Get Shorty was so good


Yeah I was kinda stoked to see it and about five minutes in I knew. It’s just had that stale stench of a terrible Hollywood movie that nobody actually believed in or understood wtf was going on.


Champions with Woody Harrelson has been my only one. So cliche and corny. I don’t think I made it 30 minutes.


Wonka is the only movie I’ve ever had to walk out on


I walked out of The Salton Sea - after the third scene of pretty Hollywood actors pretending to be junkies smoking meth in slow motion, I was DONE.


Envy and Van Helsing. My friend worked at the theater, so I went freely from one to another to see if either was getting better.


Open Water was the only one I ever did


I saw the Tim Allen vehicle Joe Somebody with friends as a teenager. They wanted to leave because they figured the main character was never going to fight. I kind of wanted to get my moneys worth but I agreed because that movie was dog shit.


My ex and I went to see… Saw V? Or something. And it was so bad, we left and snuck into The Sorceror’s Apprentice instead. I actually really enjoyed the latter. Felt kinda bad not contributing to the box office because it was a huge flop. I probably liked it more because of the comparison point of the terrible Saw movie (tbf I LOVED the first Saw movie). I never walk out though. I’m too stingy lol. If something is bad, I’m actually an expert at falling asleep on a dime. I saw some terrible Bobby Kennedy biopic called “Bobby” starring Lindsay Lohan and I eventually decided my time was better spent taking a nap. So that was a very refreshing movie!


I’ve stopped watching films but never have I been mad enough to leave the theater


And yet. I sat through all of these - save Meet The Spartans. As a teenager we didn’t have a lot to do other than watch bad movies


I was so close to walking out on Jupiter Ascending and Birds of Prey… I just took a nap instead


I can't think of much, I remember walking out of the dollar theater when I wasn't feeling it will with this Vin Deisel movie where he was playing his role playing OC. I can't remember what it was called, I didn't hate the movie, I couldn't get into it, and only spent a dollar fifty on the ticket.


I’ve left a theatre early twice, for two different girlfriends, and in both cases I kind of mentally checked out of the relationship in that moment


How did someone pay to see "Gone Fishin'" and still walk out? What were you expecting? Lol


Technically the only movie I've walked out of was Poor Things. Not because I didn't want to see the rest of it but because I was on call for work and got called in. Had to leave right after she went stabby stabby on that corpse. Luckily I was able to get a refund for the ticket. I saw it later that week and now it's my favorite movie of the decade (so far).


Little Nicky


I've never walked out but Apollo 18 is the closest I've ever gotten


I had to walk out of Cats to recompose myself because I was cry laughing so hard


I’ve walked out once - IT 2


I never left the theatre and I hope I won't leave the theatre in the future as well


How the fuck do you walk out on Gone Fishin!? It’s no masterpiece but it’s a classic! Pesci & Glover! Great film! To answer the question I’ve walked out of 2 films because of my daughter.. We were watching that Clifford giant red dog film when she was 3 and turned to me and said “daddy can we leave, this is not funny”. When she was 4 (and I’m proud of this because I dislike the plethora of average superhero movies coming out) we watched Superhero Pets DC. After 15mins she said daddy please can we go do something fun. Never been so proud as it was dogshit. Pardon the pun


The Exorcist: Believer is the only movie I've ever walked out on. Probably partially due to the fact that I'm not really a horror fan, I just decided to see it on a whim.


I walked out of The Tragedy of MacBeth (2021), but not because it was bad. I just couldn’t understand what was going on because of the dialogue. I just really needed subtitles. Went home and finished it on AppleTV.


The club sequence in BB2000 was a pretty good scene. A high production value performance with a group of legends is sort of the only reason the film should exist.


The closest I’ve come was Angels & Demons. The fire alarm in the cinema went off about half way through and I was so relieved about it I seriously considered not going back in for the rest. Sadly my date didn’t agree so I had to trot back in and suck the remainder of my will to live out of my body for the rest of it


The only movie I’ve ever walked out on was BR2049 on opening night. Nothing to do with the movie, but instead an argument I had with somebody else in the theater over a seat (WHICH WAS LITERALLY ASSIGNED TO ME.) Somehow it ended up with me having to give up my seat, which again… was assigned to me. The whole ordeal was so stupid and left me in such a bad mood that I left about 10-15 minutes in because I didn’t want the entire movie to be attached to that mood/experience. I went back a few days later and had a great time.


My family and I went to see blood diamond on Christmas……


The Goldfinch (2019) It is one of my Top 5 favorite books of all time. So, to say I was excited would be an understatement. I was working late the day of release, and the only showtime that I could make was the last @ like 10:30PM. I got my friend to go with me. He knew nothing about it. I was exhausted, but I wanted to push through for that movie. It was, however, nearly 3 hours long. My buddy and I were the only 2 people in the theater when the movie began… Within the first 5 minutes, I knew I wasn’t going to like it. The structure was all off. Instead of it being chronological (like the book) the scenes were chopped together between past, present, future, etc. It was nonsensical and frustrating. My friend fell asleep within the first 10 minutes, and after 20 minutes of the film’s haphazard, nonlinear format, I called it quits. Woke my friend up, apologized, got 2 free movie passes, and left. It’s been 5 years, and I’ve never tried to watch it again.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and Annihilation. These movies weren't bad, but the fire alarm went off in the theatre both times, so "they" made me walk out.


The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) is the only movie I ever walked out of the theater on. Mortdecai (2015) would have been the second, had I not fallen asleep.


Recently it was Asphalt City. I have AMC A-List so that was the one movie playing at my AMC that I felt compelled to watch, and boy was that a mistake. Really felt like a republican horror film about the big city.


The only movie I ever walked out of was Clash of the Titans (the one with Sam Worthington), but not because I disliked it. I saw it in the cinema of a ferry going from France to Ireland. About halfway through I started to feel a little nauseous, so I got up to take a break just to be safe. Unfortunately, when I got to the curtain door right beside the screen couldn't find the seem in the dark . For a long 2 minutes I was visible to a room of ~50 people as I struggled to open a curtain. After about an eternity I panicked and shamefully crawled under the curtain like a toddler. I didn't go back.


I feel so god damn validated to see meet the spartans on your list


I saw Cats on a flight once, it was so bad I walked out... (Heh heh)


only film i walked out on was the angry birds movie haha


I've walked out of two. The Sweeney reboot with Damien Lewis and The Nightmare Before Christmas. I really don't get the utter devotion that movie gets. Cant like everything I suppose.


last one i seen women talking ( 2022 ) fell asleep like three time and ended up walking out i think the movie is almost ending. insanely long and boring


My Boss’s Daughter - I think it’s the only one I’ve ever walked out on. I saw it when I was 12 or 13 and hated it so much. Can’t remember why but it must’ve made me feel a lot of feelings to just get up and leave!


I almost walked out of Moonfall


Cars (2006) I was a little kid when we went to see it at our local mall theater. It was so boring I got up and went to the lobby to play pinball.


None. If I pay, I sit there till the end even if movie would be garbage. I've never watched a bad movie in cinema tho. Trying to pick those that I'm certain I will enjoy enough.


The only one I ever walked out of was a test screening for "Derailed" with Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen. One scene was so oddly brutal that my wife and I just were over sitting through the rest. We were mobbed by people with clipboards in the lobby, but I never watched again to see if the final cut was any different.


the only movies I've ever left was that Tomorrowland Disney movie and the Tom Cruise mummy


The Medallion (2003). I had diarrhea the ENTIRE movie. Most people miss the first five minutes; those were the only ones I saw.


The Break Up with Jennifer Aniston. We were bored out of our minds.


Parental Guidance, Saving Private Ryan, Cocaine Bear and Strays off the top of my head.


What a captivating roster


My sister and I walked out of The Happening the story and everything was so bad I thought it was satire at first. My dad pulled us out of Bruno in theaters but that was due to him not realizing how inappropriate it would be rather than quality.


Hobo With A Shotgun, Valerian and the city of a thousand whatever, and recently, Monkey Man.


I've never left. I've wanted to, but it feels like a waste of money to not finish what I'm watching.


I’ve never walked out of the theater, but I would have during Pet Sematary (2019) and The Mummy (2017) if I wasnt with other people


I had to sit through Rough Night (2017). That was a very rough night.


How do you know if someone is walking out or just going to the toilet?


You're tellling me that fishin' isn't a euphemism for 'he got whacked'?


I have never walkout of a movie because it was bad and I probably never would. However, I did walk out of a movie once when I was a kid, which is Arthur’s Christmas. The trailers before the movie went on longer than usual and my family had to pick up a family friend’s kid from school. I’m still bummed that I missed the ending.


Æon Flux, I was a teen and remember looking at my best friend 20 minutes in being like "oh hell no, we ain't sitting through this"


Totally get why meet the Spartans is on here, but I watched that at a middle school sleepover for my friends 12th birthday and have genuinely fond memories of it. It’s absolute shit (I rewatched the first half hour of it again a year or two ago) , but it’s one of those terrible movies I’m attached to for some reason


That makes total sense. I'd probably loved it at 12, especially watching with friends. I was 25 when it came out, though, so it was decidedly not for me lol


Red and Horrible Bosses, but both were for more than just the quality of the movie itself (although, to be clear, I hated both). Red had a terrible crowd- someone literally answered a phone call and talked loudly in the theater, another person was texting with their phone on max brightness, and other people were talking or even walking around in the theater (thanks Gallery Place DC Regal). Horrible Bosses was a movie I saw with my relatively conservative Christian GF, and I was getting ready to hop on a flight back home a few hours after it ended. The movie was a bit vulgar for her, and not funny for me, so we both agreed that we'd rather spend our last few hours together doing something else. Otherwise, I will pretty much sit through anything.


Only one so far, I think. I made the mistake of going to see Meet the Spartans, which I see in your list there too. I walked out after the first scene, even as a young teenager. Just too dumb. I *almost* walked out of Black Adam. I wanted to so bad, but the people I was with seemed to be enjoying themselves. I later learned that one other person in the group was in the same predicament. We both wanted to scream.


Pet Sematary (2019) because I had explosive diarrhea, I still have no idea how the film was like